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Sync up for Reiner's backstory?!?




I like how this episode really focuses on Reiner and shows that he's been dealing with identity issues his entire life. First Marleyan and Eldian, being chosen as a warrior only to find out he wasn't supposed to be, saying "Reiner is dead... I'll be Marcel." and then between being a scout and a warrior in the walls.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Clarus is right Eren is doing the same. Great Reaction! Can't wait for the next episodes

Minerva Ravenclaw

And I'm super glad you're enjoying the show now which makes us enjoy your reactions ✨ I don't like how you call s03 lazy writing 😅🥲 but it is what it is, it's alright


Reiner almost committing suicide was crazy. And also when it comes to Marleyans, Theo Magath is an amazing character


It is also the exact time when I began to like Reiner because his story broke my heart. And yeah it is the arc where nothing isn't black and write but a very uncomfortable place


Will there be another episode today? I am hungry for more


Yes, just like you said, you will be getting flashbacks to explain more. Great reaction. Loving it.


They literally said, "I'm sure we'll be getting more flashbacks" from an anime that keeps giving them flashbacks. Where is the spoiler?

Peter Mikolajewski

Annie was looking for the Royal Family. She got really close - right to their guard dog. Remember this is after Grisha killed most of them, so you'd expect Rod would be really really cautious. She created a story as to why she was following Kenny. However, Kenny would never have a child, having promised his sister. Would you be as invested in the show now, if you hadn't gone through s1 - s3 with Paradise/Eren and seen things from their PoV?


I like the flashbacks in aot ,Isayama uniquely employs something like a recursive storytelling , puts you in the situation first then shows you how we got there, I think most fans love it because they like it when the show tries to mess with their heads. But also incredibly thought provoking and making the flashback actionable. Also now we understand more why Reiner was the way he was in season 2


Sure it's a spoiler in a sense. Setting expectations. But setting expectations that they already have and anyone should have based on this shows history. Its easy to deduce. It's a spoiler with no substance, it's not like they said what happens in those flashbacks. Their entire reaction to this show is literally based on expectations.


I's not a spoiler when it's something the show keeps doing, and it's something they already expect. The show already set expectations for them, not me. They even mentioned that at the end of the video. It would be a spoiler if I'm the one setting the expectation, but I didn't, I just agreed with their statement.


Also guys plz chime in if I’m right about this I’m, not 100% sure but remember the complaint how Annie was able to get around and stuff… this episode provided a glimpse to how she was able to do that imo. She knows the lay of the land inside and out


I know it's not a particularly big spoiler, but I just don't see the point in telling them what to expect. And I think it's a massive shame that so much was already spoiled


You're just grasping at straws at this point tbh. Go to Minute 45:13 of the video and tell them to not spoil themselves by thinking about flashbacks. Go ahead.


Do you see the difference between them speculating about what could happen, and someone in the comments giving confirmation that something definitely does happen? I know it's not really a big deal because it's not really a big spoiler at all but I just think it's better if we don't give them conformation on what's going to happen


It is not a spoiler, you are just grasping at straws at something that doesn't matter. But do your thing keyboard warrior, w.e. makes you feel good.


What they should do is watch the OVA dedicated to showing how Annie was able to get around and stuff before her trip in s1...It seems they forgot about those or couldn't or wouldn't access them for some reason.


You have a point against them but I don't see a point in you arguing here. You're not staging a revolution this late in the game. Their reactions were tainted by expectations since the beginning.


You are the one who's arguing for no reason. Like I said, grasping at straws for no reason.


You're confusing me for the first person you've been replying to. I'm the one somewhat trying to defend your actions. You're the one arguing for no reason as you obviously aren't aware of who you are trying to argue with, lol. Work on your comprehension skills.


@Brandon Yeah I thought I could explain it but I realized there was no point arguing about it


I'm not confusing any, cuz both of you have the same views. Both of you agreed I'm spoiling future content for them, so I disagree with both of you. Both of you are grasping at straws, hopefully I made myself clear this time. Enjoy looking for more "spoilers" in the comment section.

mohamed rafee

Isyama said Reiner was his favourite character

mohamed rafee

Love the reaction guys!!


great reaction, thanks for continuing with season 4


also the reason that the cart titan is the best titan for outfitting with gear is that it has the longest sustained transformation time. in the previous episode, pieck mentions that she hasn't been a human for two months, while the shifters we are used to can stay in titan form for a few hours at best. considering you'd have to equip and remove the gear while in titan form, you'd probably waste a decent chunk of the transformation time of non-cart shifters just managing the gear. it also provides a good reason for the cart titan in s3 p2 wearing the backpack with the bertholdt barrel, she was probably waddling around wearing that gear for days or more before bert crawled in lol.


Loving the reactions for season 4, btw there's an important end credit scene on the next episode!


@Nerdy -The Cart titan specifically can stay in from for weeks , even months So it’s mire suitable for battle gear, Otherwise you would have to take it on n off after every fight . -One of the reasons the shows reasons they showed Reiner n Eren wall to wall was to portray the parallel on both sides of the wall across the ocean .

Dane Fisette

I completely agree to your thoughts on the second feast. A counter argument would be that the kid grew up in completely different worlds and understanding of their world. You bring up a fair point though, I definitely enjoyed the show more on a rewatch. You see everything from a whole new perspective. The writing if the show does feel like it ball built towards the 4th season, without it being the way it is, the final season couldn't be as amazing as it is. Definitely resubmitted


I'd forgotten just how long Nerdy looks away from the screen sometimes. Like at the end.

MBH 77

Great Reaction. I’m glad you’re liking this. This arc is my favourite of the show. Don’t forget to react to the post credit scene in ep4

L8er Bìtch

Please don't miss the Post credits in Episode 4, It's VERY important And yeah I do agree with all the stuff you guys said about the previous seasons when looking at it from your perspective, but these three seasons are gonna be like an entirely new show when you finish season 4, everything has new context, all the scenes that were "sick" and "badass", become incredibly dark and heartbreaking Also, this show has fenominal music writing, the "hype" of the songs in the previous seasons was very intentional, it was being used to subvert, because the lyrics to all those tracks are either very dark, or very sad, I especially suggest you take a look at Vogel im Käfig, (more commonly known as, youseebiggirl), that song is not only dark, but foreshadows A LOT, it's the song they used during the Armored and Colossal titan reveal in season 2, I would also suggest taking a look at Apple seed, the song that played when Bertolt nukes the scouts, as hype that song sounds, the lyrics are very depressing.

Eugene Conner

Yeah, when it all comes down to it. This is just a fictional story. People take things way too far.


They dropping episode 4 today right ? They usually do 2 at a time


They said they're doing 1 episode at a time now


Yikes Where did they post/announce that ? Cuz I mean really .. when the story gets btr that’s when they turn it down a notch


Damn I missed that 🫠 .I didn’t listen to the full entire discussion afterwards this time . Okay thanks alot

Manifique Tae

when is their next one then is there any specific schedule where they going to post it


I think the reason why it feels more human now is because the show switched genres a bit with the basement , there's a dark fantasy type of horror without a real human pin to the titans ,and then there is a more humane realism type of war horror that aot has managed to include both in the same show. It's intended to be different. All the good times are gone .This episode is stronger than the last one for me because it excels at one thing , and it really brings back a sense of greater emotional empathy towards all the warriors and recontextutualisez everything from their pov how they were stuggling firsthand the whole time ,it has a straightforward narrative that keeps building .Also we see two sides of the same coin just like Eren began his mission to " save humanity " Reiner also did unknown to everyone he technically was "save humanity " wasn't a lie when he told to shadis from paradis devils for Marley and the world. Also I don't think Reiner and Falco are anything alike at least not in their youth, Falco already questions things , young Reiner was very much pro patriotic. For s3 ending I already explained ,think you guys just have different taste,expectations than the conventional demographic and norms this show is originally made for. You Guys seemed a bit depressed thru the rts and now ur saying becausr of lack of character dev even tho we got a lot of battle driven character peaks and closures ( Armin ,Erwin ,Sasha ,Eren ) it had never really been a character driven story before so idg the insistent focus on " how can this saves our characters character" greater than all the reveal and implications in a plot driven sense * Additionally Season 3 had a lot of thematic brilliance in the plot and poetic sense.i think The bar thing i common in shonen anime to have such a light-hearted portrayal after tough battles but they did have that scene with everyone talking to floch and floch good sense that they are different than newbies like him so they did exhibit experience..


Okay i rewatched it I thought he was just saying how he feeling bout each episode feeling long now , I don’t think he literally meant 1 episode is enough


I think you meant to comment that under the FMAB reaction 😂

Aaron Wittwer

Yeah. No idea how I ended up on this one. Haha. Will delete it.

Mitchell Edward Newton

Reiner doesn't heal is arm in S2 when he gets bitten until his hand is forced. It's established.

Mitchell Edward Newton

As for the memory stuff, the show changes with it. You start off by being sold on a show where this is all that remains against humanity as a threat they knew nothing about forced them into this walled, haven. That's all the characters know, too. Which is why I have said you had been hard on Erwin by assuming they had information that they didn't yet. The show starts to tease an outside world quite early on, through a lot of the intrigue moments that get broken up by the characters reacting to the Marley/Titan shenanagins. Which I think is why some have an issue with that as well, the main cast is very reactive so that makes it tough for them to seperate from some stereotypes since we never quite understanf where their agency begins and the demands of the moment begin. The first part of S3 is the opposite. They're forced to kill people when they all signed up to be soldiers to save people. None outside of Eren and Mikasa had killed another person before so seeing Jean freeze up, Armin pull the trigger and Eren struggle when the threat is Annie and not a titan(S1 I know but relevant.) More interesting than the other battles. Even Eren who I think you underrated his change before the gigantic titan attacked. He stops needing a special reason to fight, he is what they have, not some miracle or chosen one. While he had taken the deaths hard, he did let it go to his head a little until he realizes that he doesn't have any special powers above what his titan's inherent powers are and the only reason he got it was through inheritance. S4 is the coup de grace, the tying of the knot. S1-3 are the unknown era as they relearn about titans and then the world. S4 would not be as good without the prior seasons and how it establishes both sides of this fight. I know you guys know this, but the unknown world trope is super common in fantasy to hide exposition in plain sight by having the characters hear it for the first time too, but I think since it's a plot device you don't enjoy made it harder to enjoy the basement reveal and some aspects of the earlier seasons. For all his faults, consider Erwin is literally the most successful commander the scouts ever had and they were conducting basic types of experiments on captured titans since they had barely ever done so before. I get it being frustrating but it is an extremely common fantasy writing device/trope. The ignorance the show has makes sense considering how the reveal went and how, when the characters learn of the world, they change and the entire premise of the show does too.


Additionally I think the ref of the pop song fun elements being compared to now isn't the problem that's literally how the archetype norms are it's supposed to be a contrast of fun and serious elements , aot uniquely takes the far more brutal side even a1-s3 ,and serious expressionism , but it still needs to retain some that fun undertone otherwise it loses its Target demographic. And the memory thing it's just so we can finally get to the basement and we can see whatever the basement had in hindsight it's so that we can get to the actual deep parts of the show however that was never at the intended audience , the audience was just anime watchers originally who liked the original premise of the show.


Don't know if it has been said, but essentially they worked out that Kenny was working for the True King and Annie was trying to play him to get some information.


Here we also find out Annie did try to get to the king in the military police and failed that's why they broke down the second wall to answer clarus's question in season 3 ending.


Not sure if it’s been said but the reason Annie was following Kenny was because Kenny was one of the one’s close to the royal family at the time, aka Rod Reis and his bro and daughter


Kind of agree, but the time frame of the first 3 seasons is like 3 months. Lots of shit happen, but not much time passed. You are right that character are mor reactive than proactive given the problems they face.