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Sync up for a fucking BACKSTORY



Vincent G

Not to be that guy, but semi-automatic pistols have been around since the 1880s and were widely used in the early 1900s. Being that this show is set in that time frame I think it makes sense that they’d include them.

Aaron Wittwer

Within this world, Alchemy is an extremely complicated science that takes years of dedicated study to master. You can't populate an entire, effective military and police force with just highly specialized alchemists, hence why guns still exist. Additionally, utility-wise, they are used in a very different way from guns and other more conventional weapons.


One of the things I prefer about the 2003 FMA Anime over Brotherhood(2009) is that they used a lot less of the exaggerated anime style moments (simplified drawings with strange proportions, giant teardrops etc etc) (Maybe even none? I forget if there were some it's been a long time since I watched it) I get that some people like them, and cool if you do, but for me they take me out of the moment.


Anime parents have about the same life expectancy as Disney ones.


Looking at the episode again and some of the designs in the manga, I would say many of the gun designs are somewhat anachronistic and ahead of the equivalent time in our world. Overall fantasy cybernetics aside I would say the state of mechanical and firearm technology in general is at least two decades ahead of the in universe date.


Bradley's first name is literally "King" btw lol

Josh Timko

I’m so hyped for the rest of this series reaction

Vincent G

I mean the bulk of the story does take place after 1914 which lines up pretty well with usage of semi automatic sidearms in the real world during WW1. While revolvers were widely still used, the shift to slide style automatic pistols was pretty widespread (M1911, FN 1910 and a few others) To be fair I would really expect to see something more akin to a Mauser or luger being used (for obvious reasons), but the technology absolutely lines up…Unless I’m completely misinformed. That being said, in the manga, revolvers seem to be way more prevalent and at certain points Hawkeye is shown to be using a lever action rifle which was never really adopted by anyone in ww1 so I think in that case it was more of a stylistic choice. I mean lets face it, lever action cowboy guns are just darn cool. I think the anime just tries to make early chapters more cohesive stylistically the with the later chapters of the manga.

Peter Mikolajewski

I'm surprised nerdy is able to enjoy the show knowing that the human body would die if that much blood loss occurred. I mean, a show where horses seem to be faster than in reality was a deal breaker, not sure why this isn't a dealbreaker either tbh.


I can already see him thinking in s4 ep 1 Gabi " there's no way she's able to outrun that machine gun ", prob gonna think the ashes on fire ost scenes and Zeke vs ships scene is silly too.

Chase Huckabee

The world is supposed to be roughly analogous to 1914 in terms of technically development. Though in some sectors it's much more like 1920s or even 1930s. The guns are really not that modern looking. Unless you think WW2 technology is modern.

Chase Huckabee

I have always thought of the technology being much closer to the twenties and some of their arms industries being more like 1930s levels of technology. It's 1914 if Germany did a tech rush build.


Their main problem with AOT, as they have stated, was that they couldn't relate to almost any of the characters, so they started looking at everything very critically.