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We got spicy. Sync up and find out why.



Aaron Wittwer

And some Star Wars Empire uniforms look way more like Nazi uniforms than any of the Marleyan military uniforms even. I just don't understand suggesting this is lazy, but Star Wars isn't when they are essentially evoking the same imagery.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Bro Hydra is literally a Nazi org. In Marvel movies 😂 yet they watch these movies still..m

Jayden Connor

So their main issue I think, could be wrong, is that the use of nazi racism is bad because the show actually has a race of people who do have devil blood which would validate the treatment towards eldians by the Marlins. And because the show is drawing close parallels between jews and Eldians, it is dangerously close to voicing jewish hate by allowing this validation to exist. Therefore the Nazi themes are contrived and is just trying to be shocking.

Anna Kyruin

I'm not sure if you'll be reading this, since the comments section is such garbage lately. I did want to offer another perspective that I arrived at after my initial concern over the references to real world naziism etc. You are assuming that the fact that there is some element of problematic use of iconography in the references, specifically because it draws a picture of a world that is kind of the way that Jewish people were lied about. There is a group (not literally jews obviously) who are literally dangerous to everyone because they can literally turn into monsters. The idea that this is is the author justifying the real world treatment of the Jews is I think the less interesting take. I think the much more interesting take is, assuming that were true of a group of people would the treatment that the Jews were subjected to during the holocaust have been justified? What actions would be justified? What actions would be justified in response to that treatment? I think that when Isayama started out writing SNK he was writing a different story. You'll notice that the genre of the series seems to change over time. At first it is a horror/shounen, and then it becomes more of a mystery, then it becomes a political thriller, and in the second half of season 3 it was a grand military conflict story, and now in the last few episodes it is a tragedy. You will have to keep watching to see what it becomes, but I think the progression of the story and genre are tied to the effect of moving away from naivete. Our real world is more horrifying the more that you come to understand about it, and SNK so far only becomes more horrifying the more you understand about it's world. If you were hoping for a simple action shounen where the hero just need to determination through all of the obstacles to get stronger and then defeat a cartoonish villain with the power of friendship to make everything right you won't find that in SNK, however you won't find that in the real world either. SNK isn't nearly that escapist. It wants the viewers/readers to be confronted and jolted out of amusement, because when you're amused you aren't thinking about the implications of what you're watching. Highly doubt Nerdy and Clarouse (still not sure how to spell that) will read this, but maybe y'all will find it interesting anyway ^_^

Minerva Ravenclaw

The comment section is not garbage. We are allowed to criticize their reaction. Very toxic thing to say

Minerva Ravenclaw

The people in the comments saying we shouldn't criticize them or be harsh on them just calm down. We payed money for proper and reasonable reactions. And this is not it! If you bought something and it was low quality would you shut up about it? That's weak character if you do. Sorry but when I see BS I speak up. And this is utter BS. Stop defending something wrong. Their opinion is definitely not wrong they have every right to express how they feel but their attitude and behavior is defo wrong. Especially towards the fans. You can express your opinion in a certain (proper) manner and people would respect it even if they disagree. But if you express your opinion in a horrid way (even tho that's your opinion, but the approach was sh*tty) then yea expect some backlash.


I'm subscribing from your YT channel and patreon for sure. Not because you don't like the show, I know plenty of people who don't like it and others who are offended by it and that's totally fine. But at least they watched the show. They know what happened and they didn't have the memory of a gold fish and completely ignore what the show is explicitly telling them. Up to that point, I thought, hey they don't like it, but they at least talk about the narrative. Now you're making up stuff the show never said, you're expecting a story that you created in your head and since it doesn't fit that image, you're dunking on it. I don't even want to watch the other content that you have since you analyze a narrative work the same way a Karen would review an AirBNB: 1 Star: I expected 5 towels, but there was only 4.


If you guys have some reading problems with the sub, then watch the dub, it's also quite good.

Aaron Wittwer

Just watched Aliciaxlife's newest reaction for s04e03, and about halfway through she goes pretty deep into the parallels between discrimination she's received (as a woman of color), and the way discrimination is presented in the show, and particularly how the show effectively captures the resulting trauma from that ongoing discrimination. Her conclusion essentially stresses the importance of empathy as factor in media literacy. Your ability to relate to characters and situations in a personal, historical or some other way is going to have a huge effect on the way you engage with and understand a piece of media. I think this largely captures the reason this channel has been so frustrating. It's not that I don't think these two are capable of empathy. I started watching NN because I enjoyed their reactions to and thoughts on Edgerunners and Chainsaw Man. But whereas they did show empathetic understanding for those shows. It just seems as though, at least past a certain point, they never really tried with Attack on Titan. They've basically always only been able to engage with it on an arm's length, sort of analytical level. Even when they noted characters they liked (i.e. Historia), it seemed like that was more due to how her actions effected the plot rather than who she was as a character and what she was experiencing. And without that empathetic layer of interpretation and understanding, things just spun out into anger, and confusion, and misunderstanding. If nothing else, this has been an interesting case study to witness, and insightful as to how/why some people are having a more negative experience with this show.


To answer Claroos question, There is a lot of implications that have thought provoking messages in these eps, these are what i interpreted.Note:With inflammatory behavior in your videos NC, I'm doing this mostly from my interest in aot, This is very long guys in comments sorry but I might as well maybe then they will begin to see some things. 1. With the masterful use of it, irony is probably the biggest literary tool of aot ,with how aot originally presents itself as very one dimensional story,battle show\shonen. Originally we believed the titans are one sided creatures that need to be exterminated.Titans representing probably one the baddest thing regular humans could face from a fantasy aspect ( aside from omnipotent gods) these powerful incredibly difficult to defeat creatures that are just come to eat humans for no particular reason at all. You think the source of these fantasy creatures would be some kind a fantasy evil being, in a way it critiques that mentality because it's easy to come up with that kind of conclusion and excuse,what kind of monster villain would think of sending such monsters to eat innocent people like this ,after three seasons we think this might be the case but as it turns out no the biggest evil isn't sourced by some magic powerful being that's just simply evil but rather just humans ironically leading to the realization considering the context of the presentation that it isn't some sort of fantasy villain the most evil but rather just humans and the ideologies that they succumb to and in this case human hatred and the ability of humans to do the worst possible things to other humans. It became so easy to detach yourself from the titans simply hating them and treating them as a simple one-sided antagonistic beings but then once the truth is revealed it brings out a reflection in a way nobody could have expected a long with a turn not nobody would have expected in a story that seemed to be entirely revolving around fantasy. 2. That moment when marlean officer smashed his hand in hatred of the eldian truth "to exterminate everyone one of you that is the wish humanity desires " was one of the most horrifying moments in media for me , imagine going through three seasons learning that even told the world incredibly cruel with man eating titans coming to get you , everyone still had some slimmer of hope and pride that what they were doing is the right ,noble cause.of protecting humanity ,especially what had just transpired in season 3 and how the scouts slim source of moral was for humanity . It's one thing to kill off a character ,it's another to crush what they stand for.The feeling of in just some moments the entire moral pride , all this time was a lie,that they had been fighting for actually hates them so much that are why they have been in this situation , is horrifying. 3. It was really with just one episode that really the entire morality of the show kind of turned upside down and questions of the scale of the outside world vs paradis and of the warriors. 4. All the scouts hated the Titans season 1 , they wish they would just disappear but then it turns out the outside world sees them as the very monsters that they hated , except they are regular people but they see them as monsters because of their past kind of like metaphorical Titans. Now the scouts feel sorry for the Titans and they are on the receiving end of the same kind of hatred they have for the Titans of just wanting to kill them and to disappear. Specifically Eren: its a fellow patriot, we can see his display of empathy now and how things have warped. It really brings out a perspective of tragic feeling and abrupt but earned sense of reflection on the audience towards the morality of the show. 5. You Guys already saw it back in s3 p1 the scene with yuri and Kenny (keep in mind who these two are)looking out in the lake into the distance calmly.. peacefully, it kind of gets shown multiple times these episodes with the implicit suggestion of what it actually implies. 6. There's more but it's insane how a story about humans versus Titans is able to extract out this philosophical messages about humans ,and take so many turns into it's moral.part of the appeal is how mind bending it becomes, along with subverting expectations and assumptions of the storytelling and direction. 7. History and ymirs dichotomy. and it's depictions of irony. 8. Kruger's words which you glrossed over " all I know in this world is there is no truth.." these kind of remind me of Sean tank tops reactions to aot being their first anime they really weren't connecting with it's appeal at all to be honest only realizing after engaging with the comments, Keep in Mind This is the end of season 3 these episodes are amazing and are also it's supposed to be a setup for season 4 so I don't really expect the show to tell me it's end game morality yet.


Yep, things went south with their reaction at some point, and the fact that they don't receive any meaningful feedback from the comments (because they don't read them, ignore them, or because they think they're smarter than everyone else), made it harder for them to engage with the community and to course-correct. I don't think they should continue with season 4 unless they rewatch the previous 3 seasons with more attentiveness, or at least check some reviews or reactions of some popular reaction channels like Filmbuff or LM Reactions.

Mitchell Edward Newton

I've also notice Nerdy has poor timing when cracking some jokes. It would be this emotional moment or something that needed you to focus and they'd be laughing and you could tell the scene did not really hit because of that. That and that they have been making assumptions about the show and about the world and been either a) disappointed with their made up reactions and had their enjoyment lessened, b) just been completely off about their reads like with the nazi asumption and let that distract them from the show and c) never really grasped the exact stakes and circumstance of the world. Like how hard Nerdy is on Erwin, and rightfully in some cases, the fact that they no nothing about the titans is ever taken into account. How could they predict for the female titan or for her to have special powers, they can't.

Anna Kyruin

I honestly think things would have gone a lot differently if they had a mod who read their chat and bubbled up comments they thought were worth their time at least.

Aaron Wittwer

I agree. The lack of discourse with the community was definitely unfortunate. Most reactors acknowledge when the comments correct them about some misconception they may have locked on to, but without reading the comments they just locked in and at least some of their ongoing confusion seems to stem from those misconceptions not having been corrected.

Misty Antonio

37:45 “it’s JUST racism” sounds like a pretty racist remark lol


The "lack of discourse" is cause the community were assholes, and y'all told us repeatedly not to read the comments. You can't complain that were not reading them, when people started intentionally trying to spoil us in from episode 5 onward

Aaron Wittwer

I understand why you didn't read the comments, and it's fair enough. I just think it negatively effected how you experienced the show, not being able to receive some feedback/corrections on plot details. Or at least it was one of the many factors that effected it. Some other reactors have editors/mods that filter comments to them, to avoid spoilers (and trolls), but you can't expect everyone to be able to do that I suppose.

Justin Broadbent

Great choice FMA is one of the best animes, also I don't think a lot of people died you can see the ice is going mostly through the streets of central.


I just joined the patreon to see these upcoming reactions and, judging from the comments, that was a mistake. Not gonna watch the reactions & immediately unsubbing. Nerdy started off AoT with some kind of hate agenda, trying as hard as he could to dislike it. Clarus seems to have been pulled into the same mindset by Nerdy to avoid conflict. Any show is bad if you try to be uncooperative with it.


I think, their reactions were genuine up until the second half of season 1 at which point the Erwin bashing began and the AoT community came out in a rage about it. The problem was nerdy was extremely two-dimensional when examaning Erwin as a character, as if everything was black and white, and it's not. That being said, the comments did go overboard, but, was also partly justified considering their extremely bad character analysis of Erwin. To the point now they clearly continued the show out of spite, but without actually caring about what they were watching, or even trying to engage with it and their fan base, and it shows, even to the extent that they would call it nazi propoganda just to be controversial to boost their views. I, like many others, cannot wait for my sub to end too, subscribing here was a mistake.


This show is not about “Jews and nazis”
 the entire series is a social commentary about the cyclic nature of humanities polarization, war, and generational trauma. The wheel of hatred that just never stops. What do you mean it has nothing to say?? This show is NOT about a hero that’s going to swoop in and save the day. The show tricks you into thinking that’s what it’s going to be about, and that “the other” are the bad guys. Is it shocking?? Yes, duh. It’s not just shocking for the sake of being shocking though. As a viewer, the show makes you see characters in black and white, but by the end, everyone is seen in grey. Just like how real life is. The beauty of the show is that it makes you sympathize for characters you thought you would just hate. Part of me wishes you would continue to see how the rest of the character’s stories are written, but at this point you don’t seem to get the storyline, and just mock it despite people trying to tell you, which is frustrating as a viewer. So at this point, I don’t think you can take the ending. PLEASE NOTE: THE ENDING IS TRAGIC AND NOT SATISFYING. If you don’t understand it now, then you aren’t gonna understand it later. And if you don’t like it now, you aren’t gonna like it later either.

Shawn Anomaly

See NN catching serious heat for their reaction to AoT. I don't watch AoT reaction since I came to personally not care for the story which I found flawed in too many places to enjoy. Stopped watching at the of S3, interesting story but one I found all over the place. Have to say I agree with the plans being rather dumb that all parties in this show make from start to end.

Andrew Koo

I want to personally thank NN for being so inflammatory and having so many people feel the need to correct them and explain the story and history in such detail so far. I've watched the entire series (minus the last release) 3 times, and I haven't been able to fully comprehend what is going on. Perhaps it's ADD, but I appreciate the long form explanation, I can finally understand AOT here watching with these two.


Maybe you just don't like it's abiding by battle shonen standards , any show has it's tradeoff for entertainment even Got battle of bastards if I recall , battle shonen anime are def diff from live action shows. Plans are designed to wow a general audience ,but lead to eventual over the top action(otherwise anime watchers will stop watching) it's never supposed to a military science show.


did they quit?


I get it now.. You guys need your good guys to be good, your bad guys to be bad, and all explained in the firts 20 mins to root for a team.. This show is pretty grey. Now, AoT begins in season 4. If the show has something to say is in season 4. Still love your reactions enough to become a Patreon. But to be fair, my rewatch was better than the first time.


Glad you're going to continue AoT 🙌 Been loving your reactions!


i really love yalls deep dives into this show while i think others have loved it or hated i dont think ive seen anyone give it as much thought as yall have.

Mitchell Edward Newton

There definitely is plot convinience, but you'll see why ;)


If there was any hope for these two I'd urge them to do the following: Yes, this is a very long comment NN, but I urge you read through it all. Go back and rewatch S1-3 with the knowledge you have now, don't necessarily film them as reactions, but just go back and watch, and try to take notes on things with what you know now. Revisit the episodes that caused the most community contention, which are, mostly Erwin-related, and instead of looking at the situation with 20:20 vision, or with the benefit of hindsight, try looking at the situation and all the variables from Erwins perspective and then decide what you would do. Or how you would approach the situation, if you can come up with a better, successful plan based on the exact knowledge Erwin had at the time, I will be impressed, this isn't to say I want you to like Erwin, I just want you to understand his choices/decisions and his character more. Taking the forest as an example: - They cannot sit behind the walls for months on end and wait for the Colossal and/or Armoured titan to reappear and break another gate. Due to the killing of Sawney and Bean they must accelerate their plans for they understand that someone among them is a spy, and they must root them out. Erwin realises (just as Armin does later) that it was odd how the Titans never tried to attack the inner-gate of Trost (that is the Armoured titan never appeared), which means their focus shifted from the gates destruction to something else - Eren. So how do you flush the spy out? You set a trap and bait it. The spy would never risk trying to capture Eren inside the walls, that would be suicide (which is exactly what we see happen at the end of S1, with Annie being captured) - they have to take Eren outside the walls if they hope to flush out the spy. - The expedition plan has been withheld from anyone who wasn't in the Scouts prior to the fall of Wall Maria, everyone else has been given misleading plans. We know, Reiner and Bertoldt have shared their copy of the plans with Annie (this information could have been shared before Annie left for Stohess, or they could have met somewhere halfway between Wall Rose and Wall Sina in the dead of night to exchange said information) which assumes Eren is at the head of the right flank, where Annie attacks from. - Erwin is at the head of the formation, he cannot directly see what is going on everywhere. Smoke signals can only relay the most basic information, and casualties are more than expected. - They are unaware of the female titans presence until they are basically at the forest, it has taken time to relay that message to the head of the formation, by this point the head of the right wing has been decimated, but they are unaware how much further the female titan has penetrated into their ranks. Erwin must now decide to either cut his losses and return home, IF they can even do that with the female titan following them, OR to at this point to make the deaths of those soldiers mean something, that if they can capture the spy here and now, those soldiers would not have died in vain. - Erwins plan was to capture the spy in the forest, he believed the following, the terrain of the forest would give the Scouts the advantage because it is the ideal enivornment for ODM gear & is also the easiest position from which to launch a surprise attack, in this last factor he succeeded. - Given no one who has yet encountered the female titan has lived to tell the tale, they are wholly unaware of what she is capable of, which is why strings of Scouts continue to attack her from behind whilst she is chasing Eren in the forest. Levi also at this point makes the decision that their deaths should mean something and capturing this titan and uncovering their identity is the best they can hope for, which is why he continues forward to the trap location rather than fighting the female titan on his own, he puts his faith and trust in his comrades which is what the whole scene between him and Eren was about. - They are unaware the female titan can call pure (or unintelligent) titans to her location with her scream. They are unaware she can harden her skin. And it is these two reasons as to why Erwins plans failed, for variables that he, nor anyone else could have planned or predicted for. Some facts about the logistics / timings: The plans for the expedition have been known for several days thus allowing Reiner and Bertholdt to meet with Annie and give her said plans. Annie was missing for a day, Hitch remarks as such in S1 E23, the Military Police are entirely corrupt and so lax, they don't care nor notice her absence. This missing day was the day of the expedition and her return to Stohess. Now, there is 130km between Wall Rose and Wall Sina, a horse (of the real world) can comfortably walk at a pace of 16km an hour, that is literally walking speed, not trotting, not galloping, not running, but walking - at that speed alone, it would take her no more than 9hours at most to get to Trost in time for the expedition, if she left after dark, and the same amount of time to return to Stohess from Trost. They return from the expedition late afternoon, and Annie is back in Stohess the following morning, which is all entirely plausible, if you assume 18hour travelling back and forth, and then a 6-10hour expedition. She has a 33-34hour window (with the travelling and expedition being around 28hours at most) if she left at midnight the day of the expedition to get to Trost, and returned in time to get some sleep at around 3-4am the following day and be awake in time for the morning rounds at around 9-10am. This is all while assuming her horse walked the entire distance and without mentioning that the horses they use in AoT are endurance-bred for long distance riding, which is stated as such in one of the mid-scene cards. Now let us examine Stohess - Scout activity has been frozen and they cannot launch another expedition beyond the wall, thus they cannot set another trap for the spy outside the walls. - They have discovered that Annie is the spy, or have more than enough reason to suspect it's her and thus must in some way force her to reveal her identity if it is. - The only realistic place they can fight a titan is within a City, their ODM gear would be useless outside of it, and it has been made clear from their skirmish in the forest that Eren alone cannot defeat her. - It is clear that someone fed Annie the information about Erens location which means there is one or more spy in addition to Annie inside the walls, they have no knowledge of who they are or from which regiment they might be a part of, thus Erwin chooses not to disclose his plan to anyone else. - They had 3 plans to minimise the potential loss of life and prevent any destruction to Stohess, but again, for factors and variables out of their control these plans failed (except for the last plan). Plan 1: Lure Annie underground and contain her in a confined space in which she cannot transform, this plan is predicated on the hope that they will not arouse her suspicision and she will willingly follow them. Plan 2: Should she not follow them underground, incapacitate her at the mouth of the underground path, the area had been cleared of civilians. They successfully restrained her. They could not have forseen the existence of Annies ring which allowed her to injure herself. Plan 3: Should she transform, have Eren or others lure her to a nearby location for capture, the only flaw here was they did not have enough time to prepare enough traps, because they literally did not have the time to do so. - Up until this moment all loss of life had been minimal or restricted to Soldiers alone. - Failing all of this, the last resort would be to have Eren fight her into submission with the help of the Scout Regiment in a perfect ODM environment, which ended up working, unfortunately this plan involved the greatest cost of human life, but it's not as if they did not make plans to prevent this from happening, they planned and prepared for every logical eventuality, unfortunately they have no idea who they are dealing with and how well Annie and the other warriors have been trained. Pay more attention to the story you were told across S3x20-21. Because I feel as though if you go into S4 without doing this you are only going to become more annoyed not only with the show, but with the community, which is only going to further impact your viewing experience, and potential enjoyment of the rest of the show. There are definitely shared elements and symbolism between the Nazi/Jew and Marley/Eldia situations but they differ in very key areas which is important to understand; - Eldia was responsible for 1800 years of ethnic cleansing, genocide, and essentially world domination through use of the Power of the Titans. - King Fritz, the first king of the Walls anguished over this history and what he and his ancestors had been responsible for, he fled to Paradis with as many people as could follow, so that he might create a 'brief Paradise' for him and his people inside the walls until the inevitable end. He expected, and wanted Marley to wipe out Eldia and the titans, he embraced this for he saw no other solution to the Titan problem. - The Marleyans do not want to commit genocide when it comes to the Eldians for they NEED the Eldians and the Power of the Titans to conquer the world, which is how this differs between the Nazis. Yes, they want to kill all the Eldians living inside the walls because they are not brainwashed like the Eldians on the continent are, they also want to ensure Marleyan control of the Nine Titans, which if not passed down is passed down via the paths into an unborn Eldian child. Now, whilst this does resonate on 'some' level with the propoganda spread by the Nazis about the Jews, and Paradis resembles the Madagascar plan, it would be more prudent to align this with two other historical examples instead; first, the Zionist movement, the creation of a Jewish homeland (Israel/Paradis) and secondly China & Japan as pointed out above. It is also important to note that the show in no way thus far has glorified the Marleyan 'race', they and the rest of the world simply view the Eldians as a race of monsters, there is no belief that their races are 'better/purer' than one another (which was a view held by the Nazis about the Aryan race) just that the Eldians are bad because they can literally become Titans, secondly, the Marleyans do not seek the extermination of all Eldians, and lastly the Eldians within the Marleyan internment camps are treated better, and have more freedom then Eldians held in internment camps in other nations, which is also another key difference, Eldians are held in internment camps all across the world, not just in Marley.


The reason why people worship AoT is because of the foreshadowing and convoluted plot-twists. There are multiple levels of plot-twists in this show and, like you said, every plot-twist feels like the start of a new show because it redefines the whole rules and universe of AoT. But deep down, believe me or not, the story doesn't matter that much. It's just an excuse to portray a desperate war situation where there are no good/bad sides anymore and where every choice left available to you is immoral and will lead you to regret and despair. It's not uncommon in Japanese anime/manga to use background lore like a tool. For example, in Evangelion the characters face apocalyptic attacks from intergalactic "angels" everyday, but nothing is ever really said about what those "angels" are supposed to be, or why they are attacking them. Because the story is characters-driven. What matters is how the main characters face the situations they're stuck into and what impact it has on their lives. Just like it doesn't matter if the monsters in Evangelion use biblical names and references as it doesn't serve any anti-Christian sentiment, it doesn't matter if the Marleyans are inspired by WW2 German soldiers or not as there is no underlying political propaganda. They're just a tool for the main characters to experience adversity.


Aot is plot driven , also this is endgame it's supposed to be a roller coaster in season 4


edgyness isn't bad but as a more general anime watcher,the way NC calls aot edgy is __ to me. Imagine them watching hxh or Naruto , bleach will make them reevaluate their standard.fundamerntally tho edginess is one of the expectations and wants of anime. If you disrespect that then just don't watch it. There are definitely some actually one dimensional edgy anime but aot pulls off horror pretty well s1-3 and it's not only really dread but more so existential dread is one of the core introduced themes of the show. Yams actually managed to.


How is Naruto edgy? Or do you just mean Sasuke?


True, AoT is plot-driven. Isayama even admitted he thought he lacked the ability to convey the emotions of his characters. But I was trying to make a point about the Nazi imagery being irrelevant to any political statement.


Something I feel should be said to make sure your expectations arent jarred anymore ,incase other comments didn't make clear about the " anti fascist " messaging, while the show ultimately presents an agenda of a stance opposing nationalism due to things that happen in s4 (all this btw is a huge spoiler and part of the venture in realizing that yourself on s4 a big question is what kind of morality the show is about in terms of its endgame messages), it does go in a very roller coaster way in season 4, , the show does speak to a very strong nationalist ( not about real WW2 pro nazism ) urge within the audience in a brilliantly cultivated(in many ppls opinion, depends if u watch it how anime is intended to be watched cooperatively and how obsessed you are with hard realism) ,very unique and powerful way . while I'm not one for nationalists irl .I appreciate it's brilliant execution. It also has other elements which so many people irl parallel to as well ,It does deconstruct some of the dark elements but also takes implicit satirical approach as it's critique of it. Implicitly Challenging/wanting the audience to try to figure out the endgame message of the story


i thhink what you're missing is that can't handle abstract concepts and story telling, you need information to be simple and spoonfed to you. you can't handle a show that differs from the norm and doesn't follow the same tropes as most other media.