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I can’t wait for these comments to tear them apart all over again like the last video.


Good reaction, please keep them coming, im looking forward to your reaction to season 4

Minerva Ravenclaw

Well there was no discussion at the end, and their reaction was not bad overall... I think they only hated the "That Day" episode for the reasons they mentioned. But I don't know about the last 2 episodes, although I didn't like how he called Paths "destiny bullshit" 😅 but okay still a better reaction than previous ones


Oh right this is only part 1 to their two episode thing they do. Hopefully the drop episode 22 sometime today

The Kernowyon Penguin

Jesus Christ, honestly the comments in the last one were awful and I can already tell this will be no different. Idk if they still actively read these, but in case they do - people can we please calm the feck down? At the end of the day this is just a show - everyone getting so up in arms about something they don't need to watch - let alone pay for since we're all on the patreon - is utterly ubsurd and childish. The horrible insults people throw at these guys are just so unnecessary. You wouldn't do it irl, so you shouldn't do it online. These are still people with feelings at the end of the day, you can disagree with them without being dicks. To N and C, honestly, I do think you jump to a lot of conclusions and miss things (I'm talking about the things that are actually catchable on first watch dw) due the fact that you get frustrated by certain things in any given episode, which like, is fine, obviously, it's your honest reaction and I respect that you don't just fake it at this point despite the hate - but please understand that even if it's not your cup of tea - it's not as simple as nazi propaganda, plot holes or destiny bullshit. In case you continue with the show, I won't spoil anything,. but know that key themes throughout the show are about how awful humans can be generally, and how horrible the world is. Think of the show as wanting everyone within it (well, most people anyway) as morally grey. I love your reactions to some other stuff - Andor and HotD notably, so know that many of the themes within AoT aren't things you necessarily dislike. I do just think people gave you the wrong impression coming into the show, which subsequently gave you guys a lot more unrealistic expectations of it as a result, and I think this has affected how you perceive various themes and episodes - which tbf I'm pretty sure you've both acknowledged this somewhat yourselves. I do feel bad for you guys though, you both seem like lovely and fun people from the stuff I've watched, and it's a shame you're getting so much hate from people it's unfair. It's up to you whether you continue to the end of the show, but what I will say is I enjoy hearing your perspective on things as it's fresh, even if I disagree with a lot of it and sometimes I do think it's over-exaggeration :P But put it this way, regardless of the shit people say to you in the comments, they still watch this shit and pay for the patreon for some reason, so i'd imagine it might be worth doing just to take that money lmao xD


Ehm I really don't see anything too awful in choice of words the Patreon comments ,just cause there is a lot comments doesn't mean they are mostly saying terrible words . It's feedback ,Altho your bar could be different. You can say the same thing we don't need to watch they don't need to post. To say we are at greater fault seems kinda biased and anti intellectualist to me.

The Kernowyon Penguin

Half the comments are basically just a pile on calling them idiots, some basically saying they're arseholes. It's so unnecessary, and this has been the case for a LOT of their reactions to the show. There are some comments that are legit feedback, there are also a huge amount of people being unnecessarily mean, even here on the patreon. And no, it's not the same. This is a job for them, whereas to us it's optional entertainment (and for those on YouTube, free entertainment). I suspect they wouldve stopped a while ago if this was done in their own time but theres definitely a pressure to keep reacting to something that gives them good Youtube and Patreon views. They are not at fault for reacting the way they do even if we disagree with them. It's an honest reaction. Viewers are however at fault if they're dicks. As for anti-intellectualist... my guy, this is a reaction channel. It's not exactly philosophy or anything. And even if it were, it's one thing to critique the conclusions someone comes up with. It's another to ridicule and deride them. That's the main issue here.


I go through the comments quite a bit seems like majority are with some substance, I mean a job you choose to do however, they are choosing this to be their job? If it's just for money how does that mean commenters should not exercise their free speech .Seems like you're just choosing to ignore their behavior, filled with mocking characters , laughing at serious moments , misunderstanding of the archetype which I voiced , petty nitpicks and combative and passive aggressive remarks that is unnecessary for feedback. You kind of get back what you give. If you willingly choose to ignore the consistent vibe from these reactions then your comments are in bad faith , You can't feel entitled to a positive community. And yes I mean it's a philosophical show kind of the point is showing the dynamic between the comments and op is discussion.

Minerva Ravenclaw

The backlash is not because they don't like the show, I myself couldn't care less, I have friends who make fun of me for watching this and it's okay. It's just their attitude... Their behavior to constantly making fun of the narrative, the mangaka and the characters. Sure it's their channel and they are utterly free to say it's the worst thing they've watched and because they are on social media and we have the luxury to comment, we also have the freedom to criticize. No need to call them idiots but I mean ... They sure not professional or pragmatic. That's a constructive criticism. This show has a fandom and if people going to say this show sucks then yea the fans will criticize... I don't know why people are shocked.

Minerva Ravenclaw

The backlash is not because they don't like the show, I myself couldn't care less, I have friends who make fun of me for watching this and it's okay. It's just their attitude... Their behavior to constantly making fun of the narrative, the mangaka and the characters. Sure it's their channel and they are utterly free to say it's the worst thing they've watched and because they are on social media and we have the luxury to comment, we also have the freedom to criticize. No need to call them idiots but I mean ... They sure not professional or pragmatic. That's a constructive criticism. This show has a fandom and if people going to say this show sucks then yea the fans will criticize... I don't know why people are shocked.


They got so corny now


Reiner didnt want her for a birth machine IDK how u make this up... He is a soldier of marley and just does what they told him to get the founding in Eren. In the process he found historia and fell in love, he likes her thats all there is to it bruh


So with this episode we understand that not even the other side knows the full nature of the Titans, there are multiple layers to iinformation. As we progress over the story we find out more. Edit: This episode has one of my favorite quotes of the show " to the eldians she is a miracle of God ,to the marlean estate she is the devil's .., the truth is there is no truth, anyone can be a god or a devil , all it takes is for enough people to believe it". You can apply this to real life as well in modern times

Mitchell Edward Newton

A royal titan, not a royal family member. Historia and Eren have made contact before. Also Titans shifters inherit prior shifters memories.

Frank Decker

This feels like a cash grab. edit: There is just no way you guys can be serious. If it is a cash grab, do you. The reactions are at the very least entertaining, so get the money however you want. If you guys are serious, then I don't know what to say. It's a fictional show. Yes it's a show that has parallels to real life events (Happening now) but your reaction to it seems very childish and inflammatory. It doesn't seem like you guys are doing this because you strongly hate Nazis and fascism. It feels like you guys are doing this to increase engagement and garner more views. I've said this before, just stop watching this series. You guys obviously can't help but come up with incorrect assumptions about the show. There is a negative bias that will never go away. You guys obviously don't like the show. Just stop watching. And the reason why your fanbase is very negative now isn't even because of your reactions. It's because of how you guys handled the negativity. You guys are finally doing better with it now, but for the most part you guys were speaking to your fanbase as if we're idiots. Everyone has their opinion, and I'll respect it. But don't sit here and cry when your fanbase come up with their own opinion of you guys. That's the exchange you get when you put yourself in the public eye. You guys are infamous for jumping to conclusions, so don't be mad when I jump to conclusions and say I think this is just you guys being edgy and inflammatory just so you guys can get more clicks on your videos and followers to your patreons. As the saying goes, "There's no such thing as bad publicity".


insulting them for their opinions doesn't sound like you respect it at all. you need to touch grass. this isn't that serious. people are allowed to not like your favorite fantasy show. you don't need to watch it with them. you told them that if they don't like it they should just stop watching. maybe you should take your own advice. you just sound like a really immature hypocrite.

Minerva Ravenclaw

People are definitely allowed to dislike our fav show, and we are definitely allowed to criticize their reactions especially with that attitude. I don't know why people are shocked that fans are doing this 🤣


why fans are acting insane? you're right. don't know why anyone is shocked. anime fans are notorious for going ape shit on anyone who doesn't like their faves. if you don't like it, move on. it's not like this is the first season they've reacted like this. you came back every month, decided to waste your own money on this, knowing how they were already. you could've just waited and watched the free edited version on youtube. or just watched your fave reactors reacting the way you want them to.


It has got nothing to do with them not liking the anime, if they actually had coherent and justifiable points and arugments to reinforce their opinions. Then we wouldn't be having this conversation. But when they don't even pay attention to the show, and jump to batshit conclusions which, can only be argued as being done to increase their ratings and engagement then yeah, I and others are going to call it out. If they paid attention to the show and acted like they understood what they were watching, and then decided they didn't like it, all good, no problem, not for you, move on, done. It's the way in which they are doing it. And I also feel like now they're just watching it out of spite, so they can continue bashing on the fan base and their own subscribers, because at this point they're in too deep to stop, and they've lost me as a subscriber now, and I'm sure others too.

Manifique Tae

the titans shifters inherits their old memories from the past owners

Frank Decker

@Snax I keep coming back because despite how I feel, they are entertaining. I don't care if they don't like the show. And I don't mind if people have differing opinions. But there's no way that you can't see that these guys are intentionally being inflammatory toward their own community. Not because of WHAT they think. It's more so because of HOW they come across: Snarky, sarcastic Know-it-alls. They make assumptions and then use those assumptions to judge the show. They constantly miss details and then wonder why things don't make sense. But more than anything, they stand firm on whatever they say, not because they truly believe what they're saying. But because they have a black and white mentality. It's always "I'm right, you're wrong". Nerdy went out of his way to find any little piece of information to validate his "Erwin is incompetent" idea. And when Erwin did do something he thought was "competent" He always turns it into a backhanded compliment. He spent like 2 videos arguing with his with his wife about Erwin during season 1, and essentially treated her how he treats us: Like he's right and anything anyone else says is wrong/dumb. There's no having an actual discussion with these guys (and more specifically Nerdy). They're not looking for an open discussion. They're definitely not open to changing their opinions, even with overwhelming evidence. Even when people clear up misunderstandings. Even when some people go as far as to spoil parts of the show to them. They're just looking feel like they're right in the side they're standing in. The whole negativity that has fallen on the community has nothing to do with how the anime fanbase can be hateful/petty sometimes. Those types of commenters are far and few in between in reaciton videos. One negative comment is usually drowned buy several people defending the creators, and a lot of positivity. When it gets to the point where the ratio of negative to positive comments skews to the negative side, there's an issue. if you enable the dislike button (you can do that by downloading an extension on chrome) on their youtube channel, they currently have 919 like and 1,100 dislikes. That's not normal. Like at all. You never see those numbers even in reaction videos where people don't agree with some parts of the anime. If there are more dislikes than likes to a video, there's an issue. And has more to do with the creators than it does their subscribers. There are comments from people who once defended them but ended up siding with the negative comments. That's also not normal. Being infamous is not a bad thing, from a business perspective. It can garner more engagement and consequently more money for them. All I'm saying is that this is probably intentional and they're deciding to lean into it. I mean look at how many views they have on they have on their latest videos. And compare it to all their other AOT reaction videos. Like I said, I'm here and will continue to be here to see how this goes. It's entertaining.


well i think i finally narrowed it down. Y'all are just dumb and can't handle abstract concepts and story telling, you need information to be simple and spoonfed to you. you can't handle a show that differs from the norm and doesn't follow the same tropes as most other media.