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We started a new show! Sync up and watch Nerdy with Claroos (She's seen it before)




This was a fun format! Double-ups would be cool!


This is gonna be so fun


I'm loving this. It's been many years since I last watched it. Watching Clarus react to Nerdy is also super fun.


Guess that means that’s the end of attack on titan reactions

James Rob Ross

The original FMA opening is the second episode of brotherhood. It is slower paced but has reveals and hooks that pull you in and make you want to know what happened to our main characters. The ultimate taboo line was in the second episode story arc.


This continues to be my favorite anime. I love watching people discover it!

Aaron Wittwer

It is a bit ironic that they've picked another show that invokes Nazis and ethnic genocide.


can't believe they picked a show about a military regime led by a fuhrer that ordered the ethnic genocide of a whole race smh something only edgy 13 year old kids like this is so wrong and disgusting

Dane Fisette

Phenomenal show, terrible reactors. I wish I could get a refund for this bogus channel. I am not happy they got any of my money

Minerva Ravenclaw

Yea plus if they found many "non realistic" things in AOT, well FMAB has the same things. Especially lots of those "Anime tropes" they don't like...


I love FMAB. I would’ve loved to see these reactions. However, I decided to not support these 2 again. My Patreon is already canceled. See ya everyone.

Jay Craig

Now over to the show with *checks notes* a main character portrayed as sympathetic who took part in an ethnic cleansing/genocide, specifically by burning people alive, whom aspires to reach the rank of 'King Fuhrer'. Looking forward to seeing this treated with the same requisite nuance as the last anime they reacted to.


Welp there goes the all those AOT internet breaking episodes : No new titans , No Sasha & Nicolo No wine No rumbling , No Eren made me do it meme, No Faze Gabi No nothing , just nazis & edgy 13 yr olds casting alchemy spells


another show with genocide? Fuhrers? Nazi-allegories? FMB fans will looooooove these two


nobody cares about you not stopping aot anyways can't wait for my sub to expire so i don't have to spare a thought to some sjw's whenever i open patreon


Nothing is funnier than seeing AOT fans seethe at someone not liking one of the most overrated shows in existence. Be an adult and just quietly leave, you’re not required to be here.


It isn’t, we always do multiple shows at the same time. This is going in our Wednesday slot to replace Mandalorian

Frank Decker

Commenters, relax. Either stay or leave. Really no point in spreading AOT shit onto another series video. Keep it to the related videos themselves. You guys are just being petty at this point. Nerdy, and Clarus. I'm speaking from experience, this shit will pass. You're gonna be in the spotlight for a little bit. You're gonna be a little infamous for a little bit, but the dust will settle in a couple weeks. The trolls will run out of oil to feed the flame and leave. And the people who were upset with you will either stay or leave. You guys already know this: You guys will be fine. I always forget that social media and the internet is something that was created not even 40 years ago. And its true potential has only been harnessed for like 20 years. Regular people having hundreds of thousands of people watching them and critiquing their every move in of itself is very alien to our civilization. So it makes sense how none of us are naturally prepared when we then get thousands of people upset. It's a surreal feeling. I know what that's like. What I also know is that 99% of the people hating don't really hate you. They're just expressing their opinion and agreeing with people who also agrees with that opinion. And the only reason why're they're doing that is because it's entertaining. It's entertaining reading the comments full of drama. It's entertaining watching to see what you guys will do next. They're not haters moreso as they are bored people. I myself took part in some of the drama in some of my past comments. I still stand by what I said, but do think there's a time and a place. And now, here on a completely different series video, is not the time or the place. Good luck guys. Time heals.


It's not even been one video 😂 , so time def ,it's pretty fair that they would point out the ironies. Watching people complain about something non-stop for seasons on smugly in ignorance+ their defenders just being ignorantly aggressive is pretty traumatizing.

Samuel Eng

So excited for this! i cant believe the comments on here, like dont like it then dont watch, its why i dont watch Attack on Titian reactions because that show sucks ass


Is it personal? No, I couldn't care less. Is it deserved? Absolutely.


Great Anime. Such a surprise to see them checking it out!!


So much butt hurt in this comment section. It brings me life.


Everyone needs to lay off Nerdy and Clarus. Yeah I don't agree with their aot take either so simple solution: don't watch it lmao. I haven't seen full metal so it'll be fun watching alongside them :))

Enzo Becherel

To all the hateful comments, you do realise that if you don't like their reactions you can unsubscribe? Instead of hating on every other show they reacto. I don't agree with their take on Aot but that doesn't give anyone the right to trash their comments. As for FMA:B i really love the show and I'm looking forward to seeing you two react to it !


freedom to post can go both ways obviously due to private capt they control that here but in principle would still be true.


Bruh Viewers are trashing their comments because they selected a show with the same themes the hated in AOT

Quark's Bar

They didn't hate that there were nazis in AoT. They hated that the analogue for Jews in AoT were presented as man eating monsters who had brutally dominated the world and therefore had to share in some of the blame for their own oppression. That is what is problematic. Not that there were nazis lol.


But the Eldians and Jewish people are completely different in the end and the only thing that’s really on the nose and borrowed from real history is the armband. Other than that comparing Eldians to Jewish people as if they were 1 to 1 is absurd.

Quark's Bar

I'm not saying I disagree with that, and it's enough it's own thing for me personally to still enjoy the show quite a lot. But the symbolism is pretty unmistakable, and I'm not gonna fault anyone for being uncomfortable with it. There is way more there than just the arm band. The titans themselves are pretty much lifted straight from european anti jew propaganda in the early 20th century. Again. Love the show, and I think it ultimately does fall on the right morals, but that was a weird choice, and N+C Are far from the first people to call that out.

L8er Bìtch

Y'all need to chill tf out, they never said their stopping AoT, infact they said they're looking forward to season 4, stop jumping to conclusions, you get on their ass about jumping to conclusions about AoT, but have you looked in the mirror?


@jude Jews being many eating monsters is where the audience knows to separate it from real life Jews, that's kinda the point they aren't Jews , it's first mainly to get you acquainted with the eldian element. and the lore is in of itself. It uses the aesthetics for certain emotional crutch effect from The narrative and symbolism of WW2 films, armbands def can be controversial at first to a degree I can emphasize with that . But seems like most of the own narrative was mostly missed unlike studio gek was able to adapt their perceptions and quickly saw it ,majority of reactors are also able to adapt through with varying but positive or understandable impressions.


This is lacking in reflection to me , my subscription isn't up yet it's only been a week , most ppl here are aot fans atm ,people can point out hypocrisy in critiques between their shows .Pretty sure it does give us the right to write comments(atleast initially!) considering we pay for it moreso freedom of speech principle.(obviously Patreon is a private owned but it still applies in Principe if they decide to be authoritarians) They can say what they want but that doesn't absolve them from replies whether constructive or fairly inflammatory.Insane how you ignore responsibility for voicing their tough opinions but attack us when we voice ours.


I am so glad you guys are watching this. It definitely my favorite anime, and I think the fact that one of you is new and the other one is somewhat familiar is a great dynamic for a show a deep as this one. Also idk if you guys knew but not only is Lust, Laura Bailey but Mustang is Travis Willingham

Samuel Eng

i love it ill watch it all

Sean Carrasco

I’m ready for the reaction of Episode 4 and Episode 11. After unfortunately reading the comments on here, I hope you guys stick it out and thoroughly enjoy the experience of watching this series. Im new so I don’t know what everyone is talking about but I’m here now as a solid supporter and I’ll be here for awhile (until I can’t afford to anymore 🥲) anyways you guys have a good one and Stay Groovy.

Sean Carrasco

True but do people honestly stick around and enjoy giving an opposing opinion and viewpoint to a subject that others pay to watch them react merely for their enjoy and to hear their personal take on a specific or otherwise relevant topic? I agree with you, it doesn’t absolve them from replies whether constructive or not. Although I would rather have a conversation than a debate about it.


I find those kinds of Patreon reactions videos so fucking weird. I get it that anime are copyright Hell, but you could at least unblur the subtitles so that we know what the fuck is going on. Unless you want your viewers to watch the episode in another tab at the same time as you, which sounds even weirder.

Chloe Root (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 06:10:26 >Unless you want your viewers to watch the episode in another tab at the same time as you This is literally how 90% of reaction patreons work. People who put the full uncensored show/movie in the video are risking their channel to do so.
2023-04-27 12:45:41 >Unless you want your viewers to watch the episode in another tab at the same time as you This is literally how 90% of reaction patreons work. People who put the full uncensored show/movie in the video are risking their channel to do so.

>Unless you want your viewers to watch the episode in another tab at the same time as you This is literally how 90% of reaction patreons work. People who put the full uncensored show/movie in the video are risking their channel to do so.


I'm not debating the freedom to comment what you want. Commenting on separate shows cus u disagree with a different show is stupid and honestly those doing so are acting like assholes, that's what I'm saying

Austin Torkelson

What? They literally tell you to sync your own version up before each and every reaction lol. The only reason they have a blurred out video is to make the syncing easier(some versions of the show have "ad breaks" that can desync it from theirs).


@Arq Not at all the reason why many people were upset at their reaction to AOT, but feel free to believe that if you wish.


Stop being a cheapskate and pay for the streaming service or go pirate your own version.

Quark's Bar

Haha Patron first timer I take it. They can't take your money to show you an entire episode of television on their channel. That would be called piracy, my friend.


Most didn't stick around we are all aot watchers freshly off the last ep ,coincidentally what do u expect a fmab comment section to be. Most of us stayed till the basement based on that I'll most likely be leaving at the end of my sub .


You do realize everyone here is an Aot fan right+ many anime watchers mostly because sure as heck nobody knew they were doing fmab , how is that stupid ? If you agree with the principle of freedom to comment you would be accepting of any comment. People van point out critiques using references from other shows and reactions , btw It's barely been 7 days that's fairly reasonable from the trauma accumulates .acting a certain due to a domino effect of causes u make it seem like folks here randomly started acting up , people don't suddenly reset because it's a new show it's about owning to what N said in the past.


Seeing nerdys commentary it's reminds another reactor Sean tank top ( watched aot disconnected but at least it seems they acknowledged that later on " we have to learn how to watch anime " )it seems had clarus not intervened ,nerdy would've shat on roy and everyone for the casualties... , this show has a way more conventional progression, most of the time In anime you're supposed to focus on what the forefront shows you primarily not necessarily on background things hopefully after some time he can begin to develop some intuition ,understanding and respect for shonen anime norms. .Recognize where aot excels and subverts them.