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Disclaimer: they’ve finished season 3 and HATE the ending. So everyone can talk openly about season 3 spoilers.


Oh well , if they drop it that will be fine then


They said they’ll continue because people have told them that “yes, it does get interesting in season 4”


it does have a lot of ww2 references, but i don't think it's paiting the nazis in a ppositive way AT ALL


@Willie Aguilar I just now seeing this post and reading the comment , just asking , but how you exactly do you know they finished it already & they hate it for sure?


he;s just talking out his ass they havent finished anything


They’ve said on Discord that they finished Season 3 and that they were hesitant about continuing with season 4

Minerva Ravenclaw

@KratosRager They hated it just because of the WW2 thing? Or they also hated Midnight sun and Perfect game and the Marley Reveal?

Minerva Ravenclaw

It's the first time that I agree with N+ C regarding the consciousness thing. This is a plot armor for Reiner because he's an important character in the next events. And honestly I'm glad he's not dead. But I do agree it was a cheap writing scenario.

Minerva Ravenclaw

I'll cancel mine as well... Their reactions are the worst to begin with😅 I just thought with time they'll appreciate it but guess not


No it’s definitely plot armor. But to be fair, Reiner is Isayama’s favorite character.


How do you know? Are you their moderator? Either way, you know what, Im really happy you said that. I came to the conclusion a week ago that they aren't going to like this show. at all. I keep watching them hoping that eventually they'll start to get the show but now I can give up on that hope. lol low key feels like a weight being lifted.

Aaron Wittwer

I kinda wondered if they'd have that reaction. I think if you've decided to write the show off as some silly nonsense and have no real investment in the characters or the world as they seem to, then when that show starts evoking holocaust imagery, you'd be inclined to think that it hasn't earned that or isn't appropriate for it to tackle that subject. And the "blood libel" aspect is actually kinda problematic no matter how you approach it. Does that mean the show is antisemitic? I don't see it that way, but it's not really my place to say. I also don't think it's meant to be a direct allegory for World War II and Nazi Germany. It's just evoking that setting as a shorthand to convey Marley's fascist apartheid state and their view of Eldians as less than human. I'll be interested to see whether they are able to get over their initial reaction then as they get into season 4. But I honestly doubt that they will. They really haven't payed any attention whatsoever to the themes that have been itnroduced so far. They've never gone beyond surface level complaints. And if that remains the same in the 4th season, I'm pretty sure they aren't going to enjoy it.


It’s in their discord. See that’s why I posted it. Cause I figured someone would want to know that their opinions don’t get better.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Honestly from that reaction, that they hated the ending of s03, I now prefer that they don't continue because they'll never be able to appreciate this story, if they weren't intrigued by the ending of s03 then they'll not like s04 I'm very sure. It's not their cup of tea. Maybe stick to Mandalorian and Star Wars because they're th epitome of "deep" and "realistic" writing 😅


I don't get why you think your gonna get all answers mid battle 🧐, it's established that ,they don't want to tell them directly back in season 2 I don't get how you think you were going to get answers till the battle was finished. Secondly arcs with battles usually focus on battles till it ends ( ex Sasuke retrieval arc from Naruto was mostly fights in a row ) we never doesn't expect there to be really such a great underlying plot. Secondly they are saying that because it's supposed to hype you up and freak you out and there's a good reason why they're keeping the secrets.


Arcs on this show have never focused on the battle lol. We cut away to a monologue about some shit every 4 punches

Thalita Veras

Thanks for informing, will cancel my subscription. Now I know there's no hope for them actually enjoy this show. I'm actually happy because now I don't have to endure these reactions, and don't have to wait for them to change their opinions anymore lol


it's probably the most weird surprise I'm 40/60 on it ,the Levi attacking scene wasn't necessary, just added more to fight aspect of the arc , sure it was a very situation and ambiguous power. However the question remains whether it's really going to be a problem in the rest of the show , if not then


Ohh okay I missed that, season 4 is awesome tho just saying

Minerva Ravenclaw

Well no it's not a problem, but I wish they explained it later or something that way it wouldn't be just a convenience for Reiner to stay alive, although that Levi scene was epic as hell but yea I do agree it was unnecessary... But I mean I'd approve it just because it's super epic😅


The consciousness thing is definitely plot armor for Reiner lol. Everything else has answers tho and they’re coming quick. Be glad y’all aren’t watching it during the original airing when we had to wait each week for a new episodes followed by 6 months to a year for a new season lol


Reiner is dissociating pretty early on in the show. No wonder Bertholdt looked like he was on the edge of a panic attack all the time. He was probably waiting for this fool to give them away the whole time.


I don't understand why people seem to think N+C hate the show. It's frustrating to have a show basically edging you with plot for 3 seasons, but they don't seem to hate the show. Oh well, can't please everyone. Thanks for the video, guys! :D


Way to spoil their reaction for people who haven't gotten that far, ass.


Now that an hour has passed and I have caught up on the released episodes, and I can see that you haven't even seen the last two reactions yet either, I guess I have cooled off a little. Since who knows if you're even being accurate. But I (and others) have been waiting for months for them to get to this part, it's pretty scummy that you would try to spoil things when we are only hours or days away from seeing for ourselves.


Ok. That’s uncalled for. It’s pretty evident that they don’t like the overall story. Idk why people don’t believe me. I was just letting people know they can talk about season 3 spoilers.


I'm not here to see AoT, I've already seen it. I'm here to see their reactions. For months I've wondered "how will they react to the end of s3?" and you spoiled that for me with only days to go. So no, it's not uncalled for. If it was really just to let people know that they've finished s3, you could have said that without saying anything about how they react to it.


Yea anime has inner monologues(Naruto,op,hxh), sometimes it adds tension or resolves payoff , also outer ones here it adds dramaish sense to aot, , + also adds to the tension in these episodes , yea fights may not be as uninterrupted as some other anime like one piece ,dbz and more grounded but they are still exceptional sakuga animation. Especially s1 which was a massive success partially due to the intensity much so in season 1 part 2. Especially the fight at the end. Tbf aot peaks def aren't just those scenes.


it seems what you want from shows is to always know what's going on, you don't like mystery...


seems like you want to know everything beforehand, this show is a form of storytelling you just can't resonate with.