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Erwin's gonna Erwin. Sync Up for the CHARGE




The consciousness thing did annoy me but after the reveals, I can at least see justification for it. I figure it works for the same reason coordinate/paths work.


This shows doesn't HAVE to be your favorite of all time or whatever, but if you guys can understand were a lot of people come from by saying it's their favorite, that's good enough for me


With the colossal, the mentioned the plan was a battle of attrition. Armin and Hange both said it. Basically wear him out, but they didn’t expect more than half their soldiers to be killed so that plan went out the window


I mean at this point, this is just absurd. I like the reactions, they are way more grounded than others but wow the amount you critique of stuff you get wrong is mind blowing. I will give you the benefit of the doubt because it is your first watch and you will miss stuff. But in this episode they straight up say they will resort to a battle of attrition against the colossal titan like they had planned. But they get new info and they need to change plans since they need to save the horses. It just doesn't make sense how you guys are so quick to critique something when they even mention it. Same thing with Erwins plans, Annie getting to the scouts and just so much more. I agree though the reiner stuff is very cringe worthy as well and I can’t believe isayama didn’t come up with a better solution to keep him alive.


For what it's worth, I fvckin love AOT, but I agree, the conciousness thing was just plot armor for Reiner. Even though it feels possible after learning more about this world, it was still a bit too convenient. I've heard that Isayama had Reiner die and then changed his mind, so I'm guess this was one of his mistakes he did in the end to have Reiner survive. Still, look past that, because it's worth it. I really don't think there is a single other thing in the show that doesn't make total sense and is great.

Jay Craig

The Reiner stuff was super dumb. I think it's reasonable that they didn't have a specific plan for what Bertholdt's transformation constituted in this specific context- because everything they did up to this point was to combat potentially being near Bertholdt when he transforms - it's why they fought Reiner deliberately away from the walls because they assumed that's where Bertholdt was, they had no idea he would be able to be thrown by the Beast Titan like a howitzer. Now at that point they have like 12 people fighting him instead of two full squads, any plan is gonna go out the window. I enjoy your reactions a lot, and your discussions in particular. I think SOMETIMES, sometimes, you can on occasion come at things from a bit of a bad faith angle, where you are seemingly looking for issues and not trusting that the writer is competent enough to have reasoned justifications for why things are happening- but often I even enjoy these tangents because they still allow genuinely good criticisms to come out of it that are interesting to think about (to wit- I had NEVER up until this point even considered that the Titan with the creepy voice could've communicated to the Beast Titan what Levi was doing. I think that's super reasonable, and in my subjective mindset of enjoying giving media the benefit of the doubt had never even questioned Levi getting to the Beast Titan to be able to consider that flaw) I hope your reactions don't change at all, I enjoy this fresh type of AoT criticism from people who are media literate but not beholden to the franchise, not sure I've seen anything like it anywhere else.

Anna Kyruin

So something Nerdy said in the discussion really resonated with me, but also gave me an answer I hadn't thought of. The royalty seemed completely unprepared for anyone defying them in ways Nerdy points out, but at the same time, they've never had to worry about this until five years ago because if anything went south they'd just have the king wipe whatever memories needed to be wiped to get everyone back under control. It's kind of like a metaphor for people who lose their privileged status of wealth not having the first clue about how to be an adult human because they used to be able to just solve everything with family money.


Has it ever occurred to you that maybe they can’t do anything to the colossal titan? Or make any special weapon ? I mean the man is a literal walking Nuke & his only weak point is 50 Meters in the air What you want them to do, run up on him 😂


Reiner way of surviving: plot armour because Isayama loves him. I love him too (because of season 4) but yeah, he should have died and the transfer of conscious never convinced me.

Luca Martellucci

I'm gonna be very short on this comment, 99% of the stuff you critique it's either you get it wrong and you need a rewatch or they just gonna explain it perfectly in the next episodes

Quark's Bar

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm here for the ride and i have a blast watching these. Also. The "mother's sin going back five generations" was a whitecloak thing. I love that wot has bled into reality for you two at this point.


The show is fun and super interesting! I'm in love with the show but I also fully recognize that it has some whacky flaws. I respect and value what you guys have to say about it!

Mitchell Edward Newton

They were gonna use attrition on Bertoldt. Force a transformation and draw the fight out. Problem was the pressure the beast titan put on the back lines. They were gonna have the colossal burn away his mass like he did in season 2.


i think you guys should stick to reality shows lol