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The Fallout of the attack on Deimos is concerning... Sync up and wish for the best!



Tom M

You HAVE to watch the next two episodes one after another. Though I don't think it is necessary to encourage it, the next episode will speak for itself. Diogo is (so far) the only developed character from Belter youth, a great example of a radicalised Belter who knows only oppression - from the Earth corps running Ceres, from the Martians, so from all Inners and now sees genocide on Eros. I think that in 'the West' (however we define it) majority of people tend to forget how humans act when facing oppression of the worst kind - a genocidal one. The entire Belter community will have to face many choices and many OPA factions will deal with it differently, including with extreme violence. I think you are making a big mistake to treat Diogo as just gullible, easy to lead person. At this moment there is no real choice for a large part of the Belter population, but to fight or face another Eros. That is how they see it and they have the right to see it this way. Sadly in real life we can observe considerably more extreme examples of true monsters who will murder whole communities and brag about it. Amos - there aren't any really shallow characters in the series, but this guy is outstanding as a male 'tough guy' character. His character arc is fascinating.


Seconding Tom M's comment: you should watch the next two back-to-back. Even if you drop the content on schedule. You really should do the twofer for yourselves. Those two episodes bring it 'Home' (ahem) in a big way ... narratively, emotionally, epically. Really. :)


I love comparing how Holden and Amos approach the interrogation of the scientist. Holden is completely failing because if you listen closely to what he's saying it's all coming from a perspective of empathy and care, Holdens driving motivations. But it's a complete waste on Cortazar and Amos sees it while Holden is just confused.

Bryce Carlson

If you were to hit Mars with enough damage to shatter the entire planet, the rubble would still produce a gravitational effect and (over eons) would eventually reform as a spherical aggregate. Destroying Deimos is of no real consequence to the solar system, though the psychological damage done to the Martian people is going to be enormous.

Bryce Carlson

You are correct that the Rocinante is the hero ship of the show, and you will be seeing it get repaired after every conflict where missiles, railguns, and PDCs are used because ships become damaged and need maintenance in this setting.

Bryce Carlson

Human "xenophobia" is the unfortunate result of being the survivor of over 200 millennia of evolutionary selection pressures where trusting "strangers" could lead to loss of resources and perhaps the destruction of your entire tribe. Now our brains have a natural predilection to distrust strangers that we have to actively cerebrate around which is not always easy.

Nerd Going Outside

When WoT Book Club is done we gonna need Expanse book club, just sayin'. :)

Bryce Carlson

Frankie Adams, who plays Roberta Draper, is actually a boxer which is why she looks like she can really throw a punch.

Bryce Carlson

Another reason that the characters seem so fully developed is that it was also a TTRPG that the writers participated in, so the characters have depth. And the writers of the novels are writers for the series.

Dario Schiller

yes we do. The Expanse is my favourite SiFi show ever but the books are still so much better.

Deana DeWall

Ditto. I just finished book 2 for the umpteenth time. Now on to 3 again.

Deana DeWall

I'm hydrating with some beer right now lol.

Richard Craig

Definitely watch episodes 4 & 5 together! Episode 5 marks the end of book 1.

Joe G

Partly accurate. The distrust of strangers developed in balance with the extreme benefits of being a social species with group cooperation. As with most such pressures, a balance is stuck between the two for individuals and societies but it's not static.

Joe G

I don't know if it's say they're better, but they are of similar quality level aka excellent.


Hello fellow Book of Mormon enjoyer. I believe Moroni is an angel - based solely on my knowledge of the musical, lol. He's mentioned in the"All-American Prophet" song.

Jeffrey LaClair

I've watched this show 5 times it's so good