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I'm gonna have a heart attack... Sync up and have on with me!

Also this is double Expanse this week because we are moving The Expanse to Mondays on Youtube!



Tom M

Cool to see it so early! Nice gift for the Easter. A scene from the next episode was used to pitch the whole show and it will be breathtaking. Space suits in the reality from the Expanse are a) very reliable b) very advanced - notice how easily Diogo returned to the ship. Rock hopppers who live and 'breathe' in vacuum adapted well to space and very good technology makes some unimaginable things quite easy to achieve. The creators of the show and writers of the books explained how much is inspired by the Alien which was literally truckers' in space story. People are living and working in space and do not give a fuck how unimaginable what they are doing every day would be to people in the XXIst century. A scene from the 1st season when Diogo's uncle exhaled into vacuum shown how casual it really is. Nauvoo much like Rocinante and many other ships in the show could have their own entry in the credits. Great looking beasts with nice 'character arcs'. This way there is some naval tale in the story of the show. Take care! P.S. The Ahsoka teaser looked promising and I really hope that Thrawn will be written well. I dare say that the Expanse has someone comparable if not better when it comes to the villains in space.

Bryce Carlson

Even if he doesn't like space, Miller is a Belter and they seem to have a good grasp of celestial mechanics (as well as ubiquitous computing power). And in the books, Miller (and Fred) use that to figure the how long the Nauvoo has to boost to deliver enough kinetic energy transfer to Eros to accomplish their plan.

stuart greenley

Nerdy, you're killing me, Star Wars fan ✔, The Expanse ✔, now bugs Bunny ✔ what the heck man! Love to hear how your trip to Europe went!

Bryce Carlson

You are correct to call Diogo a child as he is not yet out of his teens.

Bryce Carlson

Your faces when the Nauvoo sweeps past Eros are absolutely priceless.

Varun Laks

As far as Belter slang goes, Naomi generally uses it only when she's talking with other Belters. So we hear it when she talks to characters like Miller and Fred's second-in-command. But when she's with non-Belters, like the rest of the Roci-crew, she sticks to the more universal accent. I'll let you make of that what you will, but it's little details like this that really makes the character work of The Expanse unrivaled. As you guys talked about last episode, instead of telling us through exposition, the show utilizes subtle character beats to inform us on what makes character tick. Each character has their own unique subtleties like this.

Dan Pettit

Double Expanse week !!??!! Awesome


I agree with all of that. It's really remarkable how good the writing on this show is.


Love getting a second reaction episode just days apart. I could get used to that.

Shawn Anomaly

As someone else mentioned, Miller does say that Fred's "geeks" crunched the numbers regarding the flight plan/collision course!

Shawn Anomaly

Feel like you ran a marathon and feeling tense...oh man oh man, just wait til you journey through the next two episodes. Get your minds ready because the ride in the next two episodes are going to blow them up! Brain matter is going to be all over the place by time you're through with 2x6!

Michael Kioski

One thing I really like about The Expanse is the way computing "just works"; computing is powerful enough that courses through the solar system can be plotted and assumed to be correct. And you can ask the computer for what you want in plain English. The technology gets out of the way of the storytelling.

stuart greenley

Is it 6 pm (4 my time Calgary) yet!!!!!!!!

Ian from wine country

To be fair... (/letterkenny) England is not technically in Europe anymore. Which has really added a lot of stamps to my passport in the last year.

Ian from wine country

Naomi is a fucking MASTER of code-switching. She's a social chameleon, and I mean that in the best way possible. You'll find out why later.