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What's up with big chungus?!? Sync up and find out!



Quark's Bar

Big chungus! Outrageous vid title!

Anna Kyruin

I know you've heard it a lot, but "It will all be explained". I'm sure it's your favorite thing to hear. :D Some things won't be explicitly explained, but more heavily hinted at, but enough so you can make a pretty solid hypothesis if you're paying attention. I did love watching your "WTF Why!" moment in this episode regarding the syringe vs lick. I had a similar confusion, so it was nostalgic :D


I really wish Eren got the ability to harden some other way. Him randomly finding a vial that just gives him the power might be the biggest plot contrivance in the show

Aaron Wittwer

Sort of. It's really not addressed again until the most recent episode in part 4, but it's not exactly inconsistent with anything. It's not as though he found it on a random shelf. It presumably rolled out of Reiss's titan serum doctor bag when Historia brought it with her to free Eren. It does make sense that the Reiss family would have such vials on hand for the titaning ceremonies. It does feel a bit too convenient, but it's not really that big of a deal. I just kinda wish we'd seen a shot of it rolling out of the bag, maybe with a couple other vials.

alexander rios

idk if someone replied but they did show the vials fly out the bag when mikasa caught historia


Maybe because it means not having to embark on a side quest to acquire the ability? I like some of the side plots, but also... Let's get to the BASEMENT!


Here comes the archetype guy


Why attack me ,Nerdy said they were the same narritively I'm pointing out that's not the case


Can we get a aot episode every day lmao pretty pretty please


'Don't do any mission where Erwin's in charge, people are going to die'. Spoken like there's never any death in any military operation, ever. :D

Jonathan Yara

I know this is a bit early but for season 4 part 1 please watch the blu ray version!

Anna Kyruin

Not sure how far ahead you're watching, but if you want to avoid spoilers definitely -Do Not Watch- (but feel free to listen) the second OP of season 3 until after you finish the season. Kind of wish you had an editor to pre-edit the videos for you to cover the intro animation with a graphic of something silly before you watch as the intro isn't placed consistently throughout the whole season.

Aaron Wittwer

I kinda think that if you don't mention that it contains spoilers people won't assume that the spoilers are spoilers. Personally I say go ahead and watch it. It gets you hype for the episode, and it was the studio's choice to put it there so it's kinda part of the experience.


I watched each intro to the show without knowing what was going on, and if you are going to sit there and dissect them frame by frame, sure, you might find some spoilers in there, but mostly it's just an epic song with some epic animation. Maybe you just need to appreciate it for what it is, instead of just trying to read too deep into it and dissecting it? Its there to be watched, not skipped over until X episode of that season *shrug* Same goes for people who suggest not watching end credit scenes, like the one coming up in E12, it's there to be watched.


Totally agree. It’s made to be an intro. I watched them back when I watched S3 for the first time and didn’t know they were spoilery


I completely disagree. The ending scene in ep 12 is good for reactors because it plays into the whole theorizing game for them and lacks context. Nowhere near as substantial as the spoilers in the intro. The intro literally spoils everything and even someone as dumb as me could figure out what was going on during it. I dont recommend someone as smart as Nerdy and Clarus watching it. I'd rather see a more genuine and surprised reaction without them having a sneak peek into one of the greatest arcs in the show. Plus now that everyone under the sun has told them it contains spoilers, it will be very obvious to them.

Anna Kyruin

I am merely pointing out that -if- they want to avoid -any- chance of spoilers they should avoid both. Im not arguing they cant watch them or that it would be better for them to or not to. Speaking only for myself i would have preferred i hadnt seen either until after season 3. It is a matter of preference, nobody is "right" or "wrong" as to whether they should watch it, it is their decision to make, i am just trying to help them make an informed decision.


My personal head canon for Erwin, it's easier to "control" someone like him by letting him do as he pleases and make him think he's making progress, knowing the Scout's track record has been nothing but a string of failures. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Erwin wasn't a blip in their radar 'til recent events. The events of s1-s3 have taken place in a matter of months if not weeks. Govts aren't known for swift decisive action. LOL


Oh yeah I should specify, I don't think it matters whether or not they watch or skip the ending credit scene tbh, entirely up to them. Its just the season 3 part 2 intro I see as being a bigger problem.


So heads up on future episodes, if it hasn’t been said, some episodes have end credits scenes. The best way to find them is that episodes that have end credit scenes will not have the “to be continued” screen before the outro.


Oooh also, episodes 16,17, and 18 may be best to watch in one viewing. Just a recommendation :)


Ageed There not that many reasons why the ending scene is what it is I feel it showed just a bit too much,between two analytical minds it's definitely not hard to extrapolate and might take away the tension from the arc itself once you have knowledge that the show still runs for another season consider reactors have more focus than the average viewer and introspection. you can never really guess how somebody else's mind works to be on the safe side I think they shouldn't watch the intro till ep 19


Yeah I really hope they don’t miss upcoming post credit scenes. I remember missing it the first time I watched it and was confused.

mohamed rafee

Hey look out for season 3 episode 12, there in a post credit scene in it!


It's not that hard think of a why that situation happens tho considering ep 13+ it's going to take away the tension from all those episodes


? I'm saying why it's not a good idea , comments don't seem to understand without being told some implicit context others did the same

Aaron Wittwer

How does it take away tension? Even if you do figure out what the conflict is, you don't know how they got there or how it resolves. It's a great tease, and one of the more fun parts of the show to see reactors react to. As a reaction channel, they should watch it.