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We're Back In Space! Sync up and fly with us!



Tom M

Originally the 1st and 2nd episode were shown as one, large opening episode - that could explain ad breaks in unsual places. Second season is considerably better than the first - for example the Earth plot definetely improved but that is due how the book one is adapted. It certainly was necessary in season one as a part of world building but it still suffered, now it is where it belongs. Also it is quite incredible how many great characters are introduced in the season, I think it could be the best season in this particular area. When it comes to the Martians there is a very strong sense of duty, dedication towards common goal and bright future. All Martians are supposed to do their part and intensitiy represented by Bobbie Draper in a society which has to cooperate so much to survive is realistic. Still... Mars is also an authoritarian state and I'd say if there is a large flaw in the books and the show is that it is very competent which authoritarian countries NEVER are, so it is closer to an image of 'strong' Soviet Union enjoyed in the West even in the 1980s when it was already rotten and on its way to implode. Yet otherwise it would not be so interesting, so we can ignore this flaw. Take care!


I believe in the books Eros had a population of 1.5 million


When is the video going to be re-uploaded?

Shawn Anomaly

Was excited to see them get into S2 and was hit with the video being removed. Hopefully it's back up by tonight!

Deana DeWall

Well, I guess I'll try back later...Darn.

Shawn Anomaly

Oh man, can't wait to see you two for next episode...going to be a real good time! Welcome to the all out chaos of S2...and YES, S1 doesn't even remotely compare to what you're about to see!

Jonny shaw

I reckon this is one of the most important episodes in the series because it really widens the whole scope of the show. It's no longer some mysterious weapon made by man, it's fuckin' aliens. I remember the first time I watched this and the amount of excitement I felt was palpable because now it really does mean the show can go in so many more directions, and raises the stakes significantly higher. Can't wait to see the next four episodes. If nobody has mentioned it by now, 2x04 and 2x05 should really be watched together as it's kinda like a two part finale of the book. Trust me, you wont want to wait after 2x04.


"Do you like space gladiator movies" is a reference to the movie Airplane! (1980). If you haven't seen it, I won't spoil the scene.

stuart greenley

ok you two, buckle up your seatbelts and strap your helmets, it is about to hit the fan! enjoy the ride!

Ian from wine country

This is my first full react with y'all. Can I beg the editor to put in a blurred small corner window so I can see if I'm sync'd correctly? And maybe more of a predictable countdown than Nerdy's 1 2 3? Not to judge, but suggesting something like what Funnylilgalreacts does Having grown up earlier than you by a decade, yes, a 1-2 minute stinger after a commercial break was standard. I remember that happened a lot with Buffy, in particular The Amos character development in this ep was very very nice. As was Chrisjen's. I won't say anything else about them, cause I can't I'm trying to remember how much it's been elucidated yet, but this episode definitely establishes that the Protomolecule is extraterrestrial. The first 3 seasons were on ScyFy, if I remember correctly, and then it got picked up by Amazon, where the language standards were gloves off You give me a shot that ends cancer and prevents reproduction? All day every day, please and thank you.


Blurry Corner is a good idea! Let me try something next time and tell me what you think!


Can also try doing a half screen, like the reactors I mod for do. they just show the bottom half of the screen and the top half is cut off.


re show history: yes first three seasons were on SciFy where the show went by the name The Expense due to its high budget! It was cancelled by Scyfy during the airing of S3E6 (yep, that one!!) and we found out that JB and Amazon had rescued the show two weeks later during S3E8, (yep, that one!!) It was May 2018 and I went from a horrible low to an amazing high after pitching in to help rescue the show (not something I have ever done before or likely to do in the future other than support the return of The Expanse for its last three seasons/books!) I agree also about the blurry rectangle or corner over your timer (actually the timer is really enough for me but I also like the blurry rendition as well to help with syncing my copy)


Any chance you guys will add the shows in smaller window like your youtube channel but the whole video? It's a little disappointing to have to sync up. I like to see y'alls reactions in real time. Thanks!

Dan Pettit

Just to confirm: one of Nerdy's 'lines' that should not be crossed is scientists experimenting on kids, right? Good to know.


I love your reactions, and how much you're into the show. Though, you miss A LOT of dialogue with some of the flippant commentary. Normally, it's not an issue for most reactors because they catch a ton of detail in this show when editing, but you guys outsource the editing from what I understand. This is just one of those stories that doesn't tell you anything useless/extraneous. When you miss info on The Expanse, you miss it and it will be relevant later.