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Levi's a fucking what?!? Sync up and find out!



Aaron Wittwer

Awe, Red Swan is my favorite OP of the first 3 seasons. It seems pretty common that people either think it's the best one or the worst one. Was wondering which side you would fall on. I love a beautiful, melancholy ballad and there's so much emotion at play in seeing the childhood characters contrasted with where they are now.


The reason Armin said he thinks she was a 'good person' is because she hesitated to kill Jean but Armin didn't hesitate to kill her


I agree that the intro, while very well made, is so off for the show as far as the tone goes. There's all these rainbows and sparkles and I'm like.. there is nothing rainbow and sparkly about the damn show lol


I feel like their constant talking and Nerdy looking to his wife for her reaction is going to make him miss a lot of info, especially in this season. Every episode this season is going to have lots of detail.


Levi is not Mikasa's brother. Mikasa's father was an Ackermann, and her mother was an Oriental. For refereference Levi is also like 35. So it's more that Levi is somehow related to Mikasa's father. Whilst the OVA was not written by Isayama, it can also still be considered Cannon, and you will see how that is a posibillity once you hear the rest of Levi's story. The Hot Air Balloon couple were also Armin's parents (In fact all the people mentioned by Djel Sannes are relevant to the story in some way, keep an eye out for the rest) - it is mentioned in a previous episode, he tells Eren when he shows him the book about the outside world that his parents intended to sneak outside the walls, which is why we never see them and only his Grandfather.


That’s a spoiler, it’s literally revealed in the next few episodes

Aaron Wittwer

I agree. The format they've chosen, unfortunately, prevents them from being able to pause for discussion or to rewind when they get lost occasionally. And this leads to them missing a lot of important dialogue and details. And even here it seems like they were distracted during Levi's chase scene which is one of the most impressive displays of animation the show has put out.


Literally not a spoiler. They already said Levi is an Ackerman - just pointing out how it's not possible that Levi is Mikasa's brother as Nerdy suggested, more to the point we already saw Mikasa's childhood, and did she have a brother? Did her parents look old enough to have a kid in his 20s? No. The show also never tells you his age. The thing about Armins parents also has been said way back in Season 1, so, again, not a spoiler.


I did think this even in season 1, although he did at least say he watches the episodes multiple times when editing but it would definitely be better if he read every line on a first watch through and then talk about it afterwards


It's not said until Kenny does say it


The character motivations are pretty evident they want Aaron and historia and they want to kill the scouts that's really all we need to know to have entertainment and action for this episode, anything else can be revealed later


I swear your ideas get more interesting with every episode. Sometimes it seems like you're putting the pieces together and almost spelling out the answers but still don't even realize it, lol. Other times, not even close but still interesting. Enjoying it a lot.


I like this chill atmosphere in comparison with YouTube comments


Yeah they talk about how the comments are filled with spoilers but the Patreon comments never are.


I think it's important to remember that the scouts were trained to kill titans, not people. Regardless of titans being humans trapped in a titan form, it is different fighting and killing a monster, than killing a normal human. They haven't been killing titans knowing they are killing people, but killing the military police was the first time Armin intentionally killed another person.

Trevus Simon

This plot line is very important, it's going to start uncover a lot of stuff.


It's not just another side quest you do realize they can't go to shiganahi without supplies n the routes to getting out of the walls are probably blocked and Erwin has been compromised.


No he reveals that he's his uncle you know which episode


Armin has never been shown on screen personally killing a titan at this point either so he wouldn't be desensitized. It is reasonable that seeing it and doing it would feel a lot different even for someone who has been around the horror of the Scouts.


not being able to fathom the world is just a skill issue lol