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Kenny Strikes! Sync up and see who survives?!?




lmao I like Kenny but I always thought "the ripper" name was pretty corny.


To me, this intro is meant to be a bittersweet nostalgic recognition of the innocence of children that they've lost. It's actually sad because you know it's inappropriate to be so happy sounding. At least that's the best way I can think of putting the feeling I get into words.


It’s crazy that nerdy doesn’t like aot story telling I’ve watched so much anime that I was bored of the same style that once aot came out I was excited to finally see something refreshing and new the last anime that had masterful story telling was Evangelion and that was years ago

Aaron Wittwer

It really is such a beautifully woven story. I feel like they've gotten to hung up on things that don't matter. Like they are incapable of just trusting that the show is telling them what they need to know in one way or another. Like right now there is this obsession with understanding exactly how the government functions. Like I think at this point we've seen enough of how it functions, I'm really not sure what else they are looking for. Your knowledge of the world is meant to be lockstep with the scouts at this point. They know just as much as the scouts do.


Now imagine if once they start revealing stuff and they don’t like it ppl are going to go crazy lmao

daragh faro

judging by the comments im guessing their still shitting on every aspect just because they dont have the patience to see how it plays out. Not knowing something does not equal being stupid so no need to ego it nerdy. anyways im just waiting for this months subscription to end I cant watch this anymore.


I really hope you won't listen to the small but loud group of people who tell reactors to skip the s3 ep 12 post credit scene!

Frank Decker

It's not that eren can't control his titan ability. It's more like eren was exhausted with all the expirements. He looked smaller because of titaning up multiple times in one day. You guys made a lot of incorrect assumptions about certain details in the show. I wont list which ones because I don't want to spoil it.

Aaron Wittwer

For some reason they missed that these were tests I guess? I don't know. They continue to go on about how the idea of having Eren plug the wall with Titan hardening is bad because they don't know if Eren can harden. But they are literally doing tests in this episode to try to see if they can get him to harden. The lack of comprehension sometimes is a bit unfortunate. It's like they think the plan is to just drive Eren out to the wall before they know whether or not he can harden.


I like seeing your replies. Your comments are some of the most composed.


Interesting. Just watched it. I don’t remember that post credits scene.


What about the season 3 part 2 intro? I really think they should not watch that one. It spoils way too damn much imo

Anna Kyruin

Actually I think they don't explicitly reveal until much much later what is going on with these tests, and what the goal was. Nothing is said in the episode that would give a viewer any way to know how many times Eren has attempted to form a titan. I don't blame Nerdy for not knowing what he literally hasn't been told.


Yeah to be fair, in the manga, in this scene, they say he’s transformed thrice and they go into more detail about the transformations and that’s left out of the anime.


They should skip it because they will figure out what it implies and they will lose tension when they watch hero


Just because we don't understand exactly what Erens new power is talked about on the first episode doesn't mean it's not going to be brought up the entire season part,


Maybe it's because I'm used to watching the English dub and I watched the English dub during this full length as well but Levi definitely mentions that it's the third test that day. I honestly can't remember if he does in Japanese or not now but I don't see why they would leave that out.


i love your guys reactions but damn just because you don't get to see what you want you jump to conclusions.