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What is a Coordinate?!? Sync up and find out!



Ron C

If it is of any help, the French subtitles called this "the axis" (l'Axe); as in the x and y axis of a plane.


One thing to note for the ending of this one.. this proved beyond a doubt that if Hannes had tried to fight the Titan instead of pulling Eren away and leaving his mother to die, he would have been killed trying. He didn't have the skill for it then, and he didn't have it now. A 'what if?' answered.

Anna Kyruin

I wonder, in that other case he would have had buildings to anchor to. And he was also 5 years younger then, so might have had better physical health. Given the success rate of most ODM equipped soldiers though you are probably right :D


how this world's logic functions is by itself a spoiler, hence why its not explained. The answers to your questions are right there in front of you, but you are not able to reflect on them. I mean, HOW DID YMIR TURN? It is explained AND shown. But you already forgot the whole scene. People aren't upset that you want answers. They are upset at you blaming the show when it already exposed a clear answer but you didn't pay attention, because you hate Erwin for example and you missed the whole thing. How titanshifter get their power is explained during Ymir's flashback and it's PRETTY obvious. There is a clear cause/effect scene when she gained consciousness.


And what makes Eren special compared to Annie is that she could only attract them, not control them. The Beast could control a few but in that specific scene, he wasn't able to hold TOTAL control.


Cannot agree with this more. They defualt to Erwin bashing so much that they are actually missing core plot details and answers that are being given to them, because they dislike one character. Go and rewatch Ymir and Bert's conversation, go and rewatch Ymirs flashback, and actually pay attention to every single line of dialogue, it's not there as filler, it's not there just to fill out her backstory. IT IS IMPORTANT. Things you are complaining about not knowing, you would know.


Keep in mind he was pretty drunk earlier and basically just sobered up in time for the attack, on top of being deadweight. Even with years of sobering up and getting back his edge, he still didn't manage it.

Trevus Simon

Initially, I lost interest in the show after the first season due to its seemingly random and disjointed elements, and I found myself feeling frustrated. However, a few years later, just before the release of season 4, a friend of mine convinced me to give it another chance. I decided to take his advice and gave the show another shot, and to my pleasant surprise, I found that it had greatly improved. From that point on, the show significantly improves, particularly in its third season.

Ron C

I think if you guys want to enjoy the rest of the show just try to enjoy the ride and don't focus on the end destination when you'll be getting answers. Episodes are cool whether or not you get some big revelations imho. You'll get breadcrumbs along the way to theorise, and you'll get good subplots


I think honestly a lot of your critiques are very fair. You guys seem like very analytical people in the way you approach media, and so it totally makes sense you would be frustrated by the way the show is presenting the mystery narrative here. I think a lot of people are so many years into knowing all the answers and having seen all the seasons that are out, that we forget how frustrated and confusing it all originally was. I distinctly remember being frustrated and confused myself sometimes on my original watch back in the day. I mean the tree episode where they just tease you for 20 minutes was ridiculous, I completely agree, it could have been handled in a way that doesn't make you feel like your time wasn't respected. The bright side is, in terms of getting your questions answered, it literally only gets better from here on out. Season 3 as a whole is the payoff so I hope you guys have an even better time with it than this season. Also people get so defensive, like you have stated clearly you really liked season 2, its just hard to talk about without pointing out where its tripping you up. Also Historia and Ymir are my favorite characters in the whole show, so right there with you, haha.


I don't think it's wrong for N&C to want more answers, and I agree that the show drags the mystery a bit, it just didn't bother me that much watching it. Then again I didn't have to verbalise my thoughts to the internet after every episode. I'm betting if I did, I'd be in a similar position to N&C. The show is frustrating to watch, which is also what makes it fun. I hope people can sympathise with that.


All I can say is every question, including Eren's ability to control titans at that moment, will be answered in season 3.


Nerdy and Clarus' mixed feelings are so consistent with my own viewing experience and those of my friends. Only on the internet are people acting so fanatically defensive over every aspect of it, or equating not liking something with not understanding it. Anime fans can be nutty sometimes. And I would also like to know how Erwin fell onto his horse lol In any case, looking forward to season 3 with ya'll.


AoT is one of my favourite shows of all time, and I completely agree with this. I had some complaints and frustrations with the series but loved it as a whole. If I had to deal with the same comments whilst watching the show I don't know if I'd've loved it half as much :'D


IMO the show's greatest strength is the incredible job the animators did packing visual information into the early seasons that have double meanings on a rewatch. For example Nerdy and Clarus could go back and watch season one right now and I'm sure they would pick up on dozens of shots of Reiner / Bertholdt / Annie that seemed to mean something else on the first viewing. Likewise with many of the other reveals. Sometimes I think a lot of the angry comments they get are from people who put a lot of retroactive thought into it after they were given answers, but who didn't really view the show very critically the first time through. But I admit that as soon as I saw Eren's titan form in the 7th episode, I realized I was watching yet another anime about "a teenager with daddy issues piloting giant robots with his friends, sacrificing his humanity to save the world" - it's the oldest anime story in the book, and it only seems unique in AoT because the robots are make out of skin rather than metal, and the mood is so much darker than shows used to get in the 80s and 90s. Plus the maneuver gear is cool as heck.


Just poking some fun with that last paragraph, nobody freak out =D


@kha It's a mystery battle shonen , while definitely anime fans wr also frustrated they felt it was fine because the show was giving them things they liked in other ways nerdy however doesn't care about those other things because he doesn't like the characters that much, supposed to appeal to that demographic especially season 1 people only realized the heavyness underlying plot in season 3, the problem is he's trying to critique it as if it was some other Harry Potter or something which tells you the power system in the beginning episodes not respecting that supposed to compete with other anime not Western television, they care too much about having something to talk about at the end of the episode rather than just enjoying the dark fantasy adventure and action. Which is how shounen are designed first and foremost, isayama simply took advantage of these expectations but that doesn't mean that you should change your mindset when watching aot


Just because the reasoning behind the power isn't explained yet doesn't make it deus ex machine because it's perfectly understandable that we simply don't know what it is yet. It's paced within expectation of a shonen. If you don't like battles first then your fundamental misunderstanding of the archetype


I don't get how you believe all the scouts aren't good people at this point, Sasha,Connie ,jean seem good to me our trio also obv each of them have their own dynamic some with individual motivations but they are still fighting for humanity and are nice for the world they live in. Same as in twd


uh oh, jumping to conculsions again?