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THEY'RE GETTING AWAY! Sync up and join the chase!



Aaron Wittwer

If you watch again, immediately before Erwin gets his arm chomped, he passes by a large patch of trees to his right. Also, the titan that gets him is on all fours. Most likely an abnormal. The implication here is that it was hidden from view behind those trees. We saw something similar with Sasha last season during the female titan arc, where one of them was hidden behind a house. Erwin was focused on the problem ahead, and leading the charge into that total chaos, so he was also likely a bit distracted in that respect as well. Personally, I love this moment. Seeing Erwin continue to lead the charge even as he gets dragged away is one of the things that made me really start to like the character. So I'm bummed you didn't get that same feeling, but oh well. As for him getting up to Eren and falling back onto his horse... yeah... that's a bit harder to believe. But I think we are just meant to assume he rode his horse up to Reiner and used his one arm to control that one ODM wire up... because he's scrappy like that.


Yeah I think Nerdy’s hatred of Erwin isn’t going to make him suddenly like Erwin in season 3 like people are hoping he will.

Aaron Wittwer

I think the same way. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what they are going to think of everything that goes down that season. And I don't feel like it's going to make people very happy. Even with this episode, the criticism of his plan seems unreasonable since the scouts and MPs are forced into hot pursuit with this being the only chance they have to recover Eren before he is stolen away forever. With Erwin viewing Eren as the best shot for humanity's survival since he's really the only one who may be able to reclaim the wall and strike back against the titans and potentially help them come to a better understanding of what they are up against. Of course he is going to throw everything he can at this rescue mission. And, frankly, leading a hoarde of titans into Reiner is a pretty great idea, all things considered. If they're going to write this off as "more Erwin idiocy", I don't think there's much hope for getting them ever to change their opinion of him.


I think it’s okay for nerdy not to like Erwin … I mean erwin is pretty reckless he just want things done doesn’t care how and there’s a reason why the character was made that way

Aaron Wittwer

I think it's okay not to like Erwin as well. I kinda felt the same about him my first watch, though certainly not to this extent. And a large part of the show is deciding where you would draw the line as to what is and what isn't morally acceptable to achieve various outcomes. So, as part of a continuing theme, it makes sense to frame Erwin's willingness to sacrifice soldiers for his beliefs about the future of humanity in this way as well. It just seems like sometimes they are so distracted by criticizing Erwin that they aren't connecting as much with the story or are missing/overlooking important details, which can be a bit frustrating. I also think calling all of his plans "stupid" is different from disagreeing with the ethics of those plans. And, in most cases, I don't think his plans are stupid if you consider the goals that he is trying to achieve with each and the information he is working off of.


Yeah it really doesn’t matter if they have characters they don’t like I didn’t like eren at the beginning .. what really matters to me is that they like the story

The Quadfather

They always end up ahead of me when I sync up and watch. It will start off good and synced up but they always end up a second or two ahead of me. Like there version plays at 1.25 speed my version or something. I’m watching off Hulu. Anyone else have this problem?


I don't, but I watch on Crunchyroll which may be the difference

The Quadfather

Yea, that’s what I do. I will pause it several times throughout the episode for a second and let my version catch up.

The Quadfather

Also what’s their AOT schedule? Does it just drop on random days or certain ones?


They release on youtube tuesday and thursday, whereas here, they do it usually at the start of the week. I don't think there's a schedule release on patreon


I had that problem with the previous two episodes. Wasn't so bad this episode for me. I wonder if Crunchyroll cuts the episodes differently for each region or something?


It was behind a group of trees. You can clearly see them. Erwin got caught unaware by an abnormal. Simple as that.

Ferenczi Laurentiu

Out of all the intresting stuff that happened you managed to spend the entire discussion harping on erwin again all while using plain wrong arguments. Other commenters already pointed the out so i wont bother but this is getting really fucking old.


Fundamentally disagreeing with the basis of his plans is not the same as considering his plans dumb or smart. He's fundamentally in opposition to the idea that personnel sacrifices are necessary to the extent Erwin does them, so it doesn't matter if his plans are smart or not to his logic. Nerdy just thinks Erwin has a bad command process in general, despite the fact that the only way they'll ever achieve anything is attrition. You can tell he's nitpicking at this point when he doesn't go back to see the very obvious trees blocking the abnormal.


Bruh let them enjoy the show their own way, it’s not that deep. I disagree with a lot of what he’s saying but I don’t think it’s entirely bad faith arguments, he just had a different world view than the Erwin. I won’t lie I was expecting a bigger reaction when Erwin is leading his men while his arm is being crushed in a titan’s mouth. That’s true leadership but yea if we have an issue we can always unsubscribe, ranting isn’t going to change their opinions unfortunately

Matsumoto Erkin

I don't think they are making a bad argument, I just hope they don't entirely focus on one small thing in their discussion which feels like overshadowing other thins. but good reactions regardless


It really is. They’re starting to drop interesting tidbits and all Nerdy wants to do is bitch about Erwin.


All I can say is, has there ever been a War, or a Commander in History that had an amazing plan that resulted in no casualties? Yeah. I didn't think so either. Erwin gets results, yes, people die, but people were dying more before he became Commander and they weren't getting results. Erwin is actually getting things done, slowly, yes, but they're getting answers, so it's not as if these soldiers are dying for nothing. You can dislike the way he is doing it, you can dislike the recklessness of his leadership, but the man gambles based on the information he has available to him at the time, sometimes a win, sometimes not - they cannot just sit and do nothing and wait for the next time the Walls get attacked and they lose even more territory. Would you chastise Commander Pyxis in the same way for all the Garrison troops he got killed on the whim that Eren 'might' be able to seal the hole in Trost District? Or because that plan was actually successful, and Erwins plan was not, Pyxis is a better character in your view? Double standards much.


Pyxis' plan in Trost actually succeeded based on its own merits. Erwin's plans always fail on their own, but get rescued due to some third party intervention - Arwin figuring out who the female Titan was in s1, and the insane coincidence that Eren runs into *that* titan right at the end of s2. Otherwise both seasons would have ended in complete failure. That is the difference.


Umm, are we forgetting Armin breaking Eren out of his reverie so that he would seal the hole?


@Khalayx This is untrue and fairly biased. The only reason the Trost strategy works is because it's so simple and Armin knew enough to guess how to break Eren out of the state he was trapped in. Without that, it would have failed as well.


@kha Erwin's plans are reasonably within the world they live in what's is that he's the only one who has the stomach to command such plans, the scouts aren't civilians the scouts dying with in his plans aren't glorified it's definitely better portrayed than for example when the walls were broken and civilians died show the show does value death


oh boy that Erwin hate boner is WAY too strong. He's one of my fav characters, you make some fair points, but damn it's starting to feel personal now lol.