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Ymir Titans Up! Sync up and see her new form!




I know you can't pronounce Hange but it's like "Hanj". Please don't keep calling her Zoe. It doesn't fit her.


I can't wait. AoT really takes off from this point. Season 1 was good but kindof a standard story. S2 is where Isayama really flexes his plotting skills.


Damn I can’t wait till you guys get to the other seasons .. ya got me waiting for these episodes like the new aot episode 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I live in France but I visited my aunt in Canada 2 years ago. One thing I can say is I am never gonna complain about how cold it is in France during the winter ever again 😂


I don't think any reasonable person from England (granted there are plenty of vocal unreasonable people everywhere) would say we have cold that's in any way comparable to Canada's. We saw temperatures like -3C this winter in the middle of England and that's the coldest I remember ever seeing it. We do have snow but maybe once or twice a year if we're lucky, and you can tell it's not often because we have to shut everything down due to not having the infrastructure to deal with it (things like snow tyres just don't exist here). In the northmost parts of Scotland is where you'll find the most extreme colds but I don't suspect they're significantly colder than the rest of the UK. At most it'll be a difference of 5-10 degrees celsius. Loved the reaction, keep up the good work :)

Natasha Crandall

They were in a blizzard not just a snow storm, which makes it's impossible to find shelter. On top of that I'm not sure wood would burn hot enough to keep them alive throughout the storm even if they had axes. Also, Erwin isn't in charge of the trainees, Keith Shadis is.


I mean, her name is Zoe. What fits her is kind of an eye of the beholder thing. :shrug:


I'm pretty sure Ymir was trying to get Christa to throw him over the cliff so she wouldn't be slowed down by dragging his body anymore. She cares more about Christa than anyone else, so dropping Daz off a cliff in order to save Christa was a no brainer for her. But seeing how determined Christa was to save him, she finally knocked her down the hill so she wouldn't be able to watch Ymir titan up so she could save him. That way Christa wasn't slowed down and would more likely make it to safety without blowing her secret. That's how I interpreted it, anyway. :D