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What Is THE BLUE STUFF?!? Sync Up and Find Out!




It was around this time that I began to understand that the cliffhanger endings hang so hard. Started yelling expletives the moment credits popped up. It’s so awesome. p.s. “What did we miss the first time thru” … is the spirit animal of this television show.

Shawn Anomaly

Wasn't expecting this Wednesday Surprise but about to watch!

Shawn Anomaly

Oh you're tense, stressed, seeing the show take an angle you were not expecting. Oh man, hold onto to your seats because that's about to be this show for you from this point forward. Episode surprisingly over because you were so caught up in it that you can't believe it's done...prepare yourself for that basically every episode with some nasty cliffhangers as a bonus! Can't wait to see you two deal with the wonderful journey!!!

Dan Pettit

I'm not sure what everyone else has told you, so if this is redundant I apologize. It's based on a series of books and the first book actually covers all of season 1 and about 5 eps of season 2. So, the big climax of the book happens then.

Amber A

Re: Julie, yeah, after the Cant was destroyed, Dawes found himself in the midst of riots on Ceres that put him closer to his goal of having belter control of Ceres, and Miller's investigation was derailing what he could do for Julie without showing his hand to the powers that be. It's insinuated that he passed word to Fred Johnson about 'Lionel Polansky', since he was in a better position to investigate. and Fred had the Roci check into it...they just got there too late. The Book's authors and show writers love throwing in little easter eggs, it wouldn't surprise me if Dresden's character was named after Harry Dresden. I can't wait for you to see the finale, and to kick off season 2. In hindsight, it really is pretty wild what they were able to get away with on network TV, with this airing on Syfy and all through the first three seasons.


I don't know what CPM is on Youtube but in The Expanse it stands for Carne por la Machine. There are no throw away scenes in the TE or "fillers". When you see Miller at Julie's apartment you see the bird, hoping she will feed it. Then you see Julie watching the TV and seeing Dawes say "give the Martian's their water". Why would that be on TV?? Then you seen Julie in the shower dying and she sees Miller preceded by the bird. Obviously not really there! I can't explain any of that to you, all I can say is that it means something. We as viewers know a little bit more than each of the POV characters but not much more! We are all figuring this out as we go! Love your reactions!!


carne para la maquina = meat for the machine


Love these reactions. Especially all your predictions for what's to come.

Varun Laks

If I recall correctly, some of the more intense scenes this season weren't actually shown in the Syfy cut. They were only in the Amazon version that aired the next day, which you had to pay for individually. For example, I don't think the scene with Julie crawling naked was shown on Syfy. According to Ty, more people actually bought the uncut versions on Amazon than watched it live on Syfy. Which probably explains why they felt more comfortable adding more mature content the next two seasons.

Joe White

I so love this for y'all. And I am getting all of my vicarious thrills watching you go thru the turmoil. I would take you out for beer every expanse night, if only we lived in the same country. 😂

Amber A

That makes a lot of sense! I only ever watched on Netflix Canada for the first while until Amazon picked it up, my computer was the only device I had to watch it on. Still, I'm glad they shot and found a way to keep some of the more graphic footage. Really helped the story beats hit a lot deeper with how discretionary they were with utilizing it to maximize the impact and horror of it all.

Aldo Cassola

In book 1, CPM is “Carne Por la Máquina” = Meat through/by the machine. But then all belter usage of language is intentionally “broken” by today’s standards, to show they’ve mixed and evolved. Also por/para distinction in Spanish is hard

Tom M

I am glad you are enjoying it a lot. Still season 1 is just a teaser if compared to later seasons. A fair warning - the show has a knack for building excellent two parters, even in the middle of a season. It happens in season 2 for example and I am sure people will advise to watch certain episodes side by side instead of waiting for days. Actually one of those, a very memorable one, was used to pitch the entire show - that is how much in advance certain ideas were in discussion. Unfortunately in some cases entire seasons are like huge multiple parters, so I have no idea what is the right approach from a point of view of a reactor. Take care!

Matt G

About Radiation: It's easiest to think of radiation as an action, "X radiated (emitted) from _____." Light bulbs emit radiation! (Light radiated from a filiment in a bulb.) The key word that separates dangerous radiation is "Ionizing." It's a qualifier that basically means "radiated from _____ with enough energy to damage what it collides with." That alone is enough to understand why radiation protection focuses on 'shielding.' The damage happens on collision. Radiation sickness is really more like 'cellular damage sickness', which is why the effects range from cancer later in life to drowning in your own fluids. Conversely, it's why explaining radiation danger is tough; did you get 100 or 1 million microscopic cuts? Our bodies are great at repairing damage... unless overwhelmed. & latent damage increases the risk of cancer. There is more I can share on radiation, but what I've written above is the crux of it.

Matt G

Some things to add about radiation: (I wanted to keep that first comment shorter and readable.) What is it made of? Broadly, radiation is either Light (electromagnetic waves) or Atomic Particles (portions of atoms, like neutrons, electrons or clumps of such). How does light become Ionizing? It's a matter of 'frequency' the higher the frequency the higher the energy, UV is ionizing but very weak... going up the spectrum you then have X-Rays, and Gamma Rays. How do atomic particles become Ionizing? By moving really fast, think car crash, speed = damage. There are typically 3 types of atomic particles that can be emitted fast enough to count as ionizing. Alpha (A clump of 2 Protons 2 Neutrons), Beta (An Electron), or Neutron (a single Neutron). I recognize those, but isn't it Alpha Beta Gamma? Yes! Neutron radiation is kinda rare. Splitting atoms mostly release Alpha particles, Beta particles, or Gamma frequency EM (light). Free neutrons emitted quickly decay into a proton and electron unless they collide with another atom. So neutron radiation is ionizing but only really exists when trying to sustain a chain reaction. How do I know if I'm around Ionizing Radiation? The neat thing is that atomic particles don't like to be by themselves. They like to be atoms. So it's really when you're near something that undergoes fission (splitting atoms by collision). How do I judge danger for ionizing radiation? Besides sunlight, ionizing EM is hard to create, and thus generally also has plenty of safeguards. Also, it really only travels in a straight line from the source, so shielding is most important (thick barriers preventing line of sight). Distance also helps, but shielding first.

Matt G

What about the other kinds? You are unlikely to be around splitting atoms, but let's explore: Risk 1 (Radioactive source undergoing fission) How does fission happen? An atomic particle (usually a neutron) collides with it. Believe it or not, Uranium-235 (the dangerous one) is actually not that 'active' until it's placed in a reactor. U-235 is unstable and will randomly break apart (called decay), but it's infrequent... reactors & bombs are designed to induce fission by chain reaction: using decay-splits to cause fission, which cause further fission. Chain reaction, we do this, on purpose? Yep! A split causes other splits, if the each split causes < 1 additional it's 'sub-critical', a break-even chain reaction is called 'critical', and an exponentially growing one is 'super-critical'. (LOL) How do I protect myself from a radioactive source? While you are in the presence of a material that is undergoing a fission chain reaction; each split will 'radiate' a combination of Alpha particles, Beta particles, Gamma EM, or Neutrons. You can't know which, but in this instance they all behave the same (straight line). Thick shielding to block line of sight is best. What about contamination? Obviously we're talking about atoms here, so any amount of material you can see can be broken down into particulate, which itself can still be radio active. That's risk 2. Risk 2 (Radioactive contamination) What is contamination? Once atoms start splitting many of the resulting smaller atoms are unstable, and will soon split again themselves. This is called a decay chain. (For example Uranium-235 ➔ Thorium ➔ Radium ➔ Radon.) Each arrow is a split that releases Alpha or Beta particles. This isn't the same kind of self perpetuating chain reaction, eventually they end up stable elements like lead. What's dangerous is each element in the chain has it's own properties... For example, radon is a gas. So any 'source' material that undergoes fission is also leaving behind contamination. So in addition to shielding, I need hazmat gear? In the super rare event that you're dealing with Risk 1, yes you should also have hazmat gear. Think about that one time a kid spilled glitter in class and you're still finding it a decade later. Deff don't want any of that inside of you. Isn't material radioactive even when it's just decaying? Yep! However, materials that decay rapidly don't stick around, so naturally radioactive ores are not 'sources' the same way as I mentioned in Risk 1. But it's still dangerous right? Less dangerous, but yes.


I'm so excited to watch the next one with yall. It was a joy watching with you. Welcome to the expanse shit just keeps getting crazier and twist in turns in ways you couldn't imagine. I loved your speculation for the final scene of the season.... muhahahahhahaha Amos is my boy and I just rewatch this show for him... cuz I miss him.

Richard Craig

I think we should lobby Nerdy Nightly to begin giving us 2 episodes of The Expanse per week!!