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I feel like I am in danger.

Like, serious danger. There’s a faint ghostly ache coming from my hips, and I can literally feel Kirin’s distant gaze burning holes through me.

I can’t see her due to my face being quite comfortably sat between Alfia’s generous bust, nor can I sense her as my senses are quite… Overdrafted.

Sword Intent is basically enforcing my Will on the World. Wanting something with such great conviction, desire and power that Reality itself shifts to accommodate such a thing.

And I literally used it to not only turn who knows how many monsters into minced meat, but to also cut the living shit out of the Leviathan with that lost blow.

Still… I was so close to killing myself with how hard I pushed my body and Qi Palace.

My Qi Palace is covered in cracks right now, on the verge of shattering, with all of this damage having come majorly from my last attack, which used who knows how many Qi Strands to unleash.

But from this… Once it’s fully repaired, which should take a week or so, it’ll be even stronger and better. Less prone to cracking under strain, which is good.

I shouldn’t be glad about that, but I can’t trust myself and my dumb-ass anymore.

Seriously, what made me want to throw hands against the damn Leviathan so much?

As for that beast… It wielded Qi.It fucking wielded Qi.

The Ice it conjured, seemingly a mix of Qi and Magic, but… It was rough. It was a storm- A blizzard, exactly for that reason.

Seems like the fusion of Qi and Magic causes a rather… out of control reaction, seemingly explosive. Like a bomb, I’d say.

I can’t put my finger on the why exactly that is, as I do not wield Mana so I can’t really tell how the energy feels like, and what could make it’s fusion with Qi seemingly create a volatile reaction.

But after that, the Leviathan resorted to that beam. Only Qi. Pure concentration of Qi.

Like a last resort, of some kind. One we pushed it to use to save itself, and take out the threats to it’s life.

If the Leviathan can use Qi… Then can the other two beasts use it too?

The dragon is the strongest, and it turned my village into an enormous crater with a seemingly effortless beam of pure heat and power, one that held no Qi within it.

And yet, that lone beam far surpassed the power contained within the beam the Leviathan had conjured with Qi.

Just how terrifying is that Dragon?

Either way, this is something I’ll bring up to Hera and the others once out of the Dungeon, as it is a very serious topic.

For now… Slowly and with a grunt, I wrench myself out of the two comfy pillows that are Alfia’s breasts. Soft, and with a nice scent to them.

I’d enjoy the sensation more, but I can feel that there’s a lot of tension in the air, so I better give my full attention to what might go on.

I turn around, smiling softly as Alfia leans against me, giving me support and rubbing gentle and comforting circles with her gloved fingers over my back.

She’s worried, incredibly so. I can feel it it and see it, even though she is hiding it under the mask of indifference she usually wears around others.

It warms my heart quite a bit to see her act such a way with me, and only me.

Though, after a quick glance around, I quickly notice that I can’t see Kirin at all… Yet I can stillfeel her burning gaze on my body.

Whoever is holding her back from downright shattering my hips… I shall make something good for you. That I promise.

“Ah, Juno… Always with a sharp tongue.” Socrates aged voice makes me perk up lightly, but also shudder a bit. How the fuck does someone manage to sound so sleazy without even trying?


Juno scoffs, arms crossed below her bust as her pretty face twists with disgust and annoyance. “I would gladly welcome you lot… Had we received any help.” Her gaze then pointedly fell upon Nemea, who is… snarling and glaring at me? “Especially from the blonde bitch, who ran away instantly instead of staying behind to help us clear the way.” And he’s still glaring at me.

The fuck you want, mate?

I just raise a brow his way as Socrates tilts his head. “But Zald and Leonidas helped hold the Leviathan back, yes?” I do not miss the way both Zald and Leonidas frown heavily at having their spur of the moment action be used by Socrates in such a way.

He’s pretty much taking ownership of their action and flaunting them as his own.

That, clearly andinstantly, visibly pissed off Leonidas, his usually warm and smiling visage now scrunched up into a snarl of rage. “Oh no, you don’t get to use mine and Zald’s spur of the moment action to make up for being a bunch of opportunistic sons of bitches!” Zald quietly nodded in agreement, arms crossed and fists clenched tightly.

That’s when Maxim – if I remember right– finally moves and speaks, golden eyes flicking down towards the sitting Leonidas, and the gaze he is using… It’s like the gaze of someone staring at an ant. Like he is far above everyone else.

It disgusts me to my core.

“Your actions are the face and reputation of our proud Zeus Familia, everything you are now is thanks to your Familia, yet you wish to hoard such glory for yourselves?” And now he’s trying to make Zald and Leonidas look like the bad guys by twisting their good intentions with sharp words.

This is really the state the Zeus Familia fell to? Why would Zeus allow such a thing to happen?

All of this is going on because the Familia God just… up and left them to their devices.

The contrast between the Zeus and Hera Familia is insanely visible.

The Hera Familia is a big family, managed by Hera herself, and all the girls clearly love each other deeply, see each other as sisters, and would never abandon one another.

That is the visible bond Hera made sure all the girls built up between them. A big family for those that lost it, or never felt it in the first place.

The Zeus Familia instead is divided. The Captain and those below him are shrewd people, while the one that opposes him is righteous, friendly, warm and kind.

Leonidas radiates warmth, his smile puts everyone at ease, and even though he had many chances to do so, he never pried into where my strength comes from.

Neither did Zald, who radiates warmth, kindness and righteousness even through his rather fearsome looks.

And now, the entire Familia is divided in such a way that confuses me greatly.

Maxim’s words were sharp, but also quite calculated. As is everything he does.

Every twitch of the muscle, every blink, every breath and it’s duration, every pause between words and the tone behind each of them.

Clearly, he is someone who demands to be in control of everything. Even his own body.

Yet the way he looked down on others as if they were lesser than him irks me- No, it revolts me.

My eyes track Leonidas as his nostrils flare, and his body stands, cutting an imposing and terrifying figure as his muscles swell, and the veins on his arms bulge and quiver due to his clenched fists.

Gone is all the warmth that usually covers his face, replaced by pure, cold fury as the dark-skinned man takes a step towards Maxim.

Nemea straightens himself, a smirk on his lips, and he moves to intercept, only to freeze when my gaze flicks towards me.

Cold sweat instantly covers his pale face, his eyes shrinking to dots, but by the time his gaze shoots towards me I’m already looking somewhere else.

Heh, nearly made him shit himself with a flicker of Sword Intent.

The swift distraction allows Leonidas to get right up into Maxim’s face, towering over the shorter man, who just keeps his golden eyes fixed on him with a cool and calm face.

“Everything I have and am right now is through the sacrifices of my Ancestors.” Leonidas growls out harshly.“My hard-work, my blood, my sweat, my tears and my God’s Ichor dropping on my back. Nothing I have achieved is thanks to you lot.”

“I’d gladly share any achievements with the brothers and sisters who fought alongside me, courting Death by challenging the beast that is the Leviathan.” A sneer replaces the fury on his face. “But instead, my comradesstood by and watched while the ladies were besieged by hundreds of Monsters, stopping them from giving the aid they would have surely sent our way.”

“Before me I don’t see comrades, but cowards. And it revolts me to my core.” I close my eyes and sigh deeply as Leonidas snarls, his form stiff and trembling with rage.

He looks nearly ready to pounce and attack, and he’s clearly losing the self-control battle. So… “Leo.” I call out to him, making him startle and straighten himself. Azure eyes flick towards me, and the tension leaves his body. “It ain’t worth it, man.”

He blinks, then closes his eyes and breathes in. “You’re right.” He sighs out the breath he took in and turns on his heels. “They ain’t worth it.” I nod and relax as he withdraws back.

But my intervention draws Maxim’s cold gaze towards me. “You have something to say?”

I don’t hide the way I roll my eyes. “Am I talking to you?” I drawl out lazily, no small amount of annoyance in my voice. “I don’t care how you folks wipe your asses and handle your shit, as long as you leave me out of it and don’t annoy me.”

“Oh?” And that’s when Socrates pipes up, and I don’t miss the way Alfia tenses against me, seemingly ready to tear him apart. “A bit hard to do so when you are so… peculiar.”

“Sorry, not interested into fossils.” Juno snorts at my words.

At this point, I just want to annoy them.

Socrates seemingly ignores my words and keeps speaking without care, wrinkly hand stroking his long beard as he does so. “Medicine greater than even one crafted by a God, fighting prowess capable to handle and heavily injure the Leviathan, and a never before seen power.”

“God of Healing.” I sigh out, lifting a hand to pinch the bridge of my nose.

Socrates startles slightly. “Come again?”

Jesus, these people… “Dian Cecht is a God of Healing, not of Medicine, not of Alchemy. He knows howto Heal, not how to makethings that heal.” And here Domains apparently matter a lot, as Lady Hera explained it to me a bit after her visit to the greedy God.

The man who outright disgusts me to my core for his horrendous practices.

Highly pricey Potions of the lowest quality imaginable that do more harm than good in the long run.

He is both healing and poisoning his customers, who get injured due to said poison weakening them, thus requiring more of his faulty medicines.

It’s an endless and revolting cycle.

In fact, were it not for the fact that the girls were cleansed of those revolting impurities, they’d have easily tore their way through the horde of monsters besieging them.

But they couldn’t because they still aren’t used to their upgraded strength- No, to their real strength.

A single mishap from someone like Kirin or Juno could have led to the injury, or even worse, thedeath of some of their own Familia comrades.

But alas, the circumstances kinda fucked with us, else maybe we’d have been able to kill the Leviathan if we all ganged up on the fucker.

But we can’t get everything in life.

Though I’ll probably make two more Impurity Cleansing Pills. One for Leonidas and one for Zald.

I can trust them enough to not misuse their real strength for the wrong reasons.

Either way- “It’s a simple concept, really. Ask any God, and they’ll confirm that Dian Cecht’s Domains have nothing to do with potions and Alchemy. He’s a fraud who is very likely stealing his own son recipes, but making them worse through his ‘mass-production’ method.”

I was a big mythology fan in my previous life, and I still remember quite a lot of things.

Like how Miach, the son of Dian Cecht, is the true God of Alchemy in the family. Well, the God of Healing Herbsactually, which is already an enormous improvement and difference compared to Dian Cechts own Domain.

“Also, pretty sure Dian Cecht doesn’t personally cook his potions, so… I didn’t really best him, but his workers?” Not that I can’t do that either. Pills are just that potent.

Though, I should maybe check out realpotions before deciding that Pills are indeed superior.

Socrates nods deeply at my words, his wrinkly hand still rubbing at his beard. “Indeed, you may have not bested a God… But you still bested those under him. Those with a Development Ability that makes their Potions far greater than normal… While you lack a Falna of your own.” Development Ability?

Ugh, more terms that I don’t know. It’s becoming old by now.

Still, I shrug without care. “I’m just better, I guess.” I drawl out, then shoot the old man a sharp gaze. “Feels like I’m getting interrogated here, though.”

A very dry chuckle leaves the old mage’s lips. “Oh, just checking on a few things, is all.” His hand finally leaves his beard to rise up in mock surrender. “Quite a lot of people come and go from Orario, and many end up joining the wrong Familias… so, you know.” Ah, trying to play the ‘Suspicious Guy’ card, huh?

He still plays it even though I’ve been in the Hera Familia for a while.

Trying to sow discord, perhaps?

“No, I don’t. I’m new from around here, and I haven’t bothered to look up any history books.” I drawl out yet again, my harms rising and crossing over my chest. “And that’s very… magnanimousof you. Not like you just watched two of your supposed comrades fight the Leviathan, and didn’t do anything to assist them.”

Nemea growls again like the damn mutt he clearly is, and I suppress my desire to just flare my Sword Intent and carve a gash across his mouth to make him shut the fuck up.

So instead of using my Sword Intent, I use my words. “Also, you might want to get your mutt checked out.” I sniff and throw Nemea an annoyed glance, making the man lock up at my words. “I am a doctor, not a veterinarian… But I can tell that he might be coming up with rabies.”

“I highly suggest you consider putting it down before it attacks some poor passerby.” And as if to prove my point, Nemea snarls and nearly hurls himself forward.

Only to be halted by a chuckling Socrates, his wrinkly hand reaching over to rest on Nemea’s muscular arm. “Now now, that’s quite a bit of hostility there.” A sharp gaze hidden by bushy brows lands on me. “I assure you, whatever the Hera Familia might have told you about us is highly wrong.”

Pfft, yeah, as if.

None of the ladies luckily react to the old elf’s words, but they do irk me a tiny bit. “This hostility is because you stood by and watched. Had you helped, my tone would be a bit warmer and more friendly!” Lies, but they don’t know that.

I am a good judge of character, and I already dislike all these fuckers at a first glance.

Pride, derision, hate, jealousy, greed, lust- All of these emotions flashed by their faces constantly, and in a way that is just toxic and revolting.

No wonder the Hera Familia keeps their distance away from them, while instead they happily accept the group that follows Leonidas.

The kids behind him are proud, confident, but also shy around the women. The stare at them and admire their beauty, but don’t stare at them constantly with pure lust.

They are a breath of fresh air for them, and they are perhaps the only reason Hera hasn’t cut ties with the Zeus Familia.

But those ties are on a very thin line that can snap at any second.

Socrates hums, but someone else speaks up before him. “What is that power that you wield?” My gaze snaps towards the crimson haired dude, the Captain of the Zeus Familia… And I just forgot his name again.

“What is the power that you wield?” He stares at me through the corner of his eyes, not even having the decency to fully turn his head towards me, and I can guess the why.

He’s focused on a certain direction, seemingly sensing where Kirin is being held back from doing… something. Either to my hips, or to them.

Or both.

Man, what a creep...

He stares at me like I’m a vermin far below him, and his tone of voice clearly made it aware to everyone that he wasn’t asking. But demanding.

Still, they held back on asking such a question for quite a while. Props to them, I guess.

Now, time to bullshit! “Oh, you know… Good genes, a few push-ups here and there.” I cheerily say, shrugging my shoulders and throwing a few mock punches through the air. “It’s called ‘Genetics’, look it up.”

Leonidas lets a snort slip from his lips, which makes me wonder if people here even know what Genetics are, or if such terms are lost to them.

The mans golden eyes narrow at my words, and his head turns to lightly regard me with a bit more of his almighty and precious attention. “Enough of your jokes.” Someone dislikes not having things be handed to ‘em~!

So I just give him a big, goofy grin. “I mean, you are still here, so why should I hold back on mine?” Juno snorts so harshly that she falls into a coughing fit, her face turning a deep red as she tries to laugh and cough at the same time.

Leonidas? He starts outright wheezing, back hitting the ground and hands holding his belly.

Zald instead is much more reserved- Ah, no. He just snorted too. And he just tried to fake it as a cough.

I ignore their rather amusing reaction to stare down… Maxim! Finally! “But to simply answer your ‘question’- No.” His narrowed eyes slowly turn into a glare, “I’m not telling you shit, buddy.”

Arms clad in seemingly glowing platinum gauntlets slowly uncross from his back.

Juno’s coughing fit comes to an abrupt end as the tension in the air grows thick and heavy, her eyes instantly sharpening and fixing Maxim with a predatory and daring look.

The Hera Familia girls tense, and I feel Alfia clench her fists behind me, but the thick protective layer of magic around her body disrupts me from feeling anything else.

The hair on my arm start to rise as the staticgrows palpable, enough to make even the hair of several women stand and rise in the air.

A flash of violet, a crackle of electricity-

Maxim turns to fully face me. “You clearly do not understand when a chance is given-”

An ear-deafening clap of thunder causes my very organs to shake, the whole Dungeon Floor flashing black and violet.

The pungent and sharp stench of Ozone fills my nostrils as I blink the spots out of my eyes, then widen them as soon as I see the scene before me.

A beyond furious Kirin standing on charred ground before Maxim, a familiar ornate katana wreathed in rumbling violet-white lighting in her hands.

A pressed against Maxim’s neck.

“Give me a reason.” The Vice-Captain growls harshly, her long hair glowing with the blinding violet heat of her lighting. “Come on. Please.” Her blade presses deeper into Maxim’s neck, drawing a smidge of blood.

The tall crimson-haired man stares down at her, seemingly shocked at having actually been caught off guard.

Which I can’t fault him. That’s Kirin’s real speed, without impurities weighing her down.

Jesus fucking Christ she was in front of him before the thunderclap reached my ears!

“You think you can just act like you own the fucking world, eh?” The seething woman hisses, a rumble of thunder echoing from within her.

And I can feel it. That spark of Divinity sealed deep within her that I can sense it on most occasions.

I feel it shaking. Trying to break free.

And something deep inside me, like an outside voice that isn’t mine, tells that if that comes free… Then Kirin dies.

I refuse to let that happen.

“Kirin.” I call out, but my voice falls on deaf ears as the woman just ignores me. Even Juno, Calydonia and Atalanta look unsure on how to act.

Alfia looks ready to step in with force if needed, but I can’t let it fall to that.

So, I try again. “Kirin!” Yet again, the woman ignores me, and Nemea takes a step towards her-

My Sword Intent flares with my rising fury, and an equally piercing ear-splitting sound ring out as I slice an enormous gash into the Dungeon wall before us.

The tall muscular man comes to a halt, and his eyes lock with mine. “Stay. Back.” I spit out harshly, my voice slightly hoarse, my eyes likely bloodshot.

My body aches even more from flaring my Sword Intent like that, especially my headache.

I’m just powering through it with sheer stubborness.

I breathe in through my nostrils, using my Qi to partially soothe my pains and aches, then take a slow step forward.

Again and again, until I reach Kirin’s side, Maxim not saying or moving an inch due to having her very sharp blade near his neck.

No matter how confident in his strength he might be, there’s no way he can escape getting beheaded. Especially with how Kirin is laser-focused on every single twitch that goes through his body.

So I reach out, and place a hand on her outstretched one.

I don’t wince even as the lighting scorches my fingers and pure pain floods it’s way up my arm and nerves.

If ‘Kirin’ doesn’t make her react, then I’ll use another name. “Ei.” My voice instantly makes her snap out of it, eyes that were filled with a feral desire to kill the man before her widened.

A sharp intake of air comes next, and all of her lighting vanishes together with her sword in a split second. “Riley, how’d you-?” Her confusion gives way horror once her frantic eyes land on my hand. “Oh my god- Riley, I’m so sor-Eck!” I bonk her.

Hard. Because she fucking had me worried quite a bit.

Also, I know her real name because she of course told Meteria, and I was too curious so I bribed the little bunny while we were on our picnic.

Pretty sure I can make Meteria tell me everything as long as I keep giving her smooches… Hence why I had Meteria tell me all of her weaknesses.

I totally shan’t abuse the fact that she is ticklish once I get back. Totally not.

Alfia is too, so… Heh.

“I’m alright, now breathe.” Ei pouts at me with big puffed up cheeks and teary eyes as she holds the top of her head.


Juno approaches us as Ei takes a deep breath to calm herself, the Captain having a very schooled expression on her face, but pure fury swim through her eyes.

“Captain of the Zeus Familia.” The spitting copy of Hera speaks up with a tone of voice that makes some of the girls behind her shudder from instinct. “Take your group and kindly fuck off.”

Lest we decide to declare a War Game right this instant.” I don’t know what a War Game is… But from the way even Maxim stiffens, I know that it ain’t a good thing.

“Captain.” A wizened voice speaks up, and Maxim turns towards Socrates. The aged wizard looks the same as before, but I can feel it deep down… He is furious.

And I am the only one that notices that tidbit, huh?

“Let us not worsen the situation, yes?” The Vice-Captain suggests in an amicable voice, and I hold myself back from narrowing my eyes.

This did not go how he expected.

He had his own plans, but perhaps he did not expect the sheer hostility coming from the Hera Familia… Or perhaps the greed for power of his own Captain.

Or, finally… Kirin’s sudden and extreme reaction.

The two men stare at each other for a few quiet seconds before Maxim’s form relaxes, his eyes close, and his arms cross behind his back once more.

Then he steps away and towards his Familia group. “Let us go. We’ll camp up ahead.” He orders, and the others go to follow.

No apologies, no nothing. Fucking assholes… But at least their actions fucked up whatever Socrates had planned.

I don’t trust that slimy old man one fucking bit.

But now- “Eueeh~! Rileeyyy~! Shtaaap-!” I glare down at Ei, her arms flapping in the air as I pinch both of her cheeks, pulling at them every now and then.

“I’m not spanking you right now because I know you’d love it.” I growl out at the flushed woman before me. Juno holds back a snort while Ei just wiggles in place, trying to blink cutely at me.

But I don’t react and just pull on her cheeks some more. It’s satisfying.

“At least she isn’t trying to destroy your hips.” Juno muses quietly, then shrugs without ca-

“I’m just waiting for an opportune moment.” I blink and stare down at Ei as she winks and sends smooches my way, even as I still have her cheeks pinched between my fingers.

I deadpan at her, “Why are you so horny?” I ask, and she has the gall to throw a very confused look at me-

Actually, it’s not just her. Nearly all the girls are gaping at me now.

“What?” Juno is the one deadpanning at me now.

And the woman promptly sighs and face-palms. “First, take a long and hard look in the mirror.” Alright, fair- “Second, you foughtthe fucking Leviathan.”

“Third, you made that bitch run away.” It didn’t really run away, it was more of a strategic retreat-

“Fourth.” There’s more!? “You, with your hair down and covered in blood is probably is probably the hottest thing I’ve seen in my life. And I’m a lesbian.”

All the girls – even Alfia!– nod sagely at Juno’s words.

“Now you’re just exaggerating-!”

Riley, I’m drenched right now.”

If I spread my legs, I can replace the waterfall on this floor of the Dungeon.”

I passed out from a mind-blowing orgasm when you cut the Leviathan’s eye. Then I woke up to see you cut it with your bare hand, so I passed out again. I still have spams.”

I’m not touching myself because there’s people around.”

My womb burns, Riley.”

I’m dripping, and it’s not my sweat.”

I gulp so to not gape as the girls chatted over each other, adding their own two cents on how I pretty much made them orgasm just by fighting the Leviathan.

Hell, some downright and visibly orgasmed when I looked at them just now!

What kind of power is this?

“Zeus will fall into a coma if he learns of this…” Zald whispers softly, and Leonidas nods, both having downright awestruck looks on their faces-

“I call dibs on telling him.” Leonidas pipes up suddenly.

Fuck!” And Zald curses beneath his breath a second later.

Are they… going to torture their God on purpose? Is harming Zeus a sort of amusement for this city?!

I just… I don’t know what to say to all of this.

Guess these women love strength?

That’s when Kirin grabs my attention by poking my chest. “How do you even know my real name, mister?” She pouts up at me, a shy look in her eyes and a strong flush on her cheeks.

And under that look, I just have to be honest. “I asked Meteria. Bribed her with a kiss, and she instantly told me. Promised to give me more for more kisses too.”

And of course everyone instantly nods. “Yeah, I’d do that too with such an alluring offer.” Alfia openly admits, cupping her chin with a light smile on her lips. “As expected of my sister.”

Kirin instead is the only one pouting. “That damn gremlin…” She huffs out, then throws a look my way. “Hmph!” Before turning her nose up at me, the flush on her cheeks growing bigger and deeper. “I shall allow you to use my name from now on! Be grateful!”

What… What’s up with this sudden haughty attitude?

I throw Juno a glance, and she throws me an exasperated look. “She just wants you to say her name more often.” Kirin chokes on air and trips on nothing. “Guess that’s a kink of hers.” And now a garbled and choked noise flows out of the purple haired woman.

“J-Juno, you bitch-”

“Ei.” I watch in pure amusement as a full-body shudder goes through said woman.

She squirms and throws me a teary eyed look, mixed with a big pout and sniffle. And an enormous blush, of course. “Hehehehe~!” Then dumb giggles flow forth.

“W-What was that, Riley?” The woman recovers with a cough, a strained smile on her flushed face as she rubs up against me.“I-I did not hear you say it proper-”


Ehehehehehe~!” I scratch my cheek as Ei melts against me, a big goofy grin on her face.

Juno outright cringes and turns away. “I can’t watch this shit…” She mutters aloud, then turns to Leonidas. “What Floor are you guys aiming for?”

Leonidas snaps out of his daze to look up at Juno. “The thirty-eight Floor, then maybe the forty-eight for me and Zald.” Juno reels back lightly.

“Both Udaeus and Balor? You sure?” Leonidas nods with a big goofy grin on his face, making Juno sniff and nod with a shrug.

I presume those two names are some of the big strong monsters that are present in the Dungeon?

What did they call them again…? Monster Rex? I think that’s it.

“Udaeus is for the kids.” Zald speaks out, nodding his head to the group of boys that stood beside the Hera Familia side, and which had expertly hid behind the girls – probably under Juno’s request– when the Zeus Familia approached. “Balor is for us two.”

I don’t really get the meaning, but from the way Alfia’s, Kirin’s and Juno’s eyes widen, it seems to be something quite important. “You think you can succeed?” The Captain of the Hera Familia asks, the two men grin viciously.

Then Zald nods my way. “The kid had made our blood pump yet again after so long. I’m sure once we get back, we both will be able to achieve a Level Up.” Oooh, so that’s what it is about!

I still don’t get it, but it’s easy to understand that Level Up equals Power Boost, so… Yeah.

This shit is confusing.

Kirin frowns lightly and pulls away from me, though still sticks quite close that I can breathe in her fragrant scent. “Maxim won’t like that. He’ll feel threatened.”

Juno instantly nods at Kirin’s words. “And a Maxim that feels threatened will do anything to make you disappear.” I frown heavily at that.

How truly revolting…

“I had this question in my head for a while now…” I speak up, drawing their gazes on me, “But why has Zeus let his Familia fall to such a state? No offense, but… Socrates outright revolts me, and Maxim feels like one of the people I am terrified of.” Just in a more… controlled and subdued manner.

Still doesn’t make it good, but it’s far better than a vile human being going around wanting everyone to prostrate in their presence. Or die for the slight.

And I feel like that’s exactly what Maxim wants to achieve.

Leonidas winches at my question while Zald sighs deeply. “It was years ago, when Lord Zeus decided to change his approach. We were still kids back then, and yet another Captain fell in battle within the Dungeon.”

“I was there, and I saw the moment the connection snapped, and Lord Zeus knew the man died. I saw how… something died within his eyes, another piece of him, breaking off and departing with our Captain’s Soul.” Zald shakes his head, eyes closed shut and a tight frown on his face.

So Leonidas picks up in his place. “He changed his approach. Instead of constantly being there with us, and giving us a path forward… He just gave us shoes – the Falna– and a map – his Ichor– and told us to make our own path.”

“If his guidance over countless centuries couldn’t help us achieve victory against the Beasts and the Dungeon, then he thought it was best we created a path with our own hands and feet, like all the Races did back before the Gods descended from Heaven to aid us.”

Ah… Now I finally understand.

I breathe in through my nostrils and close my eyes. My view of the perverted God that I caught trying to peep on the girls changes a great deal with this new input.

“So, he is a man broken from constant loss and grief…” Centuries worth of them, from what I understand.

The two men nod, and I sigh softly yet again. “So he’s like Hera, huh?” My words startle everyone, especially Juno and Kirin.

I smile softly under their shocked looks. “I’m no strangers to hiding one’s pain, you know?” I know that feeling quite well. All too well.“Hera forces herself to keep going, to keep on suffering… She’s breaking, but stays for you all.”

“Zeus couldn’t handle it, and prefers watching you all from afar. Doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt him though… He’s probably deluding himself that it hurts much less.”

One decided to spectate, the other decided to double down but close herself in. Hide her pain and suffering so she can love her girls to the fullest.

That woman…

I’ll do something nice for her once I go back up. She deserves it.

“What about you, buddy?” Leonidas calls out, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest, a gentle look in his eyes. “What did that pain make you decide?”

I blink at his question, which… isn’t really invasive. I though he asked about what hurt me, but clearly he isn’t that type of man.

So I just shrug and smile.

That I’ll never claim another human life. Simple as that.” That answer confuses them a bit, but they just nod and don’t probe further.

Which… makes me happy. I’d rather not open that can of worms now.

So- “Now!” I start and turn towards Juno with a big, kind smile. “Might I have a Healing Pill, please?” I wave my scorched hand, to prove the fact that I’d like some Healing.

I’m getting bullied, and I don’t like it!

Juno blinks at me, then at my hand.

Then, slowly, she gives me a very serious look. “Nuh-uh!


The fuck you mean ‘nuh-uh’?!


A deep and loud rumble causes the window beside her to rattle.

Hera’s golden eyes remain fixed and narrowed upon the enormous dark clouds that had recently and rather quickly gathered above all of Orario, and stretched far beyond the scope of the city.

And all the way to the horizon.

The rumble of thunder was incessant, but no rain fell. Nor any lighting could be seen.

The thunderclouds generally just felt… Wrong, to her senses.

They felt similar to the clouds that appear before Riley is struck by lighting.

Something that has been on her mind for a while.

Albeit she uses them as an excuse to beat the shit out of Zeus in all kinds of horrendous ways, she knows quite well that he isn’t the one behind it after the third time it happened.

Centuries with her Arcanum sealed and having felt Zeus’s own caused her senses to be a bit muddled, and it took her three times to finally notice that while the lighting feltDivine… It wasn’t Zeus’s lightning.

Nor of any other God, mostly because no God in the mortal world can do that without Ouranos bitch-slapping them back to Heaven with but a glance.

The Arcanum she feels within the thunderclouds… Is the Arcanum that makes up Heavenitself.

And Heaven itself has been trying to smite Riley down for the past month or so, for a reason Hera can’t really pinpoint.

Riley treats it like it’s normal, albeit he is clearly annoyed, which concerns her a great deal.

Heaven isn’t really a God, but… it is an Entity, one that houses the Gods… And one that creates them.

Heaven is basically the birthplace of Gods, where they are born once the Arcanum condenses a great deal over the millennia to give rise to a new Divine Being. Or several at once.

Ouranos was among the first group that was born, while she and Zeus and many others were among the third group.

Heaven itself never mobilized. Never did anything other than just… lay there. Exist and gather Arcanum from all across the Realms of existence.

Yet… It now actively tries to smite a mortal.

For what reason?

Is it his abnormal strength? The medicines that defy all reasons?

Or what, exactly?

A sigh flows out of her lips, and her gaze descends down the window and to the large robe sat in her lap, a set of knitting tools upon the table beside her.

Slowly, she knits another stitch together, a light smile pulling at her lips, her eyes softening and growing warm.

He told me that he can very likely heal me, Lady Hera…”

And her eyes redden as those damnable words ring out in her mind.

A cure. A cure for Demigods.

The cursed union between Mortal and God… A poor child, happy and joyful in their young years, who is then slowly torn apart or turned insane by the uncontrollable budding Divinity within their bodies.

Strength that could make high Level Adventurers pale and shudder in fear… Strength that could have helped the races prevail and bask in a Golden Age of peace from monsters and beasts.

All that strength, turned against their brothers and sisters. A slaughter like no other, a dark stain on History that the Gods buried far beneath.

Now, the populace simply thinks that Gods cannot have children, while instead they can… They are just ordered not to.

Then Ei was conceived by that oaf.

Against her better judgement, Hera snatched the girl away. Tore a piece of Arcanum off, no matter how much it hurt her, and used it to seal the girl’s budding Divinity.

But the seal is cracking, ever so slowly.

Hera gives it two or three years before it breaks open, maybe even less.

And that’s when she’ll lose her sweet Ei, and when she’ll likely lose the strength to stay in the mortal world.

That is, if it weren’t for Riley and his damnable words.

A cure. A fucking cure.

“Lady Hera!” The large doors to her personal chambers slowly peek open, and Meteria’s head soon peaks in with one of her adorable smile, set upon big kissable cheeks, showing off those damn God-Killing dimples of hers.

The Goddess swiftly straightens herself, a smile blooming on her face as her eyes lock with Meteria’s own. “Foods ready! Hurry up, or I’ll eat your portion!” Now ain’t that a threat that she’ll surely go through with.

Like that one time Meteria swore to not hug her for a week straight just cause she ate the last muffin by accident.

Hera hit the most perfect dogeza on the very second day, wailing pathetically so to have a hug from her sweet Meteria.

The concussion from slamming her head into the ground was totally worth the hug she received at the end of it.

“I’ll be down soon, dear.” That damnable smile blooms with the brilliance of a billion suns before her head disappears and the doors close shut, allowing the Goddess to relax-

The door slam open and Meteria barges in with narrowed eyes. “I smell Riley!” What the fuck!?

Hera gapes as Meteria sniffsthe air like a hound, then instantly zeroes in on the dark robes on lap. Confusion soon fills her eyes. “Are those Riley’s robes?”

Hera sighs deeply, a tiny bit disturbed that the girl could small her man from across the room, and on washed clothes.

But, again… That’s Meteria.

“It’s the one from when he got struck by lighting two days ago.” Hera shrugs, moving to finish the stitches she had started.

Silence strangely falls over the room. Of the comfortable kind.

That is, until Meteria speaks again, a gentle and loving look on her face. “You know…” The girl starts, her maturity and love rising past her pure Gremlin Energy. “Small things like this… They are exactly why we love you so much, Lady Hera.”

And with those parting words that tear at Hera’s heart, the girl turns around and leaves the room, shutting the doors behind her with a light smile on her lips.

The Goddess releases a shaky breath. Her hands shake and clutch at the old robes on her lap.

Meteria; Happy, glowing and healthy. Not at risk of death for even one wrong breath.

Brynhildr; A broken girl that has started to fix her relationship with her best friend.

Alfia; A woman who locked her heart to the world, now slowly opening it up yet again.

Calydonia and Atalanta; Sister harmed by man, now given a chance to work through their problems at their own pace.

Agnodice; A retired Veteran due to her daughter’s prideful mistake, now soon to have a chance to be healed, and maybe fix her relationship with her daughter.

And finally, Ei; A Demigod child, now with a chance at finding a possible cure.

All because of a damnable men.

A sob wracks through Hera’s body, and tears that she contained for many ears flowed down her cheeks and onto the robe on her lap.

You fucking asshole…” The woman sobs, lifting the robe up and pushing her face into it, her shoulders shaking as sobs wracked through her form.

In a single month, this stranger changed her whole life.

Entire centuries of suffering and loss suddenly felt like they were worth it.

The embers of hope Hera buried deep within her Soul sparked to life. Hope that finally, she can stop watching her beloved girls die uselessly through the ages.

Hope that finally, she can watch as they grow old and pass away happy.

Hope that finally, she can have her own happy ending.

Her sobs intensified, and Hera cried freely after many years.

Why did you have me wait so fucking long, you asshole…”

A.N. I’ve decided… That Hera shall be a waifu too. I fucking love writing her so much, and quite a few people on QQ seem to want Hera as a waifu too, so… Win-Win!

Either way, chapter filled with chatter, so I feel kinda bad. Next one should have a bit more action? I think?

Either way, thank you all so much for the amazing support!

Y’all make writing this fic really worth it, and Gods do I love writing it for y’all.

Lotsa huggies and kisses to y’all!



Robert H.

Phenomenal chapter! I absolutely love how you write Hera in this.

venushka fdo

Love the story and love how Hera is here keep up


Woohooo! Come on girls (and Riley) kick those Zeus familia creeps so hard that they taste their own testicles! Come on (just the girls this time) and have your wild orgy to satisfy those urges! Come on (Riley) and work your rizz some more so you can come in some more of these delicious and wonderful women! Also, Hera waifu, leeetttttttssssss goooooooooooo! Thanks for the chappie Musa!


How would a falna interact with riley’s cultivation ?


No interaction whatsoever. He can gain Excelia, but his stat growth will be in the single digits due to his already rather massive strength.

Kureiji Ryuu

With the way the falna depends more on the challenge, he would probably need to hunt monsters with a level equivalent to his power to increase his stats and this increase would probably be irrelevant before reaching something like lvl 4 or 5, although at level 7 he would probably became something like a falna and Qi dual cultivator. But I don't think it's worth doing that at this point as it would take a long time to accumulate statistics and he would probably only get the high quality Exelia for the lvl up by killing monsters like Balor, leviathan or during dangerous celestial tribulations, there is a lack of opportunities for him to level up.

Kureiji Ryuu

Thanks for the chapter! I'm excited to see the MC finally talk to Hera about Qi and cultivation. I sincerely hope this leads you to think about some eastern gods like Buddha and Sun Wukong since it would seem a bit far-fetched just for the monsters to use Qi and the Gods not to know about it. I believe it would be easy to explain things like some of the Gods using mana and others Qi. Neither is stronger than the other, it's the lack of methods to became strong that doesn't depend on the gods that makes Riley special. It's worth mentioning that the dependence of mortals on falna is somewhat unnatural if you research the magic of the setting and I personally think it is intentional on the part of the gods.


(That I’ll never claim another human life. Simple as that.” That answer confuses them a bit, but they just nod and don’t probe further.) I can see this being a problem if Leo or the girls can't handle Socrates and Maxims scheming, wonder if it'll be like in the original where he killed that killed, that kinda moment.