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A fin the size of a three story building tears through the mossy rocks like a storm mowing and uprooting trees.

Dust, pebbles and stones are hurled through the air as I lift my arm and brace myself against the incoming blow.

I feel it in my bones on impact, shaking me like nothing ever has, and rattling my very organs in a way that sickens me, making me feel like I want to throw up.

Yet, the rampaging waves of Qi coursing through my body instantly quell that feeling and damped the majority of the immense force behind the blow, with my already strong body doing the rest.

It stills lifts me off my ass and hurls me through the air like I weight nothing.

Which to be fair, I really don’t compared to that big ass fin.

Also, I’m taking being hurled through the air fast enough to hear the wind scream in my ears quite lightly.

I hum, then bend my knees and slam my feet downward at just the perfect moment.

They hammer into the ground, digging straight through the hard stone with practiced ease, and my body bends slightly to the side due to the residue kinetic force still carrying me forward.

The ground cracks and splinters, my boots digging through the stone and leaving behind a pair of trenches into the ground as I fix my posture and slowly grind to a halt.

Then blink as I find myself right next to the Zeus Familia group. Mainly, right beside their Captain.

What’s his name again?

Ah well, not important right now.

I meet his golden eyes momentarily before shrugging and stepping out of the trench I left behind and roll my sore shoulder from the impact I just tanked.

And would you look at that! The Leviathan is already glaring bloody murder my way!

Bright red eyes shining with pure malice lock onto me, the enormous eel-like beast baring it’s hundreds of serrated teeth as a sharp hiss echoes out from it’s jaws.

A melodious cry, and now a snake-like hiss? Decide on what noise you want to make already.

“You alright over there?!” Leonidas voice echoes from… somewhere, followed by a distant roar from the distance as an enormous ethereal figure manifests all the way back where the Hera Familia group.

Rumbles of lighting and a giant Goliath tear through the ground and the waves of monsters the ladies are very likely swarmed by, but I’m glad to see they are slowly advancing towards the other end of the top of the waterfall.

“’Twas naught but an itch-” I cheerfully shout back, but stop halfway to swat a beam of water out of the way.

Slowly, I turn a mild glare towards the Leviathan. “I’m talking over here. Rude.” Pretty sure the thing just gave me an ‘Are you serious?’ look.

I step back as a beam of highly compressed water shoots out from behind the Leviathan’s back at insane speeds, slicing through the stone and ground I was standing on like it’s made of paper.

Yep, don’t get hit by that.

Let’s see… Tough body, quite decent physical strength, and a monstrous control over water.

Plus, insane speed within water. Hence, try and keep the bitch out of the water… Easier said than done.

The worst thing of all is… The Leviathan is probing us. Studying us.

This bastard is smart. Very, very smart.

Instantly, I link this creature to a Spiritual Beast. A monster who has lived for long enough to gain Spirituality, and with that comes Intelligence, and with Intelligence comes strength and Danger.

And you don’t fuck with a Spirit Beast, especially in it’s turf.

I kick off the ground before another beam can be shot off and rush across the top of the waterfall, the Leviathan’s huge head and eyes turning to track me like a wolf tracking it’s prey.

It’s wary.

I managed to wound it and repel it with my previous attack, so now it’s wary. Which… isn’t good.

It would have been best if it overestimated me, but I guess I can’t get everything.

I finally rush by where Zald and Leonidas are, and where I used to be before the Leviathan decided to try and smack the shit out of me.

A quick glance is shared with Zald, and his eyes instantly narrow in understanding.


The waterfall waters churn as I speed ahead, and the Leviathan instantly gives chase, making the ground rumble as it near-instantly arrives far ahead of me, emerging above the waterfall together with a pillar of water.

Said pillar then curves through the air, spinning at high speeds as it does so, then smashes into the ground and pierces it’s way towards me with an echoing booming sound.

My sword hums as I keep rushing forward, and the Qi Strands in my body keep being ignited and released even as I keep breathing them in over and over.

Then, I kick off the ground with great strength the moment the spinning column of water is just a few feet ahead of me.

The ground bursts, water and dust mixing together and shooting in the air, making it look like I got hit by the blow.

And I grin as the Leviathan’s eyes narrow, my gaze locked onto it even as I reach the ceiling of the Dungeon, now upside down and with my knees bent against the rough surface.

The rocky surface bursts, and I breathe in as I shoot of like a rocket.

My sword roars as Sword Qi comes into existence, enveloping it in it’s platinum radiance.

The Leviathan tilts it’s head upward, but it’s already too late.

I hammer into it’s skull with a deafening impact, my hair whipping through the air and the band keeping them in a ponytail snapping, letting them loose.

I breathe in and push down, my eyes narrowing and teeth gritting as sparks fly through the air.

Why isn’t my sword cutting through it’s scales now?!

I put my whole strength behind this blow, like I did with the previous one, yet… My sword, even with Sword Qi, isn’t cutting through?

Still, the impact behind my strike smashed the Leviathan’s head into the ground, which is what I was aiming at.

Zald comes shooting over with a roar that can make even monsters quiver in terror.

His enormous greatsword is held tightly in his hands, enveloped in howling dark purple flames that turn the ground below his feet into a molten trench.

I feel the Leviathan tense below me, then instantly jerk it’s head up to avoid the swing from the Zeus Familia executive.

The flaming blade cleaves through the air, leaving behind a heated purplish trail of light as it does so.

A crimson spear whistles forth faster than the swing, piercing into one of the Leviathan’s fins, one of the bigger ones.

The force behind the spear makes the Leviathan stumble, and gives Zald the opportunity to fully swing down his blade with enormous force behind it.

A crescent wave of force and immense heat originates from the impact, and the Leviathan howlsin pain, the flames making the water sticking to it’s scales evaporate-

-All the while, a scorched and massive fin flies through the air, perfectly severed from it’s enormous body.

It might just be one of the nearly two dozen it has, but this creature doesn’t even look like it has ever been injured.

No scars, no blemishes on it’s body… It either never fought, or it’s enemies were thoroughly destroyed before they could even hope to reach it.

That tells me it’s holding back. Massively.

And as the ground starts cracking and the waters of the waterfall start rising and coalescing together around it’s body, forcing me to jump back so to not get swallowed.

I land beside Zald and give his shoulder a quick pat while never taking my eyes off the rising beast. “Nice hit.” He grumbles and hefts his sword on his shoulders, eyes narrowed towards the Leviathan.

Leonidas joins us a second later, having retrieved his spear from the severed fin.

I hum, then make a conclusion. “It’s pissed off, ain’t it?”

I mean, staring at the enormous sphere of water the Leviathan gathered around itself… I’d say I’m right.

Leonidas and Zald just give me a blank look.

“Hey, you two wanted to join me. I never said this was a bright idea.” Their stare just grows flatter.

So I shrug just as the Leviathan roars, causing the very air and ground to tremble and quake beneath it’s rage.

The water dome it conjured around itself wobbles, then shudders as millions of tiny pointy ends appear on it’s surface.

Zald and Leonidas move faster them my, crossing their shield and flaming sword in front of me as millions of water nails instantly start raining down upon us, piercing through the ground with practiced ease.

“We can’t endure this wild onslaught for too long.” Leonidas grunts, the water nails slamming against his shield and making his whole arm shudder, the impacts causing deafening metallic bangs to constantly ring out.

Zald groans in agreement at his words, and I hum lightly in thought.

“Zald, can you launch the flames you coat your sword with?” The scarred man turns to me with a confused look.

But luckily, he quickly nods at me. “I need a few seconds to prepare a big blast though. What do you need?”

I wave my hand with a smile. “Just prepare yourself. The less water the Leviathan has at it’s disposal, the better for us.”

“So I’m going to cut that dome in half, and you’ll evaporate one of the two halves.”

And back are those feral grins they gave me before!

“Then we’ll count on you, kid!” Leonidas laughs, flexing and tensing his muscles and body, bearing the impacts with far greater ease.

Zald instead makes the flames coating his greatsword swell, granting us greater cover.

I lean back instead, then take in a deep breath.

My sword rises far above my head, and swirling Sword Qi envelopes it once more, casting it’s platinum radiance upon me and my two comrades.

“Move.” I call out softly, and my partners break their defenses and move apart.

I want to cut that dome.

And the Leviathan.

My sword swings down, and the Sword Qi flies forth like a bird leaving it’s cage and rushing for the skies.

There’s no massive impact. No immense collision. No epic clash.

The water dome surrounding the Leviathan is simply split in half, like a perfectly cut open egg, revealing the inside.

Which is an enormous and stunned beast.

My eyes lock onto it’s body, and yet again I frown in confusion and disappointment.

A small cut along it’s belly. Shallow, thin, far too small.

What am I doing wrong?

Where am I going wrong with this?

Why is my Sword Qi so weak?

All of my strength is useless, and a great amount of Qi just leaves behind a shallow cut.

What am I missing here?

I’m brought out of my thoughts by Zald roaring and swinging his sword, sending forth a massive blast of purple flames that light up the whole enormous Dungeon room.

The Leviathan hurls itself to the side, avoiding the wall of flames that evaporates more than half of the conjured dome I split in half, and a deep rumbling hiss leaves it’s jaws.

Leonidas audibly clicks his tongue. “Stalling for time against this thing is far too risky… But we can’t just up and leave either.” He’s right. The girls lives are at stake, and plus… What’s to say it won’t attack us once we come back?

So we either drive it away, or kill it. But I doubt we are capable of the second one.

And that thought… Makes me grit my teeth, and I feel my sword shudder in my grasp, clear anger coming through our connection.

“Hit-and-Run tactics then?” Zald proposes, and that proposal seems to anger my sword even more.

Hell, it angers even me.

I look down at my shaking hands, my body still wracked with pain.

“You gonna be okay, kid?” Leonidas asks, giving me a concerned look.

I gulp and breathe in, then nod. “Yeah, just pushing myself a bit too hard, is all…” His worry deepens, but he refrains from saying more as I gulp and stand.

“For whatever reason, the fucker is aiming for me… So I’ll try and give you guys opening to wound it.” To prove my point, it’s malice filled eyes fix upon me yet again as even more water gathers up into enormous pillars surrounding and helping it’s massive body float in the air.

Zald and Leonidas share a quick glance, clear hesitation on their faces, but they ultimately nod at my proposal.

I just… Gotta find what’s wrong with me.

I’m clearly not doing things right… I just don’t know what.

My sword shudders, and a gentle feeling courses through our connection.

I breathe in, then out, and vacate my mind as I do so.

My feet carry me forward.

My Qi grants me strength.

The ground shudders and explodes, my body hurling through the air with a stomp of my foot.

The Leviathan roars, hurling a spinning pillar of water at me, far faster than anything it has thrown so far.

I spin in the air and breathe out, my blade cleaving through the pillar, and water soaks through my clothes and hair.

My feet smash into the wall of the Dungeon, the bottomless pit of the waterfall right below me.

My sword didn’t reach it. I gotta go faster, aim better. Be stronger.


I tilt my head to the side, a shallow cut being left on my cheek as a beam of water nearly takes my head off.

Coruscant lights fill the air as the Leviathan spreads it’s fins.

Then they flap, and the glittering lights flash towards me at horrifying speed.

I breathe in, then breathe out.

I want to cut it.

My blade purrs with delight, and my feet carry me across the shuddering wall of the Dungeon as beams carrying terrifying power slam and pierce the stone all around me.

Dust and debris fill the air as I run, my eyes never leaving the floating Leviathan surrounded in coruscant lights, it’s scales glowing brilliantly.

I want to cut it.

Something suddenly just… clicks.

The wall ruptures, and the Leviathan’s red eyes widen as I suddenly find myself right in front of it’s face.

Despite myself, I grin viciously.

I want to cut it.

My sword cleaves through the air with an ear-piercing sound.

The Leviathan tries to dodge. To tilt it’s head to the side.

But it’s too slow to do so.

A blinding flash erupts into existence, and waves of dark blood flow forth soon after.

I reach the top of the waterfall and slam my feet down, boots dragging through stone, moss and water as the Leviathan roars.

It’s roar grows louder and louder, pure fury flooding through it’s being and existence, being released as waves of power and malice that darkened the air around it, granting it a menacing and vile presence.

Blood-red eyes glare at me murderously, a massive gash left behind right below it’s right eye, gushing blood down it’s pristine glowing scale and long body.

It’s at least three times bigger than me, and much wider than the Minotaur I remember bodying outside the Dungeon.


But I want to cut it some more.

The coruscant lights increase in number, and I feel the air grow heavy. Good thing it’s only aiming for me.

With a flap of it’s fins, the Leviathan hurls forth, moving on the offensive together with the waves of water that follow it’s wake.

It’s body smashes through stone and water channels, pure fury within it’s eyes and a vicious snarl upon it’s jaws.

Clearly it finally decided to get physical and go all out.

Rushing waters tear through the ground together with it’s body, carrying along any debris and pebble they lift with them.

I breathe in and brace myself, my sword rumbling and releasing pure glee at the confrontation.

I want to cut it.

No techniques. Just… My sword, and me- No… Just my sword.

All of my rampaging Qi leaves my body and enters my sword.

It’s surface cracks, bright light seeping through them, as if something contained within is finally escaping. Breaking free.

Breaking the shackles that ties it down.

It doesn’t take me long to realize what is happening, and my eyes widen in shock as my sword Item Spirit shines with immense excitement and murderous intent.

Weapons, in a Cultivation World, are divided into several Tier, but the first two ones are the initial and most important for me.

The first Tier is obviously called the Mortal Tier. A simple weapon, made of simple steel, meant for simple people or those starting on their Cultivation Path.

The second one is insanely hard to achieve. Either a grand Blacksmith manages to achieve such a feat, or a Mortal Weapon spends a long time leaning and growing.

It’s Item Spirit is awakened, it learns as it journeys with it’s master, and it grows.

Over and over again… Until it too Cultivates and achieves a Breakthrough.

From the Mortal Tier to the Spiritual Tier, where the Sword achieves Spirituality, achieves greater sentience, greater clarity.

And it’s own Qi Core.

Old steel falls off my blade and clatters to the ground, replaced by perfect and unblemished metal sparkling with a sky-blue hue.

I can feel my connection with my Item Spirit soar and deeper, the emotions flowing through our connection now so much clearer than usual.

So much so that it can even convey words back to me.

And it eagerly sends back one word.


It took my sword just nearly two decades to evolve… And it’s all just because it wants to cut the Leviathan.

Hah! And here I am, depressed that I can’t cut deep enough into it’s flesh.

My Spiritual Blade flashes, releasing forth it’s insanely sharp Sword Qi to meet the Leviathan’s charge.

The Leviathan surges forth, enormous jaws opening wide, massive sparkling and sharp teeth slicing through the air towards me.

I slash upward, while a blade wreathed in purple flames slams downward.

The Leviathan’s jaws are stopped from slamming shut by me and Zald, though we grunt faintly as the beast keeps rushing forth with great ease, pushing us back, through sharp rocky walls and stray stones.

Straight towards the distant Hera Familia group.

Oh you fucking don’t!

My nostrils flare, and so does my Sword Qi, allowing me to slice straight through the tooth pushing against the sharp side of my blade.

Then the next, and next one, and all the following ones.

Until my blade meets the side of the Leviathan’s jaws, and blood starts gushing forth once I cleave through skin, muscles and scales.

The speed carries the beast for a dozen meters before it surges upward with a howl of pain and fury, raining blood and water everywhere as it does so.

And swinging it’s massive tail through the ground, hurling sharp water and stones at me faster than I could realize and react.

Pain floods my body even more than before. My bones crack and my organs rattle, my ears ringing and my head going black as I hammer into something.

Yet… All of this brings a sense of clarity to my body.

I’m covered in cuts from it’s recent attack, yet I welcome it all as I breathe in and drag myself out of the hole in the wall I got smashed into.

I’m such a fucking idiot sometimes, aren’t I?

I’ve been overthinking this whole thing. Thinking that I am lacking something, that I need something, that I am doing something wrong… I’ve been doing so much that I’m ignoring the one simple fact of the matter.

There’s nothing deeply philosophical about Sword Cultivators.

I don’t need a strong body. I don’t need a strong sword.

I don’t need anything at all!


Ain’t nothing grant about us Sword Cultivators.

There’s only one thing we want, and one thing we have to do.

“Riley!” I lift my head at the worried scream that reaches my ears, and my eyes lock with the distant Kirin, her hand wrapped around a blade rumbling with lighting.

That’s a lot of monsters.

Our eyes meet, and for whatever reason she comes to a halt, a shudder going through her body as I throw my free hair back and wipe the blood flowing down my face from the cut across my temple.

I wonder what kind of face I am making right now.

But either way… These creatures are in the way.

I breathe out and take a step forward, while they all collapse in a mess of gore and limbs, some outright exploding into black ash.

A Sword Cultivator needs to follow a single, simple creed.

And that is to CUTwhat we want to CUT. Simple as that.

And with that silly burst of enlightenment brought forth from me realizing that I overthink too much, I grasp the one thing I’ve been looking forward for a while now.

My Sword Intent flows forth, and any monster in my wake is sliced apart as if I carried my blade through their flesh and bones.

Yet, I just walk and hold my glowing sword tightly in my hands.

I breathe out a turbid breath and grin lightly, ignoring the aching pain of my body.

The surrounding monsters still and freeze, trembling in fear as I walk through them, tearing them asunder with my Will alone. Because I want to Cut them, so they are Cut.

“Riley…” Juno calls out softly, and I breathe in.

“Secure the passage.” I call out, then crack my neck as my grin turns into a light smile.

Seeing all of their worried eyes on me… It warms my heart. “I’ll be counting on you to save me if I lose.” Alfia clutches the Banner weapon I made tightly, the manifested Goliath hanging behind the carriages to protect them, looking far more solid than I remember.

Might be because she’s a powerful mage.

“But now, forgive me… I got a target that I want to carve to pieces.”


“You see that, Leonidas?” The dark skinned man perks up and turns his gaze towards his old friend Zald, who nods forward.

Towards the slowly approaching Riley, covered in wounds, dust and his own blood.

And most of all… That.

“Yeah… I see it.” His large shoulders sag, and he sighs lowly through his nostrils. “I wonder… When did it happen?”

“When did we lose that fire deep within us? The fire that pushed us forward like nothing ever did?”

Zald grunts softly, eyes narrowed lightly in thought. “Guess it faded with age. Time takes many things, after all.”

“That it does, partner… That it does.”

Slowly, the armored and scarred man raises a gauntlet clad fist. “Yet, I feel it again… Those words the kid said, making the Leviathan into the ‘One-Eyed Leviathan’… They made my blood start pumping like it hasn’t in years.”

A chuckle leaves Leonidas lips as he hefts his spear above his shoulders.

“Do you feel it too?” Bright blue eyes fall down to rest on his partner’s scarred face. “This… challenge. This opportunity.”

“…We might be able to achieve a Level Up here, Leonidas. I’d be able to achieve Level 7… And you’d be able to reach Level 8, and be far closer to Maxim than ever before.”

Those words instantly made the blood within Leonidas veins heat up. His fists clenched, his muscles flexed, and his teeth gritted.

“We might die.”

Zald chuckles and hefts his greatsword up. “We’d die against the Leviathan. A living Calamity.”

“I’d say, dying fighting against any of these beasts is something I openly welcome.”

And of course his long time partner took the words right out of his mouth.

The butt of his spear hammers into the ground, and a grin spreads across his face. “Might as well go down swinging, ay?!” Leonidas chuckles, his bright eyes seemingly glowing with a long lost and forgotten fire.

Zald’s chuckles turn into loud laughter. “Why swinging? Might as well go down while taking chunks of the Leviathan with us!” The two long time partners shared a laugh and stepped towards the looming Great Beast with straight backs and grins on their faces.

“Then how about a challenge?” Riley’s voice cuts in as he joins the duo from the left, a grin on his own face. “The one with the most fins on his name wins!” He proposes cheerfully, twirling his glowing blade with a skip to his step.

Zald harrumphs. “Guess I’m already winning then.”

“Nah, that was a group effort.” Leonidas and Riley say at the same time, making the scarred man slump his shoulders and hold back a pout.

And as they chatted, the Leviathan loomed over them, glaring heatedly at the three humans walking towards it’s form without care, nor fear upon their form.

Just pure eagerness and excitement pouring out of each pore in their body.

It’s cut jaws stretch into a bloody, fearsome snarl.

It’s scales stand on end, it’s fins spread wide, and it’s lungs fill with air as it rears back it’s head.

Then, the Leviathan roars, shaking the very Dungeon to it’s foundations, making the people in Orario itself hear it’s roar and presence.

It’s might. And it’s murderous desire.

The walls, the floor and the ceiling all burst apart, releasing torrents and gaysers of water as the very Dungeon itself came to the aid of one of it’s oldest and strongest children.

Surrounded by swirling pillars of water, and gathering many more of them, the Leviathan lowers it’s gaze and releases a sharp hiss.

It’s predatory eyes fall upon three humans, it’s desire to kill and devour them radiating off of it’s sparkling scales.

And three pairs of eyes met it’s stare right back, grins never faltering, steps never wavering, shoulders never quivering.

Slowly, an agreement happened between man and Monster.

Between Mortals and Calamity.

No more holding back.

Coruscant lights fill the darkness, spreading rainbow hues throughout the walls and air.

Then they fell and shot off with apocalyptic light, raining water and death upon crumbled walls and floors.

The three mortals took off as soon as the coruscant lights of water shuddered, leaving nothing behind to be hit or ripped asunder by the sharp streams and bullets of water.

A sudden force causes the enormous beast to stagger back, pain flaring through it’s almighty body that survived the passing of time and legends.

“And that’s one!” Riley roars with a cackle as he lands against the wall of the Dungeon behind the beast, and the Leviathan bears witness to another fin being severed from it’s body, falling down to the great darkness below.

“Lucky shot!” Leonidas calls right back, the cheer never leaving his voice as his form rockets through the air, taking advantage of the Leviathan’s momentary shock at being wounded oh so easily.

His shield hammers into the beast neck with a deafening boom that causes the beast to stagger in the air, just as a brilliant purple sun blooms far above it’s head.

The beast comes to with a roar, hurling a massive stream of water upward to meat Zald’s roaring downward slash, the man falling down with all the strength and heat of a meteorite.

Water and roaring flames meet in an explosive match, which soon turns into Zald’s favor as Riley hurls through the air once more, carving a massive gash into the Leviathan’s side.

The beast, unused to pain even through it’s long existence, staggered and faltered in the air, causing yet another devastating blow to fall upon it’s head, scorching it’s scales black.

With a jerk and sharp whistling cry, the Leviathan launches Zald off of it’s skull just as a spear cleaves through the air and takes one of it’s fins.

“And one for me too!” Leonidas calls out with a laugh that echoes through the Dungeon floor.

Zald groans and rolls his eyes as he flies through the air without a care. “You could thank me for the assist, you know?!”

“Bah! Don’t be greedy now!” Leonidas answers, and Zald could all but hear the shrug in his words.

Why was he friends with this guy again?

The pillars and waves of water circling the Leviathan shudder and ripple as the beast flaps it’s remaining fins, sending forth millions of needles of water in all directions with horrifying force and speed.

The projectiles carved through the Dungeon like paper, but the beast did not care. All it wanted was for the humans challenging it to bleed.

To die. Painfully.

“Partner!” Leonidas calls out, shattering the Sound Barrier with his speed as he reaches the place where Zald is about to land.

The scarred man grins and spins in the air, then bends his knees as Leonidas offers his shield. “Bring the heat up, buddy!” The dark skinned man hollers, his muscles flexing and legs tensing as his partner boots slam against his shield.

Then, he swings his arm through the air with all the force he could muster, launching the man back towards the Leviathan at even faster speeds than his previous take off.

And Zald grasped his greatsword with a ferocious grin, purples flames blooming all around him.

                                                                           “Rea Ambrosia!

And soon, with a deafening chanted roar, Zald blooms into a literal violet sun.

Water evaporates instantly, depriving the Leviathan of it’s weapon… Before it growls, it’s scales glowing an icy-blue.

Snowflakes flow forth with a flap of it’s fins, and shuddering frost spreads froth as the Leviathan reveals it’s Ice Magic for the first time in History, stunning all the watchers.

Enormous jaws spread open, a ball of condensed glacial energy being gathered between it’s sharp teeth, ready to meet the incoming flaming sun-

“Forgot about me?” A blinding flash erupts forth, and the Leviathan staggers and howls as it’s right eye is gouged in half before it could even realize.

It’s magic falters, and it’s frost recedes back.

And a roaring sun hammers into it’s cheek, sending stray sharp teeth flying everywhere as Zald’s blade digs through the beast’s scales, the force behind the impact sending the Leviathan smashing straight into the wall above the waterfall pit.

“Leonidas! Now!” Zald hollers loudly, drawing back his blade and using every ounce of strength in his body to jump far away from the Leviathan.

And on the shores of the waterfall, Leonidas draws in a deep breath while pulling back his spear.

                                              “Fall from the clouds and sunder the Earth-

A clap of deafening thunder rumbles forth, a crimson wave of lighting shrouding the man’s spear.


And with a flex of his muscles, the dark-skinned man hurls forth his spear turned into a scarlet bolt of lighting forth with the might of a God.

The Sound Barrier collapses on take off, and a heated purple streak of light is left behind in the wake of the spear.

The air rumbles, the walls quiver and the Leviathan watches as that enormous beam of heat and force hammers into it’s body, piercing straight through his scales and long tail.

With a wail of pain, the Leviathan futilely struggles to free itself, a chilling feeling falling over it as it’s lone eye flicks all around in search for the reason it even came here.

And then, it finds him. It’s target.

Falling straight on it’s body.

Sunset-like eyes gleam with a never before seen sharpness, and the blade within the mortal’s hand roars with a delight killing intent only it could feel.

And for the first time in it’s long life, the Ancient Beast felt fear.

That’s when the blade hacks down with the weight of a mountain.

The world flashes black and white.

And the Leviathan leanrs what real Painis.

The very Dungeon screamsas it’s bowels are cleaved in half, as a single blade made by mortal hands sundered it’s walls and floors and domain in half.

The entire 25thFloor, split in half with a single swing of Riley’s blade.

Leonidas gapes at the sheer horrendous power and sharpness held within that attack.

Zald watches on with wide eyes as an enormous gash is cleaved through the Leviathan’s whole body, spraying the walls in it’s blood like they have never been before.

The Hera Familia watches in quiet rapture as the Doctor they took in cuts into the Leviathan before their very eyes with a ruthlessness that pleased them greatly.

And the Zeus Familia watched as a totally unknown factor damaged the beast before them like none of their Ancestors ever have.

Maxim’s eyes narrow dangerously, hands clenching behind his back as he watches on.

And Riley… releases a breath of turbid air, pupils dilated as he breathes back in, filling his lungs with air and Qi.

Then, he stamps on the air, and his sword flashes again.

Blood and scales splash through the air, over and over, as his form rushes down the Leviathan’s massive body, leaving massive bloody gashes in his wake and dousing himself in the creature’s blood.

Until the beast snaps in a fit of rage and pure terror.

A blizzard of ice and howling sharp winds blooms forth, launching Riley back towards Zald and Leonidas, his dimming blade snapping out of his hold as the dark-skinned man catches him out of the air.

With a snap of it’s injured tail, the howling Leviathan frees itself from the glowing-hot Keraunos Spear.

Frost spreads forth on the walls and ground, any remnant water freezing over instantly as the howling blizzard spreads forth through the whole 25thFloor.

Slowly, the Leviathan opens it’s jaws wide once more, an icy and glacial ball of light and energy gathering between his teeth once more.

Riley’s eyes narrow at that familiar energy being released and used by the Ancient Beast, but he soon straightens himself even as the Leviathan glares at them with pure malice and glee.

It sees one mortal armed, and two disarmed.

One weakened, two still kicking.

But it also sees many more targets-

“Who says I can’t cut you without my sword?” Riley questions aloud, as if reading through the Leviathan’s thoughts.

Leonidas and Zald watch in stunned silence as Riley lifts his right hand up. “My whole body is my Sword.” And with those words, he aims his fingers straight towards the Leviathan.

Then slowly cuts down, fingers slicing through the air without opposition.

                                                               “Heaven-Splitting Blade.

The howling winds go quiet.

The winds go still.

The snow flakes fall through the air, perfectly separated from their other halves.

Slowly, the frost recedes, and the glacial energy within the Leviathan’s jaws disperses.

The beast whimpers as a massive gash – going from the top of it’s head to the tip of it’s long tail – nearly bisects it’s whole body in two, blood gushing out of it’s wounds and raining down the bottomless pit below.

With a cough, Riley keels over, blood spewing out of his nostrils and mouth as Leonidas and Zald hurry to his side while keeping their guard up.

Yet, much to their shock… The Leviathan hesitates, fear filling it’s lone eye.

Until finally… It flicks it’s blood-soaked tail and rushes downward, diving back towards the hole it came from before the stunned eyes of both Familia.

For the first time in History, a Great Beast was injured.

And repelled.

Leaning back, Riley winces and chuckles softly. “I got four fins, bitches!” He cackles, then winces and whimpers in pain.

Zald face-palms in order to hide a grin and hold back his laughter, while Leonidas lets his out and falls on his back.

Only to pause and perk up. “Uh-Oh, ladies incoming!” Riley barely has time to prepare himself before a silver blur hammers into his chest, making him squeak in pain.

“Do ya wanna kill me, woman?!” He whines aloud, only to pause and freeze at the tears in Alfia’s eyes.

The sight stuns even Zald and Leonidas, who know very well how stone-cold the woman’s heart is.

Yet, here she is… Shedding tears of worry for a man.

Riley’s shoulders soon sag at the sight, and a soft warm smile spreads across his lips. “A ‘sorry’ won’t cut it, will it?” The quietly crying Alfia shakes her head, gloved hands reaching up to dry up her tears as the rest of her Familia approaches the downed trio.

Juno swiftly stomps forward and wacks Riley on the head. “You’re a reckless dumbass.” She admonishes, then kicks Leonidas’s shin, followed by Zald’s. “And you two are adults! Act like one!”

“Nah.” Are their immediate response, which makes the Hera Familia Captain groan and face-palm.

Boys, I swear…” She sighs out, before turning around and reaching down to snatch Riley’s pouch.

“Excuse you?” The teen pouts, and Juno sniffs at him, twirling the pouch with one of her fingers.

“We shall be hoarding all the Pills, so it’ll take you a while to heal.” The spitting image of Hera harrumphs coldly. “Hence, Alfia and Kirin will watch over you.”

Riley blinks. Then blinks again. “...Kirin?” The fear in his voice make Leonidas and Zald feel pity for him.

But they watch on with great amusement.

Juno nods with a cruel smirk on her face. “Calydonia and Atalanta are currently holding her back from doing… unspeakablethings to you. In front of everyone.”

Slowly, Leonidas reaches forward to pat Riley on the shoulder.

“I shall pray for the well-being of your hips.” The man mutters out softly.

Only for Zald to chime in. “Why pray for a lost cause?”

Riley just whines and lets himself fall into Alfia’s comforting and very protective embrace.

While Juno scowls heavily and lifts her eyes to glare venomously at the approaching group. “You have some gall to approach us while you stood and watched from afar like a pack of pussies.” The Captain snarls, her eyes glowing briefly with a fierce green light before she reigned it in.

Then Riley lifts a hand and a finger in the air, and speaks even with his face between Alfia’s breasts. “That’s an insult to pussies. They make a man happy, these guys don’t.”

The Hera Familia girls flush lightly at Riley’s words.

While Leonidas starts wheezing his ass off, uncaring of Nemea’s vicious growl and glare.

“Well spoken, Riley… You’ll still get punished later.”

...Dang it.

A.N. Honestly, Sword Cultivators are just Unga Bunga Barbarians.

But instead of wanting to throw hands, they just wanna cut shit up like psychos.

I found it fun to write a calm and collected guy devolve into “I wanna cut that bitch!” once the adrenaline started pumping.

Either way, hope y’all enjoyed this chappy! I contemplated on killing the Leviathan off in this chapter, but I didn’t feel like it’s right.

He’ll get bodied, eventually.


Jadin Jacobs

Absolutely amazing chapter. The enlightenment aspect was unexpected, but also really cool. Im glad that Riley got stronger and better in his sword cultivator philosophy. You didn't shy away from giving some credit to Leonidas and Zald either, which was nice.


Very cool chappie, I like the Xianxia 'sudden cultivation insight powerup' we got here. And poor Riley's hips, their valiant sacrifice will be remembered. Real question though, will they make Sushi out of those fins?