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Her fingers danced across her guitar, testing the strings and the tones, calibrating it and fine-tuning it.

A towel gently passed across it’s surface, keeping it’s shine perfectly preserved, enough so to even show her own reflection.

The playlist of old music hummed in the background as she followed through with her other instruments, keeping them clean and ready to use.

The song ends, another one starts, and a frown crosses her face as she swiftly skips it.

Yet another Hero Propaganda song.

She wasn’t safe even from her side of the world it seems, as she started getting them more and more later.

A look through her playlists was needed, it seems.

Then her phone buzzes, earning her attention.

A message from her brother, much to her surprise. She knows well how much he dislikes using his phone during work hours.

One of my coworkers asked me to tell you something.” Stated the message, and her lips twitch lightly before she sighs through her nostrils.

Swiftly, her fingers tap away at the screen. “Another cringe pick-up line?” He finds it amusing. She doesn’t.

After the twentieth time, it lost it’s charm.

It took a few minutes before her phone buzzed again. “Not this time. He said to check out an ‘Interstellar’ on HeroTube. Said you’d love her.” That made one of her brows rise in interest.

On it.” Leaning back, her fingers tapped on a few buttons to end the playing of her playlist and change the page on her computer screen.

A few more taps, and HeroTube popped up on her screen. Hero Music, Hero Commercials, Hero Movies trailers, a bare few news on Villain attacks and natural disasters-

Ignoring those videos, her hand moved to her mouse so to tap on the search bar.

The word ‘Interstellar’ was written in it, then she hit send.

She expected to see a song, but she didn’t expect for the ‘Interstellar’ word to actually be a name.

Interstellar – Daylight’ was the video at the top of the list, having been uploaded just two days ago.

And Serval’s eyes widened when she noticed that it boasted already nearly ten million views.

Below it were all videos and messages sharing and praising the song to the high Heavens, which piqued her interested even more.

The video had a beautiful still image of a dimly lit forest, while the profile image of Interstellar’s profile – which was also created two days ago – was a simple image of the Milky Way, seemingly sticking to a sort of Space motif.

Breathing in and licking her suddenly very dry lips, Serval moves her cursor and gently taps on the video.

And in the next few minutes, her Soul was touched by music for the first time in many long years.

The piano tugged at her heartstrings, and the girls amazing voice made goosebumps rise all over her arms and back.

All the emotions in her voice, the perfect tones and pitches, the feelings she manages to evoke with such ease, all mixed together with the story the song tells.

It took Serval roughly a dozen or so minutes to come off the high the song she listened to provoked.

Trembling fingers instantly clicked on the like button for the song before the woman leaned forward and cupped her hands before her mouth, trembling eyes never leaving the screen as the song starts again.

Again and again.

The more she listens to the song, the more she feels her seemingly dead muse rouse and stir awake.

Idea and lyrics flowed through her mind, emotions swirled within her chest, and excitement bubbled within her bright blue eyes.

Biting on her lower lip, Serval clicks on Interstellar’s profile, then goes to click the subscribe button.

And just as she does that, she freezes when she catches sight of a second video. One that was posted a few minutes ago, while she was busy listening to the beauty that was ‘Daylight’.

Another song, one nearly ten minutes long!

Serval wasted no time. She leaned back into her seat and clicked on the video without a second thought.

Hopefully, she’ll be blown away yet again.

And the first thing she hears is… the ticking of a clock?

Slow, once each second or so. Then comes a sound – an organ, she realizes – before the clock remains alone.

Then the organ, yet again. And again, drawing more frequent, together with other instruments.

The ticking of the clock happen at a faster rate, and the organ keeps sweeping in, it’s intervals drawing shorter and shorter.

The other instruments draw closer, stronger, a slow crescendo of music that fills her with anticipation.

And then the crescendo reaches it’s highest peak and comes crushing down with the roar of the organ, the ticking of the clock now having been replaced by the piano.

The surge of music comes, sweeping in like… like waves. Washing over her and her eardrums, leaving her breathless each time.

Over and over again, Serval is swept away as the music grows faster, not even realizing that there is no singing.

Just pure wonder brought forth by musical instruments played by skilled hands.

And Serval felt herself drown beneath it all, while her muse instead sprouted and bloomed as ideas and lyrics crashed through her mind like waves on a beach.

Just who the hell is this Interstellar?


I give the soft hand holding mine a squeeze as I stare up at the gargantuan Mech.

The Engine, the Trailblazer Quirk and what remained after her battle.

Cherished, loved, and cared for by all of Hosu. Covered in moss and rust, and just kneeling there in the middle of a massive park, casting a shadow over it all.

It has… a presence to it that I can’t quite place. Not only to it, but to everything around.

The park is quiet, even though it’s full of tourists taking pictures.

There’s this feeling of… worship. Of gratitude. All towards a real Hero. Towards a woman who did not share her name, or anything about her, and asked nothing in return.

And spent entire years protecting the people of this city.

I… I personally could never see myself doing such a thing.

I’m selfish. Flawed.

I’ll never see myself as a real Hero, even I do save people. All I do is means to an end, and that’s just to preserve my own future, and the safety of those I care about.

Other people? I… I don’t care about them, as callous as it sounds.

Well, there is one I care about. A lot.

So much that it hurts sometimes.

I bite my lower lip and turn my gaze away from the Engine as Stelle breathes out, my eyes landing on her beautiful face as her free hand reaches out to remove her headphones.

Wow…” She whispers aloud, golden eyes filled with emotions opening and meeting mine, provoking a storm of butterflies in my belly. “You made this in just two days?”

I chuckle softly and nod lightly.

After I shared the story of Interstellar with Stelle, she had me share it with my parents, and tell them that I had a whole song in mind for that.

Dad loved it so much that he got everything needed for the song ready in record time. Even the fucking organ!

So, with their help and his busted Quirk’s abuse, we spent day and night working on it, for the whole weekend.

And got it done around the midnight hours of Sunday, then posted it early this Monday morning before I left for school.

And now here I am, in the afternoon and in Hosu. Just a quick trip not-date with Stelle.

I still can’t wrap my head around the horrifying success Daylight gained in so little time.

I hope ‘Mountains’ does just as well, since it’s basically a song that I go back to when I have bursts of depression. It’s a song that has… helped me out, a lot.

I’m glad that I bought it back. I needed it. And well… Mom and Dad love it a lot, so it’s all very worth it.

“It’s mostly thanks to Dad’s Quirk. The longer we work under it’s influence, the faster we get things done, so…” And we spent a whole day working, not counting the breaks.

Stelle breathes out and closes her eyes, her hand lowering her headphones down to around her neck. “Damn… I…” She licks her licks, and I had to force my eyes away cause of that action. “I have no words, Kyo… I’m just blown away.”

Her hand squeezes mine, and I keep a tight hold on my feelings as I turn my head to look back at her.

My feelings having been all kinds of fucked up since my talk with Mom, and I just… I just want to try and progress my relationship with Stelle.

But am also terrified.

“Also, where did you get a damn organ from?” I couldn’t help but snort at her question.

“Remember my grandpa?”

“You mean the damn legend that went down like one?”

“Yep, that guy… Well, he kinda ‘borrowed’ one during the Dark Ages and when Japan was all kinds of fucked up still, so…”

“...Your grandpa keeps getting better and better.” I haven’t even told her a tenth of the shit that absolute beast of a man pulled in his time. “And it runs in the family too, it seems.” I pause and blink.

Then gape at Stelle, who is looking away from me, but I can see that her cheeks and ears are red.

I swear to God, girl! You are making it so fucking hard for me to hold back!

I gulp, then cough into my fist to recover myself. “S-So…” I start, my voice trembling just a little. “How do you… feel? Being here, I mean.” I could have tried something, but… Gods, I’m a coward.

Stelle coughs into her fist to recover herself too, but her hand squeezes mine, and I squeeze hers right back.

It’s probably the only direct way I can convey my feelings.

“It’s… all I expected it to be, and so much more.” She whispers out softly, her gaze rising to stare up at the enormous Engine.

Even while rusty and covered in moss, it still struck an imposing and outright terrifying figure.

It’s been off for many years, yet the crime rate in Hosu is still insanely low due to it’s sheer presence.

There’s still that fear, deep down, that this big fucker is gonna wake up and rain white-hot lasers down on any purse snatcher or low Villain going around causing trouble, just like it used to do back in the day.

Back when, with Trailblazer around, the whole of Hosu barely had any crimes happen on it’s streets.

And the Hero Commission even wanted to tear this thing down so to study it. The fucking assholes.

I’m glad the Mayor refused the money and told them to fuck off.

“It leaves you in awe, doesn’t it?” I nod lightly and breathe in. This atmosphere… It’s pleasant, but also hard to get used to. Perhaps because I am not a natural resident of Hosu. “I’ll never understand how people can be this good.”

My eyes turn towards Stelle, taking notice of the light frown on her face as she stares up at the Engine. “How can you just… Throw everything away for people you do not know? Your time, your life, your… Everything.”

I hum and lower my gaze to the ground. “Perhaps we are just born flawed.” I guess it’s the same for the Villains too.

Good people, born capable of forgiving everyone, and capable of giving and giving without asking anything in return.

A sort of… ‘With great power comes great responsibility’ scenario or mindset.

While Villains are either broken people who do it to survive, or broken people that do it to break other people.

Or, worse of all, those that do it out of twisted enjoyment.

Stelle hums, then turns to stare at me. Her golden eyes fix on me with an intensity that makes me flush a bit. “I guess you are the type of Hero I prefer.” Yet her words make me freeze.

“Someone that wants to do it just to keep their loved ones safe. Nothing more.” And here I was, not wanting to feel good about my seemingly selfish choice.

How does she always say things that just make me go crazy for her?

I absentmindedly follow after her as she drags me along. My eyes flicker left and right, taking in the large but also very empty park.

There’s just a few benches scattered around, together with quite a few patrolling cops constantly keeping an eye on everything, showing just how prized this area and the Engine are.

Not to count the dozens of Heroes standing guard by the entrance. They look friendly and sign autographs and take pictures, but it’s clear that they aren’t there to be smiling faces.

The security of this park is a priority, and anyone stationed here is clearly someone that clearly wants to be here and do this.

“No trashcans for you to loot around here, huh…” I muse aloud, smirking when Stelle’s annoyed groan reaches my ears.

I mean, I just had to say it since I haven’t seen a single trashcan inside the park. That’s probably because aside from the phones and bags that are checked up before entry, nothing else can be brought in.

“You’ll never let me live that down.” Stelle sighs, and I hum as I start to keep up my pace with her, swinging our joined arm back and forth with a smile on my lips.

“Course I won’t, my beautiful Trash Panda!” And yup, that’s the endearing nickname I have bestowed upon her.

I did get a pillow drilled into my skull for that, but twas worth it!

Her shoulder bumps against mine, so I bump myself right against her in return once I recover from my light stumble, using our joined hands to bring her back against me due to her exaggerating how much force I put behind the shoulder bump.

“You’ve been quiet these days.” I drawl out towards her, receiving a hum in turn. “You know you can talk to me, yeah?” Her hand squeezes mine. Mine squeezes hers right back.

A wondrous smile tugs at her lips. “I know. I just… dunno how to breach the topic, even if it’s a bit silly.” I raise a brow at that, then throw a nod at the guard at the entrance to the large park where the Engine resides.

It’s right beside the train station, so we just hopped on a train to come and check it out before going right back home.

Mostly because other than some restaurants, there’s nothing else that we found that is worth visiting so far.

Might change during the summer break, so who knows.

“If it’s a coming out scenario, I highly approve.” And would likely be elated in such a thing. Just saying.

Stelle snorts lightly at my words, though her cheeks do heat up a bit. “Nothing of that sort. I just… finally thought about what to do in the future? Kinda?” My eyes widen marginally at that.

After High School I’ll go to U.A., while Stelle hasn’t decided just yet-Or well, she has now.

“And why is it hard to breach?” I question as her cheeks flush even more, her free hand coming up to scratch at the back of her neck nervously.

I take that chance to throw my phone a quick glance- Good, still on time for the train. Next two minutes, actually.

Trains in Japan are fucking punctual, goddamn.

“It’s…” Stelle starts, then grumbles to herself, tossing her head left and right with a cute whine that draws a chuckle out of me.

“You don’t have to share it if you don’t want to, girl!” But seeing her like this is amusing, even if it’s to her expenses.

She groans again, and I chuckle as we descend down the stairs to the empty train station.

Since we are a bit early, I swiftly let go of Stelle’s hand and rush to the vending machine.

Been a while since I had orange soda, and Stelle likes it too so I’ll grab two.

The train starts sliding to a stop just as I grab the second soda can, and I swiftly rush to the doors to join Stelle inside the empty train car.

There’s strangely few people that take trains at this time of the afternoon, huh?

“Thanks…” Stelle mumbles, her face even more flushed as she takes a seat and the offered soda can.

I just stare down at her curiously while I pop mine open and take a quick sip.

“Again, you don’t have to share if you-”

“I’m going to U.A. too.” She cuts me off, and I nearly drop the can in my hands at her words.


“I- Wha-…” I blink and make a few weird noises while Stelle shyly looks up at me. Then the dots kind of connect. “Business or General Course?” One of her hands comes up to make a ‘so-so’ gesture, which confuses me greatly.

I mean, the Hero Course is… kinda out of the way since she can’t get her Quirk down.

And the General and Business Course still end up giving better education than other big Universities out there, and make one capable of entering a good deal of business opportunities once graduated.

“I’m…going for the General Course, just… It’s not really the why I’m going?” I hum and take a long sip of the soda, using my other hand to motion for Stelle to keep going.

And so she does, growing more and more flushed as she does so. “It’s uh… The Dorms, so uh… We can be together?” I freeze.

Then I gulp down the mouthful of soda I just sipped out. Quite harshly at that too.

My heart starts beating in my throat and ears. “You’d… Come to U.A. just to be close to me?” Even though I just had a sip of soda, my throat suddenly feels very dry.

As do my lips.

Again, Stelle shyly nods as her hands tightly squeeze the can in their hold. “I- Yeah. I… I dislike the thought of us being apart for days on end, so…” She shrugs and bites her lower lip.

Meanwhile, I just decided that I won’t hold back anymore, because fuck it.

I think I held back long enough.

“I-I know it’s silly, b-but I won’t be talked out of-”

“I love you.” I cut her off with a direct confession, because, again… Fuck it.

Stelle’s eyes widen more and more, her lips parting to gape at me as her face becomes the same coloration of a tomato.

“You make it very hard for me to keep my feelings in check when you go and say shit like this, ya know?”

The gray-haired beauty before me has the gall to give me an offended look. “Me?! Kyo- You made me bisexual!”

“I knew it! You walk slower than me so you can stare at my ass!”

Duh! Have you not seen what your training has done to it!?”

“Then be my girlfriend and you’ll have the privilege of groping it.”

“Then just kiss me already-” I didn’t let her finish.

I toss my can aside and grab her collar, then yank her to me.

My lips meet hers, and any worries and anxieties and fears I had for the future just… vanish.

Just like that.

Her arms wrap around my neck, and I hug her close without hesitation, our kiss going from simple to a more passionate one.

The train is forgotten and ignored.

My training is put aside.

All for One can go fuck himself.

Even my music isn’t as important as this.

For the first time since I got here… I finally feel like I belong here. Like I want to truly stay here.

All because of Stelle.

Is it too fast? Definitely. Do I care? Not one bit.

Everything about me goes crazy for all of her, and that is all that matters here and now. And all that will matter from now on.

Her fingers run through my hair, and our tongues meet in a way that makes us both shudder pleasantly against each other.

I squeeze her just a tiny bit tighter.

If I needed any incentive to work harder to prepare myself for the future…

Then I guess I just got it.


Sometimes I wonder if training my hearing was a bad choice.

I breathe in, then breathe out.

Heartbeats fills my eras. Gulps, flexing of muscles, scratching, gurgling of the stomach, the licking of the lips, blinking of the eyelids-

I can hear it all, and so much more. And that’s without focusing more on everything.

It’s… disgusting. Sometimes I hear things I’d rather not, and other times some sounds are utterly creepy or downright revolting.

But alas, it’s not like I have any other pats I can walk. I’ve reached a massive wall- Or more like, an enormous mountain.

Going through it is impossible, and climbing it without any tools or help whatsoever makes it just as impossible.

Yet, the only way I have to go is up.

I do always try controlling the sound that comes out of my Jacks, enhancing it further than the limit I have or even enhancing the vibrations that flow through.

But it’s like going against a current that doesn’t want me to advance. A current that insists that I stay in place, or be pushed back.

“Jirou-Kun, you’re up.” I absentmindedly nod at my teacher and walk to take my spot on the track. “Babochka-Kun, you too.”

I tap my belly, then my wrists, before squatting down to tap my ankles. With each tap, I feel lighter and lighter, allowing me to release a light breath as my shoulders slump.

Seven months in, and the Gravity Weights training is also slowly reaching a wall.

Though to be fair I’ve long since entered the realms of what one would call Superhuman in terms of physical abilities.

I move my long hair over my back and lower myself into a running position, focusing entirely on the path ahead of me and not on the presence that steps up beside me.

It’s always nice to see the fruits of my hard work.


I shoot off before the word even ends.

My muscle flex, and the wind roars into my enhanced ears.

Each step on the ground is like an echoing blast in my ears, but I swiftly have to come to a grinding halt as I easily and quickly cross the finish line of the short track.

I crossed it so fast that I don’t even feel a light burn in my legs…Perhaps I should have kept the weights on, so I’d have gotten some training on even during school hours.

“W-Whoa…” I perk up as I untie my hair, throwing a lazy gaze towards my teacher and the gathered students in training gear.

All with awed looks on their faces. “You flewacross the field, Jirou-kun…” The pudgy female teacher states in clear disbelief, much to my light amusement. “Have you been working out?”

Pretty sure the answer to that is quite visible.

I’ve grown a few inches taller and my body looks fuller. My hips, ass and thighs just bring me untold pride in their looks, and my arms look quite muscular.

Not to talk about the developing abs I have.

Stelle loves them quite a bit. By working out, I make her a bigger and bigger lesbian.

Which makes me want to work out even more, because the way she stares at my body is something that I love.

“You could say so.” I drawl out with a twitch of my lips, not really bothering on explaining any further. Especially since I don’t have a reason to.

I’m a bit irritable right now, and I’m pretty sure it can be seen and felt because the teacher swiftly backs off and lets me rejoin the other students.

Stelle came down with a cold, so I’m here without my favorite Trash Panda, having to deal with a boring school day all by my lonesome.

Apparently she’s sensible to the cold, and it gets real fuckin’ cold in Japan when Winter approaches.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair- Only to pause when I feel something land on my hand.

I pull it back and blink at the strange butterfly resting on my middle finger, just staring at me.

Glowing with both light and dark purple hues, some cyan and lilac thrown in the midst over the wings-

Then it… flickers?

Like one of those old style TV’s, when they lose connection to the channel and start flickering and blurring.

That’s what the butterfly on my hand just did. It blurred in the air, becoming a stain of lilac and cyan before it regained it’s shape, though each flap of it’s wings make it blur again.

I can even hear a sound of static when it blurs, though it’s very faint.

I flick my finger and watch as the butterfly takes flight, then flaps it’s wings and blur to the right.

Right towards the girl standing beside me, and looking intently my way.

Around my height, athletic looking body, long dark purple hair and light purple eyes, and quite beautiful to boot…

And a few butterflies floating around her, all the same as the one that landed on my hand.

I raise an amused brow. “Your surname became your Quirk?” It’s a long shot, but I’m pretty sure I heard her surname getting called out during the run.

She ran with me, didn’t she? I just wasn’t paying attention.

But from the way her eyes widen a tad bit and one of her eyebrows raises, I can tell that I hit the bullseye. “You know Russian?” Oh, and she has a nice voice too.

Light Russian accent, which sounds cool mixed with Japanese.

“A bit.” I shrug, my second brow joining the first one as Babochka’s hair and eyes glow and blur momentarily.

A butterfly, smaller than the other ones, flows out from her eye, while a much bigger one appears out of her hair.

They flicker and blur, swapping places with each other with the sound of static being released between them, together with…

I can’t quite place it, but it was a sharp sound. Like… A cuttingsound.

At the moment they switched, that sound rang out in the air between them.


A butterfly lands on my right shoulder, but I just ignore it this time. “So, something on my face, or ya got a question?” She do be starin’ quite intently at me.

And she ain’t Stelle, so it creeps me out a tinybit.

Babochka sniffs, a constant emotionless look on her face, but there is some interest in her eyes. “You’ve been training hard.” She states as a matter of fact, and I merely shrug in response.

Which makes her snort in turn, a light mocking smile twitching up on her lips. “I’ve been doing the same for years, yet you surpassed me in mere months.” Guess I left her in the dust back on the track, huh?

She a sore loser, or what?

“You tryin’ to be a Hero?” There’s actually something I’ve been thinking about.

Babochka flicks her light purple eyes to meet mine yet again. “Aren’t you the same?”

I sniff, but hold back my derision and dislike for that job. “I care not about the riches and fame that come with that… profession. It’s mostly means to an end for me.” She lets out a light hum, so I press lightly. “How about you?”

Her eyes hold my gaze for a few seconds before she cuts eye-contact. “There are things I want to change… And being a Hero – being Strong– is the only way to make that possible.” Huh…

“Guess we’re kinda alike.” I dunno what it is that she wants to change, but from the sheer fire and determination I can see in her eyes… That need, that must… I can tell that it’s something good.

Perhaps befriending her will be good.

I’ve been thinking of gathering allies, outside the main characters that will hang around Izuku.

I need people I myself can trust, people that aren’t attached to the Canon timeline and characters.

I don’t even know if the same canon characters will get into U.A. with all the changes that are present.

Quirks are so much more powerful here, and to be fair… Quite a lot of Quirks of those that entered U.A. and are part of the main cast are downright weak as hell.

U.A. is supposed to have the best of the best… Yet those who enter have pathetically weak Quirk?

I don’t mean to look down on others, but it has to be said.

Perhaps the same Line-Up will remain, perhaps some will change, or maybe everything will change and not even the Protagonist will be capable of getting in.

Either way, I want a group that isn’t part of the main cast. That is made of some that are outside of the story.

And that, again, I can trust to stand beside me. Because I can’t in no way face whatever is gonna happen in the future by myself.

No matter how hard I train and prepare for it.

“Gravity weights.” I reveal, gaining Babochka’s attention. I raise my right arm and pull back the sleeve, revealing the sleek and compact black wristband with a few red buttons on the wrist area. “Won three pairs in a competition, and using them does wonders to your training.”

“I can give you a pair if you want. Comes in a group of five- Wrists, ankles and stomach.” Might be a worthy investment, especially since the third pair has been just catching dust beneath my bed.

They are compact and hard as fuck, nigh-impossible to break as far as I’ve seen. Hell, they barely even got a dent on it from all my accidents with their uses and activation.

The pair I’m using right now is the same I picked up eight months ago, and it all came as a ‘family package’, so three pairs in total.

Dad tried to pick them up, then swiftly gave up after his face met the floor because his dumb-ass tried to go straight to one-hundred kilos with bothof his arms.

So his pair now is owned by Stelle, who recently picked up the training too because I totally do not want to see that booty and boobies grow fatter and better.

Totally not.

Mom never bothered to pick them up because she doesn’t have an interest in such things – she’s very lazy and dislikes physical activity – so giving it to Babochka might be a good investment.

“Are you… sure?” Babochka gives me a hesitant but hopeful look. Like she wants to accept, but there’s a price to pay.

My gut twists lightly, but I force it down. Deep down, I’m also helping her achieve what she wants.

So I’m not using her. She is no tool.

“As long as you are careful in using them. A quick mistake and you can get hurt very bad.” I give her a light smile, and her worry melts away as a beautiful and nervous smile tugs at her own lips.

“No promises.” I couldn’t help the snort that escaped me at Babochka’s words.

Oh well, she’ll learn the same way me and Dad did.

Through pain and making out with the floor.

“I’ll bring them to you tomorrow then, Babochka-”

“Seele.” She cuts me off with a smile, her hair and eyes glowing with indigo light momentarily to yet again create another butterfly, causing one of the others to disappear with a blur of static. “I prefer being called by name.”

I sniff and nod. “Babochka sounds good too, but fair.” Well, majority of the Russian surnames I’ve seen are quite nice sounding.

She shrugs, then pauses and seems to mull over something. “You friends with… Blazer?” I raise a brow at her question.

“She’s my girlfriend, so… pretty much.” Her eyes widen lightly at the information. “Why?”

“Did you know she was getting bullied some months back?”

I blink, then hum. “Oh yeah, I was planning on dealing with the three bitches but- Wait, the broken nose on that stuck up idiot was you, wasn’t it?”

Seele gives me an enormous grin that is filled with ruthless pride. “I hate bullies.” She sniffs out in disgust as her arms cross before her chest. “Learned of what they were doing through a teacher. Smashed her face first into her locker the very next day.”

I instantly offer Seele my hand. She grasps it and gives me a strong shake.

Fuck the investment, I want this girl as a friend!

“You did God’s work, Seele.”

“I got into a lot of trouble for that… Even more so when I finished the job by targeting her two lackeys.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but how did you find a rat that enormous? And how did you make it chase the two of them with clear desire for murder?”

“You mean Ser Nom Nom? He’s a resident of the gym, has been for years apparently. He always stares at us from the rafters above during volleyball.”

Ser Nom Nom? The fuck?

“As for having him chase them; I just asked.” What?“Gave him some cheese and asked him to hunt those two idiots down… I believe there was a whole hostage situation where the principal had to bargain their safety with more cheese at the end of the day, but I’m not sure.”

Okay, what in the absolute fuck-!?

“Oh hey, it’s Ser Nom Nom!” I follow the way Seele is looking and turn my head towards the large gym building, and towards one of the windows up above.

It was open, and looking out of the window was a big as fuck gray rat with a red bandana wrapped around his neck.

“Ser Nom Nom!” Seele calls out, grinning broadly and waving both of her arms above her head towards the giant rat. “How are you this fine day!?”

The giant rat lowered his head to stare at us like a God would stare at ants.

Then it’s jaws opened-


Yeah, fuck that shit…


Honestly, eight months in and I still can’t wrap my head around all this success.

I mean, yeah- The music is damn good, hence why I love it, but for it to be doing so damn well is still shocking.

I slowly scroll down the many videos posted on my channel as I exit the mall, a small plastic bag held in my other hand.

Millions of views on each video. Some having tens of millions, some having hundreds of millions.

It started with Daylight, then Mountains.

Then I moved to more energetic songs, focusing on some of my favorites from Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard like ‘Hungry’, ‘Beast’ and ‘Square Up’, because I needed the energy during the work-outs.

I’ll never forget the faces plastered on Mom and Dad while I sang each of them.

It felt quite liberating though. Didn’t think that screaming my lungs out could be so… fun.

I barely look up as my bus arrives and I board it, though I better keep track of when I get there.

First time visiting Stelle’s home in all the time we’ve been together since we always either spent time out or at my place.

So now that she’s sick, I finally get to check out her place, which is apparently quite big since her Guardian is well off due to her job.

Though she never told me much about the woman, as the two have a complicated relationship. Something about her Guardian withholding information about Stelle’s parents.

I scratch my chin in thought about that.

It’s… been a while that we’ve been together. Best time of my life, not gonna lie.

Though maybe I should finally go about telling her about me being more than a normal girl… Yet I think she already suspects something due to the many times we made-out on my bed.

Kinda hard not to pop one when my beautiful, sexy girlfriend kisses and touches me with all of her love and passion.

I shake away those thoughts and hum again, then shrug and tap on one of my music videos. Majority of the songs I’ve published through the months aren’t some of my most beloved, but are some that I like as background noise in my room.

Helps me focus, relax and it’s also nice to have during work-outs or while I’m with Stelle.

Is it weird that I like having music I myself sing as background noise in my room?

Or if it’s all I listen to?

I feel like it kinda is.

I stop the video from playing and instead descend into the comments, something that I haven’t done that much.

But when I do, it’s always very fun.

Why? Because of the very few haters I have… And the people who go and answer them.

GoldenV’:What’s with this shitty music? This era is all about Hero Songs, not… whatever this garbage is. You should focus on making songs for All Might or other great Heroes, not waste your time with this stuff. I sincerely hope you do the right thing.’

AbAdPsYcHo’commented on ‘GoldenV’’s post: ‘I mean, your father didn’t do the right choice when it came to wearing a condom, forcing us to deal with your dogshit opinions, so why should Interstellar bother?’

TheMadOne’ commented on‘GoldenV’’s post: ‘Nothing against All Might… But songs dedicated to him are downright garbage and poison to the ears of many. Hell, the man himself CRINGED when asked about said songs during an interview and he DODGED the question with a joke! Same way your parents change the argument when people ask about you.’

DemonKing’commented on ‘GoldenV’’spost: ‘I tend to dislike bullying the weaker folk… But my brain demands I commit War Crimes or unspeakable acts of violence when the blonde buffoon is mentioned. Hence... I will Doxx you to the nearest Serial Killer or Villain.

AbAdPsYcHo’ commented on‘DemonKing’’s post: ‘Ayo?’

Demon King is the most frequent one, and goddamn does he go wild with some of his insults and answers.

Pretty sure he’s also a hacker because the many threats of Doxxing actually make his targets shit themselves and outright start begging him for mercy.

DemonKing’ answered: ‘Having mongrels grovel and beg for mercy before me never gets old or stops being disgusting… And this time it’s through a screen.’

DemonKing’answered: ‘Your opinion is so irrelevant – just like your existence – that I shall gladly walk you out from the way you came from… But which way is that? The ‘Unwanted Child’ way, or the ‘Should have been an abortion’ way?’

DemonKing’ answered: ‘I come here expecting to deal with adults, but I should have known from the ‘AllMight4Evah!’ in your name – nearly had a stroke writing that, btw – that you are but a barely developed sperm cell with a new kind of mental disease that doctors refuse to admit the existence off.’

DemonKing’ answered: ‘The mere fact that I cannot erase your existence from my memories with a snap of my fingers pisses me off… I’m Doxxing you with the hopes you get violently mauled.’

DemonKing’ answered: ‘You are a Furry, and you love All Might… Jesus Christ, who gave you permission to have an opinion and freedom of speech? I’d Doxx you, but I do not wish to mentally scar any Villain that goes after you…’

On and on it goes, and on and on this guy gets worse.

Hell, he once got so bad and mad that he had the whole comment section turned off by a moderator.

He’s a fun dude though, and it’s a thing between me and Stelle that we just spend an hour or two reading his replies to my haters. Some of our best laughs and wheezes are thanks to this guy.

I close the Hero Tube app, then hum and tap on the App Store.

Dozens of unknown games of all types fill the home page, filled by more and more as I scroll down.

I’ve resisted the urge for quite a while, but I want to pick up a good game. One I can play when there’s nothing on my schedule.

It happens sometimes that I’m suddenly free, mostly due to either Stelle being unavailable or… Stelle being unavailable.

Aside from training and making music, the rest of my day is just spent with her, something I love dearly.

Maybe I should ask her opinion on some games. She did tell me she is into them, but I’ve never pried too deeply into that.

The bus comes to a slow halt, but I know I’m not at my destination yet… Still, I lift my gaze when I feel a quiet fall the rowdy bus due to my fellow teenagers.

Are they… gaping at me?

I never showed myself in my videos so it’s doubtful that they recognize me, so they are checking me out? No- They are checking out someone behind me-

A light sigh reaches my ears as a woman boards the bus from the doors behind me.

Wavy brilliant light red hair fill my visions, cascading down her back and to her curvaceous hips.

Two large mountains reside on her chest, barely covered by the sleeveless toga wrapped perfectly around her body, leaving plenty of cleavage in full view.

Fair, glossy skin. Full, plump red lips. Golden eyes that remind me of Stelle.

Jesus Christ, is she a model or something?!

Or a beauty related Quirk?!

This sheer allure and pure sex appealshe radiatesis terrifying!

Another sigh escapes the woman’s lips as she sets down the large and full grocery bags in her hands by her feet before straightening herself and stretching her back with a sensual nose.

I hold back a snort at the series of loud gulps the boys in the back release, all nearly salivating at the sight.

I mean, I get it… But at least my brain doesn’t go all ‘Monke!’ mode.

Hence I draw my focus away from the near-howling teens and the beautiful woman to stare back at my phone.

Still no answer from Stelle... Did she fall asleep? I swear to Godthat if I get there and there’s no one to open the door for me, I’m gonna tickle the fuck outta her.

I’m gonna shove the dango’s I bought for her down the nostrils of that sexy Trash Panda.

I huff and click the chat up shut, then smile lightly at the picture of me and her I placed as the homepage background picture.

I really struck gold with her-

“Well now.” A sensual voice speaks up next to me, drawing my gaze to the red-haired beauty that still has the teen salivating towards her.

Her golden eyes flick from my phone and up to my face, with her actually being half a head taller than me.

Which actually makes her so much sexier… I gotta tell Stelle about this woman.

“I presume you are the reason that Stelle has been coming home late these past months.” I blink at her words, her golden eyes studying my face with an almost critical and analyzing look.

My brain short-circuits momentarily as I process her words. “You’re her Guardian?” I probe, and her full lips quirk up in a light smile that doesn’t fully reach her eyes.

I don’t miss the tinge of sadness in them.

“Ah, so she hasn’t told you about me.” Not one bit. And I don’t pry either.

“She made it clear to me you two don’t get along, so I don’t pry.” The beauty hums and breathes in through her nostrils.

The sighs softly as her shoulders sag. “Not for a lack of trying.” Then tell her about her parents.But of course, I withhold that thought. Not my business.

She soon recovers herself and offers me her soft looking hand, though I do not miss the callouses on her palm. “Murata Himeko.” I gingerly take her hand and give it a shake. “I’m glad to see that Stelle at least has a friend.”

“Girlfriend.” I correct Himeko with a grin. Also, her surname is familiar.“Your charge is my beloved Trash Panda.” The beautiful woman pauses, and her eyes widen more and more.

Then, slowly, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “Please tell me she doesn’t dig through the trashcans…”

“It’s how we met.” Himeko lets out a sound akin to a groan and whine at the same time. “And also-” I pick up my phone, open the gallery and go to a certain album to check on- “-I have roughly two-hundred-and-fifty-seven pictures of her digging through a trashcan.”

“I have long since given up trying to stop her.” Because it’s hilarious, and fun bulliable material for me to use and abuse.

Himeko instead looks like she wants to punch something or someone. “And let me guess; She still finds unique things in each trashcan, doesn’t she?” So that shit isn’t just pure luck?

I mean, I should have realized that after the hundredth trashcan, but I guess I was still in disbelief.

“Last time she found a severed robotic arm.” The woman sighs yet again, “First time we met? A baseball worth a few millions, maybe more.” This time she instead looks quite impressed.

“Of course she did…” Himeko chuckles beneath her breath, and I bite my lower lip to restrain myself.

But alas, I need that juicy bully material. “So… She did this when she was young too?” I probe with a growing grin. “Asking this because I might use this information to bully your charge.”

Himeko slowly moves her gaze to meet my eyes, then her lips quirk into a cruel smile. “I like you quite a bit already-”

“Ah, Jirou Kyoka. Just Kyoka is fine.”

“Kyoka, then. Do call me Himeko too.” Was already doing it in my head.“To answer your question… Stelle has been doing this since she was a toddler.”

Stelle, my dear girlfriend… No one is gonna save you from me.

“A Trash Panda in human form indeed.” I nod sagely, earning a light and pleasant chuckle from Himeko.

Still… Murata, Murata, Murata… Where did I hear this before?

Wait a second-

I blink and lift my right arm, then bring down my sleeve to show my Gravity Weights.

I flip my arm so to show my wrist, and I stare at the mark at the bottom of the compact gear.

An engine wrapped around a four-pointed star, with the words ‘Murata Industries’ above it.

I blink at that, then turn to Himeko. Her amused eyes meet mine, and I give my arm a shake. “These yours?”

Her lips twitch into a light smile. “Quite.” Huh… Stelle’s Guardian might be a genius. “They were an amusing project I quickly pushed out for just a bit of cash. Have they been treating you well?” Okay, yeah… She’s a Genius with a capital G.

She called creating gravity manipulating technology an ‘amusing project for cash’.

There’s literally no other technology that can manipulate gravity as these puppies do! I know, ‘cause I looked!

“They do wonders for my training.” She nods, and I bite my lower lip in hesitation yet again. But this time, for a more serious matter.

Could she be my ticket to…

Won’t know ‘till I try.

“I…” I pull by school bag over my shoulder and swiftly dig out a certain used notebook. “Do you dabble into this kind of stuff too?” I ask and offer her my notebook.

Himeko blinks and raises a curious brown, then gently takes the offered item in her hands and flicks it open.

Lightly disinterested eyes widen marginally, then flick to my face, then to my jacks.

Then back down to the roughly sketched doodle on the main page.

“I have long since shut down my father’s Murata Industries that worked on Support Items.” My stomach drops at her words- “But…Consider my interest piqued.”

Golden eyes snap to meet my own before I could smile. “It will cost you, of course.” I think I can work something up, maybe… Wait, I’m pretty sure I’m making money from my songs on Hero Tube!

Gotta ask Dad, since he’s the one that handles that stuff for me. He’s probably been saving everything up for when I turn eighteen.

Himeko presses on, making me give her my full attention yet again. “And of course, I’ll need to know why you would want so much firepower.” She asks while turning the notebook my way with a hard look in her eyes.

And tapping the page with the sketch of a full suit of power-armor relying entirely on massive sound amplification with a long, manicured finger.

Ah, double fuck.

Will she even believe me if I were to explain the why-

My phone buzzes.

I blink and raise it up to see the message displayed on the screen.

Sorry, was busy looting a trashcan.” I swiftly take a screenshot, then show it to Himeko.

Her eyebrow twitches.

“I am going to spank her into a wheelchair if she dirtied my workshop.”

Long story short…

The Trash Panda dirtied Himeko’s workshop.

A.N. And we finally meet the new maker of ‘Stereo Heart’!

Next chappy we also meet the first Canon Character of My Hero Academia!

Also, sorry for the long wait on chapters. Got hit by a big wave of depression and kinda just… did nothing.

I’ll try and pick up the pace again soon, promise!

Either way, hope y’all enjoy this chappy!


Quick P.S.- Don’t think that every female character introduced will be a waifu. I wanna write good friendships too.



Kek-ing all the way over here, this chapter was very fun. Our dear DemonKing is going all out with the verbal murder here, huh? Wonder if we will meet him sometime... I like the characters and their interactions, even if I have to stop and look them and the songs up all the time because I never heard of them. Thanks for the chappie, Cheem!

tdog roxs

Sir nom nom genuinely made me smile