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“What?!” Dian Cecht all but roars in utter shock and growing rage, palm hammering down on his desk carved out of the finest and hardest of trees.

The dirty plates and silverware on said table clatter back down on the desk, the God having clearly been in the middle of eating when he was given very horrendous news.

By Hera herself, who is sitting before him with arms and legs crossed.

Her thin brow slowly rises up at Dian Cecht’s outburst, and the man instantly pales profusely, his bladder almost giving way when he remembers just whois sitting before him.

So, he swiftly salvages his composure with a cough and removes the napkin set around his collar. He pats his lips and beard clean as he sits, his expression falling into one of faux worry. “Forgive me my outburst, but I am just worried about how suddenly it was dropped on my head.”

His hands rise to rest on the table, and his fingers soon cross together. “I understand terminating the supply of medicines for the lass… Meteria, I believe.” Hera’s hands very lightly clench into fists, but her expression doesn’t change at all.

Kirin, who was standing behind her, easily noticed the minute change in her Goddess’s mood.

“But why terminate our contract for the Potions my Familia sells yours? At a rather generous discount too?” Kirin flexes her jaw.

Before, she might have agreed that the discount and their contract was insanely beneficial to them, even better than their old one.

And she always knew that ‘He’ was behind such a favorable contract, having surely pulled some strings with Dian Cecht just to gain some favor with her. Maybe even try to salvage their ruined ‘relationship’.

She isn’t blind anymore now.

“Meteria is well and healthy.” Hera drawls out very slowly, her anger kept tightly suppressed.

Dian Cecht reels back lightly at that, his eyes widening just a bit. “Then… why this sudden decision to terminate the contract?”

Hera sighs, and Kirin barely holds back a smile at that. Her Goddess always hates to explain herself. “Kirin, be a dear please.”

With that, the Vice Captain steps forward and uncrosses her arms from behind her back.

The vial she had been holding this whole time twirls between her fingers, and the cork is popped off with a flick of her thumb.

Viscous and foul smelling black sludge splatters onto Dian Cecht very expensive looking plate, and the God reels back in horror and shock.

“W-What is that filth?!” The God of Healing nearly gags violently, but swiftly brings up the sleeve to his fine robes up so to cover his bearded face and nose.

Kirin smiles coldly at him. “That filth, is what you have been giving us. That’s-” She jabs her finger at the foul smelling sludge with murderous fury in her eyes. “-one of your Potions.”

This is a God of Healing. One who should know everything about medicine and healing alchemy… And yet, a mortal teen saw through the filth the man allowed his Familia to produce and sell in bulk within seconds.

Dian Cecht’s face instantly flushes in anger at the accusation. “That is impossible! My potions are of the highest quality! They come from a recipe I myself – the God of Healing– made after much thought!” The irate God shouts, yet Kirin remains unfazed and stared down the Divine Being before her with only disgust on her face.

“And yet I saw one of your potions turn into that-” Her eyes flicker down to the filth on the exquisite plate for but a second. “-With my very eyes.” Riley had just heated it up.

He just cooked the liquid until naught but that filthy paste was left behind.

Just the thought of how many times she drank those potions while growing up and in the Dungeons still makes Kirin’s stomach churn in verybad ways.

The God of Healing huffs and waves off Kirin’s words. “Then there must’ve been an accident during the refining process of that batch, not all of them are-” His exasperated words are silenced when six more vials filled with the same foul smelling Impurities were thrown onto his desk.

Wide, panicked eyes flick to Hera, who slowly lowers her hand after having thrown those vials on the table. “Those are the batches of the current week.” Even Kirin was surprised by that.

Her Goddess clearly came prepared and requested some more help from Riley- Or well, demandedit. As per usual.

“Riley’s words are; ‘The recipe is flawed, and the product is diluted far too much. The water used for boiling is contaminated, and the ingredients are in the withering process.’” Hera drawls out very slowly. Almost painfully so. All the while she merely kept inspecting her nails without a care.

Dian Cecht gulps down the heavy lump of sheer terror in his throat. “W-Who is this Riley?” The God questions, and Hera smirks.

“A new kid in town. A teen who made his own type of medicine that are far beyond even your greatest potions.” The God of Healing’s chest puffs with anger… But he certainly did not dare to show it, lest he meets a horrid end at the hands of the Goddess before him.

“No mortal can surpass a God.” Dian Cech growls out.

Hera sneers at him with clear contempt on her face. “And yet, a mortal broke down your personally made recipe and basically said that it’s jack shit.” Uncrossing her legs, the Goddess stands and turns her nose up at the flushed red God behind the desk.

“And just to further drive in how much better than you and your whole Familia Riley is…” Leaning in, Hera smirks. “He diagnosed and is currently successfully healing both Meteria and Alfia.”

“Something your dumbass couldn’t even fucking do.” The Goddess sneers yet again, her bright eyes flicking up and down Dian Cecht’s form. “You must be the most useless God of Healing that has ever existed.”

With those final words, Hera walks out of the office with a grinning Kirin in tow, leaving behind a trembling, irate God.

Who only stopped glaring at the door when the Captain of his Familia slowly entered the office to check on him.


Dian Cecht snaps. “Call someone to clean this filth right away!” He bellows in fury, face so red that even tomatoes would flush in shame.

And send someone to call Maxim for me!


I hate this, and I don’t even know why.

My growth is… so painfully slow- Well, it’s actually fast, speaking Realm-wise.

By my estimates, I should be able to fully strengthen my Qi Palace by the end of the month, then proceed on the next realm.

The thing I hate is the minuscule growth in strength I unfortunately am facing.

I’ve spent all of my time growing up constantly strengthening my body as I gathered Qi instead of my Qi Palace, and it turns out that I swiftly reached the limit just as I came to Orario.

I should be proud of this, because going by the inherited memories I have, not many cultivators even manage to achieve what I have before going past the Qi Palace Realm.

They all focus on advancing their Realm, not themselves.

And that’s just going against the very essence of Cultivation in my eyes.

Yes, Cultivation can be summed up to ‘How-to-God’ for the most part, but there is so much more to it. So, so much more.

Cultivation is about growing both in body and mind. It’s about becoming strong, and mastering that strength.

It’s about learning, and mastering what you learned.

It’s about gathering wisdom, and growing from it.

Enlightenment is a real thing for Cultivators in later Realms, where they suddenly have a surge of understanding.

When things click together in a way that makes them go ‘Oh, so that’s how I do that!’, which causes a surge in their strength. An advancement to their Realm, usually.

That’swhat Cultivation is all about. And that is what I am lacking currently.

I have a great deal of strength, but I did not fully master it.

Yes, I mastered my own body, but not Qi itself. Not my Kunpeng Style. Not the Sword itself.

I have no Sword Intent. No Sword Qi. No nothing yet.

And it frustrates me.

I am growing only in body, not in Mind. And that is what I seek to develop more.

Power is good, but techniques is what allows someone to push that power even further beyond. To bring out even greater strength.

My trip to the Dungeon – where I got lost like a fucking dumbass– made me realize that even if this city is mostly in a mortal area, it still poses a threat for me, a Cultivator.

Not to speak about the huge as fuck Dragon that turned my village into a molten crater.

The monsters were easy. Far too easy. I grew complacent… And then ran into that two-headed dragon creature.

I struggled against it. I struggled so much.

My unrefined techniques were useless against a wild beast, and I could have easily died had I not resorted to Qi in the end.

So now I shall focus on that. My physical strength is at a peak, so I shall focus on my Mind. My Mental State.

My Sword and my techniques.

The Kunpeng Style is the Style with the fewest forms, but mastering the techniques is just the beginning.

I must master the intent behind it. I must learn, understand and feel everything within each technique, with each one marking a certain step in the Kunpeng’s life.

The first technique; Kunpeng Heavy Dance, or also called ‘The Kun’s sorrowful dance as he gazed up at the Heaven from below the depths of his pond.

The second technique; Kunpeng Rising Fin, or also called ‘The Kun’s first try at breaching the surface of the water, desperately flapping his fins to take flight and shatter his chains.

The third technique; Kunpeng Falling Cry, or also called ‘The Kun’s cry of pain as the Heaven’s struck him back down into his pond for daring to challenge them.

The fourth technique; Kunpeng Chain Breaker, or also called ‘The Kun’s unwavering resolve, further emboldened by the Heavenly rejection, fills him with great strength.

And finally, the fifth technique; Kunpeng Heaven-Splitting Blade, or also called ‘The Kun breaches the surface of the water with a mighty cry, spreading his Peng wings and staring up at the stunned Heavens with confidence, never yielding even in the face of Heavenly lightning.

There is a beautiful story behind each technique, and I didn’t even focus on that for so long. I am so stupid sometimes, and I hate it.

The story of a mere fish who desired to reach for the skies and simply spread his wings, uncaring that it would change the very order of things.

Yet, even in the face of that, and even in the face of Heavenly rejection and Heavenly Lighting meant to destroy him… He never wavered or flinched, or retreated.

He faced everything head on. He faded the very Heavens, and went down in history as a legend for that very reason.

This is what I love about Cultivation.

Not the whole dog eat dog world. Not the Heavenly Beauties and whatnot.

But these small little things. This courage and beauty. This will to strive and become something that the very world doesn’t want you to become.

And succeeding.

I wish to get away from my past, yet I am so focused on running away that I can barely even process the present.

That I can barely even enjoy the little things before and around me.

I’m in such a hurry to do things that will allow me to cleanse away this guilt of mine that I am barely even finding time to enjoy the little things.

I sigh out through my nostrils and reach out with my gloved hand to rub the metal surface of my new Pill Furnace.

There’s a faint feeling of heat and static at the touch, and I smile as I feel my groggy Item Spirit send a message through our connection.

The transfer was obviously a success, especially since the Item Spirit of the new Furnace wasn’t even awakened.

So mine easily took over, but it’s still getting used to the much bigger and far more complicated body.

The refinement process was still an amazing success though, and that’s all that matters.

Though I can still improve a lot on it, maybe even maximize the use of the ingredients and further purify any impurities.

Right now I can’t though. It’ll take a while and quite a few more refinements before my Item Spirit gets used to it’s new body and can help me with far greater skill and control.

And while that happens, I should further master my use over Qi and learn how to better control it within myself and within the Furnace.

After all, I won’t be able to create Sword Qi without mastering my own control over it, and focusing more into becoming one with my Sword.

There are many stages to it, and I feel like wanting to try and rush past them, but…

I breathe in, then breathe out. My eyes flick to the side, where Meteria is fussing over her older twin, checking on how she feels after having taken one of my Pills.

Needless to say that Alfia is literally glowingright now.

The sheer delight radiating off of her, and the sheer visible happiness overflowing out of Meteria’s every move… Yeah, this is what I want to do.

Make people happy.

Maybe I should stop running for a bit and slow down to a walk. I’ve been missing quite a bit, I presume.

I miss what Alfia tells Meteria, but whatever the older twin said makes Meteria glow with happiness, then flip towards me and-

I blink as Meteria wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses me deeply, small tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she holds me close.

Her lips are soft, and I can feel all of her love pouring through the kiss.

It feels nice. Very, very nice.

And Alfia is on the point of fainting yet again. Goddamit Meteria…

She breaks the kiss a few seconds later, but then just pushes her face into the crook of my neck and hangs there, latching onto me like an adorable koala.

A koala with two enormous melons strapped to it’s chest, that is.

I just sigh with a fond smile on my face and pat Meteria’s back, then blink when I hear the door to the front open.

A few seconds pass before a voice rings out from the front of the soon to be pharmacy. “Where y’all at!?That’s… Hera.She’s a really weird Goddess.

“In the back!” I call out while Meteria just keeps sticking to me. The hug isn’t even tight, yet she’s holding on very viciously.

The Goddess dressed in sandals and bright sundress walks through the door with a smiling Kirin in tow, then they both pause at the sight while I wave at them with a smile.

Hera blinks, sniffs, then nods. “Good job, Meteria.” Don’t fucking motivate her further, you damn woman. “What did I miss?” I nod my head towards the still flustered Alfia.

“She finally took a Pill, which made Meteria…” I pause to pat said girl’s back as she snuggles closer. “Veryhappy.”

Kirin’s gaze flicks to Alfia, then she pauses. “You’re smiling.” The Vice-Captain points out, drawing Alfia’s gaze towards her. “...Man, that’s off-putting.” Alfia’s eyebrow twitches, and all the warmth on her face and around her just… disappears.

“Not as off-putting as your very existence.” God-fucking damn Alfia! She went straight for the jugular with that one!

This time Kirin’s eyebrow is the one that twitches, violet sparks of lighting rumbling around her form and seemingly flowing out of her now glowing eyes. “Hoh~? Talking back to your Vice-Captain now, are we?”

Alfia sniffs and closes her heterochromatic eyes shut. “I’ve never seen a degenerate like you as my superior.” A rumble of lighting shakes the whole soon-to-be shop as the violet sparks around Kirin’s body intensify even further.

Hera just looks at everything with a massive, amused shit-eating grin on her face, clearly not planning in interfering.

As for Meteria… She’s hiding her snorts and giggles into the crook of my neck.

Kirin clicks her tongue and lifts her arm up, then jabs a thumb towards the door behind her. “Wanna take this outside, Alfia?” Oooh, a fight boutta break out-!

“Are you lonely? Go out by yourself.” Damn… Alfia has a way with words that is very vicious.

I blink at the two women glaring at each other, then perk up when Hera approaches my side and knocks her knuckles against the large Pill Furnace behind me. “Didn’t expect it to get this big.” She muses softly to herself.

Alfia turns away from Kirin to give her Goddess a strange gaze. “Did you request Lady Hephaestus to build this herself?” I raise a brow at that.

The God of the Forge built this himself?- Wait… Lady?!

The fuck!?

Hera turns to Alfia with a confused gaze. “I did not?” And Alfia swiftly blinks in confusion before her gaze flicks to Kirin, who shakes her head herself.

“Lady Hephaestus built that Furnace. Her mark is by one of the feet.” So she did it without getting requested, and still kept the price the same?

I presume that the things she builds are far beyond what normal mortals do, yet she still kept the same price instead of sky-rocketing it.

Of that, I am thankful. But I also feel a bit bad.

This furnace is far beyond what I expected, so I’d like to repay her a bit, one way or the other.

Hera hums as she scrunches up her nose, then finally shrugs without a care. “Oh well, better furnace for a very low price. I see that as a win.” Me too, lady. Me too.“You tested it out yet?”

I simply let the Furnace open up as an answer, and Hera’s eyes widen at the hundreds of Pills laying at the bottom, a low whistle escaping her lips. “Damn… How much did you use for these?”

The one to answer is Alfia, surprisingly enough. “A handful.” Both Hera and Kirin freeze, then slowly turn to Alfia with wide, shocked eyes. “He only used a handful of powdered herbs to make all of those. In a minute.”

Again, both Hera and Kirin slowly turn their heads, this time to look at me.

And I just grin and give them a thumb’s up. “I can actually make even more if I change the cooking method to a new and better one.” Something I really need to research, because the cooking method I know is the basic one.

And while it works in general, I know that there are far greater ones… I just don’t know them, for some reason.

So I’ll have to come up with one that enhances the Fire and Lightning attributes of the Furnace, which in turn will further enhance the cooking process of the Pills and… Hm, if I do that, I might achieve massive batches of Grade 4 Pills…

But I’d rather not sell those, or maybe just keep them for the Hera Familia’s exclusive use. They are far too powerful, after all.

Maybe they are better kept for exploring the deepest depths of the Dungeon, where the danger is at the highest.

Something to think about, I guess.

“Yeah, this is far greater than what we had with that idiot.” Hera sniffs, a proud smirk on her face, clear delight in her eyes.

I presume the idiot she mentioned is Dian Cecht, the guy who gave them all their potions- Speaking of those disastrous things, I should get to work on the Impurity Cleansing Pills. I think I saw one of the boxes holding the ingredient in need for them.

Hopefully, those are enough to help the whole Hera Familia expel that filth.

I should also get one, so to keep my body clean and in tip-top state.

“Meteria truly is our lucky star.” Kirin sighs fondly, and Meteria finally pulls away to turn around and give her Vice Captain a proud grin.

Did she just take something from me?

I eye her back suspiciously as she approaches her taller twin. “Big sis, let’s go home! There’s something I must do!” Suspicious indeed…

Hera hums at that. “I’ll come too. Just came around to check if everything is up to my standards.” Shouldn’t I be the one to decide if I like the place and things or not?

Damn woman.

Still…I narrow my eyes at Meteria as she happily waves at me with a far too massive innocent smile on her face. I can clearly see some kind of plot being built up behind her eyes.

And soon, I’m left alone with Kirin, who sags her shoulders and sighs softly. “Everything alright?” Her bright and beautiful eyes flick to me, and a thin smile slowly spreads across her mildly tense face.

Her eyes flicker around for a short second before they lock on a nearby chair, which she takes and settles down beside me. “Dian Cecht won’t take this lying down.” She sighs out softly as she takes the seat. “He’s been the top dog for a long time now. He won’t give that up.” So he’ll try to meddle with my business or even attack me physically.

I simply shrug at that. “Just let him. Fussing over such things is useless and will only bring your mood down.” In the end strength is all that matters, and is what rules. Unfortunately.

Kirin chuckles softly at my words. “I wish I could be as free as you are.” I blink and give her a confused look at her words.

“Free?” She nods slowly, her gaze growing slightly distant.

“It’s just the way you carry yourself. The way you don’t care about anything and are so relaxed.” She sighs wistfully and leans back, her curves growing more pronounced as she does so. “Wish I could do that too…”

My gaze lingers on her for a few seconds before I let it fall on the wooden plans below. “So that’s the impression I give, huh…” I give the impression of being… Free.

Oh, how I truly wish I was…

Yet I’m covered in chains, and I’ve been draggin’ ‘em along this whole fuckin’ time.

“Am I wrong?” Kirin asks, and I snort.

“Very wrong.” My gaze meets her wide eyed one the next second. “I’ve just been running away this whole time.”I have such a massive burden on top of my shoulders that I don’t really give a fuck about any kind of trouble that might come and knock at my door while I live here.

People wanna kill me? I’ll beat the ever living shit out of them and make sure the only thing they’ll be able to eat for the rest of their worthless lives as sustenance is a handful of jelly.

They wanna keep my business from flourishing? I’ll make them shit out their teeth the next day.

I’m not afraid of getting violent.

I’m afraid of getting pushed pastthat.

“What are you running from?” Kirin’s voice but a low, gentle whisper. She sounds so warm, kind and soothing.

Yet that didn’t help me at all.

My gaze fell to my gloved hands, with the leather cloth being the only think that stops me from gazing upon the illusion of my bloodied knuckles and blood dripping fingers.

The crash. The blood. The anger.

The euphoria and glee. The pain.

And then… Death.

“I killed someone.” Who deserved it.“Beat him to death with my bare hands… I did it slowly. I broke him… And I enjoyed every last second of it.”

I breathe in and clench my hands, then screw my eyes shut. I thought with Death I’d be able to escape that horrifying guilt… Yet, here I stand.

Reincarnated, and trying to run away from it. And I’mfailing miserably.

It just keeps on weighing me down. The weight of taking a life.

How can Cultivators do it so easily?

How can others?

I open my eyes just in time to see Kirin’s smaller and soft hand land on my right one, then interlock her fingers with mine. “Taking a life is never easy.”

“I have… taken the life of many. Many who were led astray by the sharp and twisted words of mad Gods, and sought to destroy Orario for very twisted reasons.”

“I wish I didn’t have to, but… ‘The life of a few, for the lives of many’. That is the rule I set for myself before bringing down my blade to reap their lives.”

“Yet that still doesn’t make it better. I could have taken the life of a father. A brother. A son. I could have taken someone away from their family… And that thought does keep me up at night far more times than I’d like to admit.”

My eyes flick up to meet her worm, nearly glistening ones. Her smile twitches upward, growing oh so much warmer. “For many others, taking a life is easy. You grow accustomed to it once you reap the lives of the monsters in the Dungeon.”

After a while… The disparity between Monster and Men just doesn’t exist any longer.

“So…” Her hand squeezes mine. “… I’m very glad that I met someone that feels just like I do. I truly am.”

I squeeze her hand right back, then breathe in and chuckles softly. “That got deep all of a sudden, eh?” She bursts out in a fit of light, yet beautiful soft giggles.

“That it did indeed!” She laughs softly, then breathes in deeply and tosses her hair over her shoulder before turning to fully face me with that bright smile on her face.

One that is actually genuine this time, and not fully forced.

And I’m actually left speechless at how beautiful she is.

I should really get used to all these beautiful women in the Hera Familia… But I kinda can’t.

“You should smile more often.” Her cheeks flush at my words, but then her eyes crinkle and her lips hike up teasingly.

Give me a reason to then~!” Goddamn tease.

Though it does work just a tiny bit, with my teenage hormones mind conjuring quite a few… sensualimages.

“I just might.” I tease back with a wink, making her cheeks darken quite a bit more, her teeth slowly biting at her plump lower lip in a way that just makes my blood boil even more.

So I swiftly pull my gaze away and stand up. “By finally expelling that filth from your body.” Kirin reels back, her eyes widening in surprise, then delight.

“You can do it already!?” I chuckle at Kirin’s enthusiasm. But I guess it’s understandable.

She did see the filth that she has been drinking for who knows how long, and well… One’s mental state can’t always handle such things.

I nod and jab a thumb towards my furnace. “I just need to place the Pills in the bottles, then I can start refining the Impurity Cleansing Pills.” Her bright eyes flick to the hundreds of Pills in the still open furnace.

Then she tilts her head slightly, a confused look in her eyes. “They look different from the ones you gave Meteria and showed us.” She’s the first one to notice that. I guess she does need to be very observant to be a Vice-Captain of such a big Familia.

“That’s because they are of a higher Grade.” I point out as I move into the back to grab one of the large boxes filled with the small glass bottles I had requested.

They are just the right side, being barely the size of a hand. I decided to of course style them after the usual small ‘Jade Bottles’ used by Cultivators to store Pills.

“Grades?” Kirin hums as I come back with one of the boxes in my arms, her fingers pinching one of the Pills between them. “Are they like the Tiers?”

I shake my head at that. “Tiers are for the potency and number of ingredients that are required. Grades are for the quality of the Pills that comes out.” A noise of understanding flows out of her lips at my words as I pry the box open with ease.

“Then what Grade are these?” She questions again, looking much like a very curious child.

“That’s a Third Grade Pill. There’s Five Grades in total, but the fifth one is kind of… Hard, to achieve.” Though now that I know that the Heavens do exist here, I might be able to achieve one.

And I do wonder how effective it might be on both Alfia and Meteria. Just being around it should be enough to keep them constantly energized.

That’s just how terrifying a Fifth Grade Pill is.

“This batch had three Grade Four Pills, of which I gave two to Meteria and Alfia. Those should last – by my estimate– a whole month.” Kirin gapes at me even as she helps me gently fill the bottles with the Pills in the furnace.

Five Pills per bottle, with each bottle being sold for fifty-thousand Valis, roughly the prize of a low grade potion.

I’m basically throwing money away since my Pills are far greater than the filth Dian Cecht has been selling, but eh. Money isn’t really what I am after.

It’s just a minor commodity that I won’t really use much.

“Then what about the Fifth Grade? How strong is that?” I chuckle softly at her question.

“So strong that you won’t even need to eat it to get healed.” Her hands freeze, her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. “Just being around it will be more than enough to heal any injuries.”

And now she’s staring at me with a very, very hungrylook in her eyes.

“Yeah, deciding to sponsor you and cutting our contract with Dian Cecht was definitely the right choice.”

I snort softly at that.

“To be fair, you should have never trusted that guy in the first place.”


“I mean, his Domain is Healing, if I remember right. Not Medicine. Of course his Potion recipe is utter garbage. He knows how to heal, but he knows jack shit about Medicine.”

Kirin pauses. “…” Then she shatters a glass bottle by clenching her hand into a fist.

“Son of a bitch.”

Yep, just the reaction that I expected.

Also, I just noticed that Meteria stole the remaining Grade Four Pill.

What is that little gremlin going to do now?


T-This is for me?”

Yes yes! Riley stayed up all night, worked long and hard hours, practiced for many more, all so to make this Pill that will surely vanquish all your scars away, Miss Agnodice!”

H-He really did all of that? J-Just for me?”

Of course! He was smitten by your looks, and seeing you in pain after his previous Pill failed to heal you hurt him physically and mentally! He is wonderful like that!”

O-Oh my, smitten by my looks? You must jest, I am an old lady over a century old, dear!”

Riley’s words were; ‘Wine grows better the more it is aged, and Miss Agnodice is the perfect representation of it!’”

O-Oh my! To think I’d be courted yet again after so many years… B-But aren’t you two together, Meteria?”

I can share! There’s plenty of Riley to feast on!”


Alfia could only gape in disbelief at the sheer amount of pure bullshit flowing out of her little sister’s mouth.

W-Was this truly her little sister?!

A.N. Meteria’s got ryzz on god fr fr no cap- I’m sorry, I’ll stop.

I do hope y’all enjoyed this chapter tho!


Santiago Suarez

Ah this is exactly what I needed after a week of being down from pneumonia. Thx for the chapter


Please don't be sorry Cheem, and don't you stop on my account! Thanks for the chapter, as usual, you made me smile the whole way through and now my cheeks hurt, mou. I really enjoyed the continuation of Riley's influence changing canon here, gonna be a nice bloodbath when Dian Cecht tries to start shit and gets smacked down only to then be confronted by an angry Hera... Looking forward to it already!


Damn cheem your right Meteria’s got mad rizz and Alfia’s is slowly starting to see the adorably lewd monster that she really is loved the chapter tho keep up the great work


I love this story so much♡


This story gets better each chapter


That was amazing

Pope Yoda I

I'm really digging this version of Meteria. Chad!Meteria is best Meteria.

Benjamin Shklyar

Honestly this chapter makes me want read your version of a cultivation story. I genuinely would want to see how an mc like Riley would take to being in that sort of world.


I guess we know now which parent, Bell will Inheritance his rizz from.

Kureiji Ryuu

Thanks for the chapter, it's great to see how the story is developing and I was really surprised by the comment about Dian Cecht as it's very possible that this is also true in canon considering how he seems to be an antagonist due to what happened to the Miach family .

Kureiji Ryuu

I have a question about cultivation. Are the gods of Danmachi what the MC will become if he keeps advancing or will there be a difference between God and Immortal as it usually is in novels?


If he does indeed keep going, then he can become even greater than them. But yes, there is a big difference between a born God, and one that slowly became one through growing stronger and wiser.


more plz?