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The stench of blood and urine filled my nostrils, a stench like no other.

One that I’ve grown used to over the past hours.

Same with the aching of my knuckles, and the soreness of my arms.

P-Please…” The filth speaks, and I do not mask my surprise at that.

His voice comes out garbled and broken as he coughs out copious amounts of blood and broken teeth.

The fact that he can still speak with a shattered jaw is quite… surprising.

But then, surprise turns to anger. And anger turns to rage. “Is that a request for mercy that I hear?” My nostrils flare, and my tired body is filled with energy yet again.

Bloodshot eyes meet mine, but I wonder how much the filth can see with them now.

Can he see me covered in his blood? Or does he just see a dark shape before him?

My trembling fingers wrap around the slippery handle of the knife plunged into his right knee, and he whimper as I harshly pull it out.

I’m sure she begged for mercy too, didn’t she?” The raging storm outside makes my shoulder tremble.

For but a second, I saw myself standing within the doorway that led to my little sister’s room.

Watching, horrified… As her body swayed left and right while hanging from the ceiling.

The letter covered in tear smudges, and the pure sorrow held within her calligraphy.

But sorry…” My foot comes up. “You don’t get to rush this.” Then comes down with all of my strength right between his legs.

The echoing screech of pain that tears through his throat brings a twisted smile on my face.

And I’m going to enjoy every last fucking second of this… So try and stay alive for as long as possible, alright?”

A crowbar. I used it on his legs until they were mangled in ways that could make anyone throw up.

A knife. I used it to carve all kinds of insults I could think off on his flesh.

A razor blade. I used it to peel his skin off his chest before dropping salt upon it. That made him foam at the mouth for a good while.

I broke him. Slowly.

And I enjoyed doing it. Every last second of it.

I had a smile on my face the whole time. A very big smile.

Which only disappeared when he started begging again… But this time, for death.

My fury flares at the gall of this filth, so I-

“Riley.” I come to with a harsh gasp, instantly sitting up on my bed and nearly lashing out, but a harsh coughing fit stops me from doing so.

A flicker of my Qi quells the ache in my chest and throat, and my harsh breathing slowly calms down as I blink away the blurriness in my eyes.

Slowly, I flick my gaze through my dark room until it lands on a figure sitting at the edge of my bed. A very familiar one.

“Lady Hera?” The Goddess merely hums lightly, her seemingly emotionless gaze never straying away from my form for even a second.

What is she doing here?

Was she the one to wake me up?

It was that fucking nightmare again. That horrid memory I wish I could just forget, or bury it so deep that it’ll never see the light of day again.

But no, I must keep carrying this weight- This Sinof mine, like a baggage.

Finally, Hera speaks up; “That must’ve been a horrid nightmare.” She muses softly, and I take notice of how I am drenched in sweat.

My hands are still shaky, and seeing them without gloves just makes me want to throw up.

I just keep seeing them bruised and covered in blood. His blood.

“Here.” My gaze snaps towards Hera, then down to her outstretched right hand, holding the pair of black leather gloves I had placed on my nightstand before I went to sleep.

I swiftly snatch them out of her hand and put them on, then finally take a long and deep breath.

It’s refreshing. It’s liberating. But most of all, it’s pathetic.

I keep trying to step out of my comfort zone, yet I keep failing oh so easily.

“Thanks…” I breathe out, running a gloved hand through my long and messy hair for a short second to relax.

Hera hums yet again, a soft and quiet sound that doesn’t really fit her rather… wildpersonality. “You remind me of someone I once held very dear.” She muses softly, and I give her a curious gaze.

“When he was but a brat, he thought himself the greatest and most talented.” The Goddess leans her head back and speaks softly, a low and thin fond smile on her face. “But that all changed when his dumb pride led to the death of his teacher, who sacrificed himself to protect him.”

“That day, the boy became a man… A man cursed with a mistake he tried and failed to leave behind countless times.”

“He was plagued by nightmares each night… Just like you.” Her bright down flick back down to me, and I sigh softly through my nostrils.

“There’s a difference between me and him.” Her right eyebrow rises softly at my words. “He involuntarily killed his teacher. I voluntarily killed a man with my own words.”

Hera sniffs at that. “There’s nothing wrong with killing.” What a disgusting view.

But perhaps that’s because she is a God.

Yet, it still felt very… Cultivator-like.

“There is if you torture a man until he begs for death, and you enjoy every last fucking second of it.” Her eyes widen lightly at my harsh, biting words.

She takes in a sharp intake of air at that. “Fair enough.” With that, she stands off the side of my bed and stretches her back.

Then starts walking towards the door of my room, much to my growing confusion and shock. “You’re… not going to pry further?”

The Goddess pauses, then turns to give me an amused smile and look. “Will you share if I ask?” And I return it with a flat stare, so she waves at my face with a smirk. “See? No point in trying.” This damn woman…

Wait a second…

“Wait… Why are you in my room?” She pauses yet again. “And how did you even come in? Pretty sure I locked the door…”

Hera snorts. “Naive of you to think that no one in this mansion can’t just pull the bitch of it’s hinges.” …I am so fucking terrified right now.

“As for why I am here; I can see and hear everything that goes on in my home.”

“That’s disgusting and creepy.”

“I don’t give a fuck.” And with those last words and a wave over her shoulders, the Goddess resumes her walk towards the door. “Also, you have a guest in your wardrobe.” What?

I flick my eyes to the left, straight towards the wardrobe built into the wall that I barely even used so far.

A faint whimper echoes from within just as the door to my room clicks shut.

I blink slowly, recognizing that whimper. Kind-off. “Brynhildr?” I call out tentatively, and the door to my wardrobe slowly creaks open.

A bright, pinkish/light purple eye peeks out through the faint open crack, looking very scared, teary and… very scared. “Hi Riley…” The woman whimpers adorably, and I just… scratch my chin in confusion.

The fuck is she doing in there?

“Are you the reason Hera came into my room?” I pry, deciding to follow a faint hunch I had. And said hunch is proven true when she nods lightly.

Or I think she nodded. I only saw her eye move up and down.

I-I heard you through the walls…” Ah… Oh Gods, did she hear me and Meteria-!?

Either way, I guess she heard me having a nightmare, panicked… And went to call Hera?

Unless Hera’s creepy claim is true… Which I hope it ain’t.

“Well, thanks for that.” I give her a warm smile before swiftly checking outside outside the window to see the hour.

It’s still dark, so I’ve probably got just a few hours – or less– of sleep. Not that I really need it since I can ignore that by using a Qi Strand, just like with thirst and hunger, but I’d rather keep feeling human and not abandon these small things.

By the time I turn back to the hidden Brynhildr, I find her eye full of shock and surprise, and fear too. She’s like a cute scaredy cat.

“E-Eh? It’s not creepy? O-Or disgusting? Or puke inducing? O-Or-” Okay, who hurt you?

“Brynhildr.” She quiets down when I call out for her, a quiet squeak leaving her lips as I do so. Fucking adorable.“No more negative thoughts, or I’ll flick your nose. Hard.” Another quiet whimper escapes her.

I breathe in, the cough softly due to feeling how dry my throat is right now.

The sound seemingly startles Brynhildr, as I hear a rustling sound come from-

A rush of wind goes past me-

Another one-

I blink, then look down at my outstretched left hand holding a glass bottle of fresh water. “What the…?” I connect the dots as the doors to the wardrobe creak open yet again, a lone satisfied eye peeking through to look at me.

“Holy fuck, Bryn…” How fucking fast is she!? Yeah, my guard wasn’t up, but she went down three floors and to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle and came back up in a fucking second!

I can’t do that even if I burn ten Qi Strands at once! Holy shit!

An amused giggle escapes the woman’s lips at my shock. “Before I… retired…” The last word came out very heavy and full of regret and sadness. “I used to be known as the Fastest Woman in Orario.” Goddamn…

“Retired?” I muse softly, pausing to take a quick sip of the refreshing cold water she grabbed for me. “Pretty sure you look like you are in your mid-twenties. Why would you retire so young?” With that speed of hers, I’m sure she’s a monster on the battlefield.

Perhaps an injury that makes her unable to keep up her speed for long? Like the old scars on Agnodice’s legs?

The woman falls quiet at my question, which admittedly makes me feel bad. Touchy subject, gotcha.

Brynhildr speaks up just as I was about to, so to change the subject. “W-Would you call… What I am doing right now… Creepy? Disgusting?” Again with that?

Still, I snort softly at that. “It’s cute as fuck, Bryn.” I can feel her all but lock up at my quick answer and words. “Don’t let the words of some bumbling dumbass who doesn’t like the attention or being looked at bring you down.”

“Actually, don’t let the negative words spouted by anyone affect you. Your own thoughts are all that matters. Keep the happy things, toss away the bad ones.” This is something that I am trying so hard to do myself, but saying is easier than doing sometimes.

Brynhildr remains quiet for a few seconds before the door to the closet is pushed open a bit more.

My eyes widen when they finally land on her whole body, her cheeks dark red as she hugs her long legs to her chest.

All she is wearing is a big fluffy pink sweater and black shorts, her long icy-blue hair cascading down her back and onto the floor.

Just as beautiful as I remember from the day she came down to the kitchen to ask for more food.

Really, this city is dangerous. There’s just so many beautiful women in here that can captivate one’s gaze oh so easily.

So, unable to resist, I let it out. “You’re beautiful.” Brynhildr squeaks, her face going nuclear as I chuckle heartily.

Then I am reminded of something. “Say, it has been a while since you had a nice breakfast, yes?” The mischievous grin on my face makes Brynhildr visibly shudder and shrink in on herself.

A meek and cute “Yes…” leaves her lips, and my grin grows even bigger.

“Then, how about I make some for you this morning?” And have it be hand-delivered to her room by Kirin, who will then have breakfast with her?

Brynhildr glares cutely at me. “You are plotting something.”

I nod. “Of course.” She pouts at me. A very big and cute pout. “It’s very evil, but you’ll love it. Promise.”

“The plan, or the breakfast?”

No comment.” Her pout just grows bigger at that.

And that’s when the door to my room smashes open. “Riley!” And Meteria charges in at full throttle. “Your lovely Meteria is here to- Oh, you’re alright.” I raise an amused brow as Meteria – clad in nightgown that just makes me crazy – sulks and sighs in disappointment.

So, I spread my arms and put a fake look of hurt on my face. “Oh no, I am hurting so bad! If only I had a cuddly- Oof!Goddamn, she didn’t waste a second!

I chuckle and hug Meteria back, her soft cheek squished and rubbing against mine as she hums happily.

That’s when I also notice that Brynhildr just disappeared.

She’s so fast and quiet that it’s both terrifying and impressive.

Pretty sure she can somehow breach the Sound Barrier without releasing a Sonic Boom… Which is confusing, but oh well.

“What are you doing still awake?” I ask Meteria as she takes a seat on my lap, massive breasts squished against my chest.

But I try and fail not to focus on that. How can I not focus on that wonderful sensation?

Meteria hums softly, big and beautiful smile on her face, her small and soft hands rising up to fix up my messy hair. “I was having a late night talk with Big Sis. We do that often.”

“Then Lady Hera came in, said you were having a nightmare, then just left.” That damn woman…

“You had one the night we slept together too.” I reel back at Meteria’s words, a gentle but worried smile on her wonderful face. “I was so scared and worried, and it took me a bit to calm you down.”

I should have expected that to happen. I have them pretty much every time I sleep, that night shouldn’t have been any different.

But for some reason, I woke up well rested that day. Perhaps Meteria’s presence helped me out in that regard.

“I hated seeing you like that.” Said girl whispers softly, leaning forward to rest her forehead against mine, her breath smelling of mint. “How often do they happen?”

I tighten my hold on her hips at that. “Please, don’t make me answer that.” I don’t want to tell her, but I also do not want to lie to her.

Getting the message, Meteria just nods lowly before wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.

I sigh softly and hug her close right back. “You are too precious for this world.” My words make her turn her nose up with a smug look.

“In fact, I am not for the world! I’m all for Riley!” That… Okay, that’s fucking adorable.

And maybe a tiny bit hot, too.

And that’s when she perks up and looks around with a curious look on her face. “I’m pretty sure I heard you talk before I came in… Were you talking to yourself?” Was she by the door before she charged in or does she have a very sensitive hearing like her sister?

I feel like it’s the second one.

“Brynhildr was in here before you charged in.” That makes Meteria pause. Then swiftly stand up and off my lap.

“How dare she not wait for me to tackle her, hug her, greet her, and annoy her!?” I just… What?

Meteria swiftly turns and starts stomping her way out of my room while gritting her teeth rather audibly. “And she really do think she can escape me when she’s right next-door!”

I raise my hand to stop her, but words fail me as she disappears from sight.

I mean… Good for Brynhildr? Hugs from Meteria should be a blessing or something among the Hera Familia, with how often people try to hoard her attention and time.

So, maybe Brynhildr will be rejoice-


Meteria, open up!Why that sound like ‘F.B.I., open up!’-

The door to Brynhildr’s room is instantly and audibly kicked off it’s fucking hingesthe very next second.

Brynhildr’s terrified scream could be heard across half of Orario.

Jesus fucking Christ Meteria…


Brynhildr weeps, hugging herself and huddling deeper into the safety forth she built in the corner of her room.

Pillows, clothes, the beditself- Everything in her room!

Everything, just so to keep out that ravenous beast that hugged the life out of her away for at least… a few seconds. Because she knows very well that nothing can stand between Meteria and her target.

Especially after she kicked down an armored door capable of keeping out even Level 2 Adventurers…

That girl is horrifying sometimes.

And then, Brynhildr hears that chilling sound yet again.

The door to her room started creaking open.

With a quiet whimper of fear, the hidden woman peeks through the small hole she had left behind so to analyze the situation around her room in case of emergencies… And her gaze locks on her slowly opening door.

The bright light flowing through nearly blinds her, forcing her to blink several times to get used to it.

But when she does, her gaze locks on the figure stepping through her doorway and slowly shutting the door close with their foot.

A crackle of violet lighting lights up Kirin’s elegant and smilingfigure.

The massive tray in her hands looked like it had enough breakfast for two or more people.

Brynhildr whimpers. Kirin’s smile only grows bigger. “Hello, Bryn.”

“Riley made breakfast for us… So let’s enjoy it together, shall we?”

That man is evil! Evil, she says!

He’ll destroy the world-!

A fist smashes right through her safety corner-forth, then grabs her collar.

Brynhildr chuckles nervously. “I’m in danger!

Her whole body is then yankedout in the open room, the blinds having been opened to allow the bright rays of the sun to pour in.

So, Brynhildr does the only sensible thing possible.

She screams.



“That’s…a lot of boxes.” I perk up at Kirin’s voice just as I put down the tenth and last of the large boxes I bought from the shop.

With the assistance of two of the Supporters sent with me under Hera’s orders.

Three of them hold the bottles with Healing and Impurities Cleansing Pills, while the rest are mainly stuff Kirin ordered for their Expedition deep in the Dungeon.

I dust my gloved hands on my pants while giving her a grin. “Enjoyed breakfast?” I ask her, though seeing the way she is outright glowing is all I need.

Her smile only grows bigger and wider. Cuter, even. “Delicious. And with good, if not terrified, company.” We share a snort at that.

Bullying Brynhildr is fun, even if it makes me feel just a tiny bit sad.

Not only did I hear her get absolutely bodiedby Meteria last night, but then I threw Kirin at her this morning.

“I’m glad to hear that.” I hum with a smile of my own before glancing back at the boxes and patting the one before me with my hand as Kirin steps forward. “Now I just have to wait for everyone-”

I pause as Kirin’s hand slips into mine, her fingers crossing with my own, and the soft and warm sensation of her incredibly soft lips kissing my cheek fills my thought.

I blink as the kiss lasts only one or two seconds before Kirin pulls back, and enchanting smile on her face, one that could kill lesser man.

God-fucking damn, the women of this city are dangerous…

Her hand gives mine a squeeze, bringing me back to reality. “Thank you.” She whispers softly, a faint dusting of red on her cheeks. “For helping me enjoy breakfast with my best friend yet again.”

I blink, then breathe in and smile, giving her hand a squeeze right back. “Just being a good friend.” To both her and Brynhildr.

And again, bullying Bryn is fun.

Kirin lets out a downright sensual purrat my words, and her eyes actually fucking glow with desire. “Oh, and this friend is about to get laid-”

“Kirin.” A strong and hard female voice calls out, instantly making the aroused Kirin scowl and turn around.

I blink at the two new arrivals that just walked through the doors, both very similar, yet at the same not, having quite a few differences between them.

One is tall, with dark gray hair and bright grass green eyes and a pair of fluffy ears on top of her head.

Her curvaceous body is mostly bare, with her quite hefty chest clad in a tube top seemingly made of white and pitch black leather.

Her forearms are covered in black fur, with her hands being clawed and quite a bit bigger than normal, and I can sense that it’s actually natural and not some kind of gloves. Her hands are just like that.

Her lower body is instead clad in… well, can I call those panties? Or just a pair of very skimpy shorts?

Either way, past that are two long, fluffy black tails. The same black fur covering her forearms starts again right above her kneecaps, then goes down to her feet, which are actually hooves. Boar hooves, from a glance.

The other girl is a bit shorter, and shares the same pretty face as her taller twin, but the rest of her body is completely different.

One, the two bangs of hair falling at the sides of her face are a darker green compared to the one of her eyes, while the rest of her hair, tail and ears are a dark golden color.

Her body is just as curvaceous, but it’s clad in a more covering azure and black dress that ends just a bit above her kneecaps, with the lower part being covered by black stockings and heels, and her forearms being covered by elbow length black gloves.

“Calydonia.” Kirin ‘greets’ the silver haired woman, now named Calydonia, then turns to the other one. “Atalanta.” Oh hey, that’s a name I know-!

Oh, Calydonian Boar! I was a huge history geek back in my old world…

Still proud of it.

But… Something about Calydonia just…

She’s so full of Hate and Anger.

Now, I can’t feel emotions due to Qi. That isn’t really possible, but perhaps it will be in higher Realms.

Either way, Qi can’t help me feel emotion, but I am just good at reading people.

And yet… I can feel the outright unhealthy amounts of Anger and Hate flowing out of Calydonia in waves, actively fucking affecting the Qi around her.

Which is absolutely insane.

For negative emotions to actively affect and change the surrounding Qi, they need to be insanely strong.

The best representation of that is a battlefield filled with corpses. The sheer Negativity in that place left behind by all the death and the still lingering Negative Emotions will slowly turn Qi into a variant form that is outright poisonous, and is what reanimates corpses.

That process takes years.

But I know that if Calydonia were to stand still in the same spot for around a month or two, she’d actively change the Qi in that area the same way with the amount of Negative Emotions overflowing out of her.

And they were all aimed at me!

Warr I do!?

Case in point, Calydonia’s bright green eyes flick towards me with a heavy glare. “Why’s a man here?” Course she can tell my gender at a glance.

Why am I happy about that? I might even shed a tear!

“He’s our new Alchemist.” That brings Calydonia and Atalanta to a pause. “You’ll find out why soon enough. Hence the meeting.”

The gray haired woman sniffs and gives me another glare, her lips pull back in a faint growl as she does so before huffing and stomping forward, straight into the large hall where dinner is ate, or where meetings are held.

Atalanta doesn’t really glare at me or anything, but I can tell she doesn’t like me at a glance, so she quickly follows her taller twin inside.

Kirin sighs, her mood clearly having been ruined by that. “Sorry about her, it’s…” She gulps and rubs her right arm lightly, clearly nervous.

“Let me guess; There will be members of the Hera Familia who won’t like me being around?” Kirin nods, and I hold back a snort at my wild yet very perfect guess.

“The majority don’t really live in the mansion with us, so you haven’t met them.” She sighs out softly. “Not many are fond of males in the Hera Familia. Be it because they were taken advantage of, or other things that I’d rather not say.” Ah, I see now.

So I have no right in being offended by their attitude, honestly.

“Ah well, if that’s why, then I don’t mind.” Kirin snaps her gaze to me in shock, and I shrug. “People have their differences, and if something another man did made them hate other men – which shouldn’t be right, but is understandable– I can ignore it and not mind it.”

Kirin opens her mouth to say something, but ultimately just closes it for a few short seconds as she stares at me with wide eyes.

So in the end, she sighs through her nostrils and sags her shoulders. “Sometimes you are far too good for your own good.” I just shrug at that.

A fond smile spreads across her beautiful face at that before she glances towards the wide open doors of the Hera Mansion.

More and more of the ladies are starting to arrive, so the meeting can start soon enough.

A light hum flows out of Kirins lips, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’ll go get ready for the meeting then, until then-” Turning to me, I am yet again caught off guard by yet another kiss on the cheek from her.

Until she skips back, licks her lips, and throws a sensual kink at me.

“How bold.” The familiar voice of Hera reaches my ears, and I turn to stare at her, only to pause and blink.

That’s… Not Hera? But she does look like her. Kind off.


‘Hera’ approaches us, having clearly come from down the hall, her body clad in a seemingly glowing sundress with golden accents.

Her light brown hair are gathered in a high bun, with a golden crown of flowers wrapped around it, while her face was clad in light but perfect make-up.

“I can all but taste the sexual tension between you two.” ‘Hera’ muses with a smirk, right arm crossed beneath her chest while her other one held the glass of wine she is currently nursing.

Kirin rolls her eyes, clear amusement in her eyes.

While I tilt my head in confusion. “Who are you?” ‘Hera’ stills, her eyes widening slightly. Same as Kirin.

What is this?

‘Hera’ swiftly recovers though, and an eyebrow raises up at me in confusion. “Hit your head or something? I’m Hera-”

“No you ain’t.” ‘Hera’ chokes on air at my quick and flat rebuttal.

And that’s when the real, cackling Hera walks down the hall, dressed just the same as the fake one. “I told you it wouldn’t have fooled him, Juno.” Juno, another name for Hera.

I guess it fits a woman that looks like her.

Juno scoffs while Kirin gapes at me in pure shock. “How did you know I’m not Hera? Everyone always gets fooled.” The fake Hera questions, a slight bit of irritation to her voice.

So I just give her a blank look. “Your hair are a shade darker than Hera’s and are also a bit shorter, and your eyes are a shade lighter. You are shorter than her by two inches, do not have the same plump lips Hera has, have a slightly bigger bust than Hera, and finally…”

“Hera has wider hips and a bigger behind.” Said Goddess cackles in outright glee at my words.

The massive grin on her face nearly reaches her ears as she steps forward. “When I say I got a dump-truck, I fucking mean it, bitches!” Hera whistles and swaggers forward while Juno flushes in embarrassment and indignation, hands hovering over her lacking behind.

“Give it here, Riley!” Hera calls out as she walks past, raising her hand high.

So I follow suit and high-five the Goddess as she walks by and into the meeting hall. “That’s my boy!” At least she’s having fun.

And everyone just witnessed our closeness-

Oh my God, she fucking planned it, didn’t she?!

Alfia and Meteria are down the hall with Agnodice, while the front gates are nearly filled with probably a hundred or more women and girls coming in.

Hera picked the right time to do this on purpose! She must have!

I couldn’t help but chuckle and shake my head at that.

All that just to make those that will be against me understand that she herself likes me.

“Come on, there there…” I turn and follow Kirin soothing a teary eyed and pouting Juno, hunched over and with hands still hovering over her behind.

“My ass isn’t that bad, is it?” Juno all but begs Kirin, her voice cracking by the end, making me feel… Just a tiny bit bad.

But also very amused.

Kirin just chuckles nervously, clearly packing fat greater heat in the chest, waist, legs and ass departments.

But goddamn doesn’t everyone just lose out to Miss Agnodice.

Milf Energy at maximum power!

And said Milf just looks at me, flushes brightly, then rushes inside the meeting room before I could greet her.

The hell?

My gaze instantly snaps to Meteria.

And she instantly gives me a very massive smug look.

What the fuck did this little gremlin do?

I give her the very terrifying threat of pointing at her, then making a show of pinching her cheeks and pulling them.

So she just blows a raspberry at me and hides behind the very amused and smiling Alfia.

With a shake of the head and amused smile on my own face, I ignore the other women flowing through the doors and into the meeting hall as I quickly make stock of everything, just to make sure.

The Hera Familia has, in total, around 248 Adventurers, with around 150 of them being Supporters.

Still, even with that, I made enough Pills for everyone.

Oh, and… Three, two, one…

Wait- What the fuck?! Meteria!?”

Nani the fuck!? Wha-Huh-Bweh!? Am I still high!?”

Nah, must be an illusion. That disappointed look still hurts though.”


Okay, not an illusion. Didn’t need to throw a pan at me…”

Does that mean that I can cuddle her without her breaking?”

You’re a Level 5. She’s gonna break you.”

Oh, yeah, silly me.”

Yep, just what I expected. Squeals of happiness, ladies passing out, others hammering their heads against the tables before them to try and make the ‘Illusion’ fade away.

So on, and so forth.

“Okay ladies, calm down.” Inventory check done, I grab the first bow and lift it up with ease, then bring it inside as Kirin speaks up to calm everyone down.

“Juno, you’re the damn Captain here. Why must I do everything?” I set the box down and throw Juno a surprised look, the still pouting woman now lazing on the major seat in the large hall, right below Hera’s ‘throne’.

Juno is the Captain of the Familia? Huh, that’s surprising…

She does feel hella strong, now that I focus on her a bit more.

“When did this happen?” Calydonia question, a faint snort escaping my lips when I see her squishing and pulling at Meteria’s cheeks.

Abuabuabuabuabuabua~” And that’s the cute noise flowing out of Meteria as her face is squished and pulled at.

Kirin palms her face out of exasperation as I exit the hall to grab the second large box, so to bring it inside too. “Quite a while now. You could say we found a cure for her.”

The sheer wave of happiness and relief that washes forth from the room nearly stuns me, but I expected it after seeing how much Meteria is loved.

“Did Dian Cecht develop something? Or what?” I flick my gaze towards the speaker. A blonde Elf, who is very similar in looks to Agnodice.

Just… much younger, less mature looking, and with a downgraded bust.

Kirin downright scowls at those words. “That is partially why I called for this meeting, so listen up!” Time to grab the last box.

“First; The purpose of our Expedition will change. Atalanta, you’ll still get your chance to reach Level 7, I won’t take that away from you. But it won’t be Monster Rex slaying-” I can feel a glare in the back of my head at that bit. I’m not sorry. “-But resource gathering. Mainly, herbs and other ingredients. The list will be shared before the Expedition.”

Murmurs and whispers of confusion fill the hall, and Calydonia is the first to speak up. “Any reason why?”

“I’m getting to it.” Kirin sighs, and I once again hold back a faint snort as I place the last box down, then lean against it.

Some women do throw distrustful glances my way, but mainly focus on Kirin as she stands tall and proud before them all, keeping their attention on her with her strong presence and loud voice.

“The reason for this is simple; I have cut our Contract with Dian Cecht, due to this.” The shock at her words doesn’t last long as Kirin pulls a vial out of her pocket, one filled with foul smelling black sludge.

Which she pops open, and both Calydonia and Atalanta lean back and cover their noses with a retch. “What the fuck is that shit!?How eloquent.

“This.” Kirin’s nostrils flare, the glass of the vial cracking beneath her grip. “Is the filth that is present in all of Dian Cecht’s potions.” The wave of disgust is instant, and several loud retches and gags fill the hall the very next second.

“For this, I’d rather have Riley explain, as he can do it better than me.” I blink, then point at myself as Kirin gives me a smug look.

She just… This woman…

I sigh deeply as all eyes flick to me, making me straighten myself and walk down the hall so to stand next to Kirin.

Meteria wolf whistles as I walk by, horrifying nearly all the women in the hall.

Alfia just looks resigned, while Hera downright cackles loudly at that.

“The hell am I supposed to say?” I ask Kirin, and she just shrugs with a big smile on her face.

So I palm mine with yet another sigh.

“Fine, I’ll wing it.” I shrug, then snatch the vial out of her hands. “As you all already heard, my name is Riley. And yes, I’m a man. Feel free to hate me and distrust me and whatnot, I’m sure the majority of you all has their reasons for that, and I shall respect it.” I take in a breath.

Then sigh it out. “But please, listen to me for this, as it’s very important. To gain some credibility on this, allow me to say that I am the one that has healed Meteria.”

The shock is palpable, and Meteria swiftly nods and cheers when eyes seeking confirmation flick towards her.

And thanks to her, now the anger filled and distrustful eyes are far more tamed than before.

The way to their hearts is through Meteria, apparently.

“Now, this filth right here-” I rise the vial and give it a shake, making sure to use my finger to keep it sealed so that Calydonia and Atalanta can’t smell the stench with their enhanced sense of smell. “-They are called ‘Impurities’.”

“They are present in everything. From food, to water, to plants, to trees. Everything.”

“But, each thing that holds these Impurities holds a minuscule amount, that even if extracted, you wouldn’t be able to see.” I hold the vial up yet again. “Dian Cecht’s potion are ninety-percent Impurities. They don’t heal you. They poisonyou.”

“The way he prepares them is to make large batches of them, and boiling them. Not cooking them. He dilutes the ingredients used, and spreads them thin so to gain immense quantities… over absolute shit quality.”

It still pisses me off so much that he got away with this filth for so long. He’s been poisoning everyone for who knows how long he’s been using this damned recipe.

“What exactly do these Impurities do?” Calydonia question, a low growl to her voice. Though it ain’t aimed at me.

She just looks pissed off. In general. Which I think is a constant.

I breathe in yet again. “When they gather up, they do many things. You become more sickly, your eyesight grows worse, you seemingly age faster, you live less, and will greatly weaken your physical capabilities.” The last part heightened the wave of horror that kept rising with each of my words.

“Weaken us by howmuch?” This question came from Kirin, as she too didn’t know about this.

Cause I kinda forgot to tell her.

“By a rough estimate, mostly due to the possible amount of potions you have digested and the amount of Impurities that have gathered up… You are probably only unleashing half of your total power. Maybe less. Very likely so.” That is just how horrifying Impurities are.

And it’s why Cultivators avoid them like the plague, and in later realms, absolutely worship anything capable of purging them.

In fact, the Impurity Cleansing Pill shouldn’t exist… Yet I can make it? Weird...

Kirin gnashes her teeth loudly, as does the majority of the hall. Hell, Hera has been looking and feeling downright murderous since I revealed the ‘shorter lifespan’ tidbit.

It probably made her think of all the medicine from Dian Cecht she has been feeding Meteria, which instead of making her feel better, they were slowing shortening her already short lifespan.

Deciding to take the reigns back and stop the women from going to grab the dumb failure of a Medicine God and burning him at the stake, I clap loudly so to bring the attention back to me.

“Hence why I bought those.” I speak up and wave towards the three boxes I carried within the hall. “Inside those boxes are bottles for all of you. Bottles not filled with potions, but with Pills, something of my… own creation, sort of, and far greater than Potions.”

“Inside the bottles are two Pills. The Impurities Cleansing Pill, which will clean your body up of all the filth gathered through the years from drinking the mistakes of Dian Cecht…” I pause a bit at that. “Oh and… Well, it’s going to feel very weird, hurt a lot, and you need to be in the baths to do that, because the impurities stink. A lot.”

Calydonia and Atalanta downright whimper loudly at that.

“The other Pill is a Healing Pill. Take it before the Impurity Cleansing Pill, just to make sure the cleansing of Impurities doesn’t leave behind any damage due to the long term exposure you all have gone through.” And with that, I clap my hands together and bow. “That’s all.”

Now, time to make my escape. I hate being at the center of everyone’s attention- And Kirin just grabbed me and stopped me in place.

Why, woman?!

“Not done yet.” She huffs out in amusement, and yes, I pout at her. Cause I’m petty and childish like that.

Kirin ignores me and coughs into her fist. “Now, the gathering of ingredients is for two specific Pills. First, to heal our injured Veterans.”

A wave of confusion and head tilts spreads through the hall like wildfire, so Kirin coughs again and explains. “Riley here-” She gives me a shake- Wait, when did she lift me off the fucking ground!? Unhand me at once-“Can make Pills that regrow limbs.”

And now everyone is staring at me yet again.

So I just give a dumb grin and double thumbs up. I’m cool like that.

“Where did you find this guy…?” Someone whispers from the back.

Hera snorts. “Meteria found him.”

Fair enough.”

You can always count on Meteria.”

Truly a blessing upon this worthless world.”

Now, if only Zeus could cease to exist, it’ll all be much better.”

And if Riley could knock me up, it’ll be perfect.”


I just sigh at the murmurs and praises towards the now very smug Meteria.

She just radiates smug these days. It’ll get to her head soon enough.

Then no one shall be safe.

“And finally, the last few Pills that will finally help us achieve our dream.” Hm? I haven’t been told about this, or about this ‘Dream’.

“You may not know this, but Riley here doesn’t have a Falna… And he killed the Goliath and Amphisbaena back to back by himself. I have the proof.” Why must you reveal this, woman?

I’m being looked at like I’m a big piece of juicy meat right now…

Et tu, Meteria!?

What’s the big business about that anyway… They are low Level, no? And I’m still in the First Realm. I can do better later on!

“And he has some Pills that can help us grow stronger. A lotstronger.” The hall is soon filled with excited looks full of anticipation, big grins full of aspiration and desire.

“So, with those… I believe we can save this world in our Generation.” Huh? The world’s in danger?!“We shall increase our strength even further, then quell the Three Great Beasts and put an end to their endless calamities!”

“The Behemoth, who poisons the land he walks!”

“The Leviathan, who is luckily locked to a small body of water and unable to cause the horrifying damage it could do!”

“And finally, the worst of them all! The One-Eyed Black Dragon, who has single-handedly ruined entire contine-”

“One-Eyed Black Dragon?” I speak up, ending Kirin’s speech without really meaning to.

She nearly chokes on air, but smiles lightly at my confused look. “Right, you are an outsider, so you don’t know about the Three Great Beasts that plague our world.”

I hum softly at that, but then shake my head to refocus. “No, I meant… This One-Eyed Black Dragon, does it literally have just one eye, or one has been injured and has a scar over it?”

My question brings a very quiet pause to the hall. A chilling, quiet pause.

Kirin looks at me with slowly widening eyes, while Hera leans forward on her throne. “The second one.” She answers quietly, but loudly enough for me to hear. “Why do you ask?”

What’s up with the sudden change in atmosphere?

“I met the guy. If it can even be called a meeting.” I shrug even as the air grows chilly with fear and building horror.

“He just flew in, turned my village into an enormous molten crater, looked at me to assert dominance for a few seconds, then just… flew off.” I wave my hand with a huff.

Then realize the horrified stares everyone is giving me.

“What?” No, seriously… What?

What have I done this time?

A.N. Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. Next one is already in the works, will be a bit shorter, so will come out quicker.

Won’t happen again. I’m sorry. Had to remove some commissions outta the way before I could focus on this.

Either way, hope y’all enjoyed it!


Adventuring Hobbit

When I saw "assert dominance" I instantly pictured a giant black dragon flying through the sky while T-posing to assert dominance.


“He just flew in, turned my village into an enormous molten crater, looked at me to assert dominance for a few seconds, then just… flew off.” I wave my hand with a huff. was the crater in the shape of a penis?


All I’m imagining is after the Hera familia take the impurity cleansing pill is them all doing jojo poses saying “I can feel the power” or some shit

Dirk Gent Lee

“He then repeatedly teabagged my family’s graves and divorced my beloved aunt”

Kureiji Ryuu

Well, I'm not going to complain about the delay since I know you have other fics, but I would like you to at least post them here in advance as well to compensate. It seems kind of wrong to see Patreon inactive for so long as unlike Ko-Fi some minimal benefit is expected for patreon subscribers.

Pope Yoda I

Good chapter. Glad to see the story is still on track to continue. Consider adding more to the pills than just power ups and healing. Maybe some international trade is in order once an appropriate stockpile and reputation has been reached. Or open up medical clinics and corner the market on cosmetology products. Some stuff to give your story more depth and opportunities for world building. That said, unless Hera's thing is breaking the 4th wall, consider tuning her slang to be a it more world-appropriate. Example: Dump-truck --> Wagon


I love this story so much


Wooooo! It is back! Hellfox took the words right out of my mouth, I love this story so damn much! Some more nice fluff in this chapter and we get some more background on our boi. Very nice, good bulli. Looking forward to the next one already!


I glad I joined your patreon cause I would've missed this, good shit!


Another great chapter. I feel by this point someone really needs to explain the dungeon levels to Riley and just how significant a thing he did and all the attention he drew from any who witnessed. We will lose the fun misunderstanding of him not knowing what he did, but instead will get even more fun moments when Riley hears people gossip of a female adventurer who was solo in the deep floors. RIP what's left of Riley's visual masculinity. Nothing but constant pain for him but delight for everyone else.