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Mornings for Kirin starts slow and relaxing, getting ready for a long day of dealing with paperwork and preparations for the next Expedition, which she decided to set back a week or two due to giving Riley time to prepare the Pills she requested.

First, she does some stretching, then some training just so to not get rusty and practice her techniques.

Then an hour of meditation, to prepare her mind for the long day ahead.

And finally, a very hot bath for yet another hour. She already couldn’t wait to test these Herbal Bath Pills Riley told her.

If they are as good as he claims, she might just pin him down and keep him for herself.

Riley is… A weird one.

He’s insanely kind and friendly, but also stubborn. She had to talk him out of finding ways to gain money so to afford everything he needed, and just repay their debt to them.

But he is also smart, knowing how to make the best of his business and his medicines by asking her what was actively needed at the moment, while also wanting to assist the general population by making a simpler variant of his Healing Pills that he’ll sell at very little, meant to heal simple sicknesses and things like that.

At first, she thought that his kindness is fake and forced… But now, through constantly observing him these past days, she learned that it’s neither of those.

It’s a need of his. Like he is trying to alleviate some guilt by being kind to anyone he meets and generally spreading good.

He is a weird one indeed, but Kirin found herself enjoying his presence more and more.

Just seeing the sheer joy he bought to her Goddess and Familia by simply gifting Meteria his invaluable Pills, allowing her to play around with everyone and enjoy her life.

Hell, a schedule had to be set so that everyone could enjoy spending time with Meteria instead of burying her beneath a pile of hugs and kisses. Again.

She had already started to accept Riley as a real member of the Hera Familia – even with his lack of Falna– but the event with Brynhildr just made her see the teen in a whole new light.

The way he didn’t overstep his boundaries and kindly kept his distance, the way he always carefully made sure that Brynhildr saw his warm gaze instead of conjuring up a disgusted one.

And the way he made sure Meteria would spend some time with one of her favorite Executives, knowing that her mere presence and company might set Brynhildr on the path of healing her broken mind and heart.

He was but a stranger to her, yet he stepped out of his way to bring her food and to help her.

And Kirin loved how attractive that made him.

Brynhildr is her best friend, and the moment she saw Riley help her so much nearly made her want to pin the teen down and show how truly gratefulshe is.

Especially after that talkwith Meteria in the baths, when everyone asked her about her night with Riley.


He’s very good~!” Meteria purrs out cutely, a dreamy look on her face as all eyes – wide and shocked – stare at her without blinking.

He knows where to touch to make you melt, and how to move to make your mind go blank, and what to say to make you blush!” A dreamy sigh escapes the love-struck who had her first intimate experience.

A series of loud gulps ring out.

I’m definitely wet now…”

That’s because you are in the bathtub…”

Shut it.”

So…When can we jump him?”

Wait.” Everyone falls quiet when Hera speaks up, an amused smirk on her face as she rests her cheek on her open palm.

Her eyes glint with amusement and mischief as they fall on Meteria. “How big is he?” And of course, she asks the very important questions.

All eyes instantly fall to Meteria’s hands when she brings them up and holds them at a certain distance from each other.

Another series of loud gulps ring out.

That’s a bitch breaker…”

Holy shit…”

I just came…”

Hera sniffs and nods. “He’s a Trap indeed.”


Needless to say that her imagination kind of wandered a bit after that.

She isn’t one that actively goes to look for a partner to sleep with, but she has her needs too!

And damn doesn’t Riley just set a fire between her legs…

Sweet, kind, found out her secret but acted like he doesn’t know anything – something she really should talk about with her Goddess– and is even an amazing cook.

That guy is Husband Material, but Kirin hasn’t jumped him already due to two things.

One, her pride won’t let her sleep with someone that doesn’t react to her flirting and charm.

Two… She’d like to first have Meteria’s permission. After all, the two aren’t a couple.


Riley won’t last long once Meteria gets serious and actively wants to make things official.

Though it’ll be amusing to see the two twins fight for the same man…

Stepping out of the baths, Kirin swiftly dries herself and spends some time caring for her hair, brushing and braiding them in the style she grew to love since young.

Her clothes came on next, and with a deep breath, the Vice Captain of the Hera Familia steps out of her room and into the quiet halls.

It is mostly always like this in the morning. Nearly all the members spend the whole time until afternoon comes and it’s time to eat outside, training their forms and formations or discussing plans for the deeper floors.

Most of the Executives didn’t live in the Hera Mansion for various reasons.

Some disliked the work that came with it, some preferred a more quiet place, others – like her very hated Captain– just want to be very lazy and not work at all.

Only Alfia, Agnodice and Brynhildr live within the Hera Mansion, with the last two unfortunately being mostly retired Executives.

Though Agnodice still offers her Healing Magic and Barrier Magic on their expedition, which is something she dislikes since the much older woman doesn’t know when to take a break.

Hopefully, with Riley here and with his Pills, she’ll finally take a step back and spend some time relaxing and not working so much.

And speaking of said teen…

Kirin’s eyes stray to the window on her right, facing towards the main gates of the Hera Mansion and the front of the Elysian Gardens.

There, seated on the small bridge set above the pond of Koi Fishes she had requested to be made due to the attachment to her homeland, is Riley.

His usually simple and poor quality robes are left open and fallen around his waist, revealing the skin tight black shirt he wears underneath.

He was seated in a lotus style, with his sword sat over his waist, and seemed to just be meditating.

A small smile pulled at Kirin’s lips at the sight, and unable to resist herself, she hurried downstairs and outside, thenapproached the still meditating teen.

As she draws close, she noticed something strange about him.

He was breathing, with his chest rising and falling… Yet, he wasn’t?

She couldn’t hear him breathe through his nostrils and mouth, yet chest was rising and falling as if he was actively breathing.

His eyes – who she will always hate for being just so beautiful and captivating– slowly peek open and turn to regard her.

And then he smiles, an expression that just makes her stomach churn. The Heavens really gifted him with insanely good looks.“Good morning.” He speaks softly, then tilts his head and breathes in. “Lavender, huh?”

His soft musing makes Kirin’s face flush a bright red. That was the scent of the soap she used to clean herself.

“You have a very sensitive nose.” She huffs out, gulping down her embarrassment while wrapping her arms below her bust. He caught her completely off-guard.

His nose scrunches up in amusement. “Nah, the wind just blew this way.” He chuckles softly, and she blows a raspberry at him before plopping down on her knees right beside him.

“So, what are you doing?”Kirin makes sure to lean in close to him, and oh- Would you look at that? Plenty of her cleavage was in view! What a shame!

She cheers internally when his gaze wanders down to said cleavage for a second, but she acts like she didn’t see anything.

“Just…” He breathes in and draws his gaze away, then slowly breathes out. “Meditating, and thinking.”

That makes her blink curiously. “About what?” She didn’t like it.

The way his usually bright emotions just dulled. The way those wonderful of eyes of his seemingly lost their light and had guilt pouring through them.

She hated seeing that. Someone as bright and as wonderful as him shouldn’t let negative emotions ruin something that she loved looking at.

She’s seen it far too many times, both on her fellow sisters and even those rare times where her Goddess dropped her mask.

And especially on her dear best friend, Brynhildr.

But as soon as it came, it all disappeared. “Nah, nothing.” He straightens himself, and all those wonderful and bright emotions of his light up his face once more.

Despite being curious, Kirin swiftly decides not to push forward. He didn’t insist on knowing more about her secret, so she won’t pry into his past.

So she swiftly focuses on something else. “How were you doing that?” His bright and wonderful eyes flick to meet hers. “That weird way of breathing of yours. Pretty sure you weren’t breathing with your mouth or ears.”

He blinks, and his eyes widen quite a bit. “I’m surprised you managed to catch that.” Riley hums out with a smile. “But yes, I wasn’t breathing with my mouth or nose.”

“It’s a Breathing Style called Embryonic Breathing, where you breathe in the air through the body’s pores.” Slowly, he shows it to her again, yet she can’t for the life of her even begin to understand how it actually work.

“This is… so complicated…” Her words evoked a chuckle from Riley, which sounded very hot to her ears.

“It very much is.” He agrees before breathing out lowly. “I’ve been training in it for years, yet I still can’t do it as well as I wish I could.” And yet to her he seemed to have gotten it down quite well.

Perhaps he wishes he could do it subconsciously?

With a curious smile, she props her chin on her open palm. “And what does this ‘Embryonic Breathing’ do?”

Riley blinks and tilts his head at her, then just… stares.

A flush soon comes up to her cheeks at his staring, making her just a tiny bit nervous. “What?”

Startled out of his staring, Riley swiftly shakes his head and blinks a few times. “Nothing, you just look incredibly beautiful.” He chuckles out lightly, making her flush light up and envelop her whole face and ears. “I’m not used to being around breathtaking women.”

This man is truly dangerous… No wonder he conquered the twins within the span of two days.

And now he’s trying to conquer her too? Hmph!

...He’s succeeding.

“Either way,-” He coughs softly while Kirin pouts at him, really wanting to pin him down right on the bridge and savor him as much as she wanted. “-The Embryonic Breathing helps keep the body healthy, and it helps you feel closer to nature.”

“Just… Imagine being back in the warm comfort of you mother’s embrace, or the closest feeling to that.” That… That does sound wonderful indeed.

It sounds so peaceful and calming.

The warm, comforting embrace of her mother… Hers died at birth, but she swiftly gained a new one in the form of Hera.

Who, despite her origin, took her into her embrace and grew her herself.

Kirin still remembers her childhood fondly. All the time she spent running after Hera, all the baths together, and the wonderful love filled smiles her Goddess used to wear.

Even her hugs. Those she could never forget.

“It sounds wonderful…” Kirin muses wistfully, her gaze lost as she wanders in her own memories.

Riley nods lightly, a gentle yet sad smile on his face. “It is, but I can’t fully experience that wondrous feeling.” He sighs softly before perking up. “Maybe you can though…”

With a pout, Kirin reaches forward to grab his cheeks, much to his surprise.

Then she proceeds to squish them and pull them. “Whaf aa you doen’?” Riley questions, doing absolutely nothing to stop her, his eyes filled to the brim with amusement.

Kirin’s pout just grows bigger. “Stop getting lost in your past and ruining your looks with those negative emotions.” She all but orders, gently slapping his soft cheeks before pulling back.

Scrunching up his nose, Riley snorts in amusement at her, but his gaze was filled with a warmth that just made her belly feel funny.

“Fine…” He concedes, and Kirin sniffs with a satisfied nod and smile. “Right, I wanted to ask you about the Dungeon.” Well, that’s a sudden change in topic.

But she should have expected it would have come up soon.“What would you like to know?”

His gaze grows flat. “How the fuck does it work?”


“I went there this morning, and it’s so confusing that I got lost barely twenty seconds in, and I kept going further and further down!”

You went into the Dungeon by yourself?!

“The only problem I had in the Dungeon is my dumbass getting lost because I suck at directions.” Kirin actually had to do her best to hold back a snort and actually laugh at Riley.

A giggle still escapes her. “H-How deep did you go?”

Riley scrunches up his nose in a cute way and crosses his arms. “Well, I first reached the… Fifth Floor of the Second Level?” What? Does he mean the Fifteenth Floor?

Why is he diving each ten floor in Levels?

“Then I kind of lost count after Minotaurs just kept screaming into my ears and throwing themselves at me.”

“I remember reaching a large open room soon after though!” Oh God, did he face the Goliath Monster Rex?“I remember that place vividly because of that dumbass giant that kept screaming at me for no damn reason.”

“He was a good sparring partner though… And I accidentally cut him in half while trying out some moves, so he exploded into ash.” By the Gods, he treated a Monster Rex as a sparring partner…

“The only other Monster that actively gave me a challenge and helped me train was a two-headed dragon thing-” He fought the Amphisbaena too!?

When did he even reach it!?

“Oh my God Riley…” He went from being a wonder to a headache in the span of minutes!

Wait a second-!“W-What about the crystals?!” The Monster Rex bounties they were supposed to claim in two weeks too!

“Crystals?” Riley blinks in pure confusion, then realization. “Oh yeah, I had no way to gather those things the monsters kept dropping… Until I improvised a sack with that weird and strong flesh the screaming giant dropped after he exploded.” He even got the rare Item Drop from the Goliath!?

“T-Then… What happened?”



So…How do I turn these in?”

U-Uhm… Are they all yours?”

“…I’m literally holding them, so… Duh.”

O-Of course, uhm… Which Familia are you from?”

...Hera Familia. I’m very much a woman.”

Okay…? T-Then just… Uhm, go over there and start exchanging the stones-… Is that a Goliath Skin Item? And you’re using it as a sack?”

Goliath? Is that the name of the giant that kept screaming at me?”

...D-Didn’t your Familia members tell you?”

I was alone.”

E-Eh?” All eyes very slowly turn towards Riley. Even though his words were quiet, everyone present stillheard him. Somehow.

Oh, and…” He suddenly fishes into the large stuffed bag bigger and wider than himself, and pulls out a clean liver. “Is this liver valuable? A two-headed Dragon dropped it.”

The receptionist starts feeling light-headed. “U-Uhm… Are you a new Executive of the Hera Familia?” She had never seen this woman before, so…

And apparently she fought the Goliath and Amsphibaena, two Monster Rex of the Dungeon, back to back… And came back with their Item Drops?

Which are insanely rare?

I’m a new member. Just came to Orario and all.” Eh?

A new member?

As in… She just got the Falna?


A-Ah, you must’ve already had a Falna then-”

I don’t.” A bomb goes off inside the receptionist’s head, and inside the heads of all the adventurers listening in on them.


I don’t have a Falna. I’m just a doctor hired by the Hera Familia.”

The receptionist passes out right there and then.


“I honestly don’t know why she passed out…” Kirin tried her best not to scream into her hands.

She wanted to laugh, scream and cry.

This was going to bring her so many headaches!

...At least he got the bounties for the Monster Rexes that he killed… But their Crystals!

...Well, the Item Drops can make her forget about that, for now…

“You’re going to bring me so many headaches…” Kirin whines, yet a soft peal of laughter still escapes her.

And worse of all, a confused Riley looks so damn adorable!“Gosh, you idiot!” Her hands are now squishing his cheeks yet again.

“I did nuffin’ wron’!” He protests weakly, still not realizing the amount of problems he surely has created for himself in the future.

So she gently slaps his cheeks and schools her expression into a serious one. “Riley, you are an anomaly.” Kirin gently tells him, making him blink and meet her eyes with his own.

“You wield strength that took those like me, with a Falna, close to two decades to reach… Without a Falna.”

Kirin couldn’t help the worry that filled her chest at the thought of the future that was to come. “The majority of the Gods aren’t kind, Riley. They are greedy.”

“Once they learn of how strong you are without a Falna – which will be soon – they will swiftly try and force you into their grasp, one twisted way or the other.” Especially once his Pill Shop opens up and he utterly destroys Dian Cecht in terms of sales.

Because he will. She’ll make sure of that.

He can make more Pills than that God’s whole Familia can in terms of potions, and with far, far less ingredients.

It won’t be long until Riley will hold the monopoly over said ingredients, so to make sure that demented God doesn’t waste any.

“Even if I have you all as a backer?” Riley questions with a raised brow, his expression still as calm as ever.

Kirin nods with a low gulp, a guilty look in her eyes. “We might be one of the two strongest Familia’s, but there’s a limit to how much we can do without outright being tyrants over the other Familias.”

At that, Riley nods lowly. “Especially with me being a mostly unofficial member.” Kirin nods too at that. Her Goddess whole reason for allowing Riley in the Elysian Gardens is both for amusement and to heal Meteria and Alfia.

But outside of that, she most definitely has no plans in implanting her Falna on his back… And she surely won’t allow Zeus’s mostly ruined Familia to take Riley in.

In the end, Riley will have to join a Familia in the future… But that’ll bring an immense risk of being instantly challenged to a War Game as soon as he does.

By either one or a coalition of Familias that want him for themselves.

And if things get too horrid… “I don’t want you to be driven out of Orario…” She whispers softly beneath her breath.

She didn’t want to lose the one man that bought Brynhildr out of her room, made Meteria healthy… And made her Goddess smile a truly sincere and happy smile in years.

In just a few days. Imagine what he could do with more.

“I’m not afraid of conflict or trouble, Kirin.” Riley tells her kindly, looking quite happy at her worry for him. “It matters not what schemes they come up with, all will be naught in front of pure power.”

Thatis my assurance to being safe and worry free.” He shrugs, then slowly stands and stretches his back, letting it pop audibly. “I dictate how to live my life.”

“No man, no beast, and no God can do that. And if they try…” I light smile crosses his lips, one void of any warm emotions Kirin usually sees on his face. “Well, they might just have a verybad day.”

Why does that arouse her like so?

A mortal killing a God’s Mortal Vessel is considered to be the greatest crime in existence, because of course they’d make it like so.

And while Riley currently doesn’t know about such a thing… Kirin highly doubts he’ll give a damn even if she were to tell him.

He’ll truly do whatever he wants.

“Why are you pouting at me?” The far too sexy teen asks her, and Kirin turns her head away with her still puffed up cheeks.

“Nothing!” Kirin huffs out, then throws a glance at Riley just in time to see his expression morph into a deadpan one.

“You’re thinking about something perverted, aren’t you?”

“Stop looking so damn sexy, and maybe I’ll stop.”

“I’m… not even doing anything?”



“Your Familia works quick…” Riley muses softly as he holds the door open for her and Meteria, a light smile on his face.

One that Alfia mirrors as she watches her younger twin look around with big, bright and sparkling eyes, as curious as always.

“The storage is also filled with the ingredients you asked.” Alfia points out, bringing the younger Alchemist to a slight pause.

He might be surprised, but she wasn’t. Her Goddess did pretty much make helping out Riley get started as the most important thing to do, even more important than preparing for the next Expedition.

And needless to say that said task was swiftly done in the span of a day or two.

Yes, many of the ingredients that Riley requires still haven’t been gathered, but that has become the reason the expedition will be done now.

Getting Riley anda garden for his medicinal herbs started is the most important thing for them to do right now, as it’ll assure the safety of their Familia members in the long run.

Plus, far greater success in the future Expeditions.

Stepping into the back of the shop, Alfia’s gaze instantly lands on the Pill Furnace Riley had requested to be made.

It’s… enormous, and menacing looking.

Unlike the previous furnace, which was barely head-sized, the current one was bigger than a Minotaur, and also much wider. Nearly the width of a carriage, even.

It waspitch black, with the corners being accentuated by a bright golden color.

It looked more like a cauldron than a furnace, in Alfia’s eyes… But she could also feel the dense Magic wafting off the large construct.

Clearly, the elemental materials that went into it were clearly of the highest quality.

“This is…” Riley breathes and carefully approaches the enormous furnace, his eyes wide and nearly sparkling. “Damn… This is far beyond my expectations. It might even work far better than a Tier Two Furnace should!” He whistles lowly while Alfia’s eyes widen.

Had her Goddess meddled somehow? Had she done something to make sure Riley got the best of the best?

That does sound like her, but…

Swiftly, she moves around the furnace, making a show of just sizing it up and inspecting… While instead she looks for something specific.

Something that she finds by one of the furnace’s legs. The symbol of a hammer.

Something only Hephaestus leaves on her creations.

Of course she’d have Hephaestus herself build the furnace.

“How does it work?” Meteria asks cutely as Riley easily opens up the top of the furnace, with Alfia easily noticing the strange compartments within, some even connected to the outside.

With a hum, the teen brings out his old furnace and leaves it inside the newer and bigger one before closing it, his hand brushing against the hot and electric metal of his new tool as he does so.

“It’s hard to explain.” He starts as he turns to Meteria with a kind and warm smile, one that makes both twins feel weird in their belly.

Meteria shows it on her face with her insanely warm and loving smile, but Alfia merely schools her expression and forces down those butterflies.

“It’s more like a mental connection.” He snaps his finger, and the furnace rumbles and shakes, much to the twins shock.

Meteria is simply startled by the sudden sound and movement, while Alfia is startled by the massive surge of magic from the furnace.

For a second… It felt alive, somehow.

Riley’s gaze lands on the furnace for a few quiet seconds, then flick to Alfia. “You’ve never taken the Healing Pill before, have you?” He questions softly, and Alfia perks up.

The one to answer in her stead is Meteria. “She hasn’t.” Her younger twin says, giving Alfia a very adorable glare with her cheeks all puffed up. “Even when I tried to shove it down her throat while she was sleeping.” Wait what?

“I shouldn’t have said that.” Alfia gapes at her younger twin, who just turns away while whistling- Or well, trying to whistle.

And then swiftly gets distracted to try and get whistling down, face all cutely scrunched up.

Riley snorts and palms his face, pure amusement on his face. “Never change, Meteria.” He voices out Alfia’s own thoughts before moving into the storage further back.

The building that is soon to become Riley’s pharmacy is divided into three parts; The main entrance hall and shop, where all the stands and counters for the medicines will be.

The back, which is connected to a kitchen and living room and has stairs to the second floor that can be used for living.

And finally, the large storage further back, which is far bigger than both the front and living room side of the building.

It was currently filled with large boxes and chests, with each having a paper attached to it indicating which ingredients are inside.

After a swift search, Riley quickly finds the few medicinal herbs he was looking for and grabbed just a pair of stalks before coming back, with Meteria still trying and failing to whistle.

Alfia actually wanted to help her out… but seeing her struggle and fail looked so adorable, so she’ll just enjoy the view for a while longer.

Her heterochromatic eyes then flick towards Riley as he quickly dissects the medicinal herbs, pulling away at the roots and setting them aside before gathering either the buds or leaves.

The roots were then kept aside while the leaves and buds were put inside a mortar and ground to dust with a pestle, all swiftly done with a quickness and precision Alfia had only seen from Agnodice herself.

Finally, the ground bits were poured in a compartment inside the enormous and now very warm furnace before it was slammed shut.

Alfia’s eyes widen when she feels that familiar yet weird and dense energy Riley used against her in their fight now flow into the furnace, making it rumble and shake as the heat coming from it grew tenfold.

The rumbling swiftly died down, and the heat was contained just as quickly.

Thanks to her trained and sharp senses, Alfia could tell what was going on.

The magical materials formed a sort of barrier around the furnace, which contained the strange energy she felt from Riley and stopped it from overflowing.

They ground at each other, but the strange energy didn’t fight back and instead let itself be contained.

Alfia could only imagine the sheer and insane heat condensed within the core of the Furnace now. It had to be far greater than even the flames of Valgang Dragons.

Aside from that, she couldn’t feel anything else, so she simply watched Riley instead.

His eyes were closed, and one of his gloved hands was resting against the slightly rumbling furnace, a light smile on his face.

This all lasted a whole minute before the rumbling died down and the heat dispersed.

A burst of steam flows out from the sides of the Pill Furnace, which cools down near-instantaneously before popping open, unleashing a burst of light in the process.

Riley whistles while Alfia all but gapes at the hundredsof Pills floating within the furnace for a few short second before settling down.

They all sparkled like bright jewels, looking more like precious marbles than medicines to be taken.

“All of them are Third Tier… With three at the Fourth…” Riley muses in clear shock and delight.

Meanwhile, Alfia gulps. “How?” She questions lowly as Meteria breathes in the nice scent that overflows out of the furnace with a big adorable smile. “How did that handful of ground medicinal herbs become so many Pills?” The Dian Cecht Familia needs nearly five times more than that to make a handful of Potions.

But he...

Riley turns to her with a big grin at her question. “That’s because the Pills aren’t the medicine taking shape!” Alfia frowns in confusion at that as he picks up a clear see-through Pill and holds it between two fingers.

“Remember the energy I used while fighting you?” Alfia nods lowly, remembering how comforting it felt and the silence it brought with it. “That’s what shapes the Pills.”

“The medicinal properties of the herbs are merely extracted, enhanced, then distributed within these Pills. They aren’t what makes them take shape.” Alfia understood, but at the same time she kind of didn’t.

How could this kind of energy he wields – something that is neither magic nor Divine Power– take physical form?

Magic doesn’t take physical form per se, as barriers are merely immense amount of magic tightly woven together that it feels like it’s physical, but it isn’t.

“Oh~, what’s up with the golden ones?” Meteria asks curiously, pointing her fingers within the furnace and towards three small Pills that were unlike the rest.

The majority were all see-through and sky-blue in color, but three among them instead had a murky golden light swirling inside of them.

They looked so pure and beautiful to Alfia’s eyes, with that gold within the pills constantly swirling and changing hues.

“They are the Fourth Grade of Pills, with their potency being far beyond these ones.” Riley hums as he tosses the see-through pearl-like Pill in his hand back among the other before gently picking the ones with the sparkling golden light in them.

Then, he turns to them with a light smile and stretches his hand out. “Here, take one each.” Alfia’s eyes widen at being offered such a beautiful Pill, it being so wonderful that she really didn’t want to eat it.

She instead wanted to keep it. Stare at it swirl and sparkle until it doesn’t anymore.

Meteria doesn’t face her same conundrum and swiftly tosses one in her mouth, her eyes instantly widening as she does so.

Then, she seemingly physically melts and releases a content sigh of warmth, as if she had just dipped her whole body in a warm bath. “It’s so yummy~!” Riley snorts softly at that, then turns an expectant gaze towards Alfia.

Who gulps softly, then gently places the round and golden Pill in her mouth.

She doesn’t even have time to bite it before it instantly melts, and flavor washes over every nook and cranny of her mouth.

A refreshing taste and breath flows down her throat and fills her lungs, and an explosive warmth like no other fills ever inch of her body.

The constant tight feeling around her chest, something she grew to live with since young, instantly disappeared.

And Alfia took in a long, deep refreshing breath without feeling it cut short.

Her hand rose to rest on her chest, and she slowly took in another deep breath.

It didn’t hitch, she didn’t start coughing… And her heartbeat felt normal- No, not felt. It wasnormal.

So this is how Meteria has been feeling this whole time. So full of energy, so… free.

For once in her life, Alfia actively regretted choosing to let her younger twin hoard something just to please her.

The world looked so much brighter to her eyes, and each breath she took filled her with a nice feeling.

Her body felt all warm and tingly, and… and she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her lips.

“I knew that you’d look breathtaking with a smile on your face.” Riley hums out with a deep nod, which Meteria instantly shares, their arms crossed before – or below– their chests.

“I know right? Big sis is a beauty.” Meteria hums in agreement, making the blush on Alfia’s cheeks grow darker and bigger, her own ears now starting to feel hot.

With a huff, the older twin turns her flushed face away. “T-Thank you for this, Riley…” She mutters loud enough for the Alchemist to hear-

“Now kiss him!” Meteria all but shouts with big sparkly eyes, startling the hell out of Alfia.

And also embarrassing her profusely. “M-Meteria!

Meteria blinks blankly. “Wait…”

“Is Big Sis a virgin?”

An invisible arrow stabs clear through Alfia’s chest, making her recoil back with a chocked noise at the low blow from her sister.

That makes a massive, proud and annoying grin spread across Meteria’s cheeks. “Heh~, looks like I’m more mature than Big Sis!” She teases while Riley watches in amusement, the flushed Alfia instantly throwing a pout and glare towards her younger twin.

Then, her gaze slowly shifts towards Riley, who slowly blink.

The moment he does so, he finds Alfia standing right in front of him with determined, yet embarrassed eyes. “Ayo-?”

Her gloved hands grab the collar of his shirt, and her lips slam against his.

Meteria cheers while Riley blinks in shock and Alfia screws her eyes shut, holding the kiss for a few quiet seconds before finally pulling back, her face as red as a tomato.

Riley blinks and licks his lips. “Wow.” Meteria snorts.

Then slowly turns towards her older twin with a smirk. “I slept with him too, you know?” She teases, hiding her lips behind her hands while giggling like a gremlin.

Riley’s eyes widen once more when Alfia turns to him while shaking.

Then… she passes out.

“Boo…” Meteria deflates in clear disappointment as Riley catches Alfia before she hits the floor. “And here I thought it was about time for Big Sis to join Riley’s harem…”

Shouldn’t I be the one deciding if I want the Harem or not…?

“Hush you- Actually, you should start flirting with Miss Agnodice! I’m sure that’ll go amazing!”

What have I awakened...?”

A.N. Man, writin’ is so slow with this damn heat… Hope y’all enjoy this and aren’t dying from the ferocious heat too!



do you have a discord channel musashi? took me a fortnight to realise this was out, and it is one of my favourites


I'm on Shiro's Discord Server and have an author channel there, but i dunno how to share the link!

Kureiji Ryuu

Do you have any release schedule planned musashi? It's been a while since chapter 6 and it's kind of boring to check it daily, I prefer to add it to my calendar if you have a release schedule.


I don't. My release schedule is 'As fast as i can write it', and Drugs isn't the only thing i am working on currently. The next chapter though is nearly done.