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  One of the videos I posted in early July this year was more of an opinion piece on how the PlayStation 3 is becoming everyones favorite console, and pictured above are some.. not-so-flattering screen grabs from that video. The thing is though, the shot on the left is from 2 years ago. 

 It shouldn't really come as a surprise that often times, you have an idea - and it takes awhile to finally follow through with it. 2019 was an interesting year for me because it was a sort of breakthrough year with the channel. I've been doing this for almost 10 years now but really it was the last 2 where things really took off. So in 2019 I was in this exciting, but weird spot in that, the channel was seeing amazing growth but I was stuck on what ideas and topics to explore. 

  Well, that's not entirely true, there's plenty of things I wanted to cover and talk about. But if you've got momentum, you want to focus on the ideas that you think will keep that going. In 2019 one of the ideas I had initially started was this opinion piece on PS3. It was something where I wrote it, did the voice over, filmed an on-screen intro/outro, mid points discussing PS3 games, and even shot a lot of b-roll of the console. I did all of that, and then the video was shelved because PS5 rumors starting picking up. And well, talking about a decade old console during the next-gen season wasn't going to keep the momentum. At least, that's what I thought. My hunch is that it was a good call to shelve it as the channel growth continued.

  But still! I loved what I put together, so I just kept all of it on the back burner and said I'll do it later after PS5 stuff calms down. I suppose mid 2021 was the right time, because that's when it finally released. Clearly some reshoots were in order, so all the voice over was re-done, including camera appearances. But all the b-roll showcasing the PS3 hardware was 2 years old at that point! What's really funny is that despite new generation stuff always generating the most traffic, this was one of the best performing videos of July. Either 1. PS5 stuff has been boring or 2. I was right, PS3 is becoming everyones favorite console. Either way, sometimes things take awhile. 




Why photos are loading up? Am i doing something wrong :(?