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  Hi everyone! Let's do another question and.. ANSWER. That's right. I don't mean to be dramatic here but I think now is a fantastic time. As per usual, submit any questions you have in the comments on this post! You can also email your question to MysticRyan@Gmail.com

  In about a week or so will be the cutoff, and the video will go live shortly after that, with convenient timestamps so you can jump right to your question! Be it games, hobbies, industry stuff, cat stuff, or whatever - fire away!




Do you have any paranormal ghost stories? If you don't, what is your favorite go to meal, snack and drink(alcoholic/nonalcoholic) after a long hard working day?


Hey man I’m a new patron and I just wanna say love the channel. Discovering your channel last year during quarantine really made me fall back in love with gaming, so I just wanna say thank you man. One thing that always gets me, why is every shirt you wear in any video a fam Young & Reckless shirt? I’m sorry if you’ve answered before I gotta know lol. Also totally cool if you don’t want to answer but I was curious to what your full time job was.


Hey bro your video are awesome just wondering what call of duty is or was your favorite and is killzone better than COD?


Avid trophy collector like yourself. Big fan of your videos! After glancing through your trophy list is there a series like the assassins creed games, Batman Arkham games, sonic, etc that you plan diving into the future that you haven’t started? I suggest the Unravel series!


Hey there, first of thanks for turning me into a cat person. After seeing Melissa in your vids, me and my girlfriend adopted a cat and it’s been the absolute best. My question for you is as a trophy hunter, are there certain games you’d recommend me to go after. I’m new to trophy hunting and am looking for fun, not super time consuming platinums. I hope you have a great day!


What is your process for collecting news for LTPS? I consider myself pretty in the know in regards to news but you always have a few news topics I previously haven't heard.


Favorite cartoon growing up and favorite anime? :)


Hey Ryan, would you be comfortable with giving us a tour of the game room? Keep up the great work!


Was always saving this for when I move but I think a tour of my current setup for Patrons is a great idea!


Yooooooooo!!!! Will you ever be on the sacred symbols podcast? Since everyone went bonkers when Colin mentioned you on his podcast.


Hypothetical scenario, what three decisions would you make if you replaced Hermen Hulst for the day?Thanks Ryan and keep up the great work!


Hi Ryan, I'm a long time subscriber since 2013. The first video I watched was your Sly Cooper 4 review, after that I searched into more detail on your channel and started watching LTPS, when the video was over, I hit subscribe with no hesitation. 8 years later you are the only few YouTubers that are still worth watching while others I lost all interest. All your videos from Let Talk PlayStation, Ryan on Gaming and Documentaries are always worth watching and top notch. Will you be planning something big next year? Nearly 10 years of making LTPS episodes, I was thinking of an evolution of Mystic. It would be awesome to look back and react on your early days and how far you achieved. Thanks Ryan and please keep talking about PlayStation 😉


Have you ever thought about making a video with your whole game collection? How many games do you own in general, and on for what platforms? Thank you for your content, Ryan!


Hi Ryan, whilst I imagine there's plenty of PlayStation games you're looking forward to in the next 12 months or so, are there any games on other platforms that you're looking forward to? Also how much time would you say you spend on the other systems you own that aren't PlayStation consoles? Keep it up! 😊


Hey Ryan. Congrats on your Returnal platinum! No one ever mentions Housemarque developing Dead Nation and Outland; two wonderful games! What’s your take on both? Thoughts and chances on Blupoint doing a Golden Abyss remaster or port to PS4/PS5? I’m jumping the gun here but what games (besides Jak) would you like to see on a PS3 classic/mini? And a random thought, I wonder what a PS5 slim would look like…. Thanks for the always amazing weekly content, Ryan!


Hey, man! Hope you and yours are well. Sorry if I’m late on posting the Q’s. A friend of mine has an HTC Vive pro 2. And I just want to say it’s amazing. Great quality, and he has it setup to be totally wireless. But the thing is 800+ dollars, BEFORE controllers and sensors. There’s definitely a subculture forming around VR. I know you’ve played PS VR, but have you tried any of the other headsets? Where do you think PS VR2 will sit in all of it? Wireless is really cool, but it’s a hefty target to meet. Also how’s Terrell? Hope he’s doing great :)


Can you rank your top 3 playstation exclusive games? Do you play any games on PC? How often? What are your thoughts on the new Tesla Model S Plaid?

Tdot’s Finest82

What are your best guesses on what the Sony/Netflix partnership means for gamers? Do you think Sony should partner with an SSD manufacturer (like MS did with Seagate) and have an “official” expansion SSD? Seems like a feature that will be severely under-utilized otherwise. If YouTube didn’t exist, what sort of career path do you think you’d end up pursuing? Will you ever go on Colin Moriarty’s podcast? You two are easily the best PlayStation content creators out there


With the seemingly growing interest and popularity in handheld gaming, alongside the massive continued success of the the Switch and the upcoming release of the Steam Deck, do you think Sony would ever make another handheld again? Or would they just develop games for mobile phones? Are you ever gonna go back and platinum Skyrim? One trophy away… lol How did you invent MysticMoon as your PSN? Why isn’t there a Mystic Merch Store!?


Hey Ryan heres some of my questions I have to ask! First off since we talk about pokemon a lot and I never asked what is your favorite Pokemon? What got you into trophy hunting or have you always been a completionist at games growing up. (Like me lol) What is your most proudest Platinum trophy? If you could take lets say three different game franchises and have them do a crossover game what three would it be and what would you make the Genre of the game? Also when can I see your game collection!? As you know I collect games as well haha Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Ryan hope you have a great day!