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  Hi everyone, long time no talk. Just wanted to throw a quick update at you about the impending perks/changes that I mentioned like, forever ago. Would have been sooner but as I've also brought up, we're still a one-man operation here so I don't have any extra help that includes managing the Patreon stuff so apologies that I go dark here from time to time.

  BUT, I've just published the new loyalty program on the $10 Gold tier. So if you're currently supporting at this level then from now on, every three months you'll receive a cool sticker! No extra cost to you or anything like that, just an added bonus. With that in mind, make sure your address is correct in your account settings (global shipping by the way!) to ensure that your perk arrives. Each sticker is different, with one of the designs being put together by one of you! (Thanks Ben Lindey!)

  At the $25 Platinum level this is going to change to include a t-shirt, though this has not been published yet as I'm waiting on Patreon to work out sample product so I can ensure the design looks good on it. This is the same design that Ben handled and is on a sticker as well, but it's easily the best one we've got so far. I'll let you all know when this loyalty tier is ready to go, and as a reminder this will be an added bonus. No extra cost, though I will be removing the 1-on-1 talk at the $25 when the merch program goes up as I can never reliably keep up with that. 

  Next up, let's cover what's on the horizon (forbidden west) okay but really, updates. It's been a loooooong time coming but hopefully we'll start doing some Twitch streaming. Won't at all be a reliable schedule but we'll get the feet wet soon on that. As for videos, good lord there's so many I want to get to. We're really due for another documentary and trophy challenge, and I'll be doing what I can to squeeze those in soon. The topics are all decided, but it's the timeline that's shaky. I can fill you in on one thing though, for months now (over a year even?) I secured an OG 2006 PS3 store kiosk that has been waiting for pickup in Florida. I've been trying to find time to go pick it up, and hopefully that'll be in the next month or two. That'll be a really sweet thing to take a look at. 

  That's all I've got for now though, thanks for the patience! Will probably get another Q&A ready too. Until then, stay beautiful my friends. And thank you for the continued support!




Hell yeah


That's all really great to hear! Thanks for the update :)


Sounds lit


That’s nice! And always is good to see a photo of Melissa 💜


Add me on psn


Hey man, loving your content. Looking forward to the twitch stuff. Can you add me on PSN as well? :) (ID is the same as here)


Mine is Hubble66