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It was the crack of dawn, the bright morning of a new day beginning. Grandpa Max and Ben were just waking up, exhaustedly awakening from their great slumber. The Gwens were already wide awake though, outside and transformed into Diamondheads. They weren't just transformed for the sake of it though, the two were in the middle of battle. And who were they in the midst of combat with? It was the former human, now amalgamation of all of the duo's alien forms, Kevin Levin.

The Diamondheads had charged right into their mutated opponents, holding up the Kevins' larger upper arms with their own. Their breasts were pressing right into the two larger ones of the Kevins, but if they weren't made of diamond the Kevins would've crushed their breasts flat. The Kevins seemed to dwarf the Diamondheads in breast size, but it didn't last long. By reinforcing their breasts with diamond the Diamondheads could make their chest bigger than the Kevins, reinforcing themselves in this struggle.

The Kevins were forced back for just a bit, Four Arms strength still stuggling to hold back diamond. The Kevins forced their bodies to separate with the blaze of Heatblasts' fist, the fire making the Diamondheads jump and back away.

The Kevins sharpened and smoothened their diamond arm, before stabbing it in the Diamondheads' direction with XLR8 speed. The Diamondheads stumbled onto their back, having to hold back a scream when they felt a pure diamond rod enter their shared pussy. The solid structure was slowly but surely inching its way inside, threatening to tear the two apart as it raced for their womb.

They kicked the Kevins away before pinning the two to the ground themselves. The Kevins' two largest breasts were crushed under the force of two diamond hands, making the Kevins nearly howl from the sensation. The Diamondheads didn't leave the smaller third breast alone this time though, servicing it with their diamond tongues. There did seem to be some arguing as the two tongues clashed over the nipple, but the effective pleasure was still sent to the Kevins.

The Kevins were barely able to get them off through the use of Stinkfly goo being shot from their mouths, making the Diamondheads leap back in shock. The Kevins pinned the two down and crossed their legs with theirs, dominating the Diamondheads with a rough trib. The Kevins rubbed their pussies against the crystal, and while they seemed to be having some disagreements during the act they certainly sent a wave of arousal to the Diamondheads.

The two continued to fight like this for a while, all thoughts focused on destroying each other. Despite the squabbles and occasional arguments between the pairs they still aimed to destroy each other, not paying attention to anything else. So when a red light shrouded them from above the two were completely caught off guard, nearly panicking as they felt themselves floating into the air as all that they could see around them was pure red.

The red light eventually faded, but it was just replaced with complete darkness. The two seemed to be on the ground again, in a room of some sort, unable to tell how large or wide the space is supposed to be.

"What happened?" One of the Diamondheads spoke to the other. "Where are we?"

"I'm just as in the dark as you," the other Diamondhead said. "Pun not intended."

"Here comes a new challenger!" A voice seemed to boom from all directions at once, like a loudspeaker was projecting it from all around them. "Or should I say challengers! Here we have a rare two-headed Petrosapien, give it up for the Diamondheads!"

A spotlight seemed to beam down on the two from above, and the room was fully illuminated for the Diamondheads to see. They seemed to be in the middle of some sort of indoor stadium, with an audience full of aliens of all shapes and sizes watching and cheering them on. In the arena with them were the Kevins, illuminated by their own spotlight, and a lot of small robots with swords.

"Let the games begin!" As soon as the announcer said those words the robots seemed to activate, each conjoined duo getting rushed with half of the force. The Diamondheads tore through the various robots with a flurry of slices from their twin diamond blades, but the Kevins weren't lasting as well.

"Quit pulling me! We're attacking that one first!"

"No we aren't you idiot! Follow my lead and go that way!"

The Kevins were already tugging on their shared body, wobbling back and forth with super speeds trying to hit opposite targets. The robots were able to strike the Kevins repeatedly, and the two were completely unable to strike back. Any time one of them tried to throw a punch the other would move their body away to try and strike a different alien, leaving the both of them unable to attack any of the robots.

A flash of red light overcame the Diamondheads, reverting them back into Gwens. The audience watched in shock, even the announcer gasping as two humans appeared where the Petrosapiens once were.

"L-Looks like that's all for this round!" As if they were trying to cover something up the announcer spoke incredibly quickly. "It's time for our new combatants to leave the field!"

Two new small robots flew into the field, one towards the Gwens and another towards the Kevins. Each of the Gwens received a cuff on her free arm, and the Kevins got one on their small left arm. Once all the cuffs were placed green beams of light extended from them all, dragging them all forward until all three beams seemed to meet in the center. It was like the four were bound together with three-way handcuffs, with the laser lights acting as chains.

Dragged by the laser chain holding them together the Kevins and Gwens were brought outside the arena. The Gwens had no idea what they expected to see, but the sight still surprised them. To the left were many incredibly dangerous looking aliens, to their right was a window showing the Earth trailing below them. In the blink of an eye the two and their rivals had ended up floating up in outer space, with no clear way to return.

"Look at what you've done!" The Kevins turned to the Gwens, glaring intensely with anger.
"If it weren't for you we wouldn't be stuck here right now!"

"There's no way you can actually say that!" The Gwens snapped back with fury.
"If anyone is to blame it's you!"

The Kevins tried to raise their arms against the Gwens, but an electric shock erupted from the 'handcuffs' binding them, shocking both pairs intensely for just a few seconds.

"No fighting outside the arena!" The robot seemed to admonish their bickering, so the pairs stopped for now.

The pairs got settled after about a few hours, but the place felt more like a prison than anything. Their rooms were behind bars, the atmosphere was overly tense, it was exactly what they imagined being locked up would be like.

The only time they seemed to be allowed outside their rooms was for combat or lunch, and since the group was just in combat the next stop for them was lunch. They were forced to line up by the servers and hold up their plates, the aliens seeming scoffing at them as they served barely edible-looking purple sludge.

"You guys are the new combatants right?" Another alien seemed to approach the Gwens and Kevins with awe. "That was amazing, what species are you?"

"What does it matter to you?" The Kevins growled at the alien. "Scram."

"Don't mind them," one of the Gwens said. "They're always grouchy like that."

"So what brought you here?" The other Gwen chimed in. "Did these guys randomly abduct you too?"

"Yeah. Gladiator fights on the Megacruiser are incredibly lucrative, so the head honcho here seems to like kidnapping other species for his entertainment. Apparently it's some guy named Slix Vigma or something, but he rarely shows himself to others."
The alien quickly slurped up the sludge as it spoke, shocking the Gwens with how it didn't even gag.

"You wouldn't mind taking this off my hands, would you?" Gwen tried to slide her food towards the alien.

"No no no," the alien replied. "It's all you get on this place, you should eat it. And eat it quickly, you don't want Technorg to take it."

"Who's Technorg?"

As if only to answer their question the two felt the ground rumble. A large and muscular orange alien was threatening the other aliens for their food, pointing his giant iron wrecking ball of a hand towards the alien's face. The alien he threatened just kneeled down and begged for mercy, easily giving up their food like it was worthless.

The Gwens looked at Technorg with terror, while the Kevins looked at him with a wicked grin.

Technorg continued to threaten the other aliens, only to find a bit of the purple sludge splattered onto his face. He looked in the direction the splatter came from, glaring at the Kevins straight in the eyes.

"Don't look at us," one of the Kevins said.
"It's those human girls," the other one said. "They're the ones that did that."

The Gwens barely even registered what was going on before they could feel Technorg's heavy breath running down their spines. Technorg was pointing his wrecking ball of a hand towards them now, and they were struggling to find a response.

"We didn't do a thing!" Gwen held up her hands to attempt to show mercy.
"It was them!" The other Gwen pointed to the Kevins. "They're lying!"

"You don't have any proof!"
"These guys are just trying to frame us!"

"We're saying the truth!"
"They're the ones that need proof!"

The Gwens just got frustrated as the Kevins continued to laugh at them, with Technorg continuing to point his weapon at them.

"Want to show them what Kevin's really capable off?"
"Of course!"
The Gwens whispered to each other before turning the dial of the Omnitrix, slamming the faceplate down to turn into a new four-armed form. While the bottom two arms were still bound by the electric chains the two still had their top pair of arms, but with their plan they only needed one.

Before the Kevins had time to prepare they grabbed their large diamond arm and threw it towards Technorg. The Kevins were too shocked to stop themselves, their fist colliding right into the alien's face. Technorg was staggered back a bit, but once he regained his footing he glared intensely at the Kevins, while the Kevins glared back at the Four Arms.

"A diamond punch like that couldn't possibly come from us."
"And wouldn't you think the person that flung food at you would also punch you?"

The Kevin's growled, before getting an idea of their own. They used the power of the Ghostfreaks within them to turn themselves invisible, a power they didn't like using much for the odd sensation it placed in their bodies but one they decided to ignore for now. Now that they were out of everyone else's sight they grabbed the Four Arms' food and flung it at Technorg. The sludge splattered all over the alien's face, and with the Kevins invisible there was only one person that could be blamed.

"Look, they did it again!"
"Those two really don't like you!"
The Kevins became visible again just so that they could point their fingers at the Four Arms, which wasn't received kindly.

"That is a lie and you know it!"
"Don't try to sneak your way out of this!"

"Just take responsibility for what you've done!"
"You don't want to anger Technorg here, do you?"

The Four Arms seemingly erupted after this, shoving the Kevins onto the ground with their free arms. The Kevins struck back, the two pairs rolling around the ground as they tried to completely destroy each other. Their hands were grabbing each other's chests, pulling and mashing the boobs at an incredible rate, doing their best to make each other submit.

The two separated once they felt an electric shock come over them, the sudden pain making them jump up in shock. They were still upset at each other, but it looked like now wasn't the best time to settle it.

"Interesting." A hooded alien floated towards the battling pair, his face not showing but his voice implying he was smiling. "You two. Technorg. Follow me."

The pairs were going to ignore but received a shock as the alien spoke, reasoning that they should probably follow. The hooded alien took the pairs over to the arena, where another crowd was cheering on in glee.

"It is I, Slix Vigma!" The voice of the hooded alien boomed across the stadium and made the crowd cheer in glee. If the Four Arms remembered correctly this was supposed to be a rare sight. "Today we have a special match, between our newcomers and the reigning champion!"

The crowd erupted in cheers while the Kevins and Four Arms slowly started to realize what was being said. They have to fight Technorg? They were just trying their hardest to escape his wrath a few moments ago, they couldn't fight him.


As soon as Slix Vigma said that Technorg charged for the two pairs. They tried to run in opposite directions, forgetting about the laser chain that bound them, the chain that Technorg grabbed them by in order to slam them on the ground. He lifted them up by the chain once more in order to slam them both with his wrecking ball hand, smashing them cold into the wall. The Four Arms turned back into Gwens, unable to take the assault for much longer.

"He's too strong."
"We have to get out of here."
The Gwens groaned, clutching their stomachs in pain.

"No, we can't escape this place."
"Our only change to survive is to win this fight."
The Kevins groaned but stood tall, ready to face off against Technorg.

They fired tons and tons of diamonds at Technorg, who just tanked every shot as he ran towards the duos. Stinkfly slime, Heatblast flames, all of that barely phased Technorg as he smashed his wrecking ball into their faces. Once again they were smashed into the wall, dragging the Gwens behind them.

"You can't just charge in like that!"
"You're going to get us all killed!"
The Gwens protested against the Kevins.

"Well do you have a plan then?"
"We're going to die regardless!"
The Kevins tried to keep Technorg away from them with their flames, but Technorg continued to charge through them with barely any damage.

The Gwens suddenly lit up, getting an idea.
"Look at how the slime you shot is still on fire. Stinkfly slime is flammable!"
"So cover that dude in as much slime as you can and then blast!"

The Kevins hesitated. They'd rather not listen to orders from the two that ruined their lives after all. But still, the plan they gave seemed much better than nothing. They doused Technorg with as much slime as they could, spraying it from their mouths like they were hoses. As the moment a tiny bit of flame touched the slime-covered alien, the resulting explosion was glorious.

The crowd cheered, marveling at the sudden upset in the match. Technorg actually looked like he took damage from the explosion, leaving his four opponents in awe.

"And that's just two alien powers combined."
"With 10 aliens, that's over a hundred combinations!"
The Gwens cheered, still barely able to believe what they saw themselves.

"So do you two have any other combinations in mind?"
"It's time to send that bastard back to his planet!"
The Kevins squeezed their fists, ready to pulverize their opponent.

Throughout the match the Kevins learned a few new things about their abilities. Wildmutts and Ripjaws teeth together made an incredibly strong bite. Grey Matters intelligence plus Upgrade powers made anything mechanical useless against them. Four Arms strength with XLR8 speed and Diamondheads invulnerability meant one wicked punch. Technorg was no match for the Kevins at all, eventually falling after a long and arduous battle.

"Give it up for our new champions!"

The crowds cheered for the Gwens and Kevins, showering them with applause. Everyone was showering them with love ad praise wherever they went, even the other fighters. When transferred back to the "prison" all of the other aliens bowed to them and offered their lunches. Even Technorg seemed to bow down to them, treating them like his gods.

"My masters." His forehead touched the ground as he spoke to them. "I'd do anything for you."

"Can you get us off the ship?"

Technorg fell silent.
"We've tried everything. If it were possible to get off this thing we'd be gone by now. The chains that bind you two, all of us have something similar. If we even step off the ship we'll be burnt to a crisp."

The Gwens thought about it.
"Such a system has to have some sort of central control."
"If we can somehow get to that, we could free everyone from their control!"

The group made a plan and immediately set it to action, the first step being to get the guards' attention. The Gwens hid behind the Kevins as they smashed through the robot guards, causing many more to approach and surround them. The success of this step depended on the Gwens being fast, hopefully completing this before the guards could activate the electrocution, so they simply slammed down the Omnitrix's faceplate and got to work.

"No wonder no one was able to escape."
"None of them had the brains of Grey Matters!"

Once they slipped into the robots it only took one wire cut to deactivate the electric chains. The devices on them fell off harmlessly, and it was safe to presume the same went for everyone else's devices. The two were no longer chained to the Kevins, even if they could never escape each other.

"FREEDOM!" The Grey Matters could hear Technorg scream as an uprising began to take place. Now that there was no risk of electrocution the alien warriors were ready to stand up and take charge, fighting for their chance to reach the escape pods and get back home.

"We did it!"
"We can get off this awful place!"
The Kevins pumped their fists in the air, only for the Grey Matters to hold their hands up and stop them.

"If I remember the velocity and trajectory of this ship correctly," one of them said, thinking back on when they first looked out the window. "We are incredibly far from Earth right now."

"We need to locate the ship's central control system," the other one said. "Then we can steer the ship back to the planet and get back."

"Go ahead," Kevin said.
"We'll deal with the guards," Kevin said.

The Grey Matters, reverting back into Gwens, ran for wherever the main controls could be. The Kevins meanwhile were struggling to deal with the ever-growing number of robots, getting swarmed and swarmed by so many of them at once. It was getting tiring and upsetting, and the two were still far from being completely in sync. It was better than before, they were actually able to hit a few of their targets now, but they still annoyed each other as they pulled and tugged and yanked and pulled and tugged...

"ENOUGH!" One of the Kevins attacked the other, smashing one of their large breasts within their hand and squeezed it with the strength of Four Arms. "JUST FOLLOW MY LEAD ALREADY!"

"FOLLOW MY LEAD!" Their other arm went to their other large breast, courtesy of the other Kevin. "IF YOU COULD JUST LISTEN TO ME WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS!"



They squeezed each other's breasts with all of the strength they could muster, making them nearly scream. Their two largest breasts were being pushed to the point of greatest intensity, making them want to squeal and scream from the pained pleasure. Their lower arms went to their third breast, the two hands struggling over it in a tug of war. Both hands grabbed onto the center nipple and pulled it in separate directions, each trying to bring it under their own control.

They roared. They screamed. They did all they could to resist, yet resistance seemed futile. In their futile attempt to surpass each other they moved their arms faster and faster, shaking their hands and massaging their breasts with the speed of XLR8. Their arms were starting to become blurs, all three of their breasts now being massaged at speeds that were inconceivable.

As the robot security guards piled on top of them, as they made each other orgasm over and over again, the Kevins once again blamed their predicament on the Gwens.

And where were the Gwens during this time? They were running through every corner of the ship, looking for anything anywhere that could be the control room. They felt like they had ravaged the entire ship twice over by now, yet there seemed to be nothing that led to any sort of control room.

"Surprised?" The Gwens turned around to see the hooded figure of Slix Vigma, whose voice made it seem like he was smiling. "My ship doesn't have a control panel, at least in the traditional sense."

Robot guards grabbed the Gwens from behind, Slix Vigma only watching as he laughed at the Gwens. His laugh was cold and robotic, almost enough to make the Gwens lose hope, but they weren't going down without a fight.

One quick slam of the Omnitrix's faceplate and the two had transformed into Upgrade. They went inside one of the guards behind them, transforming it into a battle machine. With their new bladesaw arms they cut through everyone else, but one attempt to strike Slix Vigma and they halted in their tracks. It was like they were being controlled by his very will, like he was their remote control.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Upgrade leapt out of the robot and quickly removed the hood off Slix Vigma, revealing a robot to be the true identity underneath. The reason they couldn't find the control panel was because of one simple fact: Slix Vigma was the control panel.

In that case, it was a good thing they were already Upgrade. Before Slix Vigma could question it they took him over, covering his body in the blue and putting all of his functions under their control.

"Next stop, Earth!"

It seemed as easy as just thinking of where they wanted to go and the ship would start travelling there, which meant that getting home was going to be a breeze.

"Not so fast!"

All of a sudden the ship started to turn back, going back the way it was going before. Slix Vigma was regaining control, and he was refusing to relinquish control of the ship.

Upgrade tried to steer the ship back towards Earth and Slix Vigma continued to try and steer the ship away from the planet. The result was the ship rapidly shaking back and forth, Upgrade and the robot fighting to take control of it.

"GET OUT OF MY BODY YOU FREAKS!" Slix Vigma had never been in a situation like this. His arms and legs could move in ways that weren't of his own control, he was struggling as hard as he could just to do basic movement. He pulled and pulled and pulled, tried to pull his hand into his control, tried to pull the ship under his control, tried to control any part of himself that he reasonably could.

He jumped when he accidentally sent his hand into his chest, feeling a sensation he hadn't felt before. He heard about breasts on organic species, was this what having a pair felt like? Upgrade did have a pretty big pair, which didn't disappear when covering him. Maybe he could use this to his advantage?

Slix Vigma grabbed the breasts with his own hands, making Upgrade nearly jump up in shock. That shock allowed Slix Vigma to regain control and bring the ship in his desired direction. Slix Vigma wanted to laugh at this new discovery, but felt the shocking feeling of the breasts being squeezed once more. This time it was Upgrade, who used the chance to regain control and drag the ship towards Earth once more.

The ship seemed to shake rapidly like a maraca, Upgrade and Slix Vigma struggling over its control. The two in one body were currently struggling over the same pair of breasts, attempting to use them to take control away from each other. The large breasts were grabbed and groped and pulled and twisted, anything they could do to make each other submit.

The battle ended with a smack of Technorg's wrecking ball hand. The iron smashed into Slix Vigma's robotic head, temporarily turning him off. While Upgrade were injured as well they were at least able to hold on, steering the ship back towards Earth.

"Thanks Technorg!"
"We really owe you one!"
After Upgrade got out of the robot and turned back into Gwens, the two and Technorg ran for the escape pods. Most of the aliens had escaped to their own planets, with just one pod remaining. The only ones left on this ship were the Gwens, the Kevins, and Technorg.

The group was standing in front of the small escape pod, ready to step inside. Technorg was the first to walk in, but before the Gwens could follow the Kevins closed the door.

"Kevs... what..."
"What are you doing?"

The Kevins lifted up the pair by their Omnitrix bound arms, smiling as they prepared to crush them.

"You're the reason I'm like this," Kevin growled. "You're the ones that ruined my life!"

"If it means taking you down for good," Kevin growled. "I'm willing to go down with this ship!"

The Kevins smiled as they crushed the Gwens' arms within their own, ready to absolutely pulverize the girls. There wasn't anything they could do to fight back after all, the Kevins had the power of all ten of the Gwens' aliens combined. And with all the new combination moves they could do, defeating them was hopeless.

But maybe the Kevins accidentally hit the wrong buttons, because the Omnitrix seemed to flash within their hand. They dropped the Gwens to see them become a new form, some form the Kevins hadn't seen before. Large and round with seemingly no legs, the two looked up with smirks on their faces.

"Kevs, it looks like you haven't met this form yet."

"You can call us Cannonbolts!"

Before the Kevins could react the Cannonbolts rolled up into a ball, smashing themselves right into their faces. Like a rapidly bouncing ping pong ball the Cannonbolts bounced around the room, repeatedly smacking into the Kevins over and over again. It was a bit cramped inside, the Cannonbolts couldn't ignore their chests pressing against each other, and it was hard to coordinate which direction to go in, but it was still effective. The Kevins couldn't counter any of the attacks, easily folding to the Cannonbolts' attacks.

"Masters!" Technorg managed to break through the pod door, rushing to the Cannonbolts' side. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Let's go quickly."
"We need to board before the Kevins wake up."

Technorg and the Cannonbolts ran for the pod, but the Kevins started to get up. They weren't going to stay lying down, especially by those two! They blasted Stinkfly goo and Heatblast flames towards the Gwens, expecting to see the Cannonbolts explode in front of them, only to be shocked as Technorg stood in front of the blast.

"No!" The Cannonbolts tried to rush forward to help, but such a thing wasn't easy without legs. As Technorg fell he hit the escape pod's eject button, closing the pod and blasting it to Earth. As the Cannonbolts turned back into Gwens they nearly wept, wishing that the one that saved them could remain okay. The Kevins were absolutely furious at each other up in the ship, fingering each other in a battle of diamond and flame, but somehow at this point the Kevins and the Gwens were thinking the same thing:

"At least I'll never see them again."



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