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Ended up forgetting to schedule this newsletter on time, so I just delayed it. As a result there's a lot to say.

  • First off like I feared my DeviantArt account did get removed. It's not all bad, I managed to save the stories that were there before it went offline, but it looks like you will no longer be able to see me on the site. Most of the stories will be going to Pixiv, though I am investigating other sites that I may be able to spread to so look out for that.
    I'm just glad I'm still able to view the works of other creators I love, even if I can't comment or favorite them anymore. It was the main reason I made a DeviantArt account, the idea to create these stories that all of you now love came afterwards. It's sad to see it go since that was where it all started, but I have no regrets.
    The fact that I can still get spam notes on that account despite being suspended is really something else though...
  • Because my DeviantArt account has been removed though I'm now branching out as much as I can to different storytelling sites. One such site is LushStories, on which I have reuploaded Unhappy Wife, Unhappy Life. You can read it here. I might also begin making more use of my Furaffinity account, which I've only really been using to look at conjoined furry pics for now. If you need a list of all of the current places I can be found, click here.
  • With the third episode of Gwens 10 is the iconic episode Kevin 11, which means I have to design my own version of mutant Kevin for this world. Of course it was always going to be conjoined and have its look based on the original, but the specifics were hard to put down. I wanted the form to represent all of the conjoined aliens at once, so I wanted the conjointment to be sort of an amalgam of all the others. But when you have contradictory conjointments like two heads on one body and two bodies with one head, it's hard to pin something down. That's how I ended up with the shared eye look, since it seemed like the best middle ground between those two ideas.
  • And right after that is the 'What If' episode, what would be Gwen 10 in the original but due to the nature of this series has become Bens 10. At first it was going to be a much more straightforward adaptation of the original, but I started taking advantage of the fact that this was a what-if. So if any other what-if stories appear in the future expect them to be this crazy.
  • So Tug of Bra was one of the more popular stories from my DeviantArt account, and the first of the uncategorized stories I reuploaded to Pixiv after my account was removed. I've always liked the idea but was surprised with how popular it was, though I am grateful for that. It's one of the random ideas I had just laying in my bed while I want to sleep, just imagining this tug of war with bras. Maybe I should write more of these ideas.
  • The first commission has finally been completed. It was a detailed request for a story about Tohru and Elma in a split half and half formation. It was a lot but it was also a joy to work on, and I really appreciate being able to write and draw it. Thanks for the commission!
  • It feels like I can look away for just a moment and Patreon's website could look completely different. Not anything important, it just feels like the last UI change on Patreon wasn't too long ago, this site can be weird.
    (And I wrote this before the site had a complete overhaul, really gave me a heart attack when I saw it).

So that's all for now. Hope you enjoy!

Commissions in progress list:

The current suggestion box can be found here!
The current poll can be found here!



Hello, I’d like to try and grab a commission!