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At the crack of dawn a dragon slowly awoke, a blonde haired maid in the form of a human girl. The maid known as Tohru was rising out of bed, ready to start yet another day serving Kobayashi.

At the same time another dragon slowly awoke, a black haired office worker in the form of a human girl. Elma was just getting up ready for the day, ready to make her contribution in this human world.

Both had sat up from their bed, ready to start the day, only to find one problem.

"I can't feel it!"

Half of their bodies felt completely numb.

Tohru placed her hand on the right side of her face, or at least what should've been the right side of her face. She couldn't see out of her right eye, she couldn't move her right arm and leg, yet they still seemed to be there. The entire right side of her body was numb, it was like it never existed and was replaced with something else. What was she touching? Why couldn't she feel it?

"Ow." Elma had no idea why she couldn't feel the left side of her body or why she seemed to suddenly be in Kobayashi's apartment, but the hand in her eye didn't seem to be helping. "Stop it."

"Elma?" Tohru was shocked at the voice that suddenly appeared. Her own tongue seemed to move while Elma spoke, but she paid it no mind. "Where are you!? Did you do this!?"

"Of course not! You wouldn't happen to know anything about this situation, do you!?"

"Why would I know anything!? You Harmony dragons are always blaming the Chaos faction for everything!"

"That's not truyes it isYRWVDBJ!" As Elma spoke Tohru tried to interrupt her, making their speech blur as if their tongues were being dragged in separate directions.

For a bit there was a fight, or at least an attempt at one. It took some time for them to fully realize what had happened to them, and some more to fully come to terms with it. The two were somehow in one body. It was like someone cut the two of them in half and put Tohru's left half and Elma's right half together, creating this. Even their tails had fused into one half and half limb, and their dragon forms... they didn't want to think about that.

"No... this can't be." Tohru shivered, trying in vain to wave her right arm despite it no longer being there. It was like half of her body had just disappeared, never to come back again. "I can't let Kobayashi see me like this!"

"And I have work today," Elma said. "This is going to get in the way!"

"We need to find a cure right now!"

"We can't! I have work today, and I can't miss it today! I promise my boss I'd be there no matter what!"

"But I can't let Kobayashi see me like this!"

"Then what about this. Let's cast a temporary memory altering spell to make it seem like we've always been like this. We'll just go to my job like this and care for Kobayashi afterwards, and as soon as we have a free day we hunt for a cure. Okay?"

Tohru groaned. "Fine. As soon as there's a chance I'm searching for the cure."

Elma casted two spells, one to rewrite everyone's memories and another to lengthen her hair. She told Tohru it was necessary to improve the workings of the previous spell, but Tohru somewhat doubted that. Still, the two were in this together now, so she should probably just go along with whatever Elma says for now.

"Good morning Tohru."

"Morning Miss Kobayashi."

The spell actually worked, which came as a shock to Tohru. Kobayashi seemed a bit confused that Tohru wasn't as enthusiastic as before, and probably by how they seemed to be walking weird (coordination was difficult), but nothing seemed to come to her about Elma. In fact, she completely ignored Elma, which wasn't a nice experience for the girl.

After a few concerned questions from Kobayashi the two continued to walk awkwardly out of their room. They didn't walk for long though, toppling over not long afterwards.

"What are you doing Elma?" Tohru growled at her new bodymate. "You've been here before, the door is just ahead!"

"But we can't leave like this," Elma said with a growl. "We need to clean up and take a shower first!"

"Can't we just disinfect ourselves with saliva!?"

"No! We're doing a human job so we have to do this the human way!"

There was a bit of tugging and pulling but in the end Tohru relented. At the end of the day Elma was determined to do things the human way, and Tohru just couldn't stop them. And so they stood in the shower, both of them quiet as they felt the warm water touch their skin. Doing this with only half their bodies made this feel even weirder. When they looked down on their body they still couldn't believe what had happened to them. They could see the line that separated them clearly, like they were cut up and glued back together. It was hard to look away, despite how much they wanted to.

"So are we just supposed to stand here?" Tohru didn't do this often.

"Of course not," Elma said. "We need to put soap on ourselves first!"

It was a bit difficult but Elma managed to pour some soap onto her hand one-handed, and started scrubbing away at her side of the body. She moved her hand towards Tohru's side to scrub it as well, and managed to do it a small bit before Tohru stopped her.

"Keep your hand on your side," Tohru growled.

"You need soap," Elma growled back. "How else are you to keep clean!?"

"I'll just disinfect myself with saliva!"

"Do things the human way!"

Tohru continued to push Elma's hand away, while Elma continued to push and tried to scrub. Tohru did manage to slide her bodymate's hand off her side of the body, but Elma clasped her hand against Tohru's and shoved. To any outside it would look like they had their hands clasped together in a prayer, but to the two of them it was an intense shoving match. Both were using all of their strength to push the other's hand away, draconic power that would destroy the city if forced outwards. Such strength was equal between the two of them, neither able to crush the other.

"Human way this, human way that!" Tohru was seconds away from spewing flames. "If you're so insistent on that then just get in your own body!"

"Fine by me!" Elma's fury seemed to hit a boiling point. "Rip yourself right off of me for all I care!"

Tohru and Elma tried to turn their separate directions and pull, did the best they could to tug their body apart. The left side of the body tugged on the right side of the body, and the right side of the body tugged on the left. They roared, they screamed, they did all they could, but the strength of dragons wasn't enough to end this spell. It was like a human body trying to tear itself in half with just its central muscles, impossible.

The two slipped, falling down face first and smashing their nose into the ground below. They groaned as they lifted their head bac up, both reaching up to rub their sore nose. When their hands touched they quickly pulled them away, neither wanting to touch the other at the moment.

The two refused to speak to each other for the rest of the shower, simply rinsing themselves off and stepping out. Walking was even more awkward with the two refusing to acknowledge each other, but the two somehow managed. Each of them grabbed a separate towel and angrily dried themselves off, hoping the rest of the day wasn't this frustrating.

As they dried themselves Elma looked at the mirror on the wall. The two were standing around it's end, which made it look like the entire left side was cut off. The only half being reflected was Elma's half, and for a bit Elma was able to imagine her body didn't have such an annoying dragon attached to it.

"Move a bit." The first words spoken since the incident, and it was from Tohru forcing Elma to step to the right. It looked like a complete reverse of what Elma saw, like Tohru was all alone in her own body. She loudly sighed, making her thoughts clear to her bodymate.

"Elma, where are you?" Kobayashi's voice could be heard from the other side of the house. "We have to get to work!"

"Coming!" There was a bit of struggling as Elma tried to force them into a suit without Tohru's immediate cooperation, but soon enough the pair were well dressed and ready to go. As they stepped out Tohru marveled once again at how great Elma's spell was, it even seemed to combine their conflicting schedules. Kobayashi didn't find it strange that Tohru was following her to her job. Normally it was something that'd get Tohru yelled at, but she was just able to walk there like it was nothing now. It was kind of exciting.

"No, we can't watch Kobayashi work." Like she was reading her bodymate's mind Elma suddenly spoke coldly.

"I know," Tohru said. "So what's my job?"

"Nothing." Elma forced them into her seat before turning on her computer. "Someone like you isn't suited for sophisticated work like this so just leave it all to me."

"I'd probably be suited for it if you could just tell me what to do."

"Not a chance in hell."

As Elma tapped on the keyboard with one hand,  Tohru just watched with frustration. Elma was just being ridiculous, she didn't actually expect her to just sit by and do nothing did she? Another second attached to her was like torture to Tohru,

Elma wasn't any less frustrated. Tapping code on a keyboard with just one hand was difficult to get used to, and once she did it was still incredibly slow. The two forgot to get breakfast from all of the confusion getting here, her stomach was painfully reminding her of this as a result. If that wasn't distracting enough then Tohru's every movement was. Just because Elma couldn't feel the left of their now shared body didn't mean she couldn't tell was Tohru was doing with it. Every slight movement seemed to tug against Elma's half of the body, and it was unbelievably annoying.

Elma suddenly dragged their body to the right, momentarily stopping Tohru's tugging while also leaving her quite confused.

"Why di-"

"SHH!" Elma quickly shut Tohru up. "We're in a work environment, don't be noisy."

Tohru was lost. Why suddenly pull on her half of the body for seemingly no reason? Was Elma deliberately trying to get on her nerves now? She was not going to allow this.

Tohru started simple, and dragged their shared tongue over to her side of the mouth. Elma had no idea why her bodymate would do such a thing, but the action succeeded in annoying her. It might have even succeeded a bit too well, since Elma immediately tugged it back.

Tohru tugged their tongue back.

Elma tugged their tongue back.

The two sides of the tongue were at war with each other, pulling as hard as they could to overwhelm each other. It was a tug of war with their own flesh on the line, both sides only caring about trying to wrest control away from the other. Elma could be trying to work all she wanted, and Tohru could be feigning as much boredom as possible, but nearly all of their attention was on the war with their tongues. Such a battle was invisible to everyone else, but it still raged on more fiercely than any other.

Elma tugged with her half of the shared tongue, desperately struggling against her bodymate. Why was Tohru just as strong as her? She couldn't ket Tohru get away with this! She wasn't just going to let Tohru win! In attempt to aid her efforts she turned their head to the right, hoping this could somehow help her efforts.

All it succeeded in was further angering Tohru. She just couldn't believe Elma, was she intentionally being this annoying? Tohru turned their head to the left, completely overpowering Elma and overtaking her as well, hoping it'd show Elma who she was messing with.

Elma just turned their head back to the right.

Tohru turned their head back to the left.

The two struggled to turn their shared head, each pulling with their side of the neck as hard as they could. Their head looked like it was locked forward from an outside point of view, but that was just the result of a great struggle. Two sides struggled over the head, each determined to overpower each other.

Fighting extended down to the rest of their body as well, the two silently tugging and pulling their torsos in opposite directions as well. Their body looked like it was barely moving, only shaking slightly at most, a result of the two being seemingly equal in strength. Despite the obvious equality the two still pulled, each hoping they'd somehow prevail in the end.

They wanted to yell at each other, they wanted to scream, but that was impossible to do so with their dueling tongue. To even attempt so would be giving up ground to each other, allowing a chance for the other to snatch the tongue away, so neither even attempted it. If they could they'd be screaming out every harsh word and insult they could, maybe to the point it'd be virtually incomprehensible, but all of it stayed in their heads.

Elma couldn't focus on her work any longer. Her hand rushed down her suit towards Tohru's side of the body and grabbed her by the breast. The squeeze nearly made Tohru scream, weakening her assault and allowing Elma to momentarily surpass her. It wasn't long before Elma turned the tables however, making Elma nearly scream in return with the breast on her side squeezed.

The two began tugging each from the breasts, each using the other's boob like a handle to try and pull them away. They winced, feeling a great pain from their mutual assault, but at the same time it felt kind of good. Touching the breast and squeezing the nipple was giving them a lot of arousal, powering through their anger and somewhat weakening them.

Tohru took advantage of the arousal, squeezing Elma's breast more and more. She plucked at the nipple, massaged the flesh, and did everything in her power to make Elma squirm. She could feel Elma shaking right next to her, shivering more and more like she was going to burst at any moment.

Elma struck back, squeezing Tohru's breast as hard as she possibly could. She could feel every shiver in Tohru's bones, sending chills through a spine they now shared. Just squeezing the breast seemed to sendTohru into an ecstasy, giving her a feeling like she could break at any moment.

Over and over and over again, the two squeezed and squeezed each other's breasts as much as they could. They repeatedly brought each other closer and closer to orgasm, each feeling like they were reaching her peak at alternating moments. At one point Tohru felt like she could burst, at another point Elma felt like she could explode. This pattern continued on and on and on, until they noticed the people around them starting to pack up.

"Come on Elma." Kobayashi walked by the dragons as she headed to the exit. "You're not doing overtime, are you?"

"Go ahead without me," Elma said weakly. "I'll be there soon."

After Kobayashi left the entire office was empty, leaving just Tohru and Elma in their half-and-half body. They continued their fight for just a bit longer, but they both knew they needed to get back eventually.

"Come on." Elma stood up, forcing Tohru to follow. "We need to leave."

"I know," Tohru said. "No need to pull."

"I wouldn't have to if you'd just move!"

"I am! You're just moving too much!"

The two argued all their way home, pulling and tugging their body the entire way. They didn't want to transform into their dragon forms right now and they had missed all of the trains, so it was just a long walk to Kobayashi's apartment. Being dragons did mean they could run their faster than a human could, so it wasn't as long as it could be. Still, all the tugging and pulling was far from enjoyable, making the whole trip rather painful.

When they got home they were exhausted, but they couldn't go to bed just yet. Tohru had to make dinner for the night and assist Kanna with a bath. Tohru's housekeeping duties still need to be done, and it was exhausting. Even then they didn't stop fighting, subtly tugging each other as they put the apartment in order. Elma felt like she could eat a horse, yet was forced to be by Tohru's side as she swept and mopped the floors. It felt like they were working forever, but soon enough it was time for them to sleep. They tried to change clothes but after a bit of arguing they just flopped onto their back on Tohru's bed, naked and too tired to move.

"Listen." Elma was first to speak. "If we're going to be living like this from now on you'll have to listen to what I say."

"And why should I listen to you?" Tohru's voice sounded incredibly annoyed. "You were trying to pull on my body so much earlier!"

"You started it! I could barely focus on my own job thanks to you doing that!"

"You were making it impossible for me to do my duties as a maid though!"

"I just need you to work with me here!"

"Well you're not working with me!"

"Then go do your own thing!" Elma grabbed Tohru's horn and pulled, attempting to yank her off with her anger.

"Then get off my body!" Tohru grabbed Elma's horn and pulled, attempting to yank her off with her anger.

Their feet pressed against each other, struggling in their mutual attempt to rip themselves apart. They pulled as intensely as they could on the horns on their head, and every part of them tried to pull away from each other. They strained and pulled and wanted to scream, not even caring if they ripped themselves to death. They just couldn't take it anymore.

"If you're not going to go away you should submit to me!" Tohru once again grabbed Elma by the breast, making her nearly squeak in surprise. "Listen to everything I say and follow my commands!"

"Never in my life!" Elma grabbed Tohru by the breast, making her jump up and nearly squeal herself. "The only way we're getting through this is if you submit to me, and I won't be taking a no for an answer!"

And so both breasts were mashed and squeezed once again, the two attacking each other with all that they could muster. Up and down, left and right, the two assaulted each other's breasts as fast and as often as possible, yet the result was looking to be the same as before.

Elma grunted, thinking hard about how she could possibly get Tohru to finally submit. She can feel herself growing closer and closer to orgasm each time, she needed to turn the tables quick. With a sudden burst of insight she smashed her fingers into their combined pussy, pressing them right into Tohru's side. She could feel Tohru suddenly jump up in surprise, confirming that her tactic had worked.

Tohru was sent into a shock, shivering at the pleasure Elma was sending her. She was getting too close to orgasm, dangerously close to climax, and she couldn't let Elma take the lead. So she placed her own fingers in their combined pussy, pressing them right into Elma's side. Elma seemed to jump up from the pleasure, and only shivered more and more as Tohru fingered the combined pussy.

The two of them fought through their pussy, fingering each other and themselves as fast as they could. Each hand was pressed against the other's side of the combined genital, stretching it out and open to squirt out their combined arousal. Every slight movement made the both of them shudder, feeling like they could drown in pleasure.

Elma moved her fingers faster and faster, the sudden increase in speed making Tohru freeze up. She could barely take it anymore, the pleasure was growing too much for her. She could absolutely burst, she should be exploding at any moment now, yet somehow she seemingly managed to keep hold.

Tohru got back to her senses and fingered faster, the speed catching Elma off guard and making her convulse. It was too much, too much pleasure had been built up within her. Her climax should be coming in seconds, she felt like she was seconds away from reaching orgasm, yet somehow it didn't come.

Over and over they did this, alternating one after the other on who dominates and who was dominated. Faster and faster, more and more they finger each other each time, and yet neither is able to make it to complete orgasm. Why? How? There should be a winner already. One of them should have succeeded. There should have been a verdict.

A dark thought fell upon the both of them. They didn't have two separate bodies anymore, they were simply two halves of the same whole. It was impossible to make half of a person orgasm, one only made the entire person orgasm. Was there destined to be no victor? Was it written that there shouldn't be a verdict? As if rebelling against this idea they fingered each other faster, simultaneously pumping them in and out of themselves and each other like they were pistons full of power.
And yet it was only confirmed as both of them climaxed.

They felt an explosion of pleasure throughout their bodies, making them shake wildly from the sensation. Their combined pussy was gushing waterfalls, leaving what might have been a permanent mark on the bed. Their eyes rolled up and their tongue hanged low, the two no longer to control their face from the sensation they felt.

They laid face up on Tohru's bed, still shocked at what just happened. There was no victor. There could never be a victor. Tohru was equally stuck with Elma as Elma was with Tohru.

"I can't wait to finally get away from you," Tohru groaned, lying their body on its left so they could finally sleep.

"Same here," Elma said, turning so their body was lying on its right instead.

Tohru tried to pull them towards the left again while Elma tried to keep them on their right, resulting in the two laying on their back in a stalemate. With a sigh, they realized this was their new normal.



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