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When Gwen woke up something seemed off to her. It was like she hadn't fully woken up, like she was still somewhat dreaming or something. There was something wrong but she just couldn't tell what. She was just in the RV, it didn't seem any different or weird. Ben and Grandpa Max seemed gone however, maybe they were outside. Maybe that uncomfortable feeling was out there.

When Gwen saw what was outside she was immediately woken up by sounds of trouble. Criminals in ski masks were surrounding the gas station they had parked at, trashing the place the best they could. Grandpa Max and Ben were somewhat fighting them off, but it clearly wasn't going well for them.

"Wake up!" Gwen tugged her Omnitrix bound arm forward, intending to wake up her doppelganger. "It's hero time!"

When Gwen looked down on her arm though, worry immediately flushed across her face.

It was gone.

She checked both arms, her legs, her bed, everywhere she could check, but somehow the Omnitrix was just gone. The watch that was seemingly attached to her before was just gone, like it vanished in midair. And that watch was the only thing that kept her attached to her double... what happened to her double anyways?

What she didn't know was that she no longer had a double.

Time and space are nebulous things, destined to change at any moment. While in the universe you know Gwen found the Omnitrix, which duplicated her and made her become various alien heroes, such an event wasn't to be in this universe.
And little changes can lead to massive consequences.

"I swear I'm not lying!" Long after the incident, after the Tennysons have long driven into the woods, Gwen was telling her story to Ben and Grandpa Max. Neither of them believed her though, which just seemed to make her more and more frustrated. "I know the other me could be really annoying and a total dweeb, but we should still try to find her!"

"You didn't drink too many smoothies did you?" Ben didn't believe a word. "I knew those things were bad for you."

"Don't mess around with me! She's real!"

"Yeah, and so is you transforming into aliens with that Om...nay..."

"It's called the Omnitrix! And we used it to stop villains like Dr. Animo, Kevin, Vilgax-"

Upon mentioning that name the RV nearly halted to a stop before driving off like nothing happened. Grandpa Max, who was steering, looked as white as a ghost.

"Sorry," he said. "I thought I saw a deer in the path."

Gwen groaned, but as she looked outside she couldn't help but feel some deja vu. Something about this place was kind of familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on why. It was just some campsite, what was so special...?

"Hey," Gwen said. "What's today?"

"Huh?" Ben was even more confused then before. "Are you so out of it that you forgot summer starts today?"

"Of course!" Gwen felt stupid for not realizing the possibility. She just ended up going back before she had gotten the Omnitrix, back before her duplicate was even created. It seemed impossible and implausible, yet somehow it had happened.

But if this was before she put on the Omnitrix then shouldn't it still be out there?

Before Grandpa Max could even mention he was cooking maggots Gwen ran off into the forest, desperate to find the spot where she first found the watch. Where was it? How did she get there? She could hardly remember. Did she turn left here? Was it right? She probably made some sort of turn here, but which way? Where was it?

Gwen fell flat on her face, like her legs were trying to go in two separate directions at once.

Gwen immediately felt disoriented, like her own body wasn't listening to her. Was she just not used to being apart from her doppelganger? Did something trip her? Whatever the case was, she could think of it later. She just had to turn the way she wanted and run.

Gwen fell flat on her face again.

She tried again and again and again, yet each time she would keep falling over. It was like her feet were pointed in separate directions, trying to go different ways at the same time. She tried to point both feet in the same direction, tried her best to finally move the way she wanted to, but it was like both feet were just stuck in the direction they were pointing.

Gwen immediately felt something tremor through the Earth. An earthquake? There wasn't supposed to be an earthquake today, unless that was the Omnitrix! She could see the birds flying away in the distance, that must have been where the watch ended up.

Like her feet weren't just failing her Gwen ran towards the site of the earthquake. Why did the watch end up somewhere different this time? Something was wrong, she had to get there quickly, she had to find it or else...

"Get off me!"
"What is this thing!?"

What Gwen saw made her heart sink. It was Ben, or should she say Bens now. Two Bens wearing the same Omnitrix, just like Gwen and her doppelganger beforehand, were standing in the crater where Gwen was supposed to find it.

"Give it back!" Nearly falling into tears, Gwen leapt for the Omnitrix, only for the Bens to dodge and make her land on her face.

"Don't suddenly attack like that dweeb," Ben said angrily. "You're one of the last people I'd like to see here right now."

"Do you even have any idea what this is?" Ben pointed to the Omnitrix. "Or who he is and why he looks like me?"

"The name's Ben, who're you?"

"I'm Ben."

"You're both Ben!" Gwen yelled out in exasperation. "Or at the very least one of you is a clone, I don't care, just take the Omnitrix off!"

"So this is supposed to be that thing you were talking about?" Ben looked at it with a bit of curiosity.

"There's no way this thing can actually turn people into aliens," Ben said.

"Want to try it out?"

"You bet!"

"The Omnitrix is not a toy!" Gwen's words fell upon deaf ears as the Bens fiddled with the watch. With a quick flash the two had transformed into Heatblasts, though they seemed more masculine than the Gwens' version.

"Whoa! We're like two-headed fire monsters now!"
"Sweet! I feel invincible!"

The Heatblasts laughed and celebrated and jumped about, annoying Gwen quite a bit.

"Stop it!" Gwen glared at the fiery conjoined aliens. "This is a big responsibility that is going to take you an incredibly long time to get used to. You will never be alone again, you have to be together for all things at all time together. You'll share everything, even your own body at times, and alongside this you'll be forced to fight forces of great evil. There are things out there that really want that watch, and they'll do anything to get it."

"Then they can try as hard as they want!" One Heatblast lit his fist on fire. "I'll be ready to take them down!"

"I like the way you think," the other Heatblast said, smirking. "But that's to be expected, you are me after all!"

"I think this is the start of a great friendship!"

"Maybe this summer won't be so bad after all!"

As the Heatblasts laughed and flew out of the crater Gwen could only watch with anxious anticipation. They'll see, they won't be able to laugh for long. Soon they'll find out how annoying it is to live with yourself. Soon they'll be arguing with each other nonstop, and they wouldn't be able to help it but despise each other. Gwen could almost laugh thinking about the day the Bens rolled across the ground in battle like she would with her doppelganger, attacking each other through their alien forms the way she would with her doppelgangers. The thought of the Bens' sexual conflict made her blush, she couldn't wait to see it.

Unfortunately, that never came.

"Woo! Great job Be- I mean Diamondhead!"
"You were also valuable out there fellow Diamondhead!"

The mechadroid that Vilgax sent, the first serious threat that Gwen faced, was easily taken down by the Bens as Diamondheads. They somehow got a hang of their powers much faster than the Gwens ever could, and with that skill they easily cut the mechadroid to pieces. The Diamondheads right now were celebrating as they packed the RV, while Gwen just sat inside, frustrated.

Why weren't they fighting!? How could that doofus get along with himself so well!? Gwen nearly hit her head against the table in frustration, upset with both Bens but also herself. If two Bens were so great at handling the Omnitrix compared to two Gwens, why did two Gwens get the watch in the first place? And why couldn't her doppelganger just come back in time with her? Did she actually miss her duplicate? That couldn't be, she had to be going crazy.

Gwen decided to try and read a book, since that was always something that calmed her down. She could see various textbooks and intriguing reads sprawled across the table, two of them catching her eyes. Introduction to Quantum Physics and Introduction to Microbiology were two books she couldn't help but associate with each other. She could always remember how when she and her doppelganger weren't struggling to read just one book, one was reading Quantum Physics and the other Microbiology. It was starting to become a sad memory, but she had to put it behind her. So if she had to choose one, it'd be...

Gwen surprised herself as she found her hands grabbing onto both of the books at once. She tried to let one of them go, but her fingers stayed put. As she tried to drag one of them towards her she found herself dragging the other one towards her as well. As she tried to place the other one back she found the other one being placed where it originally stayed as well. She tried as she could to lift the book she wanted while putting down the book she didn't, but it was like her arms were fighting against her.

What could be causing this? Why couldn't she just read the book she wanted to? Someone or something had to be controlling her arms, making her arms moving when she didn't want them to. She could think of one alien that could do this. The Bens had access to Ghostfreaks, and using them could potentially leave her body under their control.

"Bens!" Gwen yelled out angrily. "Spot that!"

"Stop what?"
"Leave us alone dweeb."

It turned out the Bens were on the table the entire time, and they weren't Ghostfreaks. They were Grey Matters. They were connected in the same way the Gwens were connected when they were Grey Matters, though given their gender Gwen was a bit curious what it was like for them down there. Regardless, if they were Grey Matters it would be impossible for them to have affected Gwen like this.

"Don't laugh," one of the Grey Matters said. "I was trying to go XLR8, but he had to-"

"I already apologized!" The other Grey Matter sighed. "I thought we were going Upgrade."

"And now were stuck in this form for the next 10 minutes! And I really need to go pee right now!"

"Don't! Don't you remember what happened last time!? I'm not letting you fill my bladder!"

Gwen laughed as the Bens seemed to argue a bit. Maybe those two didn't get along as well as she thought. Maybe, just maybe, it might have been possible to make the most of this situation.

Summer vacation continued on, and many of Gwen's familiar foes were battled once more. The Bens easily tore through Dr. Animo, swatted away all of Clancy's bugs, and easily shut Zombozo's laughter. As time went on the Bens just seemed to grow more and more skilled with the Omnitrix, with Gwen only able to look on with jealousy.

The Bens laughed as they went bowling as Four Arms, using their intense strength to score five strikes at once. The two high fived each other after every one, an action that looked more like clapping due to their shared body, jumping in joy so much the building shook.

"You realize the Omnitrix will have to recharge right?" Gwen just stared on angrily. "What are you going to do if some alien comes while you're just Ben?"

"Sounds like someone is jealous!" One of the Four Arms snickered at Gwen.
"What's wrong dweeb?" The other grinned. "Upset you can't get four arms of awesomeness?"

As the Bens just continued to have their fun Gwen just sat and watched. All this time the Bens had been better heroes than she and her doppelganger could ever hope to be, and the entire time she found herself contributing nothing. The red light of the Omnitrix deactivating flashed as she thought of how useless she's been this entire trip, realizing that without the watch she was nothing.

A large booming sound could suddenly be heard, the result of a large spiky wrecking ball crashing into the bowling alley. Gwen stood up as she saw the wrecking ball stop its rolling as it came across the Bens. She recognized that wrecking ball, and her suspicions were confirmed as the ball widened to reveal a pod within. Out of the pod stepped one of Gwen's greatest foes, the alien conqueror Vilgax.

With one quick motion the Bens were tossed into the pod, and with them in tow he left as quickly as he came.

Gwen panicked, running to her Grandpa immediately. Even in a fair fight the Gwens had trouble dealing with Vilgax, and the Bens couldn't even transform right now. They may have been better at teamwork than the Gwens, but this situation seemed hopeless. Mt. Rushmore was quite the distance away, but maybe they'd be able to do something.

"Grandpa!" When Gwen finally caught Grandpa Max she was exhausted. "It's the Bens! Vilgax came down and caught them and-"

"I know," Grandpa Max said. "I should've been more open with you since that first day of summer vacation. You're from the future, aren't you?"

As the two drove towards the Bens' location Gwen explained everything she could to Grandpa Max, from how she first found the Omnitrix to the various adventures she and her doppelganger went on. She continued to speak about how she already fought Vilgax and how she suddenly ended up here, finding herself back in the past.

"So," Grandpa Max said. "Where is your doppelganger now? With you two actually being attached to each other I'd expect one to drag the other with her."

"I don't know. I've looked all around but she didn't seem to come back with me."

"This may be an odd idea, but when you went back in time you didn't bring your body with you. It seemed like your soul ended up in your past body. That 'other you' didn't have her own body before you got the Omnitrix though, so..."

Gwen froze for a moment. The closest thing there was to a past body for her duplicate to occupy was her body, but that couldn't be the case, right? But when she remembered her moment in the woods and the time she tried to read and all of the other little moments she had in the past, only one option was making itself clear.

Gwen tried to lift only one hand while leaving the other hand by her side. Yet no matter how much she tried, with all of her focus on bringing up one hand, both hands were lifted in the air. Each hand was lifted by a different Gwen.

"GET OUT OF MY BODY!" Gwen, or more accurately the Gwens, fell to the ground and rolled about. Each of them tried to seize control from the other, tried to gain control of any limb they could, tossing their limbs around every which way like they had a seizure.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE HIDING YOURSELF WITHIN ME!" Gwen grabbed at her chest and squeezed and pulled, hoping the act could make her duplicate stand down. "YOU WERE JUST WAITING FOR A MOMENT TO TAKE ME OVER!"

"YOU WERE THE ONE HIDING YOU LIAR!" Gwen grabbed at her hair and pulled, hoping the pain would make her duplicate calm down. "LYING JUST TO COME OUT AND DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!"

They continued to roll about and angrily snap at their shared body, with Grandpa Max not saying a single word about it. He was too focused on the road ahead, ramping up towards the railgun-shaped ship in front of him and crashing right inside.

The Gwens stopped their fighting when they heard the crash. They recognized the inside of Vilgax's ship. They could see the Bens hung up where they were before. They recognized Vilgax, even if he seemed a bit thinner than how they found him. And before they could even react they saw Grandpa Max leaping out of the RV with a small Plumber gun.

"Hands off my grandsons Vilgax!" Grandpa Max shot the alien, who easily dodged it and went to slash Grandpa Max with a sword. Vilgax seemed much faster than the Gwens remembered, but this wasn't the time to be at awe. Just for now they had to work together and get Ben out of the device, and that's what they tried to do. The structure was tougher than they remembered though, how did they get out last time?

A stray blast from Grandpa Max's gun smashed what seemed to be the control panel for the device, releasing the captive Bens and letting them down. Sparks from the broken machine led down onto the Omnitrix, but otherwise everything seemed okay.

"Are you alright?" The Gwens went to check up on their cousins, sighing as they confirmed everything was okay. "You guys need to go hero right now, Vilgax is cornering Grandpa Max!"

"Got it!"
"It's hero time!"

The Bens hit the button to activate the Omnitrix, only for the faceplate to just flash different colors instead. In a bright flash of green light the Omnitrix flew off their arms, flying off into the air until it landed right on the wrist of the Gwens.

With a flash of light the Gwens were dumbfounded. There were two of them again. They were bound by the Omnitrix again. It was everything they had asked for.

"You're finally out of my body!" Gwen screamed at her doppelganger.

"I have the Omnitrix again!" Gwen screamed at her doppelganger.

"We can be heroes!"

The four of them pumped all four fists up at one, which immediately concerned them. Each only intended to pump up one hand, not both of them at once. This sort of thing shouldn't still be happening, weren't they separated? No, that was far too wishful thinking. The Omnitrix never did such a thing, it only seemed to duplicate.

"GET! OUT! OF! MY! BODY!" The Gwens hit the Omnitrix and become Wildmutts, each individual Wildmutt facing her own inner turmoils. The fight looked odd from an outside perspective, a pair of aliens connected by the arms that seemed angry with each other looked like they were attacking themselves instead, grabbing their own breasts and twisting them themselves. Yet to the Wildmutts it was an intense clash.

"This is your fault!" Ben yelled at his doppelganger. "I told you we shouldn't have tried messing with the device, now it's come off!"

"That was your idea!" Ben yelled back at his doppelganger. "You were the one who almost ripped the faceplate off!"

"Seems like the Omnitrix is glitching to genetically duplicate whoever wears it." Vilgax had ran back towards the Wildmutts, placing his hand on the Omnitrix between them. With one touch the Omnitrix started to fly off, letting both Wildmutts turn back into Gwens.

"I GOT IT!" The Bens leapt for the watch, both arms getting bound within the black straps of the Omnitrix. In a flash the two had somehow become four, all of them bound by the alien device.

"Now get off!" All four Bens growled at each other, their anger at each other having started to reach its peak. They transformed into Heatblasts, with four heads on one fiery body they slammed their body around in every which way. Each Ben tried his best to take complete control, struggling the entire time.

"The Omnitrix is mine!" Vilgax ran for the Omnitrix, deactivating and detaching it from the Bens.

"No, it's mine!" As the Omnitrix flew off once more the Gwens managed to slip it back on, two Gwens having become four. With one tap of the faceplate they had become Ghostfreaks, with four asses pressing right into each other. As the four of them fought they also pressed their asses together, fighting with their rears to try and throw each other off. They pushed and pushed as hard as they could, all equal.

"Don't you dare mock me!" Vilgax easily deactivated the Omnitrix once again, making it fly off the Gwens.

"I got it!"
"It's mine!"

One Ben and one Gwen managed to slip it on, duplicated so that two Bens and two Gwens wore the device. With a flash they had become Four Arms, with four large breasts and two gigantic cocks. The four angrily struggled over control, two arms on the cocks and two hands massaging breasts, striking all four with feelings that were completely alien to them. Tons of yelling and insults flew out from their mouths, the Bens and Gwens just as angry at each other as they were themselves.

Vilgax tried to get the Omnitrix again, only to make it so six Gwens as Ripjaws found all of their pussies clashing in mermaid form.

Vilgax tried again, only for six Bens to fight with their cum clashing head on as Grey Matters.

Two Bens and two Gwens were penetrating themselves as XLR8.

Two Bens and two Gwens tried to tug every part of their shared body as Upgrade.

Vilgax tried as much and as much as he could, but all he achieved was duplicating the Bens and Gwens as they angrily fought. The Bens and Gwens that didn't manage to get the watch would fight each other, angrily kissing as they rolled along the ground and screamed. Grandpa Max could only watch as Vilgax's ship filled with duplicates of his grandchildren, hundreds upon hundreds of them emerging thanks to the watch.

"It's mine!"

"The Omnitrix is mine!"

"Let go of it doofus!"

"This is mine dweeb!"

Time and space could be an odd thing. One simple change turned what would have been a climatic battle into a roaring battle royale between friend and foe. You'll never truly know how a story will end, and that's what makes them interesting.



Master Xiodes

Not trying to influence or write this for you or anything, I’m just saying… The whole thing about the Gwens in a single shared body without any duplicated body parts but trying to walk in different directions or do two things at once, THAT is exactly how I think the Ditto chapter would start before it causes them to split.