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The smoke cleared from the school rooftop, revealing the figures of the many people atop. There used to be 101 figures hanging out on top of the rooftop, belonging to a boy and all 100 of his girlfriends. Now if one were to count they'd realize that there were now 202 figures atop the roof.

"Are you me?" Aijo Rentaro looked at his doppelganger with awe.
"You look like me." Aijo Rentaro couldn't help but be awed at what he saw.

All 101 of them had been duplicated, each and every one now facing an exact copy.

"Oh no!"
"Oh no!"
The two small drug obsessed scientists screamed together in terror.
"I accidentally dropped my Makes-An-Exact-Duplicate-Of-You-That-Is-Indistinguishable-From-The-Original drug!"
"I accidentally dropped my Makes-An-Exact-Duplicate-Of-You-That-Is-Indistinguishable-From-The-Original drug!"


"There's two Rentaros, can I handle two?"
"One Rentaro is more than enough, but if you two come at once I'll..."

"<An impostor!?><I thought it was legend!>"
"<Greetings fellow warrior!>"

"Having another me in my daily life would be rather efficient."
"An efficient way to get 200% output with the same time scale."

"All of the cuties have just doubled!"
"This poor mother has finally seen heaven!"


"My master has doubled..."
"It's such a beautiful sight..."

"Wanna play baseball?"
"Sure, but we don't have any balls..."

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen!"
"Well thank you, but you're even more beautiful if I say so myself!"

"Ah... um..."
"Well... um..."

"Rrrrgh! Careless handling of such dangerous drugs!"
"Rrrrgh! Careless handling of such dangerous drugs!"

"Howdy fellow Murrican sista!"
"Let's sing the great Murrican national anthem together!"

"Clones are living things too aye!"
"Living things should be protected aye!"

"Mm, groping your own chest feels weird."
"Mm, tell me about it."

"Oh my, another me."
"She's growing up to be so great with drugs."



"One could say this situation is like life itself."
"Sometimes you stare into a mirror."

"My dear big sister has been duplicated!"
"Seeing two of her is like heaven!"

"Wanna drink?"
"Hell yeah!"

"Has an esteemed lady such as yourself seen the newest horror movie?"
"Why yes, I found that scene with the intestines spilling on the ground rather enjoyable in fact."


"Can I take down my own clone with a kick!?"
"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be scared or not!"


"How unusual!"
"How abnormal!"

There seemed to be no form of animosity between any of the newly doubled members of the family, all of them chatting along with each other mostly peacefully.

"Well it's a good thing I didn't also drop this Makes-You-Want-To-Fight-Your-Clone-In-Order-To-Prove-Who-The-Original-Is drug," the small scientist girl said.

"If I dropped that as well this could have ended up being a large and really chaotic sexfight story instead," the small scientist girl said.

"Good thing all of it is locked away in this tough wooden crate."

"Only someone with the strength of a gorilla could possibly bust this open."

As if the devil called two certain tsunderes punched the air in front of them with embarrassment, not realizing until it was too late that they had just burst open the crate of Makes-You-Want-To-Fight-Your-Clone-In-Order-To-Prove-Who-The-Original-Is drug.

Once the rooftop was covered in another layer of smoke it was time for the battle to begin.


Hanazono Hakari originally didn't think much of having a duplicate. The ever horny pink-haired girl originally focused on her boyfriend, fantasizing about him having become two right in front of her. Yet as the smoke of Kusuri's drug washed over her, she couldn't help but think about the duplicate in front of her.

She was really identical, wasn't she? The other Hakari in front of her had just as pretty eyes and just as big boobs and smelled just as sweet as her and had boobs just as big and her boobs were so amazing-


Of course, screaming at her perfectly normal internal monologue was the one girl that just couldn't be honest with herself. The blonde twin-tailed tsundere Inda Karane was once again triggered by the mere mention of boobs, which Hakari thought was a rather sad existence. After all, to gaze upon such wonderous breasts, such glorious bazongas, such incredible milky mammaries, and only be able to feel disgust must be tragic.


"Readers," Hakari said solemnly. "Please excuse the actions of the local imbecile."
"We assure you she's actually capable of normal conversation," Hakari said solemnly. "Sometimes."

The two were immediately reminded of each other's existence, and once again their moods soured. How was she supposed to continue charming Rentaro with another her running around? There were already 99 other girlfriends with Rentaro, some of them even sexier than her. Incredible sex appeal was her only selling point, yet right in front of her was someone with that exact same appeal. Was her charm really about to be hidden, or even replaced, by some doppelganger?

No that couldn't be. There had to be some sort of way to tell them apart, some difference that'd put one of them as sexier than the other. They scanned each other with their eyes, looking for something, anything that could put one over the other. And then, that was when it hit them.

"Your boobs must be smaller than mine!"
"Your boobs must be smaller than mine!"

The two looked rather smug saying this, only realizing through the faces of rather disappointed Karanes that they had spoke at the same time.

"I mean my chest has to be at least one centimeter wider."

"I'm pretty sure my bosom is a bit larger by at least a millimeter."

"No no, I'm sure my breasts have at least a micrometer over yours."

"That can't be the case. My boobs have to be at least a nanometer bigger."

As the discussion went on the Karanes just found themselves more and more annoyed. Big breasts this, big breasts that, it was like this discussion was made to mock them. Considering who was having this conversation, that might have been exactly the case.

"If you're really that concerned about your chests," Karane said with a low growl.
"There's only one thing that you should do," Karane said with a low growl.

"Karane?" Hakari was so focused on her opponent she never noticed Karane's growing temper.
"You're not speaking in all caps for once..." When Hakari realized how angry the Karanes were getting it was too late.


The absolutely infuriated Karanes shoved the Hakaris from behind, forcing the two to smash their chests into each other. The two slightly moaned, their faces completely red from the sudden impact between their breasts.

"Wait, Karane-"
"Slow down a little-"

The two tsunderes didn't listen to a word, just pushing and shoving the two horny girls into each other with incredible strength. The Hakaris were shaking like vibrators and drooling like fountains, their sense of reason falling apart as they continued to be pressed into each other. They could feel their nipples making contact through their uniforms, sending waves and waves through their bodies. Their breasts were crushed flat, pressed into each other with the strength of gorillas, which only seemed to double or triple the pleasure they felt. Eventually even their lips were able to make contact, and the pleasure made them almost forget why they were doing this. Almost.

The Karanes continued to push the Hakaris forward, their eyes eventually meeting each other as they did so. Once they did some sort of anger started to well up within them, a slight irritation at the person with their own face staring back at them. What was it about her own face that just seemed to be so annoying? Was she getting angry at a person that could never be honest with herself? Was she angry that someone like her who wasn't as sexy or cute as someone like Hakari was possibly getting replaced by some identical copy? Did the illogical premise of the entire fanfiction make her incredibly upset? The words of the Hakaris between them was starting to become irrelevant to them. They were just saying unimportant things like "It hurts" or "You're going to break my spine" or things of the sort, but that wasn't on their minds. All they cared about during the moment was each other.

The two Hakaris gasped for air as they broke away from the Karanes backs, relieved that their spines weren't snapped in half. They were about to yell at the Karanes for treating them so roughly, only to hesitate when they noticed how intensely the Karanes were staring at each other. If this were a battle manga the Karanes' power levels would be in the millions right now, and their aura alone would be making the Hakaris tremble in fear. But this wasn't a battle manga, so the Hakaris felt nothing of the sort.

"Take this!"
"Take this!"

The Hakaris struck back the same way they were struck, pushing the Karanes together so that their breasts clashed. Their breasts were small though, disappointing if the Hakaris were to describe it, so their faces ended up a lot closer than the Hakaris' did. So close that they unintentionally found themselves kissing mush earlier than the Hakaris, after slamming their noses into each other a few times at least.

Their lips were surprisingly warm, it was a better experience than it sounded. Kissing yourself was actually kind of nice, no matter how weird and self-centered it sounded. The taste of her own mouth on top of hers was exquisite, her face was flushed with the intense pleasure of the embrace, if she had to describe the splendid taste she'd just say...


The two broke away from each other, their faces flushed red with embarrassment. It's not like she enjoyed it or anything, it just left her head spinning and confused.

"You didn't have as big of a reaction as I thought you would," Hakari said.
"I thought you'd leak or something," Hakari said.

"Who do you take me for?" Karane looked back at Hakari with disgust.
"I'm not some overtuned sex machine like you," Karane said.

"Come on now, don't be acting tsundere towards yourself now."
"Is this because of your boobs? Did you only feel ribs when you did it?"

"I'm not acting tsundere here you idiot!"
"Does everything have to be about boobs with you!?"

For a bit the two pairs were completely separated, each Karane just arguing with a Hakari and vice versa. Fighting their doppelgangers wasn't on their mind at all, they nearly forgot they had doppelgangers to face off against in the first place.

"Amazing." The scientist that started the entire story, the small redhead named Kusuri, just watched the situation from afar. "Their bond is so strong it allows them to resist the effects of the drug."

"Fascinating." Despite currently attempting to strike down her doppelganger with the legendary three sword style, Kusuri couldn't help but agree. "It's like something you'd see out of a romance manga."

The two scientists nodded before they continued their duel, both attempting to strike each other down with three blades. It didn't work of course, but it was cool.

"You've acted tsundere towards the air before, why should I believe you!?"
"You're the one obsessed with boobs with how you always look at mine!"

"Oh shut up! You are far worse with your endless perversion!"
"I wouldn't be looking at your boobs if you didn't shove them in my face all the time!"

The pairs seemed to finally regain each other's attention, their arguing having gotten just loud enough to remind each other of their existence.

"Oh yeah," Hakari said. "We still haven't dealt with this problem."

"I'm getting tired of this," Hakari said. "Hasn't this story been going on for long enough already?"

"Karane, get her!"
"Karane, I choose you!"
The big-chested girls pointed their fingers at each other, commanding their flat partners to battle for them.


"Think about it." Hakari's eyes didn't move from her double's the entire time. "I know you've always wanted an excuse to touch such wondrous breasts."
"Once that doppelganger is defeated I'll leave her with you." Hakari glared at her double as she spoke to Karane. "You get to do anything you want with her."


"But you're blushing."
"Your face is beet red."


The Karanes decided to approach the opposing Hakaris anyways, but it wasn't because the offer actually interested them or anything. They just wanted to use the chance to experience the joy of ripping those massive tits off those perverts, that was all. Nothing about it. Not a single bit. The Nile is a river in Africa.

The Karanes wordlessly approached their opposing Hakaris, grabbed their breasts, and squeezed. The sensation surprised the Karanes, the two somewhat in disbelief that these drug-created fakes were just as soft as the originals. It was warm and comforting, like your hands could just get lost within them, and overall the sensation was incredibly blissful.

The Hakaris looked like they experienced ten times that. Ahegao wasn't a strong enough word to describe how the two looked at the moment, and from the growing puddle under their legs it looked like they had gone way past leaks by now. They looked like they were having trouble staying upright, only being lifted up by their large breasts in the tsunderes' hands.

This was still a fight, and even if the Hakaris felt so good it was like they were melting they had to fight this off somehow. They reached out for the Karanes breasts and squeezed, the sudden sensation making the Karanes blush profusely. Duplicate or not, the perverts were good with their hands. Every subtle movement and soft touch seemed perfectly designed to bring out the most pleasure in the Karanes. They couldn't help but shiver under the perverts' touch, it was too good for her.

"Just like I thought," Hakari said.
"Exactly like I remember," Hakari said.

"There's barely anything there."
"There's barely anything there."
Duplicate or not, Karane was going to be flat.

The Karanes slipped forward from their angry outburst, falling on top of the Hakaris they were attacking with sudden shock. One open pair of lips accidentally fell on top of another, and each duo accidentally found themselves in a kiss. It was a kiss they would never want to admit they ever had, a kiss they would never want to remember, yet if they were forced to be honest it was a good kiss. It was warm, and nice, and hot, but it's not like they liked it or anything.

It felt like the rest of the fall was in slow motion. Slowly but surely their legs seemed to cross as they fell. The secret parts in between their legs momentarily met, the two able to feel the contact through the soft and wet panties. That one touch seemed to be enough. As soon as they hit the ground the two pairs climaxed, feeling like they'd melt under the intense pleasure of what they went through.

"Oh?" Hakari smiled smugly. "Did what I think just happen just happened?"
"And you were calling me perverted." Hakari smiled smugly. "Or at least the real Karane did."

"SH-SHUT UP!" Karane blushed and stammered. "YOU DID THE SAME THING!"
"YOU STILL CAME FIRST!" Karane blushed and stammered. "AND I AM THE REAL KARANE!"

"Those two still aren't fighting their doppelgangers." Kusuri looked at the pairs of Hakari and Karane in awe, each pair about to fight once again.

"Is this what they mean when they say love cures all?" As Kusuri made her comment she faced her doppelganger, attempting to do the hand signs for a Shadow Clone Jutsu.

It failed of course, but it was cool.


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