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It's that time again. There's a few stuff I have to discuss, so let's get right to the point.

  • I apologize for the delay in Gwens 10 episode 12, that was unintended. Midterm season is coming up, so I've had difficulty writing this last week. After episode 13 is the end of season one and I plan to take a bit of a break when that comes, so the next two weeks will have no delays at all.
  • That being said, A Small Problem still came out on time fortunately. The Grey Matters came out almost exactly as I imagined, though even flatter than originally intended. Not all aliens should have massive boobs, at least in my opinion, since it makes those with bigger breasts seem even bigger. They also look nerdier than I imagined in my head somehow, but that's probably fitting considering the aliens.
  • I also ended up releasing A Fight For Ash's Love at a time I usually don't release stories. It was my first time working with the mobile version of the site, so I had no idea how to schedule the post. Anyways, Ash is about to leave the anime in just some weeks, so it was practically the last time I could do anything with that story, and with how it's structured you guys are getting three pictures instead of just one! Ash deserves it, he had a good run.
  • I've started reading Webtoons again. I've used to read them a lot but eventually fell off it, now I'm trying to get back onto it. If there's any girls from Webtoon you want me to put into battle, mention them in the suggestion box.
  • I'm looking into a site to help me handle potential commissions. Commissions may be opening up soon.

So that's all. Hope you enjoy!

The current suggestion box can be found here!
The current poll can be found here!


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