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"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you?"
It was that lady's first day at the job, her first time ever serving customers in front of a counter, so she wasn't expecting to see two woman squash themselves in front of her at the exact same time. Was this a normal thing to see when serving people? A few of the other customers seemed to be staring so maybe that wasn't the case. If that was so, what were the chances of getting such a unique set of customers for her first time?

"So," she said, trying not to waver even a tiny bit looking at them. She hoped working a job like this could help her with her shyness, but it didn't seem to be working so far. "What would the two of you like to order?"

"One Big Mac meal!" The two spoke at the exact same time, not even a millisecond apart. It was like there was only one voice between the two, a single voice coming out of both mouths. "That's it."

The worker was a bit astounded.
"Do you mean one for the each of you?"

The identical women seemed to glare at each other before yelling at her again with their singular voice.

"Y-Yes!" The worker quickly typed the order out on the register and asked them for the bill, hoping to get as far from them as she could. The two seemed to separate for just a moment, revealing that right between them was a small pink wallet held between them. Each of them were holding onto separate ends, immediately opening up the wallet and grabbing a few bills from it with their free hands. If the worker were to squint she'd notice two IDs squashed into a pocket at the front, like both of them tried to push their ID in front of the other. Their names were Bethany and Lisa.

Lisa and Bethany had only recently moved into their new home, and already started to renovate the place. A new carpet was placed, some furniture got organized, and now the two had a refrigerator. That being said, what good was a refrigerator with no food? The two were only running on an empty stomach, so out they walked to the first trip they've made since moving: to the McDonald's next door.

The two were the exact same in every way, always walking and doing the same things. This made money a bit of a sore topic for them. When they were young, acting like they were of the same mind, they'd grab the same item from the store and essentially buy it at the same time. The cost would essentially be split between them, not intentionally though but they just fought over who had to pay so much the cashier would just ask them both to do so.

As kids they'd often buy packs of candy and sell them to their schoolmates for cash. They'd pick up the same piece of candy at the same time, hand it over at the same time, and grab the cash given to them at the same time, so the question of who should get the cash led to many arguments. The first time they did this a ten dollar bill was ripped in half, so they've agreed to compromise. The two shared a wallet ever since then, angrily gripping onto it every time they brought it out, planning to run off with it if the other dropped it.

That never happened though, and the practice continued for years. Whenever they went to buy anything, like the Big Mac they were just about to down, they would both order the exact same thing at the same time. They waited patiently for their first meal, immediately running for it when their number was called, sitting down and releasing the burger from its wraps.

Food time wasn't home to the best memories for them. If their dad served them separately there would be no issues, but whenever they served themselves fighting would ensue. They'd fight over the food they'd serve themselves, fight over the plates, fight over forks, there was far more fighting than usual. As much as Bethany and Lisa hated it they were exactly the same, and would do the same things at the same time.

Each had one hand on the sides of the burger, and their cheeks were smushed together. As the burger was slowly lifted up to where their mouths were, the two pushed and angrily tried to shove each other out of the way. They opened their mouths as wide as they could, wanting to shove the burger down their throats.

The center of the burger hit the edge of their cheeks, splashing wet sauces over it. Each were able to quickly rip off a bit of the burger, chomping it as quickly as they could before swallowing it. Fights like this have occurred before, so the two knew better than to keep their food in their mouth. The longer the food stayed in the mouth, the greater risk their was for the battle growing more fierce.

Their teeth completely tore through the burger, spraying the sauces everywhere with how voraciously they were eating. They continued to press cheeks into each other, to the point they could feel even the slightest movements of each other's jaws. Food was barely savored, if it was at all, the two simply stuffing and filling their mouths with as much of the burger as possible.

Alas the burger was finished, and the two each ended up having half. Exactly half, a complete 50%, no more or no less for any of the twins. They didn't even need to measure it, they just knew it would be a tie if they tried, and they hated it.

They knew this wasn't just because of them. Sure, the two were far too similar, but the environment should've been able to differentiate them. Maybe a random pebble could've been in a position one of them could step on but not the other, maybe the wind could push in a direction that'd affect one more than the other, maybe this Big Mac could've been made just the slightest bit unsymmetrically, random chance should've prevented them from being such mirrors to each other.
Yet that never happened.
If one tripped on a pebble, the other would trip on a similar pebble opposite to it. The wind would always blow in a direction that would prove no advantage, the rain would pour over them equally, the snow would cover them just the same amount. Without looking they could tell that the Big Mac was completely symmetrical, because that's how it always was.

The entire universe must've wanted them to be equal, fate itself said there could never be a victor, and the two hated it. They gritted their teeth, growled, pushed, and fought against that fate whenever they could, and fate never changed. It was like steel, unable to budge.

The two were glaring at each other after finishing the Big Mac, not even touching their drink and fries. They had stopped chewing, lost in thought as they absentmindedly stared at each other. A small bit of chewed up food was in each other's mouths, exposing itself as their mouths hung open just a bit.

A chance was staring right at them, one way they could turn the tides. Lisa and Bethany immediately kissed, grabbing each other and forcing their mouths together in the blink of an eye. To the people around this may have looked like a surprising romantic gesture, but this was a new stage to the battle. Even if it meant taking the chewed up scraps from each other's mouths, Bethany and Lisa just needed to find a difference between them.

They tried to push their tongues into each other's mouths, immediately running into a problem. The tongues rammed into each other at the same speed in the same direction at the same time, not even slipping off of each other with how equal the force they put in was. It was like each tongue met a tough wall in front of them, and their only choice was to push.

And push they did. Tongues pushed against each other as hard as they could, practically flattening the tips. They pulled back and attempted to strike again, their tongues pressing against each other once again. Again and again and again and again, rapidly striking like a rush of light speed punches, the impacts felt like thunder within their mouths. All they wanted was to get a little grasp of the food within, was that too much to ask?

A small realization flashed over Lisa and Bethany, their tongues still pressed against each other. All they wanted was to be different, just one slight difference. It didn't matter who the winner was, each girl was okay with losing, as long as it finally proved one of them to be different from the other once and for all!

The two weakened their press, hoping the other would take the chance, use it to overpower them and finally end this endless stalemate. And yet the two were equal in this as well, both feeling the other pull back at the exact same time.

They absolutely exploded, fighting even more intensely out of pure anger. "Who does she think she is!? Actually trying to hold back against me!?" Thoughts like these flowed through their mind, encouraging them to push on more and more and more. Tongues were as strong as Anacondas, facing each other head on with a crushing force. Pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing...

An hour later they went back home, once again getting stuck in the doorframe.

Being able to surpass each other was just a pipe dream, something they should've realized was impossible. Neither of them was able to take some of the other's burger, all attempts completely failed, and in the end both of them ended up swallowing whatever was left.

They couldn't dwell on this battle for too long. They had stuff to buy, an apartment to renovate, equality they had to deal with.
After all, this was normal for them.



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