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This water slide was one of the best in the land. The slide would zip its participants around at top speeds, sending them through quick loops and into the air, before dunking them straight into a four foot pool of water. Ben and the Gwens had to wait nearly and hour in line for this slide, eagerly waiting for what was said to be one of the greatest summer experiences of all time, only for Ben to be turned away at the end for being too short.

"Ha! Too bad dweeb!" Gwen laughed at her cousin, forced to sadly make his way back down.

"Don't worry," Gwen said. "We'll tell you all about it when we're done!"

The Gwens went to sit on the slide only for the person managing the slide to lift them away.

"We only allow people to slide down one at a time," the guy said. "One of you has to go before the other."

"But that's impossible," the Gwens said, holding up the Omnitrix. "We're basically tied together."

"Then I guess you can't slide."

Now it was Ben's turn to laugh at the Gwens, who certainly didn't find it funny at all.

"What's wrong dweeb?" Ben snickered as he spoke. "You look like you got kicked off the greatest waterslide ever or something... oh wait!"

As Ben pointed and laughed at them the Gwens activated the Omnitrix. They turned the dial with one mind, until a single gelatinous figure was on the screen.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Of course I am!"

If being two was the problem, the solution was to become one.

And with a slam of the dial they became...

nothing. The two didn't change at all. The dial was completely stuck, and didn't seem to move in the slightest. They each tried again and again and again, but the dial didn't even seem to budge.

"Hold on," Gwen said. "Let me try something."
She pulled the Omnitrix towards herself, trying her best to push the dial down on the Omnitrix. She tried twisting it and rubbing it, but nothing seemed to work.

"Let me try then," Gwen said. "I have an idea."
She pulled the Omnitrix towards herself, first trying to twist it like she was pushing in a screw. When that failed she checked the area around the inside, hoping the path wasn't blocked.

"Okay, I have another idea. Let me try!"

"I'm not done with what I'm doing, let me try!"

The two pulled on the Omnitrix, jerking it back and forth as they tried their best to rip it away from each other. They pulled and pulled and tugged and tugged until they accidentally slammed the dial into the pillar behind them. Ironically, that was what finally pushed the dial back into the watch.

A transformation happened, and the two quickly realized something was off. For one, their bodies seemed mostly separate. Another thing off was that their skin seemed grey and a bit wrinkly. The confirming nail in the coffin was the feeling on a connection where their crotches should be, which confirmed exactly which aliens they had become: Grey Matters.

"Now this is just getting pathetic," Ben said, making his way back down. "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

The Gwens didn't follow though. This was their only chance to go down the greatest waterslide in the world, and they weren't going to just miss it. A glance in each other's direction showed them they were thinking the same thing, and at this size it would certainly be easy to sneak past the workers.

Walking as Grey Matters was a bit difficult due to the nature of the fusion, forcing the two to crawl wherever they wanted to go. Even crawling was difficult, since the two would be forced to argue over who is in front and tug and push each other by the groins. It almost felt like swimming around as Ripjaws at times, with their pussies always forced to be smashed together at all times, but they somehow made their way to the slide.

The two weren't big fans of their Grey Matter forms, but maybe this was the one time they didn't really mind it. The slide felt even bigger and more wild with the two at such a small size, and they were certain that if they were to come back as Gwens the experience would be disappointing.

Falling into the pool below was like getting dunked into the ocean, the two having to paddle their arms as much as they could to lift their heads out of the water. They never took swimming lessons, had barely the slightest idea how to swim, yet it seemed to come second nature to the Grey Matters. A bit odd, but not as odd as the giant human hand reaching down to grab them.

"Finally!" He said. "I knew there were aliens here!" The man was wearing business casual, his entire suit completely soaked after he ran into the pool to grab them. The Grey Matters screamed as the man ran out of the pool, stuffing them in a cooler before heading off.

"Gwens?" The only one to hear the scream was Ben, who noticed the man stuffing the Grey Matters into the cooler and getting away. Quickly, he went to Grandpa Max, who was just done getting them ice cream from the stands.

"Grandpa," Ben said. "The Grey Matters have been kidnapped!"

The ice cream went to the trash as the two immediately chased after the man Ben pointed to. He was already in his car, driving right off as the Tennysons gave chase, with the Grey Matters trying their best to break out. Something, anything, was there any way to get out of here? The Omnitrix didn't seem to respond in the slightest, likely a long time from their eventual detransformation.

It sounded like they were in a car but the two eventually heard themselves arrive at their destination. The cooler they were in sounded like it was taken out of the car and taken away by hand, the guy seemingly taking them away on foot. They heard something along the lines of "security systems deactivate" alongside some electronic sounds, like vacuum cleaners and cameras. When the cooler was opened the two were in some unfamiliar house, with the guy who kidnapped them seemingly towering over them.

"Real aliens!" The Grey Matters were lifted up and placed inside a glass jar, sealed right shut. "I've always wanted to meet real aliens! What species are you? What planet are you from? Where's your spaceship? Do you even have a spaceship? Are all members of your species connected like that or are you some rare exception? What do you eat? Do you even eat?"

"Stop it with all the questions," one of them said. "We don't even know some of them ourselves."

"We get it, you like aliens," the other said. "Couldn't you have just taken a picture instead of kidnapping us?"

"Oh no no no, I need you here for the Organization to see." The man suddenly seemed to realize something. "The Organization! I was so excited about my discovery that I forgot to call them!"

The man got out his phone and called the supposed Organization, leaving the Grey Matters alone in the jar. Once they saw him leave the room they immediately turned to each other, ready to make their way out.

"Okay, I have a plan!" The two spoke at the same time, which wasn't amusing.

"Judging how things between us have usually been," one began.

"The two of us likely have the exact same plan," the other one continued.

"So let's just get straight to it!"

Their hands and feet were planted against the walls of the jar, and the two pushed against each other to force themselves up. Hopefully they'd be able to push themselves to the top of the jar and attempt to unscrew it from the inside, but getting up the jar was already hard enough. The area where their pussies were was compressed tight, and it felt like their pussies were being pressed together, making the situation a bit uncomfortable and pleasurable.

"Move over," Grey Matter said, pushing her crotch against her double. "This side is cramped!"

"This side is even more cramped," Grey Matter said, pushing her crotch against her double. "Move over!"

The two started to push against each other, seemingly scissoring as they tried to give themselves more space. If there were exposed pussies in their crotch areas it would be splashing right now, pouring with fluids and pleasure. The jar wobbled and shook, starting to shake towards the edge of the table, until it suddenly fell right off.

The Grey Matters slowly got up, their bodies sore from the fall. Small cleaning robots looked like giants to them, nearly crushing them while vacuuming up the broken glass. A meow could be heard but the source couldn't be seen, instilling the very real possibility of a cat somewhere in the house. The two knew they had to get out of there quickly, and get to safety as quickly as they could.

"I can assure you that this time I have an actual alien on my hands!" Meanwhile, the man who kidnapped them was busy on his phone. "Just think of how famous we'll be if we show this information off to the world. I, Howell Wainwright, would be plastered on news media, posters, billboards everywhere!"

"I don't care much about that," the guy on the phone said. "Just make sure the aliens are still there by the time we arrive, and be sure to get pictures or some other form of evidence."

"Got it." Howell cut off, preparing his camera so he could snap a pic of the Grey Matters. His camera fell to the ground when he saw the smashed glass on the ground and no Grey Matters in sight.

Howell immediately ran through the building, racing to find them. He only looked away for a few moments, they couldn't have gotten far. He finally spotted them in the kitchen, the house phone in hand and calling some number he didn't know.

"The street seems to be Ripley something," one of them said. "I can't see the sign well from here."

"It seems to be a normal suburban housing complex," the other one said. "Not many people outside despite the weather though."

"What are you doing!?" Howell grabbed the Grey Matters and hung up the phone in one big fast swoop. "You need to stay in one place before the Organization gets here!"

The Grey Matters bit his hand, and when he flinched they used the chance to crawl away and into his shirt. Howell tried to smack them away but they were far too fast for him to pin down. It was like a small animal crawling around in his clothes, one that he simply couldn't stop.

The Grey Matters scurried about as fast as they could, tugging each other across the surface of Howell's body. Sometimes one would end up running so much she'd start dragging the other by accident, and the situation could easily switch to the other way around in moments. For some moments the two were trying to tug each other equally, pulling in a brief tug of war before the looming danger forced them to continue moving.

Eventually the two found their chance and leapt out, crawling into an air vent on the ceiling. Howell tried to chase after them, but his arm couldn't reach long enough. In just a few seconds the Grey Matters were too far away to touch.

"This is getting exhausting," one of them said, crawling through the vents. "We should've transformed back by now."

"Something must be wrong with the watch then," the other remarked. "Maybe it's broken?"

"Has a glitch in the DNA overriders prevented the reversion of the current state to default?"

"Maybe the time-out counter has been set to near infinitum, or a randomly generated integer during activation."

The two had to stop and process what they just said for a bit. They didn't know a thing about how the Omnitrix might've worked until now, and that wasn't the only piece of knowledge they seemed to suddenly gain. Did this transformation make them smart or something?

A breeze seemed to cool them within the vent, but there shouldn't have been one. They were in the vents, that wasn't just a breeze. The fans blasted even harder, clearly the result of Howell turning on the air conditioning, and the Grey Matters found themselves flying away through the vents.

They were barely able to stop themselves, gripping onto the edges of the ground below them. They tried to pull themselves upright, but the air was too strong, and the two were practically glued to the ground. Judging by the power and direction of the blast, it was likely that Howell was right at the entrance of one vent and ready to catch them. If they didn't move, they'd be like sitting ducks.

They had to move, and do so quickly. Two paths were beside them, and each tried to move to the one closest to them. They pulled and tugged their bodies towards their respective side, each trying to save themselves from the wind.

"This way!"

"No, this way!"

Their fingers started to slip and the two started to fly off, bursting right out of the vent at the other end. Howell was waiting for them with a broom in hand, whacking them right out of the air. They seemed to be on the kitchen floor, with a stove top and sink and table nearby. A cat was perched on the table nearby, eying them hungrily.

It was like everything moved in an instant. The cat leapt down like it wanted to devour them, Howell stretched out his hand and was ready to grab them, and the Grey Matters attempted to bolt for it as fast as possible. Unfortunately they went in opposite directions once again, allowing them to go nowhere.

The head of one was in a cat's mouth, and the head of the other was in Howell's hands, the both of them pulling and tugging on the Grey Matters. Their crotches were essentially glued together, the two feeling like a single pussy between them was being stretched as wide as it could.

Two bites from the Grey Matters were enough to make the two drop them, and they quickly scrambled up to the countertop. They tried to make their way to the window, but one touch seemed to set off an alarm. A metal shutter seemed to close over the window, nearly snapping their fingers off.

"How much of this house is booby trapped!?"
"No time, we gotta get somewhere!"

Before Howell could grab them the two dived into the sink, squeezing themselves into the drain. Both went in head first so it was a bit of a tight squeeze, but somehow they managed to squeeze through.

Howell wasn't going to call it quits right here though. He ran through the house and turned on as many taps as he could, and even flushed the toilet, hoping it could flush them out. He then went to his bedroom and turned on his computer, looking through many many monitors connected to the house's security camera system. Whether it was out in the open or even under his bed, not even a fly could hide from him.

And there they were, right at the house's main power switch...

The computer and all of its security cameras shut off. Everything went dark. All power in the building was out, but there was no way the Grey Matters could've gotten far. The closest escape route that he could think of would definitely be the chimney, which was not too far from there. He didn't waste a second, running as fast as he could, but his cat got there first.

The Grey Matters tried to make their way to the chimney but their weird way of crawling around made them easy targets for the cat. He nipped them by the legs, grabbing the left of one and the right of the other, and started to slowly drag them away.

"No boy, that's not food! Let go!" Howell grabbed them by the other legs, once again trying to pull them away from his cat. Either Howell was weak or this cat was stronger than it looked, because no matter how much he pulled the cat wouldn't let go. Occasionally one leg would be tugged harder than the other and then vice versa, seemingly making the connected crotch area of the Grey Matters rub against each other.

The Grey Matter facing the chimney put her hands down, trying to drag their bodies towards it. There was still time, they could still escape, even if this fight was a bit too arousing for her.

The Grey Matter facing away from the chimney grabbed the carpet, trying to pry their legs out of the grasp of their attackers. They had to leave, they couldn't stay stuck in this predicament, but the fight was a bit too pleasurable.

All four of them pulled and pulled in this four way tug of war, none of them willing to give up. They pulled and pulled and pussies rubbed against each other and were stretched and mashed and pulled until a knock was heard at the door. The sudden knocking shocked everyone, the only person able to keep hold being Howell, who grabbed the Grey Matters and ran to the door.

"Ah, the Organization!" Apparently the guys at the front door were part of the Organization Howell was concerned with, which surprised the Grey Matters. They didn't look like some secret organization, they looked like medieval knights in grey and red leather armor. Masks made of gold or silver covered their entire faces, blocking them with a single static expression. At least a few somewhat secret organization-esque look, wearing fedoras and trench coats over their armor, but it still looked odd.
"Perfect timing," Howell continued. "I just caught the aliens. They nearly escaped for a bit, running around the house and causing so much damage! You guys have to be careful about them!"

"We're already prepared." The guy with the gold mask, who appeared to be the leader of this branch of the Organization at least, brought out a cage. The bars were made of electricity, surging at a voltage that the Grey Matters were sure would make them explode if touched. "Put them inside."

The Grey Matters had to huddle up in order to prevent themselves from touching the bars, finding their bodies cramped within the cage as it was carried over to the Organization's car. As if the world was trying to spite them, the two could see Grandpa Max and Ben looking for them in the distance. They tried to reach out and call for them, but if they were noticed it was certainly too late.

Their home base was a castle, quite fitting for a group like this. The scientists that were given the cage didn't fit the knight aesthetic though, so the Grey Matters found the theming a bit redundant.

"So how are we going to tell the public about this!?" Howell drooled as he fantasized about the fame. "Are we going to publish books? TV shows? Documentaries? How much of the cut do I get? To be honest, I'd be okay with even one percent if I'm credited properly!"

"Actually," the Organization's leader said. "We've decided not to go public about certain incidents, like this one for example."

The last the Grey Matters saw of Howell was his shocked face as they were taken inside the castle. Inside the place seemed completely different, filled with technologies the two had never seen before. While the Gwens would have had no idea what those stuff were, the Grey Matters knew that all of those technologies were alien in nature. The Organization seemed to be well versed in collecting alien technology, and potentially even aliens themselves.

The Grey Matters were strapped down to a metal board, completely unable to move. A laser was pointed over them, its blast cutting into the metal board and making its way to where they were connected. Their shared crotch was going to be cut in half by the Organization, and who knew what else would be done.

The two pulled away, desperately wanting to escape the laser's blast. Sure, they would love to be cut apart, they'd love to finally get rid of each other, but certainly not like this. They pulled as much as they could, each trying their best to drag themselves away and to safety, but being strapped down by metal.

The two endlessly tugged and tugged, pulling their shared crotch in two separate directions once more. The laser was getting to the Omnitrix's faceplate, plastered in the area between their rears. They pulled and pulled, knowing full well that there was no way to stop this.

The laser stopped, and an odd figure knocked out the scientists. Howell, the guy that got them there in the first place, was now the one to help them get out. He used the laser to break their restraints and grabbed them before running right out of there.

"Um, thanks," one of the Grey Matters said, unable to process what was happening.

"Why did you save us?" The other Grey Matter was just as confused.

"I was only in this for the fame," Howell admitted. "I never wanted you to actually get hurt. Aliens are people too after all!"

The Grey Matters were satisfied, but there wasn't enough time to reminisce.

"These people are too dangerous," one of them noted. "With this many pieces of alien technology they might be able to destroy the world."

"There might be a method of destroying all of it though," the other one noted. "But only if you're willing to help us."

"Got it!"

The two guided Howell to the technologies they saw earlier, many alien guns and computers and other devices around them. The Grey Matters went into the large rectangular device in the center, sticking their heads in and messing with a few wires.

"We're going to turn this device into a bomb," one of them said. "Once activated we'll be able to wipe this castle off the map."

"There are some guns and other weapons around to defend yourself with," the other one said. "And it'd really help if you got us a hyper core or capacitor."

"Got it... I think?" Howell had no idea what a hyper core and capacitor were supposed to be, but they seemed to be looking at the metallic blue spheres in the corner, so he just tossed those over.

The Organization's knights would come by only to be blasted away by Howell's new gun. The lasers coming from it were surprisingly powerful, sending his opponents right through the walls. None of the knights could get close as he blasted them away in an instant.

"Almost done." The Grey Matters were putting the finishing touches on their bomb. "Once activated, it would only take five minutes to blow."

All they needed to do was put the capacitor in its place and the bomb would start to blow. But, like fate was against them, the Omnitrix started to flash red at that moment.

The two put the device in and started to run, but the Omnitrix flashed before they could fully get out. Now as Gwens their hands were stuck inside the bomb, anchoring them to that very position.

"Who are you two?" Howell looked at them in shock. "How did you get in here?"

"No time to explain," Gwen said.

"We have to run before this thing explodes," Gwen said.

"Got it!" Howell ran to their side, jerking their hands out of the bomb. "But a couple of small friends of mine were just in there, we have to make sure they're okay."

"Don't worry," Gwen said. "They're with us."

"Let's just go," Gwen said. "It's close to blowing up."

The entire castle was caught up in a bright white explosion, with the group barely able to escape it. Everything within was practically vaporized, with no trace of the Organization left.

"I can't believe the Organization was just using me like that," Howell said to himself. "My want to be famous put those harmless aliens in danger."

"I'm sure they're okay," Gwen said.

"At least the Organization can't hurt anyone anymore," Gwen said.

Ben and Grandpa Max eventually found them and the nice summer day continued. Once again the Gwens had saved the day, or at least they thought they did. The Organization was vast, and this was merely one branch. The name Gwen Tennyson was now known throughout the Organization, and its knights wouldn't rest until that name belonged to a dead person.



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