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The Tennysons were on the road again, traveling quite far this time. Very far. The family had been on the road for hours, and the time was starting to drain them. The Gwens were collapsed on the ground, their minds practically empty from how bored they were. They looked to Grandpa Max, who despite having to drive for hours seemed just as happy and chipper as ever. They wished they could be as optimistic as him. They looked to Ben who was entertaining himself, making odd faces into the window.

"What are you doing?" The Gwens crawled over to Ben, too bored and exhausted to even stand.

"This guy thinks he can make crazier faces than me," Ben said, pointing to a guy in the car next to them that was currently sticking his tongue out at Ben. "I'm showing that kid who's boss!"

The Gwens simply looked confused, lying back down again.
"Is it really that fun?"

"I guess I'll go ahead."
One Gwen put her head up and through the window, seeing the boy that Ben was making faces with. She brought her fingers to the sides of her mouth, widening it until it showed up to the back of her teeth, and sticking out her tongue as far as she could.

The boy fired back with an even wackier face, pushing his nose up like it was a pig nose and puffing up his cheeks while grinning widely.

"Maybe I should try."
The other Gwen put her head up and through the window, seeing the boy that Ben was making faces with. She squashed her cheeks in with her hands while looking up and showing off her teeth, making it look like she was making some odd expression.

The boy is not impressed, chewing up a hamburger and sticking his tongue out, which grossed the Gwens out.

"Alright," the Gwens said. "It's on!"

They quickly realized why this was fun, with Ben and the Gwens taking turns to try and humiliate the boy. But this boy was not one to be taken lightly, countering each and every face with one that was simply funnier, grosser, or better in every way. The Gwens were impressed, but they were also quite frustrated.

"Come on," the Gwens said, turning the Omnitrix dial. "Someone here must have a crazy enough face."

"You two are really into it," Ben said. "Never expected a pair of dweebs like you to be this good."

"We're only just getting started!" They slammed their hands down on the dial and transformed once more, finally finding the form with the scariest face. The boy in the car screamed in terror as he saw the fused head of the Stinkflies peering right over him with a disgusting roar.

While the Stinkflies laughed at the incredible move they just played, the driver of that care was far from amused. Absolutely terrified, the guys swerved off the lane and crashed into a large propane truck, covering the road with a sudden burst of flames.

"Maybe we took it a bit far," the Stinkflies admitted as they flew out to save the day. This was the first time an event of this sort occurred that day, but it certainly wasn't going to be the last.

"We've finally made it!" Grandpa Max jumped out of the RV after hours of driving. "Welcome to Sparksville!"

"What is it!?" Ben jumped out, his eyes sparkling. "Is it a waterpark? Pool? Roller coaster?"

"You've refused to tell us where we were going for the entire ride," Gwen said, walking out the RV.

"This better be someplace good," Gwen said, walking out the RV.

"It's not just good," Grandpa Max said. "It's amazing! Look, it has the World's Largest Hot Dog!"
He pointed to an absolutely massive hot dog on top of the hot dog shop.

"And over there is the World's Largest House of Cards!"
Standing next to the hot dog shop was a massive house of cards with massive cards.

"I guess it's cool," Ben said. "But where are the actually fun stuff?"

"Well if you're looking for fun stuff I can show you around." Speaking in a very dry tone, a tall and pale man walked up to the Tennysons. "I'm Earl, and I'm the mayor of this town. I can give you all a tour."

Grandpa Max and Ben followed Earl around, Grandpa Max enjoying himself while Ben groaned the whole way. The Gwens followed as well, being somewhat optimistic. Maybe something fun would come out of this.

They were wrong.

"That over there is the World's Largest Box of Matches." Earl pointed to a big box of matches.

"And that there is the World's Largest Fishbowl." Earl pointed to a big fishbowl.

"Right there is the World's Largest Thermometer." Earl pointed to a big thermometer.

"Here are the World's Largest Toothpicks." Earl pointed to some bi-


The Gwens had almost collapsed from the boredom, and Grandpa Max had already left to book some hotel rooms. Earl was barely phased by anything that was going on, simply replying with his same dry tone.

"If you do want something fun," he said rather dryly. "You could always just go and take a look at it."

Ben was confused. "Take a look at what?"

"At IT. IT is the star attraction of Sparksville, and it's right inside that building there. You simply must be careful to read all of the warning signs and follow them carefully, and don't touch anything. Got it? Off course you didn't, you left already."

Ben and the Gwens ran straight to see IT, eager to find something interesting in this boring town. The room was dark and lots of warning signs flashed, warning the two they weren't allowed to touch or hit or bring any electronic objects near IT, but they barely read them. The three were simply eager to see what IT could be as much as they could, widening their eyes in surprise as they saw the greatness of it...

...only to learn that IT was the World's Largest Rubber Band Ball.

"He lied to us!" Ben stomped his foot on the ground and groaned. "There's nothing fun to do here."

"We waited hours in the RV for this!?" The Gwens angrily sat themselves down, feeling quite disappointed by the situation. "We could probably die of boredom out here!"

"This is just horrible! Unless..." Ben turned to the Omnitrix, immediately alerting the Gwens on what his plan was.

On a normal day the Gwens would've just called him an idiot and adamantly refused, reasoning that a device like the Omnitrix wasn't to be used just for having fun. But when they were this bored, that didn't even feel like an option.

The two immediately smashed their hands down on the Omnitrix's dial, transforming into the massive red four-armed conjoined aliens known as Four Arms. With four large arms of pure muscle they lifted the World's Largest Rubber Band Ball like it was just a basketball, and threw it into the air just as easily.

Ben watched with shining eyes as the Four Arms played with such a massive sphere like it was a normal ball. They spun it around on their fingers, bounced it off the wall, and dribbled it like both a soccer ball and a basketball.

"This is fun," Four Arms said, bouncing the ball on the ground with her right hand.

"I can do this all day," Four Arms said, bouncing the ball into the air with her left hand.

"Hey, give it back!" Four Arm grabbed the ball again with her right hand, bouncing it onto the ground again.

"Hey, don't take it from me!" Four Arms grabbed the ball again with her left hand, but the right hand held tightly onto it.

"Come on, it's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

The two grabbed onto some of the rubber bands on the ends of the ball, pulling and tugging and trying to yank the ball away from each other. They pulled and pulled and pulled until the rubber suddenly snapped, rocketing the ball out of the building and into the rest of the town.

The Four Arms punched each other in the face, grabbed and squeezed each other's breasts, and tried to beat each other up as much as they could. Ben ran out into the town, seeing the rubber band remains lying on the ground and the destroyed remains of what used to be the World's Largest Ketchup Bottle lying on the ground.

"What lie are we going to tell Grandpa Max?" Ben sat down, horrified as the Four Arms continued to fight each other inside.

Unbeknownst to any of them, an odd bolt of electricity escaped from the rubber band ball, ready to cause mischief.

The Four Arms were rolling along the ground, grabbing and pulling at each other's tits, angrily trying to make each other submit. If their skin wasn't already red their breasts would still be bright red right now from how much they were damaged. The two roared, angrily trying to make each other fall, until the Omnitrix's faceplate finally flashed red.

The two were back to being Gwens, but they still continued to fight. They laid on their sides, grabbing each other's breasts and squeezing as hard as they could.

"Gwens!" All of a sudden Ben came running in, shock covering his face. "You two need to see this!"

Reluctantly, the Gwens stopped their fight and followed Ben, vowing to continue the fight later. When they stepped out the building they were in complete shock. Multiple buildings and giant objects were now wreckage among the streets of Sparksville, with most of its citizens running in terror. Except Earl. Earl just sat on the bench with the same neutral look on his face.

"What happened here!?" Grandpa Max ran to his grandchildren, completely confused and jumping around restlessly. "It looks like a tornado hit."

"Those three didn't read the signs and touched IT," Earl said in his usual nonchalant tone. "And as a result we're all going to die."

"Why? What is IT? What's going to happen!?"

"Those three have released the Megawhatt, a dangerous creature that feeds on electricity. The World's Largest Rubber Band Ball was supposed to be its prison, but it seems like these kids didn't read the signs."

"Ben! Gwens!" Grandpa Max looked towards his grandkids, radiating an enraged aura that intimidated the Gwens and Ben.

"It was his idea!" The Gwens immediately pointed to Ben, who looked shocked as he was pointed at.

"Don't pin all the blame on me dweeb," he said. "You were the one who ended up throwing it!"

"You told us to!"

"I never said throw it!"

Their argument stopped thanks to the sound of electricity crackling. A burst of electricity flew out of the power line above them, immediately making its way to the Tennyson family. They ducked for cover, expecting to get completely blown away by the electricity, only to find raspberries blown at them instead.

The dangerous and wicked Megawhatt looked like a small battery with arms and short legs, laughing and making faces at them. It jeered and laughed again before travelling through the power lines yet again, practically disappearing.

Ben was confused. "So that's the dangerous Megawhatt you were talking about."

"Yep," Earl said. "No one knows where it came from. Some thing it's electricity come to life, others say its static cling run amok."

"Maybe," the Gwens said. "This is an alien!"

"Of course not. That'd be ridiculous."

The Megawhatt flew through the sky with electrical speed, smashing its head into the World's Largest Toothpicks. Its glass container burst, with the toothpicks falling down onto the ground like spears. The Tennysons barely dodged it, scared for their lives, while Earl just sat on his bench despite being inches away from getting skewered. The Megawhatt laughed at them before flying away.

"I should've warned you," Earl said. "The Megawhatt has a dangerous sense of humor."

"If we don't stop that thing people might get hurt," Gwen said, worried.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go," Gwen said.

The two followed the Megawhatt, who was currently knocking down the World's Largest House of Cards. The Omnitrix had just turned green, and the Gwens were ready to go on the assault.

"This will be our first time dealing with an electrical enemy," Gwen said, lifting up the dial. "I think the Stinkflies slime might be an insulator."

"But the electricity would completely destroy us if it isn't," Gwen said, turning the dial. "Using the Diamondheads would be safer."

"The Diamondheads are too slow, we wouldn't be able to catch up."

"The Stinkflies are too frail, we'd explode if we're even touched."

The dial was turned back and forth, the two angrily fighting over its control.

"This happens every time now! Just follow my lead for once!"

"Follow MY lead! My choice would be much better for the situation!"

"No, mine would!"

"Mine would!"


The two accidentally pressed the dial down, transforming once more. Instead of becoming giant bugs with two bodies and one head, or crystalline humans with one body and two heads, they became a metal slime with one body and one head.

"Upgrade!?" Upgrade looked down on themselves with disappointment. "And with no electronics around? This is all your fault!"

The Megawhatt threw the giant cards around, cutting through building like it was a giant razor blade.

"Hey MegaDoofus!" Upgrade's words seemed to get the Megawhatt's attention, stopping it from throwing the giant playing cards. "Your fun and games are over!"

The Megawhatt didn't seem to take kindly to that, tossing the playing cards at them at incredible speeds. Upgrade dodged them with their flexible body, moving closer and closer to the electrical alien with each passing second.

"Got you now!" Right next to the Megawhatt now, Upgrade tried to grab it with their  slimy hands, only to feel an intense electric shock run through their body.

"Makes sense," Upgrade said. "We're basically living metal, touching pure electricity was a bad idea."

"Told you we should've went with Diamonheads," Upgrade said. "At least we'd actually be able to touch the thing."

"You say that like we'd actually be fast enough to touch it!"

"You say that like the Stinkflies would've been able to!"

As Upgrade argued the Megawhatt crept behind them, right before zapping Upgrade with thousands of volts of electricity. Upgrade felt like they could completely burst from the shock, like every drop of their body was going to burst apart. The Megawhatt just laughed at them, finding such a reaction amusing.

If anything was going to bring the two together, it was this. They picked up one of the cards and repeatedly slashed at the Megawhatt, who was just happily dodging and avoiding each strike like it was absolutely nothing. The anger welled up within them, the two were completely livid, they could just obliterate the Megawhatt right now!

Before they knew it bright blue lasers shot out of their eyes, barely missing the Megawhatt.

"We can do that?" This new power was just as much of a surprise to Upgrade as it was to the Megawhatt. "Sweet!"

And so the battle shifted gears, with Upgrade firing lasers at the electrical alien. Two bright blue lasers chased after a blur of electricity, forcing it to go as fast as possible as they were always just an inch behind it. The laser from the left eye would occasionally try to loop over the Megawhatt while the laser on the right eye would mostly go straight but sometimes bop up and down. Each eye was controlled by a different person after all, so of course the eyes weren't in complete sync.

"I have a plan," Upgrade said. "I'll continue chasing it with my laser while you position your laser in front of it for a pincer attack!"

"My laser is closer to it," Upgrade said. "You should move your laser in front while I continue to chase it!"

"Don't joke around with me! I'm taking charge here, my way or the highway!"

"Then do it my way! It'd be much more effective if you move your eye in front of it!"

"My way!" Upgrade grabbed the side of their face, trying to manually move the other eye the way she wanted.

"My way!" Upgrade grabbed the side of their face, trying to manually move the other eye the way she wanted.

The two screamed, each pulling on opposite sides of their shared head and angrily trying to take control of each other's exclusive body parts. The eyes lasers drifted apart and out of control, growing further and further away from the Megawhatt as they angrily tried to control each other.

"Let go!" Upgrade screamed, pulling on her partner's eye as hard as she could.

"You let go!" Upgrade shrieked, squeezing and yanking on her partner's eye with immense strength.

"LET GO!" They pulled and pulled on each other's eyes, barely noticing the Megawhatt creeping behind them...

Before the Megawhatt could see what hit it, its body was slice in half. Upgrade used the chance to slice it in half with the giant playing card, catching it off guard.

"Yes!" Upgrade jumped up and down and celebrated, acting as if they weren't just fighting a moment ago. "The plan was a success!"

"It's a good thing you were able to quickly pick up on what my plan was in just a few moments!"

"Hold on, I was the one who came up with the plan!"

Their discussion was quickly cut off by some odd laughing. It was somewhat static-filled and had a bit of crackling in it, like the Megawhatt's laugh but in stereo. Upgrade turned around, looking to see what could've possibly started to laughter, just to see two Megawhatts instead of one!

"But how!?" Upgrade fell to their knees before turning back into Gwens, terror washing over them.

"Splitting them in half only split them in two," Gwen said.

"That means our only option is to contain them in some way," Gwen said.

"Gwens!" Grandpa Max ran onto the scene, with some large flat object wrapped in a cloth on his back. "I have an idea! Get the Megawhatts over here!"

The Gwens nodded in agreement before turning their attention to the Megawhatts. "Hey Megabutts, bet you can't catch us!"

The Megawhatts seemed to accept the challenge, zipping their way towards the Gwens as they made their escape. They were barely able to get behind their grandpa as the Megawhatts caught up to them, ready to shock them to the high heavens.

"NOW!" Unwrapping the thing behind his back with a single quick motion, Grandpa Max stabbed the two Megawhatts into the ground with the World's Largest Thermometer. Their electricity fizzled out, and they disappeared.

"This thermometer acted like a lightning rod," he explained. "Which means we have now grounded the Megawhatts."

"That means we don't have to deal with them anymore," Ben said. "Right?"

"The ground is still a conductor," Earl said, still sitting on his bench. "Just give them a few moments and they'll come right out."

And sure enough, the Megawhatts did just that. It started with one of the landline phones ringing, and another, and another, until all of the phones were ringing at once. Ringing and ringing at such a high pitched noise, it was like there was a Megawhatt in every one of them.

And there was. Tens of them in each.

Nearly a hundred Megawhatts came out of the phone lines, jeering and laughing at the humans below. They flew every which way, crashing in and out through every exhibit like bolts of lightning. The Tennysons ran for cover, ducking under buildings, while Earl just continued to sit on his bench.

"Looks like consuming enough electricity can also make them multiply," Earl said nonchalantly. "The more you know."

The Megawhatts weren't just going to jump around wildly all day, instead making their way towards the World's Largest Planetarian right in Sparksville. The planets and the moons of the planetarian began to shift and move, until it was no longer a planetarian and more like a giant robot, made exclusively for the Megawhatts. The Megawhatts marched away with the robot, disappearing in the horizon.

"They're gone?" Ben was somewhat relieved, but still a bit anxious. "Where are they off to?"

"Probably to the hydroelectric dam," Earl said. "Destroy that and they cut off power for hundreds of cities out here while also gaining enough power to cause mischief all over the world.

"But why?" The Gwens just didn't get it. "Why would they do something like that?"

"Because they think it's funny I guess."

"Who would ever ruin someone else's day just to have a bit of fun?"

"What a doofus," Ben said. "Remember who's fault this is!?"

"Yeah, yours dweeb!"

"Get real dingus!"

"Guys!" Grandpa Max shut them up. "This is no time to argue, we need to stop them somehow!"

"Maybe if she didn't cut them in half," Gwen said, pointing to her double. "Then there wouldn't be so many of them right now!"

"Huh!?" Gwen was flabbergasted. "Just a moment ago you were saying it was your plan!"

"Was I? Weren't you saying it was your plan?"

"Take that back!" Gwen tackled her double to the ground, grabbing her chest and squeezing it like before. "Take responsibility!"

"Responsibility!?" Gwen flipped them around, grabbing her double by the chest and squeezing it as hard as she could. "It's your responsibility, not mine!"

"Gwens!" Grandpa Max tried to stop them but the two were inseparable now. The two were twisting and attempting to rip out each other's chests, kicking each other in the shins and growling at each other. They couldn't be torn apart from each other now, or one would risk getting their arm torn off.

Their breasts were getting twisted right on the nipples, with the two digging their nails into each other's skin. They roared and grinded their teeth, angrily grinding their legs into each other's crotches as they aimed to inflict as much pain as possible. Their Omnitrix bound arms went up to their hair, grabbing and pulling it with great intensity. Each Gwen grunted with an eye forced shut, pained from the assault forced upon them, gasping and screaming to destroy each other.

"Take responsibility!" Gwen grunted, twisting her double's breast and stabbing it with her nails.

"Take responsibility!" Gwen grunted, tugging on her double's hair and yanking it like she was ripping it off.


"Hey Gwens!" Completely ignoring their argument, Ben walked up to their side. "Is glass a conductor?"

"No," the Gwens said. "Glass is actually a good insulator."

"Is that so. Then why don't we use that." He pointed to the World's Largest Fishbowl, virtually untouched in the middle of the wreckage around them.

The Gwens saw, immediately realizing what Ben was planning.
"Let's do this!"

At the hydroelectric dam the Megawhatts' planetarian robot were punching and punching, trying to completely destroy the dam right in front of them.

"Yo Megadinguses!" The robot turned to see Heatblasts right under them, the fiery aliens sticking their tongues out at the electric mech. "Bet you can't catch us!"

The Megawhatts didn't seem to take the joke well, slamming their Saturn fist down on them. The Heatblasts quickly avoided it though, jumping away with a fire blast from the feet.

"What's wrong? Didn't expect the electricity to be this slow!" The Megawhatts seemed to take offense to this, rapidly punching and chasing the Heatblasts all over the place.

"Hey!" The Heatblasts stood in front of something covered in a large sheet, jeering at the Megawhatts the entire time. "That hunk of metal must be slowing you down, not like you could catch us without it either!"

The Megawhatts accepted the challenge, bursting out of the planetarian mech and charging at the Heatblasts. The Heatblasts merely smiled, dodging at the last possible moment, and the Megawhatts couldn't stop before it was too late.

The opening was sealed with the Heatblasts fire, and the Megawhatts were now sealed in the giant fishbowl. They smashed their heads against the glass, trying their best to break through, but to no avail.

"Not so funny now, is it?" The Heatblasts laughed at the Megawhatts, who weren't amused.

Repairs went by quickly, Sparksville soon returning to its former glory. It was now time to leave, but before they did the Gwens had something to say to Earl.

"We're sorry," the Gwens said, bowing their heads down. "It's our fault the Megawhatts got out and IT was destroyed."

"It's not a big deal," Earl said in his usual nonchalant tone. "In fact, we have a new IT right now thanks to you."

And he was correct. Atop one of the buildings was a new attraction, the World's Largest Lightbulb, shining brightly in the middle of the day. And if one were to look closely, they'd see certain playful faces inside that light.




so,usually one week each episode?


That's the plan. If an episode comes out a week late it's usually indicative of the episode not being ready in time for whatever reason.