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Everything is slimy in Slime Town. Slimy plants, slimy creatures, even the people were slimy. Flowers were made of bright purple and pink slimes, houses were made of bright orange slime, and everyone that walked through town everyday were all a rainbow of slime colors that stepped through the world.

As the sun started to raise over the slime horizon slime office workers headed out to their slime offices in the morning, slime flowers started to bloom and slime roosters were crowing.

Despite being named Slime Town it was actually closer in size to a small state or country, and so the slime trains were packed with many slime workers going to their slime jobs. With how many people needed to use the public transport in the morning the trains would often be packed, to the point that the insides would look less like a large group of people and more like a big slushie. Many people would be forced to mixed themselves together in order to fit inside the train, which would be a problem in the case of asset thieves.

They were a known problem in Slime Town and no one liked them, but there was barely any way to deal with them. Asset thieves were known to mix part of themselves with others in situations like this, using the opportunity to absorb the slime of others and use it to enhance themselves. While they could steal from anywhere, like taking away a victim's height to enhance their own or stealing hair and putting it in their muscles, more often then not they'd steal from their victim's assets and put it in their own. Boobs and cocks and asses would have some of their mass absorbed and placed into the thief's own boobs or cock or ass. It was horrible, but in such a tight situation it was almost impossible to prove that anything happened, so they continued to cause tragedy.

One of those asset thieves was in a train that very moment, happily swimming through the sea of packed slime people. She didn't even have a job, already coming from a somewhat wealthy family, only doing this to make her breasts bigger and more prideful. As a red slime in the middle of a rainbow mess of slime people, no one would suspect if she partially merged with someone and stole their assets. Partially merging with someone was an odd experience, with each able to feel every sensation in the other's body. As an asset thief she used this to her advantage, sensing how big of a chest the people around her had to see if it was worth stealing from.

And she could just sense completely massive boobs from one of these girls around her. The boobs on this blue slime were so big that she could hardly believe that those breasts were natural. Her boobs were just as big as the thief stealing them from her, maybe even bigger but it was hard to tell. Regardless, a chest like that was perfect for her to steal from. It would be like grabbing the wallet of a rich businessman, a jackpot in her eyes.

She couldn't just take it right away though. That'd just allow the person she's stealing from to make a ruckus and take them back. Instead she just needed to wait for the next stop. If the person tried to leave she could just yank the tits off while she exited the train. If not that was even better, as she could jump out of the train car while pulling the tits along with her. Those tits were virtually hers now, and there was nothing that could stop her.

The train arrived at its next stop and she waited to see her victim's reaction. Many people were hopping out of the pile of sludge and into the world, running as fast as they can to work. But her victim stayed put. This was going to be easy.

She leapt out of the train right before the doors closed, her body eventually solidifying into its female human form. As she landed on the ground and the train started to leave, she soon realized that she never managed to break away from that blue slime. Her bright red breasts still seemed to be attached to something, and what else could it be attached to but the same blue slime she tried to steal from.

The two fell on their sides, their breasts fused into each other. Together the breasts were so large they likely weighed more than the rest of their bodies combined. They were so big the two slimes couldn't even see each other's faces, just massive piles of slime in front of them.

"Are you okay?" The two feigned concern for each other, helping each other up and making sure they were okay.

"I'm alright," the blue slime said. "I'm sorry I seemed to accidentally drag you out of the train."

"You shouldn't mind that at all," the red slime said. "In fact, this just so happens to be where I was getting off anyways."

While she was smiling and laughed it off, the red slime was in reality incredibly pissed off. She was sure her victim wasn't even moving when the train got to this stop, the slime only started to make a move as soon as she did. That couldn't have been a coincidence, something must have been off.

"Anyways," the red slime said. "We should probably get going."

"Yeah," the blue slime said. "Well I guess this is goodbye then."

The two turned around and went to opposite directions, their breasts still staying attached to each other. That was okay to the red slime, more than okay actually, it was perfect. She could still get away with these new additions, she just needed to go quick.

And so she dashed, moving as quickly as possible, intending to snap the breasts right off of the slime she was attached to. While she ran as fast as she could and pulled as hard as she could, the breasts never seemed to snap. In fact they just stretched, almost like the blue slime was actively holding onto them herself, or maybe even trying to take hers. Like rubber bands they simply stretched out as far as they could, until they snapped back, and the two slammed back into each other yet again.

"Sorry," the red slime said, still pretending to be nice. "But I think you're grabbing on to my boobs a bit too tight."

"I'm pretty sure it's the opposite," the blue slime said. "I think you're grabbing on to my boobs a bit too tight."

"Just cut me some slack for a bit." The red slime grabbed the fused breasts and pulled, her hands grabbing at most of the breast intending to rip them right off.

"I am, you're just misjudging how much of these boobs were yours." The blue slime did the same as the red, looking like she was intending to give the other slime a flat chest.

Both of them pulled as hard as they could, growing more and more annoyed by the second. The slime was as connected as a strong band of rubber, stretching and pulling and tugging about yet somehow never snapping.

"You're not trying to steal my breasts, are you?"

"You're not trying to snap my tits off, are you?"

The two stepped back, pulling harder and harder, angrily and desperately trying to tear the tits right off each other. They barely cared that their covers were essentially completely blown now, both could tell the other was trying to yank their breasts off them this entire time, they were simply fighting to come on top.

But like a rubber band, the breasts snapped back.

The slimes were pulled alongside the breasts, slamming into each other and bursting into a pile of blue and red slime. They immediately tried to reform, each side soaking up and absorbing as much of the other side as they possibly could and trying their best to come from the battle the bustiest.

Like an odd creature the slime started to rise, each girl starting to turn back into their humanoid forms. The slime piled on top of each other, slowly but surely creating a physical form, but the two didn't stop trying to absorb each other regardless. Even as the blue slime girl and the red slime girl tried to solidify themselves the slime was continuing to draw each other in and soak each other up like sponges.

The end result was one conjoined slime girl. The entire left was red and the entire right was blue. The head of the red slime was right on the left, and the head of the blue slime was right on the right, with absolutely massive tits of the same colors on each size. Somehow they felt even bigger than they were before, maybe bits of their main bodies ended up planted inside the breasts.

"So," the blue slime said. "I guess until you give me what is rightfully mine, we're going to stay like this."

"I was just about to say the exact same thing," the red slime said. "Give me the boobs or we're stuck like this."

"Those were my boobs."

"Then I guess we're staying like this."

Frustrated, each slime decided to give up on this and walk home. The red slime's home was left, and the blue slime's home was right, and still not wanting to let go of the breasts the two stayed attached to each other as they walked in separate directions.

At first the two ignored each other, simply wandering in the directions of their homes. Their attached slime body stretched out to accommodate them, once again like a rubber band, each slime trying to pull her way towards their home without acknowledging each other. Their body started to creak and groaned as they excessively stretched it, the two feeling pains like their bodies were getting ripped apart.

"Please, stop!" The blue slime was the first to break the silence, clearly in pain. "Just let me go home!"

"Only if you give me my boobs back!" The red slime responded angrily, though her voice was clearly just as pained.

"Like I said, these are my boobs!"

"Then you're coming with me to my place!"

"No, my place!"


They pulled even more violently than before, their shared body looking like a long strip of stretched taffy. Each side pulled and pulled and tugged as tugged as hard as they could, desperately trying to hold on before they could snap back and their progress was forced to reset.

The red slime pulled as hard as she could, not wanting to submit for even a second. Unfortunate a sudden dose of pleasure flooded her body, which almost completely compromised her efforts. A bit of her was still inside the blue slime, and the blue slime took advantage of it when she squeezed her boob. The blue slime was sending her pleasure into the red slime to try and stop her, but two could play at that game. Before long the blue slime was suffering the same fate, the red slime attacking her through her boob.

The two had stretched out for over ten meters, tugging with all of their might, pleasuring each other from afar to try and slip each other up. Hours went by, soon it was days, soon it was weeks, the two stretched out until the bits that connected them were thinner than a pencil, but they pulled and tugged even harder regardless. They could feel the large breasts that each were certain belonged to them being mashed and pulled and groped, with the breasts manipulated in just the right ways to make the two of them shake. They were starting to reach their limits, they could barely pull themselves forward by an inch without hearing their shared body creak. They reached out, trying their hardest just to get one more inch over their opponent, but in the end they snapped.

An orgasm completely blindsided them, making them lose their grip and snap back together like an overly stretched rubber band. The impact made the two feel each other's pleasure within them, doubling the orgasmic sensation and basically melting them. As they fell into another red and blue puddle, the two realized they wouldn't be able to escape each other.

The next few weeks incidents of asset thievery were becoming far more common. Nearly every guest who had boarded a train with anything above a C-cup would be reduced to an A-cup in one trip, and the culprits were soon obvious to all of these victims. A conjoined pair of blue and red slimes was often found wandering the train stations, with breasts far bigger than even the biggest slime girls' entire bodies. They looked uncomfortable to drag around and the slime did always look upset, although the reason didn't seem to be the size of the breasts.

"These are my breasts!"

"They're clearly my breasts!"

The only people they couldn't steal from was each other.



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