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The RV needed to refuel sometimes, and the Tennysons couldn't keep driving forever. And so Ben and the Gwens Tennyson were munching on some ice cream at the gas station, waiting for the next stop in their trip. But the group just couldn't keep away from trouble, and before long a biker gang made their way right over to them.

"You see that truck over there?" The leader of the biker gang, a punk girl with red hair, pointed at a heavy truck in front of the RV. "That truck's full of the cash we need, so let's go girls!"

"Hey!" The Gwens rushed to stop them. "That money doesn't belong to you! Leave them alone!"

"Oh really?" The punk leader laughed. "And who's going to stop me, you wimps?"

"No, four arms of muscle!" The Gwens pressed down on the Omnitrix and transformed into Four Arms, towering over the gang of bikers. "Don't even think about it!"

The punk leader smiled, holding up a gun to the two-headed alien in front of her. Acting quickly the Four Arms tackled the punk leader out of the way, barely getting by with a scrape on their skin. Four Arms skin may have been tougher than a human's, and it may be able to take a few gunshots before puncturing, but it still stung.

The two threw the bikers around, quickly striking each before they could pull out their guns. A few shots grazed them on the shoulders, but they were fine. This day the two were perfectly in sync, completely overwhelming these bikers like they were just flies.

"Don't let that darned freak get away!" The punk leader still held her gun up to the Four Arms, her compatriots doing the same. The two were surrounded by guns, all pointed right at them.

"If you think you're going to stop us that easily," one of the Four Arms said.

"You're dead wrong!" The other Four Arms brought their four arms together in a big thunderclap, the shockwave blasting all of the bikers far away.

"That sounded lame."

"Well sorry I didn't have time to think of a cool quip in ten seconds."

As the Four Arms quarreled the bikers slowly got up. Such overwhelming power was basically unbeatable to them, it was terrifying even. How were they supposed to overcome these forces?

"Gwens, what's going on?" Grandpa Max ran out of the gas station, concerned for his grandchildren.

"Yeah, show them who's boss!" Ben jumped into the air and cheered them on, pumping his fist in the air.

"Stop right there!" The punk leader grabbed Grandpa Max, tying his hands behind his back while pointing her gun right at his head. One of her subordinates did the same for Ben, who was struggling and flailing to get away from her grasp. "If you move we're going to blast their heads apart."


Grandpa Max was to their right, and Ben to their left. The Four Arms rushed forward, roaring and reaching out their arms, hoping they could be fast enough to knock the guns out of their hands.

The two fell to the floor, trying to go in two directions at the same time.

The two bikers shot, but luckily they missed the head. The ground shook from the Four Arms impact, causing Rojo to shoot in the gut and her compatriot to shoot in the arm. They couldn't get another shot off before getting decked in the faces by the Four Arms, getting completely knocked out cold.

The two quickly slinked them over their shoulders and jumped away, hoping for a hospital or doctor or anything or anyone that could help. Their bodies were growing colder, the Four Arms grew more worried, was there anyone around that could help?

They were fortunate to get to a hospital only a few miles away, and the doctors didn't seem to question the giant conjoined alien and rushed to take care of the two injured. The Gwens paced around the door of the operating room, worried and scared sick as they awaited the news about their family.

Those weren't the only lives on the line that day, as the leader of the biker gang that attacked them started to get up from her exhaustion. She slammed her hands into the ground, cursing out the aliens that beat up her gang. Maybe if she was just a bit stronger...

A small UFO flown by the scene, a flying orange disk the biker had never seen before. If the Gwens were around they would've recognized it as a mechadroid, one of the ones that attacked the first day they received the Omnitrix. It looked like a bullet punctured it sometime during the battle, and it simply appeared to be scraps on the ground.

She picked it up, not thinking anything of it until the mechadroid stabbed her with extended sharp wires.

She screamed, but no noise would come out of her mouth. She could feel every part of her body turning and shifting, vital organs being ripped apart and replaced by cybernetics. Pale skin was ripped apart and replaced with a bright red metallic sheen. Fingers were replaced with cold hard blades, eyes were ripped out and replaced with red bug-like cameras, her body started to become more human than machine. Before long every part of her body was replaced or enhanced with a robotic component.

Once it entered the brain the biker felt like she was somewhere else. It was like her mind had been transferred to the stars, and in front of her was some creature she had never seen before.

"What is this!?" The creature yelled, its fury even causing the biker to recoil. "I asked for the Omnitrix, not some worthless human!"

The biker tried to put on a brave face, but was clearly shivering in fear. "I don't know what you are but you don't scare me, squid man!"

The creature just looked at her, and a flurry of pain ripped through her body. Her body felt like it was on fire, getting ripped up, and torn apart all at once.

"What's your name?"


The creature seemed to laugh. "Well then Rojo, unless you want to die by my hands I want you to retrieve the Omnitrix for me. I'm sure you could do that for me."


As soon as she said yes Rojo immediately found herself back where she was before, with no sign of the creature she had just spoke to. That creature did leave her with one final thought, that she simply had to get the Omnitrix no matter what.

That Omnitrix was with the Gwens, who were currently next to Ben and Grandpa Max's beds. The doctors informed Gwen their wounds weren't fatal, and the two could be fully healed in less than a week. Ben only needed to stay overnight while Grandpa Max needed a bit more time. It was great, but the Gwens still felt down about it.

"There must be something we can do," Gwen admitted to her double. "Maybe one of the aliens we have can help?"

"We could try possessing them with Ghostfreaks," the other Gwen said. "Or maybe the Grey Matters can fix them."

"Some alien here has to be able to help them."

"Scroll faster, they need us."

The Omnitrix's dial had been pushed up and the two were currently scrolling through their list of available aliens. They anxiously turned the dial, being none the wiser to the fact that this very actions was attracting danger to them.

The wall suddenly exploded, and Rojo flew into the building with rockets on her feet. Cameras like the ones that replaced her eyes sprouted out of her shoulders, but these ones immediately blasted the Gwens with lasers. Before they knew what was going on, the Gwens were blasted into the wall, the Omnitrix's faceplate smashing flat on a wall.

"What's going on!?" Now being Heatblasts, the two barely avoided another laser blast Rojo sent them. That blast nearly grazed Grandpa Max's resting body however, smashing through the walls right behind him.

"I don't know who you are," Heatblast said.

"But I won't allow you to endanger our family," Heatblast said.

With a burst of flames beneath their feet the two flew into the air and tackled Rojo. They were like a giant fireball, blasting the cyborg through buildings and smashing them through wall before smashing them down into the ground below. With fiery fists they punched Rojo over and over again, their flames simply having no effect against the metallic skin.

"The Omnitrix," Rojo said with a snarl. "Give it to me, or else!"

"Or else what?" The Heatblasts laughed in her face. "So many people have already tried!"

"I'll have to take it from your dead bodies!" Lasers were blasted back at the Heatblasts from point blank, hitting so hard they were shot miles into the distance. Their conjoined body hit the mountainside, hitting the ground so hard boulders began to fall from the mountainside.

"She's fast," one of the Heatblasts said. "We can barely dodge her attacks."

"Maybe we're too focused on attacking her," the other Heatblast said. "Let's try something different. I'll focus on attacks, you focus on dodging."

"I can't do that, my back is too sore from the impact."

"That's also my back you know."

Before they could discuss further Rojo blasted onto the scene like a rocket. She easily slashed at their faces, the two still unable to dodge any attacks as they both attempted to strike Rojo down. While their punches did basically nothing to her fireproof skin, Rojo's sharp claws were consistently able to slash away at the Heatblasts, chipping and scarring away at their rocky skin.

"What are you doing? You were supposed to dodge!" The Heatblasts growled at each other, each steadfast in their ways.

"Well I'm not doing it!"

"Well neither am I!"

The two held their ground in frustration, both continuing to attempt to punch out the cyborg in front of them. Not only did their body get more and more chipped, but even their own attacks were growing weaker. The two often tried to do two different attacks at the same time, weakening both and resulting in a worse attack.

Rojo grabbed the Heatblasts by the head and dragged them through the ground, digging up the dirt and smashing them through rocks. They were tossed into the air and blasted with powerful lasers, but the Heatblasts' anger was only pointed at each other. Their hands went to each other's faces, before drowning each other's heads with streams of flames.

"LISTEN TO ME DWEEB!" The two yelled at each other, both hands going down to the groin as both began to fight for control. Fingers jammed into a shared pussy, flaring up and sending intense streams of flames into their shared hole, making their body flare up with intense heat. The two pulled on the sides, each trying to tug the other into their direction, and hoping they could get the other under their control.

This was brief however, as Rojo blasted the two out of the air. They hit the ground in a harsh explosion, one that would turn any average person into mere paste. Dust swirled around the site, Rojo trying to scan the area to make sure the Heatblasts were dead. She couldn't find them at all though, it seemed like the Heatblasts quickly escaped in the smoke, and they were now nowhere to be seen.

Having turned back to Gwens, the absolutely exhausted duo had made their way back to the hospital. Thanks to the damages to the hospital Grandpa Max and Ben had to be moved to another room, but fortunately their treatment was still going well.

"Next time follow my lead!" The two yelled at each other as they made their way to the new room, still filled with contempt.

"We almost died because of you," Gwen said. "She would've killed us if it weren'f for my plan to escape!"

"You mean my plan to escape," Gwen said. "We're lucky I didn't let her get the hand on the Omnitrix!"

The mention of the Omnitrix made them realize something. That attack seemed to come out of nowhere, specifically aimed at them. Most of the time they were intervening on a superpowered bad guy attacking someone or something else, but this time the villain had no other target. And it just so happened to occur when they activated the Omnitrix. Did they attract the villain their way somehow? Was the damage to the hospital and risk to their family their fault?

"Don't worry about it." When they brought their worries to Grandpa Max he simply smiled and brushed it off. "You didn't know, it's not your fault."

"Just hide here for the rest of the night," Ben said, playing video games on his bed like he wasn't recently shot. "Grandpa Max would be healed by then so you wouldn't have to worry about hurting him."

"You don't understand!" Gwen slammed her hands by the side of the bed to express her anger. "Ever since we got the Omnitrix it's been nothing but trouble!"

"Nothing but aliens and monsters and creepy villains have been coming for us since then," Gwen said. "You've been hurt as a result, and this won't be the first time."

"If only I didn't touch the Omnitrix, if only I stayed back and if only she didn't appear!"

"If I didn't let myself get copied all of this would've never happened! It's all her fault!"

"You're the clone here! All of this is your fault!"

"No, it's all your fault! Take responsibility!"

"Girls!" Grandpa Max stopped the Gwens before they could punch each other in the face. "This is the fault of neither of you, we're going to be okay. Just get yourselves some rest, you're clearly stressed."

"Okay." The Gwens seemed to accept his words, still scowling at each other as they sat back in nearby chairs.

For the while that night seemed relatively calm, with everyone falling asleep for the night. Everyone except the Gwens, who wrote a letter before they headed out.

To Grandpa Max and Ben,
We're sorry, but after thinking about it for a while we've realized that staying with you guys any longer would simply put you all in danger. We can't agree on a lot of things, but one thing that we can is in how we don't want any of you to be hurt. And so, after discussing it a bit, we decided it was best to leave for good.
From Gwen and Gwen

And with tears in their eyes, they left.

The Gwens were outside in the cold of the night, sitting sadly on a bench all by their lonesome. The city was completely empty, the silence was thick and uncomfortable, and the two didn't speak for a while.

"So," Gwen said. "Guess we're finally going to settle this?"

"Of course," Gwen said. "Need to show a fake who's boss after all."

The two grabbed each other by the collars, lifting each other to their toes with their free arms. How could they live with each other after what just happened? How could they continue on knowing that the cause of this suffering was right there?

"If it weren't for you," Gwen said, readying her fist. "I'd be having a normal summer vacation right now!"

"If it weren't for you," Gwen said, readying her fist. "I wouldn't be risking my life every single day!"

"If it weren't for you... MY FAMILY WOULDN'T BE HURT RIGHT NOW!"

The two punched each other right in the face, knocking the daylights out of each other. They nearly coughed up blood and formed great bruises on their faces, but this was just the beginning for them. Their mouths opened wide and their teeth flared out, the two trying to bite each other's faces off only to have their mouths clash instead. It looked like a kiss, but within their teeth were pressed against each other.

Their fingers clasped against each other as the two fought within their mouths. Fangs pushed right against fangs, seeming to spark like steel against steel. They were like the swords of knights, attempting to overtake each other in power, scraping and scratching against each other as the Gwens tried to push each other down.

Tongues invaded each other's mouths, meeting head on between them. The tips pushed against each other, trying to shove each other to the back of their mouths, but slipped past each other thanks to the saliva. Tongues wrapped around and explored each other's mouths, their saliva mixing and spreading between them. Their teeth still clashed against each other, the two angrily trying to dominate each other.

"BREAKING NEWS!" The two stopped for a bit as they heard what seemed to be a radio nearby spouting news. "A red mechanical humanoid is attacking the nearby police station!"

The Gwens separated, knowing they'll have to settle this later. They activated the Omnitrix one more time, ready to destroy Rojo.

"The Omnitrix activated," Rojo said to herself, detecting it from the police station. Before she could make her to the Omnitrix the Omnitrix decided to come to her, with a blue blur speeding in with the rising sun. A conjoined pair of aliens sharing everything from the waist down, a pair known as XLR8, made themselves known in front of Rojo.

"The Omnitrix doesn't belong to you," one of them said.

"And if you try to take it," the other said. "You'll be sorry!"

Rojo immediately tried to fire her lasers at them, only for them to easily be dodged by XLR8. With blinding speed the alien was easily able to avoid attacks, while Rojo couldn't keep up. Missed blasts hit police cars, making them explode and allowing fire to blaze all over. Rojo hoped it would at least restrict their movement a little, but the XLR8 simply ran through so fast it barely affected them.

That was when Rojo gained a bright idea. Hearing the screams of the police officers around her, she fired a small laser blast at one to see if the XLR8 would notice. And sure enough, right after firing the blur carried the officer away from the blast. As XLR8 got him to a safe place Rojo got her hands onto another innocent person, this time hovering in the air and dangling them like bait.

XLR8 were quick to respond, going straight for the victim and jumping to get them out of Rojo's hands. Rojo was only a few feet off the ground, and she wasn't grabbing them tightly, so this sort of thing was quite easy, but now that they were right in front of her they were right where Rojo wanted.

They could see Rojo slashing down with her claw in slow motion, both immediately trying to dodge the slash as soon as they could. That attempt quickly proved void, with the two attempting to yank each other in separate directions. They pulled and pulled, not realizing their attempts were fighting against each other, seeing the hand slowly drop down on their midsection. The two immediately change tactics, each running forward in sync, but at that point the hand was able to grab the tail quite easily.

Rojo slammed them into the ground with intense force, nearly knocking them out cold. The XLR8 repeatedly kicked Rojo, trying to knock her away with a flurry of attacks, but all of those attacks bounced off. Rojo's attacks did a number on them, nearly immediately turning the tables.

The Omnitrix started to flash red, the two realizing they were about to turn back. They kicked Rojo in the wrists, making her let go and getting ready to run away, until they noticed someone next to the flames. They never noticed him, and had no idea why he was there, but they couldn't leave him there.

In a blur, the XLR8 and Ben disappeared from the scene. XLR8 were able to take them deeper into the city before they turned back, becoming Gwens again in a flash of red.

"Thanks Gwens, yo-"

"WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING!?" The Gwens interrupted Ben, yelling right in his face.

"We told you to stay away from us," Gwen said. "Didn't you read the letter!?"

"Being around us is nothing but trouble," Gwen said. "You're just going to get hurt!"

"Do you think I want you to get hurt!? Do you think I enjoy seeing you in danger dweeb!?"

"Even my clone here doesn't want to see you in danger! Why won't you just listen to us!?"

Tears started to flow to their eyes before falling to the ground.

"You're the clone, idiot."

"No, you are."

They tried to sound angry like usual, but their voices wavered and sobbed in between. They simply couldn't take it anymore, breaking down even more.

"This is my fault, you guys were hurt because of me."

"Gwens." Ben placed his hands on their shoulders, looking at them head on. "DON'T JUST ASSUME YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL! Did you know how awful it felt when I saw your letter? I don't want to leave you. Besides, personally I find all of this alien fighting stuff rather cool, even if I do get scratched up a bit. So what do you say?"

The Gwens wiped away their tears and smiled, feeling like a bright light shined on their souls.
"Sure," they said. "Let's do this."

"Great, because I have a plan!"

Rojo could detect the Omnitrix reactivating, tracking its pulse all the way into the city. She entered the building she felt the pulse come from, finding herself in a currently empty gym. There seemed to be no signs of life, none of the machines working except for one; a treadmill that seemed to be running despite no one being on it. And it had a strange black and light blue pattern on it as well...

"Got ya!" A black and blue goop emerged from the treadmill and surrounded Rojo, revealing itself to be the alien Upgrade. While Ben delivered the plan it was actually made by Grandpa Max, who quickly noticed the cybernetic components on Rojo when watching the news. Upgrade's black and blue body quickly covered Rojo entirely, encasing her with a black and blue circuitry pattern.

"Awesome!" Upgrade celebrated, now having full control over Rojo's body. "Now we just need to remove the cybernetics and we win!"

"Not if I stop you first!" Upgrade could feel Rojo's robotic arm begin to resist their attack, the cyborg now trying to fight back. She was able to take control for just a second, grabbing them from her chest and trying to tug the goo off, but the two stuck on as well as they could.

Rojo could feel her arm starting to go back the other way, with Upgrade slowly regaining control and pulling back. She resisted, pulling her electronic muscles back and forth in a bodily tug of war. Rojo tried to pull them off while Upgrade tried to put themselves back on, leaving them in a bit of a standstill.

Rojo caught them off guard with control of her other arm, grabbing at her chest and starting to yank them right off. Upgrade almost got pulled off immediately, taking control just in time in order to dig their fingers in deeper. Sharp claws stabbed into metal breasts, pinning the two onto Rojo's body. It felt oddly numb, likely due to the robotic parts replacing many nerve endings, but still having a slight twinge of arousal within.

Rojo and Upgrade pulled back and forth in this great war, fighting to either rip the others off or stay on. Rojo could feel a part of her breaking down, the cybernetics seemed to be getting destroyed from the inside, and the pleasure and arousal that were only sparks before were growing to full flames as a result. The sensations of a human body were returning to her, making her scream and wail in excitement, almost about to pass out from the shock.

Suddenly they weren't there anymore. Upgrade didn't seem to be on the planet anymore, instead looking face to face with some large creature. A weird, tall, and green humanoid figure, tall and seemingly made of tentacles. His deep red eyes glared into their souls, or was he looking at the Omnitrix.

"Are you the one who sent her?" Despite the anxiety the Upgrade stood their ground. "Well give up! You'll never get your hands on the Omnitrix!"

The figure just laughed, glaring at them closer. "Is that so? Well then, be afraid! You'll never be able to hide, you'll never be able to sleep, for I, Vilgax, will get my hands on the Omnitrix if it's the last thing I do!"

The two found themselves back on Earth, separated from Rojo. She laid on the ground with heavy breaths, the cybernetics having been completely removed from her body. The police had arrived to arrest her, Ben was even celebrating, but the two just couldn't keep the encounter out of their minds.

"Vilgax..." The two muttered the name to themselves in the RV, now heading back on the road since Grandpa Max was healed. It was an odd name but a rather scary one, even making Grandpa Max shudder when it was muttered. Was she going to have to fight someone like that in the future?

The two comforted themselves before they went to bed, knowing that if the day did come they'd at least have family to support them.





