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Hey, we're still here. Sorry for the lack of updates, good or bad. We've barely been sleeping past few days due to air raid sirens going off five-six times a day, plus having a kid at home adds some amount of responsibility and chores. Overall, we're doing okay, physically at least. Mentally not so much. Constant stream of bad news along with occasional missile strikes of our general area kind of ruins the mood. We're looking for ways to get out of the country, but it's complicated to say the least. But hey! At least we're alive! That's something for sure.

I'm tired of telling what atrocities Russians are doing to us, you can google yourself if you're interested in any way, but tl;dr: It's very bad. And now Belarus is planning to join them, focusing on the part of the country we're staying in right now. 

Wish us luck, we need it more than ever. 

Love you all. Really, really much. We just want to get back to creating dorky games, my god.



I hope you come out of this. ❤️


Glad to hear you guys are still holding up, stay strong!!


Hope you guys stay as safe as possible. It's terrible you all have to go through this.


Stay strong meine lieben! And stay safe! This will be over and then we can all get back to having fun!

Long Beetle

Stay safe guys


Stay safe with everyone you love, it's the most important thing to do now !


Stay strong guys. <3


We love you, stay strong! You will be back to making smut in no time!


Glad you're ok, stay strong.