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Hey, we're still here. Alive, well, with food and roof above our heads. Life it tolerable.

Today we spent most of the night in the shelter, barely got any sleep. That's also was the first night we personally heard explosions. Russia keeps bombarding our country, because that's the only thing they got left. Their troops barely moved since last update, so instead they terrorize already occupied cities. It's ironic how they tried so hard to prove that we are all far-right nationalists here in Ukraine, yet they started a full-blown genocide here as soon as they got a chance. 

Young's little brother moved to us, along with his mother, because city his family is staying in might get attacked next. Though his mom going back in a few days, because same as Naughty, she can't leave her husband there alone. Thanks to your support, we can easily afford taking care of more people, than just our team. 

One of our artist, that was stuck in Kyiv during assault was finally able to move out of there. He's now in relative safety, so no reason to worry. Another artist, Maki, who's part of our current core team, is still in area that's considered dangerous, but we're working on it.

Overall, things are not as bad as they could've been. We're doing our best to help each other out, and people who already got to safety doing all they can to ensure the rest of us will do the same asap.

Thanks again for supporting us both with your kind words, and with donations. We still can't put into words how much you people did for us. You really can't even imagine. We're lucky to have you. Very, very lucky. 

We will keep you updated if anything happens, good or bad. We'd prefer good for sure.

With love,
"Young & Naughty" team.



Stay safe and positive over there. I'm rooting for you and your safety. Also hoping that this prick in Russia stops fucking around with your country ;)


I'm happy to hear your all as safe as possible


Glad to see that you’re all surviving! I hope everything passes as soon as possible.


Stay strong and safe guys.


Stay safe !


everything will be okay in one day ,stay safe <3


Happy to hear you all safe, hope things will get easier for you all.