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We're also absolutely heartbroken. All the recent news surrounding Bucha and what russian soldiers did to people there - it's terrifying. It's happening in our country, where we live. Their cruelty has no limits.

In here, me and Naughty are doing all we can to help people running away from the horrors of "russian peace". It takes a solid chunk of our time and energy, but we simply cannot ignore the situation at hand. We are still working on Academy34, dedicating this project all our free time, but we hope you understand that there are things that simply more important right now. We are thankful to everyone continuing to support us no matter what, and we will do all we can to return this kindness to you, in a form that you will appreciate the most - our art. But that must wait just a little longer. 

All money you donating right now is going to support members of our team stuck in Ukraine, our families, members of which lost their jobs and means to sustain themselves, partially it's going to local charities helping refugees, and part goes to support our army, fighting against the russian forces. We also saved a small amount in case we'll get a chance to leave Ukraine, so we won't have to stay any longer than it's necessary. 

We will keep you updated. Thank you so much for being here for us. We love you, and we hope, that it all gonna end soon. 



Please focus on your family, friends and all those you're trying to help. I believe I can speak for many of us here, that is the most important thing right now. I will keep pledging for as long as it takes and there is no pressure to have a release anytime soon. With love from the UK ♥ Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


I am more than happy to hear that you’re okay for the time. Use the money however you see fit and I hope you find safety for everyone you you care about as soon as possible.

Nicolas HENRY

It's good to know that you're safe but please, i think, like a lot of your others fans, academy34 isn't the most important thing right now. Take care of yourself and everyone you love ! The horror of the russians actions will have consequence for them in the future. It's hard and everyone is chocked with the situation, more than we would expect... a Genocide right in Europa... triggers too many bad memories for everyone. Please just stay safe with everyone you love !

Eon Strax

Stay safe, stay strong. The game can wait, people come first, Do what you can to help your friends and family. The game can wait until things calm down, no matter how long that may take. Well wishes.

John Folmer

Just stay safe, the game can come after everything stops, which I hope is really soon. I'm so sorry you have to expirence this.


the game can wait right now all we care is that you, your family and your team are safe stay strong we will support you no matter what