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We Find Out the Truth, Sort of...

Okay no one gave me a jump scare warning for this ep so I shat myself twice. WTF SHOW. LOL



Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I've always loved the depiction of Kerberos in the comic Punderworld, where he's a three-headed *Dalmatian* (and quite fond of Persephone, of course). Anyhoo (as Crusty would say), I do like how this episode exposes the big flaw in the whole "Hades stole the Master Bolt out of jealousy" theory. And also how Hades himself is properly depicted as a lot more chill than a lot of the other gods, but still fits into the whole "gods are dicks" generalization.


Of course Kerberos is a Dalmatian. According to the Odyssey (and the first Percy Jackson book) the entrance to the Underworld is located in the far west, which to most Greeks hearing the story would probably evoke Croatia, where Dalmatians are from. Also, Kerberos means Spot.


So in the book and also mentioned briefly in a past episode of the show is that they do have 'school' for the demigods of all ages. Especially if you bring a lot of attention of monsters to you. Some can get away with being in the real world for a while because they are of a 'weaker' god's child, but the strong ones usually have to go to camp. It's an all round camp, and you have to declare it before the summer is up (or else harpies get ya if you stay without saying that you want to stay). Annabeth came and stayed at camp since she was nine? younger? but yeah, you can be almost any age and stay at camp. There's homework and field trips and whatnot that you can do in the year round thing.


Just so you know, the last episode does have a post credits scene that is fun to watch!