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Indeed. Also, I hope you liked my favorite song in the show so far.

Ryan Porter

Mosco: "It'll be fine. I'm emotionally ready for this." Narrator: "No, she's not." Yeah... this episode went to some dark places, and I don't think it's the last time we'll be here. "Addict" is no longer canon, because the canon makes it worse. I wonder if Charlie is always so sweet and chipper because she *can't* control her power when she's angry. We've seen a flash of her demon form when she's angry. We saw more of it when she was confronting Valentino. So, her full form is going to come at a price; someone she loves being hurt. A Friends reference!? That's one of the last thing I expected on this channel. Can you imagine if they made Hazbin Hotel into an actual Broadway show? It would be "obscene - or, as they say in New York, sophisticated."


Sure, you were referring to one of Elijah’s reactions and not something else. 🤭 You two are legit Charlie and Vaggie and it’s cute.

Adam Grunther

I cannot overstate just how much I loved this episode. Keith David and Blake Roman were absolutely incredible. This episode deserves all the awards. It was genuinely amazing. I’m going to listen to the song Loser, Baby on loop so much. Also on a side note, fuck Valentino. I hope he gets such a gruesome death later on in the show.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

♪Masquerade, paper faces on parade Masquerade, hide your face so the world will never find you...♫

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, you probably should have said the "Harder, daddy!" was a quote from the original HH pilot (from when Angel Dust and Sir Pentious are fighting). Just, y'know, in case it ever comes up again...

Liam Gradders

This episode was wrecking, I love it but it shows how for some people, addiction is self destructive. And abusers take advantage of that addiction and using that and insults to make them vulnerable and weak without them. Angel and Husk are both addicts and need to try to take off their masks just to breathe every now and again.

Kyle Smilowski

A mistake was made today XD and is now forever on the internet


i got vibes that husker may romantically like the angel dust (the real angel dust). there are signs that can be read as that. it could just be me wanting them to be a thing XD

Rhys Elliott

Interesting detail at the end about Val having shit eyes. Maybe he messed up the contract cuz he can't read for shit, you'd think he'd have lawyers look over it an all, but Val was acting very careless in episode 2 until TV boy stepped in, maybe he didn't get it looked over properly. Just a thought.


I have complicated feelings about the sx work and sw-er portrayals in this episode and the show in general- about all the tropes and stereotypes in media, what with how many world governments are currently seeking to legislate sw-ers rights away under the guise of "rescue." I know thats a lot to put on a sweet demon cartoon (which I love very much), but still. I'm so glad Mosco immediately reacted with "this is not how sw-ers should be treated" and respecting Angel himself always.

tom crisp


Ashley Silver

A video, you say.... /jk My poor spider boy 😭 That Chaggie moment at the end 🥺


I didn't give much attention to Husk before this episode, he was just the background character needed to run things, but after this episode and his song specifically, he's easily my favorite character


I feel so sorry for Angel Dust. A victim of abuse, both from the industry he's in, and from his boss who he can contractually never leave. He acts like a jerk and is overly sexual as a coping mechanism, to feel like he's still in control. I don't think he just agreed to stay at the hotel to get away from him, I think he really wants to be redeemed enough to go to Heaven, because it's the only way he knows to escape. He deserves so much better than Valentino. I'm just glad he and Husk have eachother for support now.

potato potato also another potato

I very much see it as being like drugs, the VAST majority of the problems associated with drug abuse result from prohibition forcing it into the shadows, as opposed to usage itself, which should be treated as a health issue when not used in moderation, not a crime. This is further highlighted when you look into the people crusading against sex work, and pornography in general, and discover they are almost universally extremist religious groups operating in bad faith. (looking at YOU "the new drug" They are exaggerating the issues to drive fear and shame rather than trying to fix them. Normalizing and regulating drug use (at least with marijuana) in the US has been wildly successful compared to the prior decades of prohibition, that feels like a much better solution to issues with sex work. It's why places like OF have become so popular, because it sidesteps the need to work with shady producers or pimps like valentino, and allows people to work independently and somewhat anonymously from the safety of their own home, on their terms. Safe, regulated, and legal is a far better approach than making almost anything a crime. (at least in regards to America's terrible, mean spirited, vengeance based criminal justice system) (as to the show itself well...it's hell, so i suppose it being the worst possible version of sex work kind of goes with the territory, but it's still upsetting, especially when I want a show like this to be relatively sex positive, given it's subject matter and the likely reveal that hell is better than heaven and the concept of "sin" is silly and subjective.)

potato potato also another potato

I suspect it's something along those lines, whether it's that she can't control her power, or that Lucifer didn't want her indulging in it and becoming corrupted by just how much political and physical power she has (given she's also very hesitant to flex her authority as princess) Regardless, it's certainly notable that her power only seems to come out in that very specific situation (though it also flares up a few times when she's excited but not angry while singing the first song in the pilot, still those moments all see to be involuntary)

potato potato also another potato

"if I break myself maybe he'll set me free" from Angel hits about as hard as "why does he hate more than he loves me" from octavia. The writing can be be absolutely brutal.

Chet Bliese

✋Also, "Ooooh... Lore" was my exact thought.


🤚 I’m proud to be a loser with Angel Dust and Husk. I mean I’d be proud to be their friend.


I've had dozens of interesting ideas from these four episodes. I'll caveat all of this with the fact I'd not seen the pilot until you dropped the first two episodes. Also haven't seen Helluva Boss, I need to get on it. Ideas! Random random ideas with little basis in reality! There's a lot of carnival imagery in the hotel, was it originally a playground created by Lucifer for his daughter? Vaggie's hair, so much exterminator wings. On the other hand, could she have literally been a guardian angel? Like maybe not for Charlie but Lilith? Did Charlie kill her mom? Did she lose control and that's where all the trauma along with the damage to the hotel came from? Is the season finale going to be Lucifer sacrificing himself to save his daughter and she loses it and just starts murdering all of the exterminators?

potato potato also another potato

i'm definitely more on board with the idea of vaggie being an angel than i used to be. especially as my theory about something that's a heavy theme in this and helluva boss seems to be present, but taking a backseat to the broader arc. Honestly...I suspect vaggie is basically Flonne from Disgaea, an angel sent as an assassin who fell in love with her target (my take on her half of the episode 3 duet) but...given disgaea 1 and especially disgaea 4 have a pretty similar premise to hazbin that might not be the case explicitly to avoid the comparison. Charlie harming lilith or somebody else ala' Frozen would be a good reason for her to be so sweet though, a reason they explicitly sheltered her and taught her to be hyper optimistic to make sure she didn't uhh...hulk out and murder everybody. Especially if, as some have suggested, her half angel heritage allows her to kill demons. Which would feed into your idea of the hotel being a carnival/playground for charlie as a kid, as well as what had Vox so concerned about Alastor hanging around Charlie. Oh, and as to helluva boss, it's outstanding, but at least so far, has zero real crossover to hazbin, other than some easter eggs (like the clown robots serving as servants to the v's and a couple characters in background shots of the old pilot) as well as some information about the general rules/lore of the world. So no rush. Worth watching, it's...basically r-rated invader zim, but not lore/story relevant to hazbin, generally.

Nicole Ransom



Thanks for the heads up on Helluva Boss! Right now I'm conflicted, wondering if I want to wait to watch Episode 5 "with" Mosco first time or watch it on my own then digest her reaction after the fact. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I like this show!