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Scrambled Eggs are here and I did not expect that reveal of the angel dying or the Vaggie singing but I LOVED IT



Jacob Bess

She’s wearing Elijah’s shirt!!!

Luke Teasdale

another point to support the fallen angel theory, vaggie said "Your people" when talking to charlie, not "our people" as if she isnt one of them.


One thing that I saw that was a super interesting take on Charlie that I think I agree with is that her biggest flaw is not necessarily that she's sheltered or naive but that she's overly confident/prideful! I thought that made sense especially cause of who her mom is! She thinks her super positive way is the best way almost 100% of the time and it gets her into trouble when the reality doesn't reflect that. I was wondering if you thought the same cause after reading that and rewatching the show so far I can't unsee it. Love your reactions! <3

David Johnson

Formerly one of the "Exorcist Army" or not, Vaggie has definitely been in *someone's* army. Speaking of Him...he would fit in well in this version of Hell, wouldn't he?

Ryan Porter

Are the eggs henches or goons? As we learned on Harley Quinn, there's a difference! Something I picked up on this episode about the "Vaggie is a fallen angel" theory; she's got an eye patch on her left eye. They don't always draw the strap, but you can see it on her forehead in the BDSM club and on the rooftop, and on her cheek in a few shots of "Whatever It Takes". So maybe she's not a fallen angel. Maybe she's... a pirate! ...or maybe she ripped it out herself to disguise herself to avoid attracting attention (unhinged Alastor smile). The spider overlord is Zestial Morde, voiced by James Monroe Iglehart who also voices Asmodeus. I love their design and their vibe. Another gauntlet thrown down to the cosplay community. And it seems that Alastor gets on better with the "older" overlords (Zestial, Carmilla Carmine, etc) than the "younger" overlords (Vox, Velvette, and Valentino). Something vulnerable... I'm pretty sure I've missed out on most of life because I haven't found my weirdos yet. Episode four is where Viv said, "okay, they've let their guard down. Bring out the trauma!" Good luck!

David Johnson

Speaking of looking things up... spoilers are way too much out there, mostly from people who apparently saw the leaked episodes. Be careful.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Anyone else get serious Prokofiev vibes from the underscore as Zestiel and Alastor walk to the building entrance? I can't imagine that was accidental


Zestial is such a cool character. I love his design and the old timey way he talks. And he's voiced by the same guy who plays Ozzie. Also, I was fully expecting Carmilla to be another villain, nlbut no, She's just controlling her turf like the other overlords and trying to protect her daughters. And she feels genuine guilt for causing the angels to move up the extermination. I love her character.


I love that Vaggie shared a song with Carmilla because Carmilla is a fallen angel. soooooo Maybe two fallen angels that are in hell just trying to protect the people they love.


Never seen anyone point out that “i’ll be your armor” is a pun since she speaks spanish

Depressed Duck Daddy

Overlords directly get their power from the souls they obtain (through contract deals like the ones we learn of in the next episode). So extermination would directly destroy those souls and weaken the Overlords who owned those souls. So it's not like a responsibility to protect people, they largely don't care about them, but it's not losing (what amounts to) their slaves that grant them their power. This is Hell after all. However Overlords do typically have the power to claim territory to rule in the Pride Ring (Alastor just doesn't bother as far as I know but I think Rosie does over Cannibal Town). The Vees are interesting. They're probably considered upstarts by the older Overlords (Vox died in the 50s, Val the 70s and Vel I don't know the date but she's the youngest Overlord) who seems pretty reckless and don't think things through. Vox getting publically wrecked when he went after Alastor in Stayed gone; Vel mouthing off at the oldest Overlord in existence (and generally antagonising the entire group when she should be selling the Vee's plan) and Val in the next episode provoking Charlie. It's probably not surprising they don't garner much respect from the other High-Ranked Sinners.

Justin Congrove

No one else is sharing personal vulnerabilities, so I’ll start… Back in 2010, I had a stepfather… he was actually my 2nd stepfather, and after my own dad abandoned me countless times, I started to look up to this guy as a father figure. The literal day after I called him dad, he brutally beat my mom, and we fled in the middle of the night. Since then I’ve never trusted anyone closely, because the second I let my guard down… they will hurt me or someone close to me.


If you wanted subtitles and assuming the reason why you’re recording VLC is because of The issue with recording Amazon Prime being just a black screen, if you disable hardware acceleration in Google Chrome you can record Netflix and Prime Video

Bree Weis (Amethyst)

Hmmm….something personal/vulnerable to share with the class….i have genuine fear over coming home to a dark house, i have to make sure i turn on all my outside lights and inside lights before i leave if im going to be coming home after dark