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Awww Harley finally starts to understand what REAL LOVE is meant to be!!! 



Christopher Bouzas

Can’t wait for the wedding, it’s gonna be a blast

Christopher Bouzas

Condiment king is a weird ass Batman villain that commits crimes by spraying everyone and everything condiments


Once again, Scottish cursing leaves me in awe.


You won't get the reference, but the way to describe Harley's former feelings for the Joker isn't True Love (obviously), but Mad Love. ("Mad Love" was the title of a comic special - and episode of Batman: The Animated Series adapted from it - that revolved around Harley and really established her backstory and a lot of the tropes this series is playing around with mercilessly.)

Sam Pamenter

the other thing I like about this episode is the subtle cases showing how much harley and ivy are alike in contrast to ivy and kiteman. Harley and ivy were both thinking of the same song to play at the wedding but also despite looking for a wedding venue ivy dropped everything to help harley immediately without question despite the venue being important to kiteman. they also have the gang give hints of kiteman and ivy not being right for each other because we hear king shark say "third times the charm!"

Luke Teasdale

the blood transfusion would kill mr freeze because his body temperature is incredibly low and injecting him with warmer material will cause him to go into severe thermal shock

Ryan Porter

The episode where we meet Tabitha got cut after Disney sued for vibe infringement. That's right, Mosco! Get ready for the rest of the season to be Kite Man being a whiney little bitch about the wedding and taking up valuable runtime that could be better spent on literally anything else. You will be relish the Dr. Pyscho spotlight solo episode because it has exactly zero kites. Plot twist! Mr. Freeze is actually one of the least shitty men in the show.


Mr. Freeze is well known as one of the most tragic characters and most sympathetic villains in Batman's Rogue's gallery. Almost everything he does, every crime he commits is in an attempt to find a cure for his wife. One attempt caused him to rely on that body freezing suit to survive. And If I remember correctly, the cure usually involves him sacrificing himself as seen here. It's interesting seeing someone who isn't familiar with DC Comics lore react to this. Anyone unfamiliar with it would probably jump to the same conclusion as you and Harley, but those who've seen other Batman stuff know she's making a big mistake. And I love how they used this to show her what real love is.

potato potato also another potato

iirc this version of mr. freeze is one of the two BIG contributions batman: the animated series made to broader batman lore, the other being inventing harley of course. Prior to his first episode in that show he was just a generic bad guy with ice weapons, afterwards they adapted his story into the comics etc. Believe it or not that episode actually won an Emmy. *the episode in question is e1s14 "heart of ice"

Jenny D

A few episodes ago when we were all struggling to come up with the best male human character on this show, I’d totally forgotten about Mr. Freeze, but he’s my pick.