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The Stanchurian Candidate, early and uncut just like mama wanted!!!



Dark Persona

About the show marrying Mabel off bit I understand how that can be perceived as such however if you look at every one of her relationships they didn’t work out for different key reasons the first relationship with the gnomes was built on lies and deceit the second with Gideon shows that he didn’t view her as a person but as an object to own the third one with mermando was the only healthy one with clear and open communication and a healthy level of trust which unfortunately was ended due to undersea politics the fourth “relationship” if you can call it that with several timez mirrored Mabel’s relationship with Gideon however the shoe was on the other foot here and the fourth one with Gabe mirrored her first relationship which was built upon with lies and deception but with Mabel doing the lying sorry about the long paragraph but that’s just my take on the marrying Mabel off bit

Night Raptor

Definitely, perfectly captures the circus-like insanity that is American politics. I firmly believe that both Stanley & Soos are both more intelligent then even they realize they are. The evidence is when they have been shown applying themselves towards a dedicated task. Bill Cipher is a disturbing character & I think a bunch of chaos is headed their way.