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David Johnson

"I'm just wondering if she could turn that into... *anything...*" Well...everyone is thinking it *now.* ;) Frosta is basically enjoying herself. Maybe a little too much, but if you look at her at the Princess Ball, you can tell she's been spending all her time acting as the Grownup, Mature, Adult Leader...and hasn't been allowing herself any time to, well, be a kid. And while beating up and invading army of robots isn't exactly normal kid activity...it allows her to let loose.


Sorry you’re dealing with headaches and other health issues. I really appreciate the video. I’m laid up with Covid so it’s nice to have some fun stuff to watch.


"I'm just wondering if she could turn that into... *anything...*" Well I have read plenty a fanfic that has asked that question, and let's just leave the rest to the imagination why don't we. Can't wait for you to get further into the season for some great moments. Love the reaction, hope anyone reading this has a great day.


Crikey, you're still starting off by imitating the 80s show's R2D2 knock-off that shows up eventually.

Catradora fan

That "Hey Catra" 😏 wish Catra had a bigger reaction to that though 😓 Season 2 and 3 are kind of two parts but season 2 ends up being important because of events and places they refer quite a bit later on


I must say, Hamish is dressed pretty sharp this time (not that his normal look isn't its own brand of fine). Any particular occasion, or just Pride Month in general?


Anyone want to take bets on Mosco's "Catra, NO!" and "Entrapta, NO!" counts through season 5? (no drinking games allowed, to avoid fatalities)


Suggestion: next time you talk to Elijah and Morgan, ask them if they needed to "behave" too.

Ryan Porter

"Please behave!" Be purr-pared to paws a lot this season to yell at Catra. "If she could turn that into aaaanything." Mosco, you behave. "I'll behave." (doubt)

Amy Payne

Goddamn it Mosco, behave! Mosco, NO! Don't make me get the water spray.


“I’m just wondering if she can turn that into anything?” Moscow! 🤣 I should of saw this coming after the “Never have I ever” you did with Morgan and Elijah. Please never change if you are this way at the through the rest of She-Ra than my Patreon subscription is well worth it. 🤣


Pride month :3 His little he/him they/them ass is celebrating my bisexual ass this month hehehe


“Hey Catra~” XD Best Part of the whole episode. And I thought her blasting Catra with a rainbow was was a hint of reciprocated feelings. 🤣 Also, I love how much Frosta is acting like the younger siblings Glimmer is forced to babysit. It's cute.

Ryan Porter

The "Never Have I Ever" videos were my first introduction to Mosco and how I found out about her channel.


Showed you, bot-face!


Wow, the delivery of that "anything..." almost made me choke on my own drink. Well done.


I don't know exactly why, but this episode reminds me that Glitradora is a ship that exists