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The Battle of Bright Moon is here bright and early. 

I'm proud of that joke so be nice. 



largo778 .

it was 6 and a horse, not 4 and a horse. you for got about Spinnerella and Nettossa (but it's fairly easy to do)


Boop boop a-doop boop. Boop. In the first second of the video you managed to imitate the R2-D2 knock-off from the 80s version that shows up next season.


Seasons 2 and 3 have reduced episode counts. Together they have 13, which was the standard count for full seasons (1, 4, and 5)

Ryan Porter

"They're going to torture us for five fucking seasons, aren't they?" Well, yes, but actually, no. In between the plot and angst and headphone warnings there will be amusing diversions, one offs, and filler episodes, like the beach episode, the "girl's night out" episode, the one where Catra gets a makeover, and of course the musical episode where everyone finally confesses all their secrets in song.

Frank Wales

You can tell from the episode production numbers that seasons two and three were produced as one 13-episode run (actually, technically two 26-episode runs make up the whole show), and it was Netflix that decided to release the first tranche of episodes early. No spoilers, but once you get to them, if you look at how episodes seven in seasons four and five leave things, you can see that they could also _potentially_ have been used as break points for episode releases similar to how seasons two and three were released. I think you have to squint hard at 'In the Shadows of Mystacor' to see its ending as any kind of cliff-hanger or teaser for what is to come, though. So I cavalierly assume that Netflix asked for the option to split any subsequent season in the middle, and the writers did their best to comply without buggering up the flow of the story.

David Johnson

I assumed the actual *army* would have been surrounding Bright Moon, trying to defend the capital before the Horde actually got *inside* the capital, and was overwhelmed


I feel like answering "They're going to torture us for five effing seasons, aren't they?" would be spoilers.

William Timmins

The spinning Entrapta thing is one of those elements that suggests someone on the spectrum. It seems to be stimming.

Catradora fan

Happy pride month ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🌈 Nate does the voice of Spinerrella when they were Noelle

Paul Steele

First time I saw this I said the beacons, the beacons are lit bright moon calls for aid

Frank Wales

"They're gonna torture us for five seasons of this shit, aren't they?" The best answer I can give is: "well yes, but actually no."

Frank Wales

Heh, I see someone else gave the same answer. So it must be right, eh?

William Timmins

One thing I really like about Hordak as a villain is that he's not capriciously cruel. He doesn't just jerk his subordinates around for lulz, he's... actually smart. He actually rewards success and is willing to hear arguments. It gives him way more dimension than I'm used to seeing in animated villainry.


Glad you enjoy Netossa so far - you're gonna love seeing more of her throughout the seasons. A lot of her work is off-screen, unfortunately ... but given the powerhouse that she and Spinnerella are, maybe that's for the best. ;) (I find it hysterical that you didn't remember her name, but remembered her power - the opposite of Bow's issue!) If season 1 causes you stress, pace yourself, Mosco! This show goes pretty hard -- and while I would love you to barrel through the reactions at lightspeed for us, it's better for everyone if you don't give yourself heart palpitations. ♥ IIRC, there was someone who asked what the rainbow at the end of the battle stood for. I cannot find where this quote came from (I've gone looking, really), but I *think* the creator replied something along the lines of, 'the gay agenda'. I hope I am not misremembering, so LOL if I got it right. (If any hardcore fans know a place to find where this was said, do tell, I'll do myself a favour and fucking bookmark it this time.)


A dictator style villain that's actually a competent ruler, if not a morally good one. Heck yeah


i'm like 80% sure i have seen them tweet that "the gay agenda" in response to something yeah so pretty positive you are right

Tammy Ragsdale

After you were talking about it being a good month to watch this show and also mentioned how much you like the colors, I remembered how this episode ends and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Of COURSE the show's going to torture you. Cruel, delicious torture that will strip away your will, take you to the brink, and have you BEGGING for more. (Let's just say the internet is full of fanart of Dominatrix Catra for a reason... >:D )


I know this is an absolute nightmare for the Rebellion, and I hate seeing Catra and Adora fight as much as anyone, but I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at Hordak naming Catra his new second-in-command. Finally she's getting the respect she... well maybe "deserves" is too strong a word after what she's done, but she definitely earned it. I also love how Adora beat her with a rainbow, like how gay can you get? Never enough, I'd say.

Rufus May

Yeah questions like "where is the Brightmoon army during all this" are the biggest problem I have with the series. You can assume they were around somewhere, maybe defending against another attack intended to pin them down or something like that, but it would be nice to actually see them doing things to give a better sense of the world outside the main characters.


Catra: You can't catch me, gay thoughts! *massive rainbow wave hits her*

Jenny D

The gay agenda, as Nate told the execs. Also known as the pridal wave.


I would love to say I forgot about that last one, but I don't think I ever will. The stuff that comes up about Glimmer's dad in that episode was kinda cool though. I'm glad they didn't eventually just totally drop that and never mention him again ever in the series. That would have really infuriated me.


I love hearing “check out the patreon” while I’m watching this on patreon

Jenny D

Catra: Now I can take you out— The Fandom: to dinner. Take her out to dinner.


It’s very funny Glimmer gets a magical Gandalf staff and the first thing she does is stab robots with it


I enjoy Hordak so much to be honest. He's such a...real character that he eventually doesn't really feel like "big bad." Show would be lesser without him. Slit dress king.