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This update brings automation areas to the game for the first time! Including farming and mining processes. Improved area selection process and bugfixes are also included.

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What's new:

  • Introducing automation areas farming and mining processes for the first time in the game!
  • Improved area selection process, now you can select an area by left-clicking in area selection mode and remove it by right-clicking.
  • The farmer will now use not only a farm building to plant crops but also farming area!
  • Miners will use quarry to mine some stone and minerals.
  • Bugfixes and small improvements to the overall game.


- Fixed critical bug which caused a game crash when using beetroots in any farm
- Fixed other several bugs related to farmer forester and miner professions
- Fixed "go to sleep" behaviour
- Other small fixes and improvements


- Bug fixes including professions management, areas selection, gui and multiplayer bugs

1.6.5-beta small bugfixes and improvements:
- Fixed hunger system and added hunger for warriors
- When building blueprints wool and carpets can be replaced with each other based on color
- Fixed pawn selection and world switching
- Improved sleep position
- Fixed inventory glitch related to blueprint editing world
- Fixed walls and roads selection crash
- Added new patron name

1.6.6-beta the last bugfixes release for 1.6.X:
- improved blueprint world interaction: when leaving the game in blueprint world, you'll now be teleported to a proper place in the village after rejoining
- changed farm production: each farm now allows to hire 5 farmers, making it easier to manage your village and keep your food supplies stocked up
- randomized name generation
- added null safety to Blueprints Building helper: this should prevent any potential crashes while placing blueprints
- fixed an issue where farmers would destroy the farm when jumping on it

With the Fabric loader, mod installation is straightforward, but you still need to follow some simple steps.
Installation instructions: https://minecraftfortress.org/fabric-installation

How to play the mod: https://minecraftfortress.org/instruction

Minecraft 1.18.2
Fabric Loader 0.14.11
Fabric API 0.66.0+1.18.2



Pulseback Pulseback

I just bought the zombie tier and im so excited to be able to get new stuff for the game, tysm! <3


Hey! Keep up the good work big man! Looking forward to further Updates. Im so excited to see how this project will evolve!


Also, if you find the time it would be so nice if you could elaborate on the new zones, because i do not understand the purpose or how to use them at this point in time.. if you already did something like a guide on that im sorry because i could not find it and would be pleased if you could send me link to that! Thanks a lot in advance


Thank you for your comment. I apologize but I do not have a guide on the new zones at this time, but I do have some short videos that may be helpful to you. Shortly, the purpose of the zones is to automate tasks in the game. For example, if you designate a certain area as a "farm" zone, your farmers will automatically use it to plant and harvest crops. Similarly, if you designate an area as a "mine" zone, your miners will automatically go there to extract resources. Watch this video to get some idea: https://youtube.com/shorts/B9jKz0WcunE?feature=share I hope that this brief explanation is helpful to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know.


Thanks alot for the response! I think im understanding the purpose of the zones and im using them right now! They are quite useful indeed.


Thank you so much for your kind words and support ! It's always great to hear from enthusiastic supporters like yourself. I'm working daily to make the mod the best it can be.

Pulseback Pulseback

by the way, remmintan didnt explain this but the zone you select will be where they mine. they keep mining away at the chunk until theres only bedrock left!