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Hey there!

I hope you're all doing great and staying safe. Long time no releases, so I wanted to give you a quick update on the current state of Minefortress development.

My main focus at the moment is on adding competition to the gameplay, and I'm excited to let you know that I'm currently working on adding influence zones (on a screenshot) that you need to capture and control during the game. This will add a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay, and I can't wait to see what you all think of it.

Unfortunately, all my attempts at adding these influence zones have been giving me some strange and unplayable results, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to release something around these weekends or not. However, I'm working hard to iron out all the kinks and hope to have something ready for you soon.

In addition to adding new features, I'm also working on fixing a lot of different bugs in the game. The most important of these are "Professions being unassigned after you return back from blueprint edit mode" and a lot of other bugs in the blueprints edit world. I know how frustrating these bugs can be, and I'm doing my best to squash them all.

I must admit, I was literally under the bug avalanche for the past few days, but I'm determined to release the last 1.6.X version of the mod these weekends and then focus on adding new features.

Thank you so much for your support and patience, and I'll keep you updated as I make progress. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me.

Cheers, and happy gaming!

p.s. textures rework is also coming, thanks to awesome KurczaczekXD


Dino Melon

hey how can i get more people it says i can have unlimited but i cant go up

Dino Melon

sorry i found out hot you just build more houses lol