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Chapter 01

Jessica Jones slowly walked across the many weeds that now stuck out of the once busy parking lot, the moon shone brightly in the sky and the cold wind whipped across the young woman her long black hair flowing in the breeze as she shivered "Why do I always get the jobs that lead to cold and old areas, never find a lead that lets me go to Hawaii" she sighed and zipped up her leather jacket and placed her hands inside her denim pants. She walked closer towards the large abandoned building the only noise that could be heard was that of her shoes crushing the weeds underfoot she looked up and read the sign "This can't be right?" she looked down at her phones GPS and then shook her head "Yeah it's the right place, Selina could be in here? A Babies R Us store? Why would the kidnappers bring her here?". Jessica walked towards what used to be the glass sliding entrance doors, now they were boarded up and covered with graffiti, she examined the boards and found a loose panel on one and she gently pulled it open "Well if I'm walking into a trap they better know who they are messing with" she thought as she squeezed through the gap into darkness.

Jessica reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a torch and turned it on, a beam of light shone out of the torch and lit up the abandoned store, she walked past the empty shelves of the entrance using the torch to light her way. She slowly walked deeper into the store, she turned a corner and froze "What was that?" she thought as she stood still listening, after a while she could hear a very faint child's laughter "Where is that coming from?" she said to herself and then she heard quick footsteps run behind her, she quickly turned around and pointed the torchlight around but couldn't see anything. Jessica pointed the torch in the direction of where she thought the footsteps went "That wasn't an adult that walked past me, the feet were too close together, what was it?" she slowly walked down the dark aisle and turned a corner where she saw a light coming from the edges of a door on the other side of the store "Well that's obvious" she whispered to herself as she turned off her torch and made her way to the door of the office.

She arrived at the door and pressed her back up against the wall trying to listen in but there was no noise coming from inside, she tried to look through the gaps of the door but couldn't see anything but the bright light, slowly she placed her hand on the handle of the door and slowly it opened without making a sound. She poked her head around the corner into the room and after her eyes adjusted to the light she finally saw beakers and vials "A lab? In here? What were they working on?" she slowly walked into the bright room and looked around the room she saw a crate and quietly looked inside to find hundreds of air fresheners she picked one up and read the label "Baby Doll's Freshness, well whatever they were working on, they have a lot of it" she said to herself. She put the air freshener back and was putting the lid back on the crate when she heard something behind her, she quickly turned around with her guard up when she saw a little girl standing in front of her with her head facing the ground and her hands behind her back.

Jessica looked at the little girl confused "Where did you come from?" she asked but the girl didn't move, the girl was the height of a toddler with blonde hair in two pigtails, she was wearing an old-style dress with black school shoes. Jessica took a tentative step forward "Hello? Are you ok?" she asked and the little girl moved one of her hands from behind her back and up to her face it looked like she was wiping away tears when she then softly whispered, "Do you know where mommy is?" Jessica suddenly felt very sorry for the girl and quickly walked over to her, she got onto her knees and smiled at her "Don't worry I'm here, we can find your mommy together" the little girl lifted her head up and smiled, Jessica opened up her arms "Come here and we will look" she said. The little girl's eyes narrowed and a smirk formed on her face, from behind her back she pulled out her hand and Jessica noticed it was the air freshener she saw earlier but before Jessica had time to react the girl pointed it at Jessica and sprayed it in her face. Jessica coughed and fell back onto her bum while the little girl gave a wicked smile "Oh I've found mommy, I'm the mommy. You can call my mommy Baby Doll" she giggled.

Chapter 02

Jessica's eyes burned she scrunched them shut as she waved her hands in front of her face trying to disperse the remaining gas that was left in the air "What the hell was that?" she spluttered out between coughs, Baby Doll gave a wicked smile "Oh it's just something I've been working on, I've been a very busy girl" she let out a giggle as she stared at Jessica "I wonder how long it will take" she cocked her head to the side not taking her eyes off the young woman. Jessica slowly opened her eyes and used her hands to wipe away the tears that had formed, her eyes slowly adjusted and she saw the small girl staring at her "How long for what?" she asked, the small girl didn't move and continued to stare at her "What is up with her?" Jessica thought. Jessica slowly scooted back on her bum away from the creepy child and then she began to stand up "I need to get out of here, tell someone" she thought as she got to her knees. Her legs felt wobbly and she was having a hard time keeping herself upright "What was that gas? I feel..." she trailed off as she tried to figure out how she felt, the small girl giggled which sent a chill down Jessica's spine "Right time to go" she thought and she quickly stood up on shaky legs "What's happened?" she thought as she felt her legs wobble and shake and before she could stop herself she fell down back onto her bum.

Jessica sat with her legs spread wide in front of her and her hands at her side, she looked at Baby Doll in shock "What have you done?" the little girl continued to smile "Yes it's working, even with someone like you it's working" she looked over to the crate and giggled "Soon I will send them out and everyone will be just like you little Jessy" she laughed as she looked back at Jessica's confused face. Jessica scowled at the little girl "Me will…" she stopped and the confused look crossed her face again "Me am..." her jaw dropped "What happen? Me not speak right?" she thought as she clenched her fists, Baby Doll backed away from Jessica "Yes, not long now" she smiled as she boosted herself up onto an office chair "I don't want to miss a thing". Jessica took a deep breath and unclenched her fists "Me am Jwes...No not me, me, me" she quickly clenched her fists again and slammed them onto the floor, concrete went flying through the air and Jessica looked down at the small craters she had made. She looked at Baby Doll and with anger in her voice she said "Why you do this?" Baby Doll sighed "Isn't it obvious, I mean you do know who I am right?" Jessica shook her head and Baby Doll gritted her teeth "I was Baby Doll in Love that Baby, even though I was in my twenties when I was the perfect little baby that everyone loved" Jessica shrugged her shoulders, Baby Doll shook her head "You're joking with me, everybody knew Love that Baby, we were a hit. Slowly though everyone stopped loving me so now I'm going to make everyone love that giant baby, I'm going to turn people into babies then nobody will mock me for my height when I'm the one walking and talking and you lot will be crawling and babble" she let out a wicked laugh and Jessica's jaw dropped when she said "Me be baby? Me can't be baby, Me grown-up" she scrunched up her face as Baby Doll continued to laugh "See it even works on superheroes, soon you will be as helpless as a baby".

Jessica's eyes darted side to side "Me be baby? Me not want to be baby!" she suddenly felt very upset and felt tears form in her eyes "No me no cry" she thought when she realised her left hand had formed into a fist with her thumb sticking out and it was slowly making it's way up to her mouth "No me not do that" she thought as she sniffled, her thumb pressed against her lips and she stared down at it as tears began to roll down her face "Me not baby, me not need thumb" she softly whispered as she slowly opened up her mouth and her thumb went into her mouth and rested on top of her tongue, she closed her mouth around her thumb and began to suck on it, straight away she felt much better, she felt calmer and more relaxed she closed her eyes and continued to suck.

Suddenly her eyes darted open and she looked down between her spread legs to see a small wet patch form on the front of her denim jeans, she sucked her thumb more furiously as she watched herself wetting her pants "Me no wee wee pants, me need potty" she screwed up her face as the warm urine soaked through her pants and onto the floor, she looked at Baby Doll with fresh tears in her eyes but the small woman didn't move, she just continued to stare with the creepy smile across her face. Baby Doll giggled "Almost there. I can see it in your eyes you're fighting it, all the other test subjects did the same that was until they messed themselves then they all gave in, it's strange really but it must be like the grown-up part just snaps apart and the fight and the knowledge leaves, you can see it in the eyes. It's beautiful really and I can't wait to see it with you little Jessy" she let out another laugh as she spun herself around on the chair "The formula is perfect not even the great Jessica Jones can stop it" she continued to laugh as Jessica sat in her warm wet jeans sucking on her thumb repeatedly thinking "Me not want be baby, me grown-up".

Chapter 03

Jessica sat on the floor with the warm urine slowly cooling and becoming cold against her skin “Me not baby” she repeated in her head as she stared at the wet patch on her denim jeans. Her face scrunched up with frustration “Me name Jwes, me dectiv, me all growns” she thought as she clenched her fists and hit the floor again. She looked up with anger in her eyes at the small girl sitting on the chair “Me get yoo” she said, which caused the small woman to laugh “I don’t think you’re going to get anything but a diaper rash, young lady” Jessica blushed bright red at the thought of an infantile rash “Me no rash, me will clean up” she thought to herself and she began to move, she eventually up onto her knees with great difficulty, Jessica nodded to herself as she began to try and stand she got onto one foot but quickly lost her balance and fell down onto her hands and knees. She stared at the floor watching her tears slowly drop onto the tiles “Me can stand, me am strong” she thought but at that moment she felt her stomach rumble and her eyes widened she heard Baby Doll giggle and looked up at her, Baby Doll was spinning on the chair giggling “I heard that little girl, very soon you’re going to make a stinky and then you will be just a little baby” she continued to giggle as Jessica looked away embarrassed.

Jessica was frozen to the spot too afraid to move as she felt another rumble in her stomach “Me not poopy” she thought as she shook with fear, she looked up at Baby Doll and said “Me fight” this caused Baby Doll to break out into a loud laugh, she wiped tears away from her face and caught her breath, she looked down at the young woman on all fours and smiled a wicked smile “You can’t fight it little Jessy, you will make a mess and your mind will break” she sat back in the chair and folded her arms “It’s just a matter of time”. Jessica stared at the small woman but she felt a pain in her stomach and she quickly looked behind her, staring at her denim covered bum in disbelief “No me not be baby, me won’t do it” she thought but another quick cramp shook her to her core. Still on all fours staring behind her, she was too afraid to move when she felt a rumbling and then without warning, she let out a large unladylike fart, she quickly blushed but she knew it was about to get much worse as she began to shake. “Pweez don’t do it” she wished to her body but she already felt herself pushing, she quickly lowered her head and stared at the floor as she felt the hard mess slowly enter into her panties, fresh tears began to pour down her face but she couldn’t stop herself from going through with the awful task. Her body tensed up as a load dropped into her panties but she continued and more of the mess entered into her panties, she could feel the warmth of it against her and it made her feel sick. After only moments she felt her body stop pushing and the stench of what she had done wafted around the room, Jessica felt cold “Me weally just pooped” she thought and then she let out a sigh of relief “Me still me, me not baby” she thought with a slight smile when suddenly she felt herself drop backwards, panic crossed her face as she knew that she would soon be sitting on her filthy bum. With a loud squelch she landed on her bum she felt the once-solid mess squish up against her bum, spreading all over her backside, she sat for a moment in shock when tears began to roll down her face and she started balling like a baby, her hands and legs banged on the tiles as she let out a loud cry. Baby Doll sat on the chair with her hand over her nose and a smile on her face “It’s done”.   

Chapter 04

Baby Doll stared at Jessica Jones banging her hands and feet on the floor, wailing loudly in her soiled clothes and couldn’t stop smiling to herself “Yes Yes Yes, It works even on super-powered babies, now we need to get her some age-appropriate clothing for her” she giggled and from her a small pocket she pulled out a small buzzer, she pressed it hard a few times and sat back in the chair impatiently. After a few moments a door opened, Baby Doll looked over at the door expectantly and smiled when a tall blonde woman dressed in a tight and short nurses outfit that showed off all her curves slowly walked in, she had a collar around her neck with a pendant that read ‘Kitty’ she slowly walked over to Baby Doll ignoring the crying woman and keeping her eyes on the ground she stopped beside Baby Doll and sighed “You called for me?” she said as she looked at the small woman with a sad look on her face. Baby Doll frowned at the woman “Listen here Kitty girl, you took far to long to come when I called you, do you want to end up like her?” Baby Doll pointed towards the crying Jessica and the nurse quickly shook her head “Good now remember Selina if you’re a bad kitty then I just need to press a button and that collar will spray you right in the face and we wouldn’t want that now would we?” Selina quickly shook her head again “Good now what do you say?” Selina looked down to the floor and weakly said “I will be a good kitty” Baby Doll smiled and pointed back at Jessica “Get this little baby all cleaned up and put into some age-appropriate clothing” Selina nodded “Then put her with the other test subjects?” she asked, Baby Doll shook her head “No, we don’t need her, I have other plans for her” she smiled and jumped off the chair and quickly left the room.

Selina slowly looked over at Jessica and winced then looked down at the collar around her neck “I’d rather it be you than me” she said to herself as she slowly approached the crying woman. From a pocket she pulled out a large pink adult pacifier and waved it in front of the crying woman, she forced a large smile and cooed “Baby girl, I have something for you, nursey will clean you all up” Jessica slowly started to calm down at the sight of Selina. Selina bent over and gently placed the nipple of the pacifier into Jessica’s mouth, Jessica began sucking on it straight away and her crying reduced to just sniffles. Selina sighed “Good I hate that noise,” she said to herself she then placed her arms under Jessica’s armpits and lifted her up off the floor and brought her into her, Jessica wrapped her legs around Selina’s waist instinctively and rested her head on Selina’s shoulder while still sucking the pacifier. Selina slowly moved her hand under Jessica’s bum and grimaced as she felt the lumps under her denim jeans “Oh great and I have to clean that up” she mumbled and quickly left the room.

Selina carried Jessica down a corridor into a bright warm room that that had a large changing table in the centre. Selina walked over to the changing table and gently placed Jessica onto it in a sitting position, Selina quickly removed Jessica’s leather jacket and then gently pulled up her shirt revealing Jessica’s black bra. Selina quickly un hucked the bra exposing Jessica’s breasts and while Selina inspected them Jessica just sucked on the pacifier staring at the blonde-haired woman. She then gently pushed Jessica down onto the changing table and reached under the table and produced an adult-sized rattle she shook it in front of Jessica a few times and Jessica began to giggle and quickly reached out for it, she took it with one of her hands and slowly began to shake it giggling every time it made a noise. Selina positioned herself at Jessica’s feet and quickly removed Jessica’s black boots and socks, she the unbuttoned Jessica’s jeans and slowly pulled the soiled pants off the infantile woman’s legs, she held her nose as the smell from Jessica’s black panties engulfed the room “Oh god, I never get used to this” she said to herself as Jessica continued to play with the rattle. Selina held her breath as she gently lifted up Jessica’s legs and pulled the soiled panties out from under her, with one hand she disposed of the soiled clothing in a bin next to the changing table while keeping Jessica’s legs up with the other. Jessica was lying on the changing table completely naked but she didn’t care that her boobs were on display she didn’t care that a stranger could see her vagina all she cared about was the noise of the rattle and the sucking of the pacifier. Selina pulled out a box of baby wipes and lifted Jessica’s legs high into the air with one hand and began the huge task of cleaning up the young woman’s filthy bottom.

After five minutes Jessica’s smelly bum was finally clean again Selina sighed with relief as she reached under the table and pulled out a large pink diaper that had images of small pink ponies and ribbons on the front and back. She unfolded the diaper with one hand and slid it under Jessica’s bum, slowly lowered Jessica’s legs down onto the changing table she then powdered her and lifted up the front of the diaper and taped it tightly on.

Selina looked down at Jessica Jones lying on the changing table wearing nothing but a diaper and felt sorry for her “Enjoy your new life Baby” she said as the door behind her swung open and Baby Doll entered and stood beside Selina looking up. Selina looked down and blushed when she realised that Baby Doll could see right up her skirt, she cleared her throat “So what you want to do with her?” she asked Baby Doll smiled “Put her in a bassinet and call the police, we are out of here” Selina looked at her shocked “You sure?” Baby Doll looked up at her with a frown “Yes I’m sure now don’t question me again Kitty girl” Selina quickly looked back at Jessica “Sorry Baby Doll” she said quickly, Baby Doll walked over to the door “You will be Kitty” she said with a giggle “Now put her in that bassinet” she ordered, Selina sighed and reached over the changing table and lifted up Jessica just like before and carried her towards an adult-sized bassinet in the far corner of the room she gently placed Jessica inside and walked back towards Baby Doll, Baby Doll stood looking up Selina’s skirt again and giggled “For being a bad Kitty, I think I will change your diaper tomorrow” Selina was about to protest but thought better of it and closed her mouth as they both left the room with Baby Doll giggle. Jessica soon felt tired and she tightly squeezed the rattle while sucking on the pacifier, after a few minutes she was drifting off and as she finally fell asleep she began to wet her diaper.


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